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Posts posted by emarasmoak

  1. I find it charismatic in both. Kai is fun as hell because it is impossible not to be interesting when you are charismatic but also an impredictable villain without remorse and powers and a childish / murderous behaviour. Mon-El's storyline is harder to sell and part of that is the writing (they decided to have an arc about what seemed to be a jerk to a full hero with a high-school love story in the middle)

  2. I think that Kara is being very clear about some things that she wants in her partner. She wants a partner who will work with her and who will listen to her. She wants someone who wants to be a hero, protect people and be thoughtful, brave and selfless. She wants someone who respects her and makes her happy.

    Is Mon-El like that right at the moment? Not completely, but I am quite confident that he will be. It is called character development and it is clearly Mon-El's arc for this season.

    Kara thinks that Mon-El can be that person (see 1st paragraph above). She thinks that he has potential. She expects something much much better from him that what she is getting right now but is willing to give him a shot and see if they work together. Because when she was trying to write him off he proved that he is not as thoughtless and selfish as she thought he has clearly said that he is willing to improve and working to get there. All of this is in the writing of the season.

    Yeah, I know that the trope about the bad boy that is changed for the better for the good girl is old and many people do not like it because it may be potentially dangerous and probably is not healthy in real life. Said that, I don't think that Mon-El is has ever been as bad as some people say he is (this is not a Damon Salvatore situation where he was a complete monster). I don't find him abusive: he is headstrong and likes to do his own thing but as anyone he should be allowed to make his own decisions; if they are about dealing with bad guys, I agree that as Kara is the boss and expert about being a hero and he should listen (he has just promised to do it better), even if sometimes he has knowledge about aliens or other planets that is helpful to deal with whatever situation they are in. I found that his reactions everytime that he thought that Kara didn't want a relationship with him were absolutely respectful and mature (amazing considering that he has said that this is the first time that he has had real feelings about anyone and probably never had a relationship as there were arranged marriages in Daxam). He has consistently showed admiration to Kara and respect to everyone including women. He has had sometimes selfish, arrogant, coward or lazy behaviours but if he is really coming from a life of hedonism and privilege (if he is the prince) I am amazed that he is the way he is right now as he is not worse than a normal non-heroic real life person. Also there have been several occasions when he had had several moments when he has been heroic, selfless, humble, brave and working to achieve something so we know that he can do better and is already changing for the best. Also I agree that he does not feel threatened about her superiority as he just likes to awe and express admiration about Kara's heroics or qualities. His motivations from being a hero are clearly blurred with his feelings from Kara but again I find it quite impressive knowing that he has only been in Earth from a few months and really why should he be protecting anyone? I am not sure that I would do it if I were in a completely different planet. Also noting that Kara hid herself for years before deciding to be a hero and the main reason for that the first time was saving Alex. I don't see why Mon-El shouldn't have some months to find out what he wants to do. He is also proving that he is starting to be self-aware about his defects, and he is also expressing his desire to do better. All of this potential growth will clearly be achieved at the end of the season (e.g. he will decide to be a hero for himself, proving that he will be every bit the hero and great person that she hopes he will be).

    I also think that it is good for her to have a partner that is not afraid to disagree with her (I find that a partner that challenges your views makes you grow) and is able to articulate their own views. It is also good to have someone trying to take care of her because she is so selfless that gets into danger much more than she should.

    And I also thing that she wants to be with him because he makes her happy and probably because she can be herself (Kara Zor-El from Krypton, an alien with powers and a hero life) with him much more than with any other potential love interest than she knows.

    Mon-El is probably not a perfect match for her right now. But love is not about ticking several boxes of a form with your ideal qualities in a mate and choosing the best match among several candidates.

    At the end of the day, it is HER choice. If she is willing to give Mon-El a chance, I am willing to watch it, as I find them highly entertaining and see a lot of chemistry between them. They are at the moment just starting a relationship to find out if it works (they haven't promised each other eternal love forever). I see that Kara is much happier and alive with him than with any other potential partners. I find that he is not a bad person, and is also someone who is completely in love with her and will take care of her. I trust Kara to deal with him everytime that he shows behaviours that she doesn't like (it is not as she is not telling him in high detail everything that she wants him to change). Also I believe that he is growing to be a very good partner and person and a hero. An also yes, there is clearly attraction there (which is something that everyone wants to have in their partners). As I don't find him bland or boring (I think that he is charismatic, funny and interesting) I am just enjoying this second season much more than the first.

    Regarding his secrets, as far as he knows everyone in Daxam is dead, so if he is the Prince it doesn't necessarily matter. Also it is clearly a plot device to create relationship problems in the future. Not bothered about this. If Kara doesn't like this, she will deal with it.

    There may be other candidate to love interest that tick all these boxes that also have chemistry with her? Maybe (not sure about that).

    Is James her perfect partner as described above? I don't think so. It appears to me that his reasons for being Guardian are much more about others finding him a hero (why would he write an article about him if this wasn't the case) than helping others. Also didn't like him using his power as CatCo CEO to get his paper over Kara's. I don't like the way he treated Winn when he was hurt. I didn't like when he manipulated Kara to tell Lucy about her being Supergirl so his girlfriend wouldn't be mad with him (season 1). I didn't like all his behaviour when he was with Lucy but also had Kara pining over him. I also agree that he is threatened by her superiority in the hero business and this would be a problem between them. I don't find James selfless. In addition to that, I have always found him incredibly boring and bland, and Kara with him behaved like a 12 years old child trying to impress her hot high school crush so I never liked her in this relationship. Never saw any chemistry among them.

    I would have liked her with Winn but she wasn't into him. He has several of the qualities that I mentioned above.

    Is Lena or Cat her perfect partner? I am not sure that any of them are more selfless or heroic than Mon-El (Lena has been heroic and probably could be considered selfless if she doesn't end up being a villain and I see the chemistry among them). I wouldn't have minded a pairing with Lena but I enjoy a pairing with Mon-El much more (my personal preference although I get why others like her with Lena more). According to show canon Kara is not lesbian (she said so in the first season) although it could happen that she is bi and shows attraction for a woman in the future. At the moment, what I see is that Kara finds Lena a wonderful platonic friend (she really needed a female friend), but I see what could be considered to be hints of attraction from Lena. Also not sure about Lena's potential feelings about aliens (she was trying to develop an alien detector early in the season). For having a real relationship, she would need to know who Kara is.

    BTW, I find that Chris Wood is gorgeous, but all of her other potential love interests (James, Winn, Lena & Cat) are stunning as well.

    I respect that others may have different opinions.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

    So I was going to suggest or him being like Felicity, I can't say that I see it except kind of in his word faux pas, the difference though is Felicity had a mind to mouth filter problem and he just doesn't know enough about Earth's culture to get it right.

    Well, not all of his akward moments are about not knowing about earthly ways (e.g. "professionally handsome desk person" or "dissaproving non-smile"). The resemblance I see is that both of their characters have sometimes a funny delivery and choice of words.

    Weirdly, I also saw an Oliver resemblance when Kara was stressd about Livewire, broke something and he tried to calm her with a shoulder touch and a "hey hey".

    I am aware that this is probably a "you know that you have seen too much Arrow and are an Olicity shipper when you find O/F everywhere".

    • Love 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

    Oh, yeah, I get why people might not be interested, but for me -- them deliberately making his starting point be vapid frat boy makes me immediately perk up and be ready to 'ship. Mon-El is basically catnip for my 'shipping tendencies, lol.

    Same. Also full disclaimer - I find Chris Wood very handsome, his acting as Mon-El very charismatic and charming, and his interactions with Melissa sparkling with chemistry

    • Love 3
  5. 46 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

    I see this as the the first act of a potential character arc.

    Frat boy is his starting point, and he decides he wants to be a hero for the wrong reasons [i.e. to impress the girl]. That's the end of act 1 -- the wanting to change [for whatever reason] is the plot beat that propels his story into Act 2.

    I have zero idea whatsoever what's gonna happen next, but if this goes the regular route, then Act 2 is him attempting to change. Then some ~twist~ happens at the end of act 2 [it turns out he's the prince and not the bodyguard, for example], which sets up Act 3. And then act 3 is either frat boy realizing that to be a hero he has to do it for more than a girl, OR he sacrifices himself for the girl thus finally becoming a hero, OR psych! he's actually evil.

    This ^^^ is exactly what I think it is going to happen. I see this as a potential character development (that I happen to enjoy). I like stories about people changing for the better and I think that a big part of Supergirl's power is her capacity to inspire others to be better. I also don't think that this inspiration is exclusively romantic, although his crush has a lot to do with it.

    Also, I have seen some interviews that point to this direction (character evolution), so I really think that this is what TPTB or at least the actor have in mind. Example below:



    RT: Now that Mon-El has had a taste of how good heroism feels, is he jonesing for more?

    Wood: Yeah, I think that’s definitely something that he’s going to experience. Every time he’s gotten to see Kara in action, it has a propelling effect on him where he is inspired. That part of him, whether or not — I don’t know if everyone sees it, but there’s something in him that Kara sees, that he can do this. Not that she needs to convince him, but he needs to find that place within himself just like he did. Because she also didn’t just pop down and do this the whole time she was on Earth. She took having an encounter and actually trying to help for the first time, realizing she really wanted to do this.

    He still needs to have that ah-ha moment. His isn’t a huge stopping a jet from flying into a bridge moment. His is a series of small inspirations and failing a few times. Ultimately, that thing that Kara sees that makes her think that he can do this is going to be the thing that eventually will wake up. This is one of the steps towards that.

    I don't think that Mon-El is in that moment of the story when he wants to be a hero for himself yet. I think that it will happen during this season.

    Regarding his initial shallow and frat boy days I have also seen another interview with Chris Wood at the beginning of the season saying that is was deliberate as it would be more fun if he was not someone to like or admire at the beginning (I cannot find the source right now).

    I also understand that this evolution may be something that some people are not interested to watch. I definitely are not interested in most of Arrow's newbies (the only one I care about is Ragman), so I totally get that others may feel this plot/ character as something that they do not want.

    I am just so happy to be able to enjoy Supergirl now that Arrow is not the show that I used to love anymore...

    • Love 3
  6. I understand others' reasons for not liking Mon-El and Mon-El/ Kara, but I really like the character and the potential romantic relationship.

    I find Mon'El incredibly charming and funny (his awkwardness sometimes reminds me of Felicity) and I think that Melissa and Chris have great chemistry in my opinion. I know all the reasons for not liking this cliché storyline with a white former frat boy taking out potential storylines from the lead and other characters, but I really like the way it is being done. I also very interested in the potential storylines related to him (is he a prince of Daxam? who is looking for him? what about the dominators?). I wonder if this will be related to Teri Hatcher's role as a big bad.

    Also one of the reasons for Alex having less screentime with Kara is that Alex is finally having her own storyline - her relationship with Maggie. Same for J'Onn and M'Gann - the 3 main characters have got new friends to play with, but because Melissa is the lead, the storylines related to her potential love interests get more screentime and focus. I am also liking Winn at the DEO, aliens everywhere and Lena.

    And I agree, the relationships between Kara, Alex and J'Onn are the best (Supergirl power trio for the win - I loved their scene together last episode).

    Liking mostly everything about season 2 except for Guardian, which I find boring although last episode was a great improvement.

    Also interested in the next 2 episodes. White Martians and L-Corp? I'm in.

    • Love 1
  7. On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 5:49 AM, Starfish35 said:

    I agree with this.  If it were up to me, they'd either lose the CatCo angle completely and focus on the DEO, or they'd have replaced Cat with Lena Luthor and not bother with Snapper and the Kara as budding journalist angle. 

    My biggest issue with James/Kara was how she so often to me came across as a starstruck teen crushing on the hot older guy.  James just seemed a bit old for Kara, not in chronological years, but maturity/life experience.  He was established in his career, she's just starting out and finding out who she is.  And factor in James' crush on Superman, and it's hard for me to wonder whether that didn't just transfer over to Kara.  Would he be interested at all in nerdy awkward Kara if he didn't know she was Supergirl?

    Yes to all of this. Also I never saw the chemistry with James/ Kara and the love triangle with Lucy was awful to watch. James is the Laurel Lance in Supergirl for me and I don't like anything about Guardian and not much about CatCo.

    Said that, I am loving everything else in Supergirl season 2, including Mon-El (which is incredibly charming and funny... his awkwardness sometimes reminds me of Felicity), shipping him with Kara (great chemistry in my opinion and I also love cliché love storylines - tropes are frequently used for a reason) and the potential storylines about Daxam and the dominators. I also love Alex and Sanvers, J'onn and M'Gann, Winn in the DEO, aliens everywhere... Now that I really don't like Arrow anymore (I don't watch live anymore and probably won't see the last episode - reasons: no OTA, no Olicity, nuBC, newbies, Susan, everything is so boring and Oliver is soooo dumb), Supergirl is my new favourite DCTV show.

    So sad as I used to LOVE Arrow. Now I can't even bring myself to watch old Olicity clips as they make me sad that now we have this crap show.

  8. Yes, I agree with this. The main reason why I find Flash so boring is this. Flash's mission this year is stopping a big bad that he created and focusing in his friends/ family's problems (he needs to save Iris, Wally or his mom, or stop people becoming a meta as in Flashpoint). He is not really a hero saving his city, Is the city really in danger because of Savitar? Barry is just trying to clean up the mess that he created, and that is not that much interesting to me (also applied to Prometheus in Arrow).

    Also so bored of all these speedsters and HR. I miss the VOTW

    16 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:
    14 hours ago, Proteus said:

    They've ruined Barry with all his selfish time traveling. I no longer see him as a hero. I see him as someone who abuses their power for their own selfish gain and then has to clean up their mistakes for a season. Savitar is the weakest big bad so far. Another speedster whose just a CGI image. This show refuses to move past evil speedsters as the big bad.


  9. Spanish woman living in the West of Scotland here (where locals speak with quite an strong accent - think Glaswegian). My accent while speaking in English is weird as my teachers during school and high school mostly had an American accent but I have been living in Scotland for several years now.  Natives know that I am a foreigner with some Scottish sounds. Scots are unable to guess where I am from - I have been asked if I am Bulgarian or Dutch.

    No, I don't believe Oliver's proficiency in Russian or Chinese either. I started learning English at six and I will never have a perfect pronunciation and my choice of words can be unusual for a native speaker.

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, CooperTV said:

    Laurel (and Sara as well) comes from broken home and destructive family with a distant selfish mother and an alcoholic dad. There's no way she wouldn't be clinging to Oliver (who always was distant and selfish) for comfort. Unfortunately, Laurel clearly never knew any better. I mean, she was also distant and selfish and self-centered all way through but that's my headcanon for her.

    Quentin was not an alcoholic before Sara's first "death". Also Laurel was not probably Dinah's favourite daughter, but I think that she was Quentin's and both sisters seemed to be happy and loved by their family in the flashback in Episode "Heir to the Demon" (2x13) showing a dinner at the Lances' home before the Queen's Gambit is missing. I don't think that Laurel was clinging to Oliver because she felt unloved by her family. I just think that she was hugely interested in him and possibly in his lifestyle. It is difficult for me to understand why she would stay with a cheating boyfriend for such a long time but everyone is different, I guess.

    • Love 8
  11. 21 hours ago, rtalive said:

    You do realize, that when you are an ex boyfriend, there is no place for you next to your ex girlfriend in a moment like that. He can go and smooch whoever he wants because he is not in a relationship for more than a year and the guy is also lonely and broken from what happened.

    I would comment a couple of things:

    Felicity broke up with Oliver in the Episode "Code of Silence" (4 x 14), broadcasted 17 Feb 2016. The smooch scene happened in the episode "What we leave behind" (5 x 09), broadcasted 7 Dec 2016. This means that he has not been in a relationship for less than a year. I agree that once the relationship is broken he can bang whoever he wants but I as a viewer can also also think that sometimes banging someone else doesn't make a person look good, specially when this was the fiancée that he was supposed to love and was his always until he lied to her about something very important affecting her (e.g. being a stepmother) while he was planning having a married life with her (so it was his fault that the relationship ended and he hurt her during the process). Nice guy to be loved by.

    I cannot see that the guy is lonely. Everyone in Team Arrow made sure to tell him that they were there for him after he told them that he had killed Billy. Only Thea hugged Felicity (and this was barely shown in the scene). Any of them would be there for him if needed. He could also want to go to his "girlfriend", sure. He would not be able to speak with her about the real problem but I'm sure that Susan could provide something different from his other friends (e.g. sex).

    He is leaving her alone to cry, as in no one else in the same room with her, and no one else giving her comfort, as proved in the scene later where Felicity is crying alone.

    Also you may want to comfort ex-girlfriends who are supposedly your friends and partners. He sure was there for Sara (and sometimes Laurel) in the past. I agree that the day to be there for his friend is maybe not the day that he killed his friend's boyfriend, but not having once asked about your friends' wellbeing during the entire season after several events that were traumatic for her doesn't speak good about his qualities as a friend. He could also have ensured that someone else (Thea? Digg?) would be with her in this painful moment. If he cared about his friend and partner at all. Or as a decent human being in general when you are saying that you are sorry that you caused pain to someone else.

    If I hadn't seen previous seasons, I wouldn't like Oliver at all, because in season 5 he is a horrible friend, relative and person, a failure as a major and a crap hero. I don't like him very much as of now. And I am giving the sideye to everyone else in Team Arrow (including Digg) who hasn't shown to be caring about Felicity at all or didn't think that maybe she would need some comfort at that moment.

    • Love 20
  12. I have been reading a lot about Carrie Fisher today, and I was reminded of something that thought that was similar in Star Wars and Arrow.

    In Star Wars Episode IV Leia and Luke


    have losses: Leia her planet, Alderaan, probably including family and friends. Luke his mentor of a couple of days, Ben Kenobi.

    Nobody hugs Leia or says sorry for your loss. Luke gets a blanket, the chance to talk about his feelings and Leia listening him and taking care of him.

    Compare this with Arrow 5.09. Oliver is tricked to kill Felicity's boyfriend but everybody (including Felicity) focuses in his feelings, not hers (at least Felicity can cry and get a hug from Thea).

    Clearly, manpain is still more important than female sadness

    • Love 9
  13. So sad about Carrie Fisher :-(

    I was at her panel at Star Wars Celebrations this summer and I was so happy to be there! (it was also very funny)

    Princess Leia has been my inspiration since I was a child as she proved that women could be kind and badass and leaders in movies and I wanted to be like her!

    Really sad. 2016 sucks and needs to end soon

    • Love 7
  14. If we are going to play predictions game, I have a lot of these LOL

    99% on Tina being BC 3.0

    80% on Tina real's name/ surname being Dina, Dinah, Lance and/ or Drake

    90% on TPTB's plans including testing if Tina could be a LI for Oliver

    100% on TPTB getting backlash if they try to make Tina a LI for Oliver

    15% on Tina becoming a temporary LI for Oliver

    0% on Tina being endgame if she ends up being a LI for Oliver

    50% on TPTB's plans including testing if Tina could be a LI for WildDong

    25% on Tina's becoming a LI for WildDong (because he is mostly disliked)

    15% on Tina's becoming a LI this season (what about Vigilante?)

    5% on Tina being introduced as Felicity's friend

    5% on Olicity getting back together in Feb Sweeps

    90% on Olicity getting back together by the end of S5

    100% on Olicity getting back together in S6

    100% on Olicity being endgame

    60% on Felicity's dark path being related to Rory/ Havenrock

    50% on Felicity's dark path being related to her father

    20% on Felicity's dark path being related to Bratva

    10% on Felicity's dark path being related to Argus/ Lyla

    5% on Felicity's dark path being related to a superhero network

    90% on Susan betraying Oliver

    70% on Susan being evil & working for/with Prometheus

    75% on Susan not being Oliver's LI by Feb sweeps

    100% on Susan not being Oliver's LI by the end of S5

    90% on Ragman not being a member of the team by s7

    75% on Vigilante becoming a frenemy of Green Arrow (mostly a good guy a la Nyssa from the S2 finale)

    80% on Prometheus not being the person Team Arrow thought he was in MSF

    80% on Talia being in flashbacks and present timeline in S5

    70% on Human Target appearing again in S5 and being part of some plot twist in present time

    90% on MSF's Laurel being BS

    95% on Arrow's (Earth 1) Laurel Lance staying dead

    100% on backlash from LL's fans if she stays dead (I also feel sorry for the L/O shippers that believe that she is coming back)

    • Love 7
  15. There is also a thread in Arrow's forum for everyone to be able to discuss and compare all Flarrowverse / superhero shows (DCTV, Marvel...) and movies

    Just note that people speak quite openly about all these shows, so there may be spoilers from Gotham or the last Marvel movie as well as comments on the last Flarrowverse episode

    • Love 2
  16. Well, I used to visit SA's FB frequently (fan art, memes, videos). i don't do it since the beginning of the season because I don't feel excitement about his show and because I don't find that his FB is welcoming/ respectful to women, Olicity fans and/ or critics of the show. This is why I dn't know that this charity campaign started again. There could be many others like me

    • Love 8
  17. @Morrigan2575, I understand your point. I do not completely agree with it but I see the rationale. Maybe you are right and I am biased because I also feel disappointed with the show and the Olicity situation.

    I also think that is a valid choice for a fan to stop being passionate if they don't get what they want. They can choose to stop watching, but they also can choose to be vocal about what they don't like or would want. Other people can also choose to react to other people's opinions. I basically think that everyone can make their choices and give their opinions as long as they are respectful. I however would expect that a professional that is doing their job handles criticism in a professional way (in this case SA is an actor that is being paid to promote his show and engage with con attendees).

    My last comment on this is that in my line of work I sometimes are approached by people that are rude and unpolite, which by the way I consider to be wrong and most times unacceptable. However, I have always considered that part of my job is being professional and polite to everyone. I am not sure that SA (and some writers/ producers from Arrow in social media) are always professional and polite. I don't think that being dismissive is a helpful way to deal with criticism, particularly while responding answers from people that has paid a lot of money to be there and be able to make questions (even if someone could prefer opinions to be expressed in a different way). I definitely would have big problems in my job if I were dismissive of people expressing complaints or concerns about our work, even if they are rude.

    I understand that you may not agree. That is fine, we can agree to disagree and move on.

    ETA: my point is more about SA handling of fan criticism that about fans themselves, but I realize that mods may consider this to be fan talk. If this is the case, sorry!, and please delete as necessary

    • Love 15
  18. 10 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    As far as I'm concerned there is only one contract between the show and the fans.


    1 hour ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

    We all know it's just a tv show but when fans of that tv show gives you money at cons, for your wine business and whatever you are selling those days you can make an effort and not be dismissive if they have questions.

    2 hours ago, LeighAn said:

    It's about tone not content. There were about a hundred different ways he could have answered that question with a similar message with out being condescending and inviting the audience to ridicule and jeer


    Well, in the case of cons there is another contract between tv show actors and the attendees. They have paid A LOT of money to be there. The least that they deserve is not being treated in a condescending way, inviting the audience to cheer and clap to make her feel that hers was not a valid opinion.

    In this case, it doesn't matter to me if he is wrong or right. It is about the tone.

    I was considering to attend to the next con with SA in England. I will give it a pass #hedoesnotdeservemymoney

    • Love 16
  19. 8 minutes ago, kismet said:

    Italians come from Europe. Hispanics come from Latin America or some of the Islands. 

    Well, when entering at the States I am classified as Hispanic although I come from Spain that is in Europe. That is why I still don't get It.

    I understand that is probably too complex for someone that is not from the States. I would probably need to educate myself. It really seems to be fascinating.

    • Love 1
  20. 1 hour ago, dtissagirl said:

    Yeah, I have to do some mental gymnastics to understand the concept of hispanic/latinx as a race, and I can only do it by separating it from the fact that I live in Latin America and the word "latina" means nothing to me.

    Yes it is weird. I am a woman from Spain (which is in Europe), green eyes, fair skin, light brown hair. My brothers are dark-skinned and dark eyed (think Antonio Banderas). I have only lived in Europe, so I imagine that my cultural background is different from a latina from an American country. Speaking with friends from Argentina and Bolivia I see similarities but also many differences. When I have travelled I have found many similarities with France, Italy or Greece (people's looks, culture, food). Language and the literature are different, of course.

    But when I travel to the States I am considered to be "Hispanic" or "Latina" (I have a very common Spanish surname). I respect that this is their definition. I am not sure if I would be a "person of colour". Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz are also Spaniards that lived in Europe before moving to the US, and I think that they sometimes are considered to be POC.

    By the way, in Scotland, where I live, I am "White, non British".

    • Love 3
  21. I am grateful for your transcriptions, @tv echo. I find helpulf to read them to try to understand what they are trying to say without the interference of their voice and tone and cheers from the audience (which can make me more upset and not pay attention to their actual words)

    I am getting quite annoyed just by reading transcriptions, so it also helps with my level of disappointment about the show and TPTB (which is quite high at the moment)

    • Love 3
  22. 1 hour ago, tv echo said:

    I've been watching Poldark - what is it with these 'heroes' not being able or willing to apologize to the women they betray?

    Well, I think that this is because TPTB do not like to acknowledge that the "hero" (when it happens to be male) has wronged a woman


    (or two, in Poldark's case)

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