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Posts posted by emarasmoak

  1. On ‎25‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 1:55 AM, blaksheba said:

    Agreed, to me her voice was extremely thin, I don't know anything about her as an actress/performer beyond Supergirl, so I gave it a pass and said "Ok, this is no biggie, she's an actress 1st, not  a singer, and this episode is about actors singing." I decided I would go with the flow, until the "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" performance, where everyone was stellar, then I realized this was a for-real for-real musical and Benoist being the lead on it disappointed me a bit.

    Grant has said in an interview that when they recorded the music both him and Melissa were ill and their voices were horrible.

  2. 30 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Suffice it to say, that I am not part of the "many" who doesn't like him because I want Kara to be with someone else. That's such a generalization and stating opinion as fact.

    The reason that I am saying it is that when I am in twitter and tumblr and look at the profiles and tweets/ posts of people giving opinions against Mon-El, most of them are supporters of a romantic relationship of Kara with someone else. It is very easy for you or anyone to check if this is true or not.

    I understand that you are not one of those and I respect your opinions. I just have very different perceptions about the current season.

    And I am truly sorry for those of you that are not enjoying it. I know how it feels when a show that you loved changes a lot and it is all about storylines or characters that you don't want (I am thinking of Arrow season 5 - I stopped watching a couple of months ago for these same reasons).

    • Love 1
  3. On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 3:22 AM, Inquiry said:

    Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

    Just taking his appearance in this episode (and the previouslies), I actually quite liked him. One of my favorite moments was his little "Shh" when Martian Manhunter said he had though the two had broken up. Also, him lying to Kara about being a prince of Daxum (?) really doesn't seem that bad. Hell, hasn't Kara, previously or otherwise, lied about her identity to loved ones. Not saying it wasn't worth a fight, but...I feel like I'm missing something.   

    Oh, you are right about many people hating Mon-El. You many have not noticed that many of the people who do not like him want Kara to be in a romantic relationship with someone else.

    There are also a lots of people (like me) who enjoy Mon-El and his relationship with Kara. Supporting hashtags trend every week during the episodes in Twitter. Also videos of their scenes together in YouTube get visits quicker than any others (videos for their first and second kiss have already got more than a million visits). Supporting posts are more difficult to see in Tumblr because we are not using the normal hashtags to avoid interaction with people with different opinions. 

    I particularly like Mon-El because I love hero redemption arcs. There are a lot of people in the Flarrowverse that started much worse than him (including killers or criminals). And yes, he was a despicable person in Daxam and in Earth he screws up and makes a lot of mistakes (I don't consider them to be as bad as some people say), but I find this character evolution to be quite realistic and interesting to watch.

    Regarding his many bad traits and mistakes, the name of the game here is character development. TPTB have said that they wanted him to start from the complete opposite point of being a hero so the evolution would be more interesting to watch. Where is the fun of having another hero who is wonderful from the start? We have already watched that with Kara and most characters in Season 1.

    Mon-El is not indifferent to his past crimes. In the last Supergirl episode he said that he detested the person that he was in Daxam and that thinking about that made him physically ill. As he is a love interest so he will not have many opportunities to express his POV (not different from how often Iris is given a voice).

    Regarding how he does not respect Kara's wishes, I don't think she is a lot better about respecting him (she doesn't ask about his opinions or wishes and just tells him what to do - this is not what you are supposed to do with a partner or a friend). In the last Supergirl episode he decided to go to the ship alone but she didn't respect that and went with him. They are both getting better in listening to each other. I also love their relationship because they are both learning to be better partners in love and heroing.

    I agree that Kara and Mon-El's romantic relationship should not have been compared to WestAllen as Barry and Iris have a much longer and deep relationship, but I really am not complaining as I loved Duets. I found all this episode including Tillie so entertaining and fun to watch.

    Regarding his big lie, this is the Flarrowverse. Everyone lies to their family and friends and loved ones and they are later forgiven. Only in Supergirl we have got big lies from Kara (her identity - Cat / Lena still don't know), Alex (double life as DEO agent and Astra's killing), Jonn (his identity), M'Gann (her identity and past crimes), James (double life as Guardian), Winn (double life as Guardian's tech support), Lyra (double life as a criminal and also setting up her boyfriend). Mon-El lied about being the Prince of a world that he thought he was the last survivor (if everyone had really been dead then this lie should have no impact in their current lives - most of the other lies mentioned here did have an impact). Basically everyone has lied and has been forgiven. But yes, I agree that he should have come clean at least since the moment when they started dating and that he deserved to be dumped.

    I actually wanted the break up to be longer (a few episodes) so he could grow up on his own (yes, I agree that he doesn't deserve Kara yet and he is not a real hero yet), but again, I am not complaining about what I'm getting. There is too much chemistry between them and Chris is very charming and has an incredible comedic timing.

    Also people complain about him being the reason for less Danvers Sisters time. I think that the reason is that BOTH sisters are now in romantic relationships (Alex now she spends most of his non-DEO time with Maggie) and the show is having their LIs as the people that they spend most time with and are the people they have meaningful conversations with. Also the sisters' not so close relationship is a plot point: the reactions that both have had regarding the Jeremiah storyline make sense because they way the sisters' relationship is now. There are still some nice moments between them and I expect that once the Jeremiah plot comes back there will be a big resolution between the sisters.

    I respect that others have different opinions about Mon-El and his relationship with Kara, but these are my opinions as a viewer.

    • Love 6
  4. Spoiler


    21 hours ago, MarkHB said:

    This is pure speculation on my part:

    What if Lena finds out that Kara is out of work, and winds up hiring her?  Or even potentially buying Catco, merging it into L-Corp and hiring Kara back? 




    According to this source the reporter side of Kara Danvers has not been forgotten. Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed that the 18th episode of Supergirl Season 2 is called “Ace Reporter” and that aspect, particularly involving the importance of journalistic ethics, will be covered in that story.


    According to this Kreisberg also noted that this would be an important episode for Kara and journalism, voicing how important journalism really is and how “important it is to have the objective truth be out there now.”

    Rahul Kohli, will be also guest staring this episode as Jack Spheer. He is described as a “charismatic tech genius” who has been working on eradicating major illnesses. He’s driven to create new medical innovations and try to right the unfair circumstances that those who are ill, face every day. Unfortunately, according to the comics, one of Spheer’s own inventions leads him to be mutated and transformed into the villain Biomax, who has the power to control minds. Kohli’s character will also be Lena Luthor’s ex.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Kara ends up reporting about Jack Spheer and this will make Kara return to CatCo.


  5. 27 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Once again I find myself wishing I shipped the ships in it. Their fans must have had a blast. I would have squeeeed a thousand squeees. Alas I just sat there and solemnly thought "How nice for the WestAllen fans. They got everything they wanted."

    I'm really jealous right now that everything got resolved in one episode. We don't even know for sure if we'll get Olicity back and it's been 100000000 years since they broke up. 

    Thanks, darling. I am an Olicity shipper that cannot stand Oliver or watch Arrow right now, so being able to enjoy Supergirl & the relationship between Kara & Mon-El is quite a relief. Still rooting for Felicity and her happiness.

    • Love 1
  6. 14 hours ago, stealinghome said:

     I actually rather liked Mon-El telling his parents off, except that's the first time we've ever seen him have any meaningful reflection on how bad Daxam sucked.

    Does he feel at all guilty for what he was party to on Daxam or is it just kind of like "shrug, yeah I guess I did some shitty things on Daxam, too bad, oooh potstickers!"?

    In the Star Crossed episode Mon-El told his parents that he detested who he was in Daxam and that thinking about his life there made him physically ill. This looks a lot like guilt to me.

    He hasn't given a POV about his life on Daxam until Star Crossed because they wanted to keep the secret that all the audience had already guessed so this is the reason why it hasn't come up before. I would hope for him to express more his POV about this now that his backstory has come up to light, but will not happen because he is the love interest and it doesn't happen in the Flarrowverse (evidence: Felicity or Iris' POVs compared to Oliver's or Barry's).

    • Love 1
  7. 14 hours ago, RacerHo7 said:

    I don't think it was intentional .  Remember when he was supposed to learn the lesson of what heroism was truly all about episodes ago?  Remember Slaver's Moon?  Remember even back before that?  How many different types of lessons does he need, and why does he need to be repeatedly taught them episode after episode?  

    James was inspired to help, because he just wanted to help people.  

    I find realistic that a guy that has been raised in this kind of environment would take some time in evolving to a superhero and have clear ideas of why he wants to do that. I think that this slow character development for Mon-El is intentional. My feeling about Mon-El's character has always been that he was written as a flawed character that would take a lot of time to show character development into a hero.


    This has been confirmed by this interview:


    "In this version, they wanted Mon-El to have a bit more of a hero's journey, where he starts almost incapable of being the person that everyone knows he is capable of being, and being the hero he will ultimately become. A good starting point for him is something that is the opposite of full hero, which is frat boy and selfish and self-centered. He has somewhere to go, so by the end of the season and into next season, he's still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". "In Season 2, they wanted to have someone take that journey and who is fully capable of becoming what Supergirl is already. And Kara having someone to mentor and then also be love interest.... All of that complicates the characters a little bit more and gives Kara a lot to react to".

    Basically he will still learning to be a hero into Season 3, so yes, I think that they plan that this evolution to superhero takes a lot of time, which I find much more realistic.

    This character evolution has also been mentioned in other interviews like this one:


    And don't think that we can say that James wanted to be a hero only because he wanted to help people. He said that he started with Guardian because he didn't want to feel powerless again (remember that chapter when his camera was broken). And he certainly loves getting recognision as a hero (remember that episode when he tried to get Snapper publishing a paper about Guardian and not about Supergirl). So no, James is not being Guardian only because he wants to help people. Just like Mon-El is mostly doing it because his idea of heroism is mixed up with his feelings about Kara, but there are other reasons for it as of now, such as his shame of being the prince of Daxam and a bad person and because he wants to prove to himself that he was spared for a reason.

    I am ok with the idea that heroes can have motivations different from "helping to people" to start their path to heroism. Many people in the Flarrowverse started like that and evolved to more selfless superheroes.

    • Love 6
  8. 16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Even more so if Mon El is returning to Daxam at the end of the season because they'll want it to have super feels.  (Someone please give Chris Woods his own TV show because Kara is reduced to playing his girlfriend rather than driving her own show.)




    Scans from the "SciFi magazine" from April 2017 containing an interview with Chris Wood confirm what many of us have been saying about Mon-El's character for quite some time. He was written as a flawed character that would take a lot of time to show character development into a hero. Quoting from the scans:

    "In this version, they wanted Mon-El to have a bit more of a hero's journey, where he starts almost incapable of being the person that everyone knows he is capable of being, and being the hero he will ultimately become. A good starting point for him is something that is the opposite of full hero, which is frat boy and selfish and self-centered. He has somewhere to go, so by the end of the season and into next season, he's still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". "In Season 2, they wanted to have someone take that journey and who is fully capable of becoming what Supergirl is already. And Kara having someone to mentor and then also be love interest.... All of that complicates the characters a little bit more and gives Kara a lot to react to".

    This character evolution has also been mentioned in other interviews like this one:


    So it seems that Mon-El will still be in the show in season 3 and will become a fully developed superhero. I for one am not surprised as Mon-El is clearly a hero in the comics.

    I understand that others may not like him, his storyline or even his presence in the show, but as someone who is really enjoying Mon-El's arc and storyline and his relationship with Kara, I will be very happy if these spoilers are indeed true.

    The SciFi magazine was on the newsstands last week (in the USA)

    Source: https://t.co/WX9YdxBP7f

    Source: https://t.co/juqH7LCKjH


    • Love 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, jmonique said:

    I vastly preferred the days of Kara being mentored by a strong woman like Cat, as opposed to eight to 10 episodes about this man child.

    Respecfully disagree. For me, Kara in season 1 was bullied every episode by Cat Grant (she didn't even want to use her real name for the full season) so I didn't find that Cat showed Kara as an independent person at all. She was just there to be told what to do and wish. Also she spent a lot of time pining for the love of a man who didn't want to break up with his girlfriend but didn't want Kara to look elsewhere either (see his reaction in the Barry episode).

    I see Kara as a much more independent, confident and strong woman in season 2. And I think that a big part of this is her relationship with Mon-El when she is clearly being the hero leader and the one telling the other what to do.

    I also see that Mon-El has changed a lot for the better from his first episode. Others may think that it is not enough, but there has been evolution.

    Regarding lies, a lot of people in this show has lied to their loved ones and were later forgiven. Alex about being a DEO agent and killing Astra. Jonn about being a Martian. Kara about being an alien and Supergirl (some close friends such as Cat or Lena have not been told yet). James/ Winn about Guardian. M'Gann about being a White Martian (this is a very similar situation as both were from races/ cultures that were enemies and she initially collaborated with crimes against his people). Yes, the lie is worse when you are in a relationship and this is why she had to break up with him, but I can see a future when she decides to forgive him and give their relationship another try.

    I don't want Kara/ Mon-El to go back together immediately, but I definitely want to see them together in a not very far away future. I also think that now that there is truth between them they have the chance to improve their relationship as friends and partners.


    As per spoilers, we know that Chris will be in season 3, that Mon-El will still be developing his hero arc, and that Andrew Kreisberg has said that Kara and him will deal with things together after the musical episode, so I think that Mon-El is here to stay, we will get more character development, and that they will continue their romantic relationship soon.

    • Love 6
  10. 2 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

    Have they really confirmed it though, or just echoed the pre-existing rumors? Reads more than the latter to me. 

    There are photos of them doing things together (not a kiss or something like that) as in the ET Online article but if they have a relationship it has not been confirmed by Melissa/ Chris or anyone else. They haven't said anything at all.

  11. On ‎16‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:16 AM, Karlophe said:

    So Mon-El must be the son of Malcolm, then. Victor Garber, Jesse L. Martin, and John Barrowman as three mob daddies singing together and trying to take each other out with tommy guns? I'm literally weeping with joy. Next Tuesday can't come soon enough!

    Mon-El's character name is Tommy. Tommy as in Tommy Merlyn. You know, the real son of John Barrowman's character in this universe.

    Well played, CW. I still miss Colin Donnel.

    • Love 1
  12. I like Mon-El's arc and evolution and also think that he will evolve to a full superhero and the right romantic partner for Kara, but definitely he is not there yet.

    I also despise the kind of person that Mon-El was in Daxam.  But I couldn't say that if I had been raised as a the crown prince in a society with slavery, arranged marriages, meaningless sex and a medieval monarchy, I would have noticed on my own that it was a cruel, selfish, shallow and hedonist way of living and would try to change things and be a better human being (I don't think that Oliver Queen was very different before the island -his family didn't own slaves, but wasn't bothered about ruining the lives of their workers- and he even became a remorseless killer after that). Mon-El is truly ashamed now of what he was (he said that it makes him physically ill) and has said that he wants to be a better person, even if he is not with Kara. He has definitely said no to going back to his life of privilege and has chosen his life as a bartender and DEO agent. He has started this path inspired by Kara, but I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing (many people in the Flarrowverse started their path to heroism inspired by others).

    I really believe that people can change and atone for their previous life choices and I love watching hero redemption arcs. As long as Mon-El keeps evolving to a better selfless person, risking his life to fight for other people, and being a better partner (in case that Kara decided that he is worth another try), I will be there rooting for his/ their success. I find him highly relatable.

    I also agree that Mon-El still has many flaws that he has to work on. He has only been in Earth for a few months so it is quite believable to me that he keeps screwing up and trying to figure up the right way to do things. I even relate to his way of trying to figure out how things work in this completely new world. I have been an immigrant for several years now and I still cannot pronounce correctly some words and use TV / movies / newspapers to try to understand cultural differences (and I moved from a Western country to another, not from a Medieval monarchy to the USA).

    He is really trying to be a hero and help others but his motivations are not pure and selfless (yet). He is not doing it because he wants to protect people. Everything is his head is mixed up with his feelings about Kara. I also think that there is a component of shame about his previous life (he said in 2x09 that the prince was not worth admiring) and trying to prove to himself that he can be a better person and atone for his previous life (he also said that he wants to prove that he was spared for a reason). The development of their romantic relationship has stalled his evolution as a hero and DEO agent, so this break up can be a good thing for his character development.


    We know because of the interview with Chris Wood in Sci-Fi Magazine that his evolution to a full developed hero and better person will continue in season 3.

    I predict that we will witness a very selfless heroic action before the end of the season. This may be the moment when he gets a hero name (Valor?) and a supersuit, that for interviews we know that he will get.

    I also see that Mon-El loves Kara a lot but he doesn't know what to do with that. He still does not understand how to be a good partner to her. Not surprising if everyone had arranged marriages and meaningless sex relationships in Daxam. I doubt that he ever witnessed how good relationships work before arriving to Earth. He has been a coward and should have told Kara the truth once he knew that he could trust her (and particularly she had a right to know when they started dating). Said that, Rhea was right - Kara definitely was not happy about him being the prince so she might have ended up the relationship because of who he was (still hiding the truth was not the right thing to do). I agree that they had to break up at this point because honesty is important in a relationship.

    So yes, this break up is a good thing for both characters. Being apart from her would be excellent for him to make his own choices and for Kara to understand her prejudices against Daxam and her feelings about Mon-El. I would like them not to be together for some episodes as this would allow character development for both of them. I would like to watch his evolution on his own so it would be separated from his feelings with Kara.


    But I don't think that it is going to happen. This interview with Andrew Kreisberg makes me think that they will be together again soon after the end of the Flash Duets episode.


    In the Variety interview with Candice Patton (Iris) she said that in the alternate reality in the musical episode she plays a character named Millie who is madly in love with another character named Tommy (played by Chris Wood, Mon-El) and they would have to fight for their love because they are from rival gangster families who don't want them to be together. It has also been mentioned in interviews that they wanted Kara / Barry to be in parallel situations regarding their romantic lives. and that one of the inspirations for the musical alternate reality is West Side Story. My speculation based on that is that Tommy and maybe Millie will die in this reality and Barry/ Kara will witness it. I think that they both will then decide that love is worth fighting for.

    Final comment: Chris Wood is a gem. It is complicated to sell this messy character and storyline (which I believe have been written like that in purpose to create conflict, plot points and drama), but he has managed to sell it to me with his charm and superb acting. He is definitely making Mon-El's arc worth watching to me.

    Again, I respect and understand that others have different views about this character and his relationship with Kara, but these are my thoughts as a viewer.

    • Love 8
  13. In case that you didn't notice it, the stills that were released 2 days ago for the 2x16 episode ("Star Crossed") confirm that Mon-El's parents (the King and Queen of Daxam) are named Lar Gand and Rhea (source below).

    My understanding is that in the original version of the comics Lar Gand's was Mon-El real name (he didn't remember his name, so he was named Mon-El because he arrived in Monday and was found by Kal-El).

    About Mon-El's not being the real name of the character played by Chris Wood, basically it has been confirmed that it is his name, as the promo for 2x16 had Teri Hatcher saying "All Hail Mon-El, Prince of Daxam".

    My speculation is that Mon-El's superhero name will be Valor.

    Source: http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl...spg216b_0328b/

    Picture 4: Supergirl -- "Star-Crossed" Pictured (L-R): Teri Hatcher as Rhea and Kevin Sorbo as Lar Gand.

  14. 5 hours ago, Trini said:

    I find it odd that Mon-El/Chris Wood isn't being mentioned or seen in the promotion of the crossover. (Hank/J'onn/Harewood isn't being mentioned either, but his role doesn't seem to be as big as Wood's.) He's in some promo photos, but that's about it. He's supposed to be in the dream world too, but we haven't seen or heard anyone talk about that. It could just be them wanting to keep some surprises, but I thought at least a photo of him in the musical part would be out.

    On 7 February Leanne Aguilera tweeted a selfie with Chris Wood dressed with what I think are his Tommy's clothes as they were old-fashioned. I find them similar to Cisco's clothes in the alternate reality.

    On 16 March (yesterday) she tweeted that today Friday she would post a "Karamel video + article with Chris & Melissa on set" which was "going to be pretty damn sweet". She may have interviewed them when she visited the set during the filming of the musical crossover, so we may get some info about Chris' role today.

    She also tweeted a selfie with Jeremy Jordan on alternate reality clothes (I think that that was in February too). I would like to get some info about his role in the musical crossover. I am quite excited about that, as Jeremy is an incredible singer.


  15. On ‎16‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 0:18 AM, tofutan said:

    The focus is probably on what they need and not just what would be cool for the Supergirl cast. 

    Candice Patton (Iris) has said in an interview in Variety that in the Duets Flash episode she plays a different character in the alternate reality called Millie who is madly in love with another character called Tommy who is played by Chris Wood (Mon-El). They belong to different gangster families so they are star crossed lovers.

    So both Barry and Kara will be watching people looking like their love interests madly in love with each other. That would be fun.

    I have also seen in Tumblr rumours of Katie McGrath filming with Teri Hatcher, but I don't know if these are reliable.

  16. 20 hours ago, tofutan said:

    Behind the scenes of the flash crossover

    Melissa says that there is a new villain coming up, who is closing out the season and that she is pretty scary. 

    Is she referring to Terri Hatcher's character here? Because I thought Hatcher/Sorbo were supposed to only come on for 3 episodes. If this is supposed to be about her then closing out the season seems like a weird way to phrase it.

    Could it be Lena? "New" as not known as villain before. That chess scene and the word "checkmate" used in the episode with young Lena seemed to be foreshadowing to me.

    Speculation based in Smallville and Comics: I didn't watch Smallville, but I understand that Tess Mercer was a character similar to Lena (initially thought to be Lex Luthor's adopted sister but then resulted to be Lionel's daughter so a real Luthor, just the same as Lena), that was part of an organisation called "Checkmate".

    According to the link below it was an underground government agency whose goal was to make sure that all metahuman groups were under control of the US government. In this universe, they might want to do the same with superpowered aliens. 

    I don't think that Checkmate would be necessarily evil, but it could be antagonistic to Kara and would bring interesting stories given their friendship. If checkmate decided to act after the arrival of the Royal Daxamites to Earth they may take drastic actions that could be perceived by the narrative of the show as villainous.

    The link below mentions other members of checkmate and one of them was Max Lord (Max was trying to keep Kara under control last season). The comics version of Checkmate mentions Snaper Carr as a member.


  17. Full scans of the "SciFi magazine" from April 2017 containing an interview with Chris Wood here:

    There is some interesting additional information (added to what I mentioned above) about prejudices between Daxam/ Krypton, Mon-El's relationship with Kara, stunts and punching, Mon-El's personality and potentially spoilery bits such as the Daxam storyline, discussions about Mon-El's supersuit or the possibility of the existence of the Legion of Superheroes.

    "There is a suit. It is very true to the comics. (...) I think that fans will be very happy when they see it".

  18. 10 hours ago, Trini said:

    We'll see if he's a regular next season, but they really don't need to add another dude to the cast.

    Mon-El is taking some of James' time as he replaced him as a love interest, and probably some of Cat's as the person who was influencing Kara's storyline last year the most (Kara is a much more assertive and confident person this season than last one, and I don't think that the way that Cat treated her was consistently respectful). We also lost a man (Max Lord) and gained a woman (Lena) in return and exchanged two villain women (Astra and Lillian). And lost another woman (Lucy) and added 3 women (Maggie, M'Gann and Lyra) and a man (Jeremiah) to the list of characters. The character that has really got less time to make space for some of these characters is James (he even lost a character related to him which was Lucy and I think that this made space for Maggie).

    Alex is still the second most important character but they decided to expand Alex as a character and focus in herself and her sexuality and her love interest. As a result, the time dedicated to her is focused in Maggie and not as much in Kara. I also think that this is partially a plot choice so the sisters would act as they did in the last couple of episodes in relation to Jeremiah. I think that there is still a lot of story to tell about him before the end of the season.

    The show has changed a lot as a consequence of moving it from LA/CBS to Vancouver/CW and the decision to change some storylines (love interests, aliens everywhere), so it is really understandable that some of us love it and some others don't (for example I love Mon-El as a love interest and a character, find boring James and Guardian, love Winn as a DEO agent, miss snarky Cat, loved Astra but found Non boring, Cadmus is not a really compelling story for me, I find Lena and Max Lord equally interesting but I love "aliens everywhere" and the idea of Daxam/ dominators/ other planets). Last season I liked Supergirl. This season it is the show I love the most.

  19. I see the point about the screentime that he has got, which is quite normal for a love interest of the lead character (does people remember all the time that we spent in the cringy and boring Lucy/James relationship drama which was not flattering for Kara or James? I do because I hated it). Also looking at the data Kara still has more than double screentime during the episodes than him. I happen to enjoy storylines related to Mon-El's character development and Daxam. The fact that they are related to Kara I think that it is made on purpose to have an impact on her. 

    The reduction of time for other relationships such as Danvers sisters or Space Daddy are also caused by their new relationships such as Maggie or MGann. 

    Regarding disrespect, what he did about telling everyone about his relationship at the DEO was not funny or ok. 

    He has not been always respectful of her wishes but I could say the same about Kara and him or his wishes.

    What he said about her in the V-Day was just after she made a negative comment about his origin because he didn't do what Kara thought he should do. As an immigrant myself I get extremely hurt when someone uses my country of origin to disrespect or dismiss my choices. I found this scene compelling as it made both of them real people with flaws and emotions.

    Once they were dating, during the argument about Jeremiah she said that he had to learn that what she wanted counted, but she could also ask him what he wanted and take decisions together as normal couples do (e.g. is he ok about not making our relationship public? should I take into account his concerns about Jeremiah?). So in show Kara does not ask about his wishes. Which is what normally happens with supporting characters because they are there to serve the lead's story. Which in this case is Kara learning to lead, to trust and to overcome her prejudices.

    Respect is for both partners in a relationship. I see them as two people that needed to learn to be good partners. I think that Exodus is the beginning of that and I am quite positive about their future. I like that him and their relationship are developing into something much better.

    And I would also point that a female character (Cat) treated Kara disrespectfully for the entire season (Kee-rah was one of the many many examples) but her character and their relationship was loved by many.

    I respect that you and others don't like him or his storyline or his relationship with Kara. I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to express what I think about what I see.

  20. 22 hours ago, Xander said:

    Same here. I too was very surprised by what I found in the fandom. 

    I cannot understand why someone would be ok with a redemption arc for people like Oliver Queen or Captain Cold or even Nyssa or Sara Lance but not for Mon-El. Anyone should remind me what has he done so unforgivable and I could give dozens of examples of actions done by other good guys in the Flarrowverse whose redemption arcs have been cheered and whose actions before and during their redemption arcs have been much much worse.

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  21. Scans from the "SciFi magazine" from April 2017 containing an interview with Chris Wood are being circulated in Tumblr/ Twitter (see links to the source at the end of this post). If they are real scans from a real interview they contain some interesting information. Some of it is spoilery.

    Big spoiler referring to Mon-El: “by the end of the season and into next season, he’s still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". So it seems that Mon-El will still be in the show in season 3 and will become a fully developed superhero. I for one am not surprised as Mon-El is clearly a hero in the comics.

    Also the scans confirm what many of us have been saying about Mon-El's character for quite some time. He was written as a flawed character that would take a lot of time to show character development into a hero. Quoting from the scans:

    "In this version, they wanted Mon-El to have a bit more of a hero's journey, where he starts almost incapable of being the person that everyone knows he is capable of being, and being the hero he will ultimately become. A good starting point for him is something that is the opposite of full hero, which is frat boy and selfish and self-centered. He has somewhere to go, so by the end of the season and into next season, he's still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". "In Season 2, they wanted to have someone take that journey and who is fully capable of becoming what Supergirl is already. And Kara having someone to mentor and then also be love interest.... All of that complicates the characters a little bit more and gives Kara a lot to react to".

    This character evolution has also been mentioned in other interviews like this one:


    I understand that others may not like him, his storyline or even his presence in the show, but as someone who is really enjoying Mon-El's arc and storyline and his relationship with Kara, I will be very happy if these spoilers are indeed true.

    Source: originally posted by agualuna29 in Tumblr.

    Update: The magazine is on the newsstands at the moment (in the USA) and in the link below we can see its its cover with a mention to an interview with Chris Wood:

    Update: Link to the full article here:

  22. Guys, can anyone help me with something?

    I think that in summer 2016 it was initially announced that Arrow, Flash and Supergirl would have 22 episodes, but I am under the impression that this was a mistake and that they later announced that it would be 23 for all three.

    Is this correct? If it is, can anybody send a link for the correction?

    I am particularly interested in knowing if Supergirl season 2 has 22 or 23 episodes.

  23. 7 hours ago, jay741982 said:

    I can't speak for others but I think Mon-el eating up.screen time from Alex, J'onn Jimmy and Winn might be a reason ratings are dropping a bit or him being almost constantly with Kara. I've seen other reasons why Supergirl has lost viewers 

    All DCTV shows are losing viewers. Supergirl changed to a different network and has changed significantly (not only Mon-El). But I would say that its rates are usually better after adjustement and it is still (and will be) the second rated show after Flash.

    I can't speak for others either, but I think that there is a mixed reception about Mon-El and his storyline and his relationship with Kara. I don't think that he is as loathed as some think. Some people hate HATE him, others love LOVE him and others have mixed feelings. I wouldn't be so sure about what the general viewer thinks, as social media will show preferences for the people that are passionate enough about the show to comment on that.

    Many of the people who are against his character and storyline happen to prefer Kara to have a relationship with another character. They are extremely vocal and they are even more angry at the moment as it always happens when the shows goes in a direction that you hate (remember when Laurel Lance died and NoLaurelNoArrow was a thing). The Mon-El / Karamel supporters may be not so vocal expressing their feelings because they (we) are happy. 

    But there is some signs showing that there is some love out there for Mon-El and his relationship with Kara. The Mon-El / Kara (Karamel) scenes in YouTube are consistently getting the highest number of views very quickly, much more than any other ships or scenes. On Monday the trend supporting Karamel / Mon-El trended worldwide for hours before and during the episode. The anti-trend that was organised at the same time did not.

    We have some storyline ahead (Daxam) that may change many people's perception of Mon-El. My guess is that if he gets to be heroic and a good boyfriend he may get more and more support.

    For the record, I also think that they overdid the fratboy / not listening / shallow traits in his personality (which Chris Wood has said in interviews that was intentional so they could show a character development arc) and that the time that Kara & him spend together is too much (a big part of this is that they decided to tie his storyline to Kara and she is the lead) and that they are pushing him too much. I suspect that the main reason for all this is PLOT because they want the Daxam storyline to have a major emotional impact on Kara and it couldn't happen if they weren't together and she wouldn't have reasons to have doubts about him when some secret comes out to light. Also I think that they want Kara to feel more isolated when this happens so they can get DRAMA.

    I understand how annoying is when a new character is getting all the time and storylines, and the characters you love do not, and you hate it because you don't care about the newbies at all and miss your faves. I get it. I miss Olicity / OTA and I find most of the new characters in Arrow (notable mentions are Wild Dog, Suzie and Tinah) incredibly boring/ annoying. This is the reason why I only watch it when I literally have nothing else to do and it bores me to tears (and I used to LOVE it).

    So I am lucky that I am loving most of the changes in Supergirl season 2. I love it much more than season 1 and a great part of this is because of Mon-El, aliens everywhere, Winn at the DEO, Sanvers and less James. I am also looking forward to the Daxam storyline. I would like to get more Danvers sisters, Space family trio and Cadmus but they are having difficulties balancing all these storylines (Alex is spending more time with Maggie and Jonn has spent a lot of time with M'gann).

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  24. 6 hours ago, Trini said:

    From Kevin Smith's instagram; new set/location:

    Noting that in the instagram post above Kevin Smith initially stated that this is the Throne Room for Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo who are the King and Queen of Daxam and that they were Mon-El's parents (he also made a joke about him suggesting that the episode should be called "Mom-El"). These spoilers about queen/ king/ prince/ throne room are now deleted but I saw them in his post yesterday. Screencaps from the previous version can be found in Twitter and Tumblr. Shocker!! Nobody guessed it!!

    Sorbo previously mentioned that their characters were from a planet that was “…an arch-rival planet of Krypton, which is now of course destroyed” and that Teri Hatcher was playing his wife. Also when Teri's cast was announced they mentioned that she would be a big bad for the season with an arc of at least 3 episodes.

    There have been some more potentially spoilery photos recently.

    There is a behind the scenes picture from Teri Hatcher (her Twitter maybe?) with the costume department and what appears to be a piece of armor. I am in for a Daxam - Prince - Invasion - War story.

    Kevin Smith has also uploaded another behind the scenes photo with him, Melissa in Supergirl costume and Chris in normal clothes in the Fortress of Solitude. This doesn't necessarily mean that there will be a scene with Supergirl / Mon-El there but...

    And KS has also uploaded another behind the scenes photo with Melissa, Chris, Mehcad and Jeremy playing Settlers of Catan and he mentions a "game night".

    Leanne Aguilera also uploaded a couple of photos with herself & Jeremy, and herself & Chris, and the 2 guys clothes remind people of 50's clothing.

    There is also a behind the scenes leaked picture of shirtless Mon-El in a bed that appears to be at Kara's room (I have seen the picture in Twitter and Tumblr). Nobody knows when this is supposed to happen, but people thinks that right now they are shooting Kevin Smith's episode, which I think it is to be 2x17. There are some male members of the crew that are also shirtless while shooting (this happens often to make actors feel more comfortable in these situations)

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