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  1. ill be pissed if it has curtis's name in it, we felicity fans have been asking for this story for her for years, only to have curtis's annoying behind shoved into her story because lets be honest they have no idea what to do with his character, so he has become an annoying injection into her story. I fear as long as curtis in on the show Felicity will never share scenes with anyone else (other than Oliver) and he will be interjected into everything she does. This curtis problem will not go away, they will just interject him into her life more and more until she cant make a decision without him. I hate these writers. Sorry for the angry rant.
  2. Maybe arrow is actually 32 episodes per season and they just don't air the rest. It's the only explanation for the crap these writers say in interviews, especially Wendy.
  3. Arrow and the CW is trying to please everyone. We will get Olicity and Laurel fans will get BS and BC fans will get Tina, and fans will fight amongst each other and arrow will be a mess because these writers are barely average with CW and DC always forcing stories on them.
  4. No one said Willah will just be in 14 episodes, just that when you are a regular you get to appear in at least 14 episodes. I think Marc was misunderstood
  5. Now .3 is a possibility. Dam these fools messed up.
  6. Arrow is a show driven by plot progression. Plot is king. Characters are beholden to plot. These writers don't care about the means when writting a story. It's all about point A to point B, how they do that they don't put much value in. It changes all the time, there is no concrete plan of how to get there. As a fan of good writing I happen to think the means to an end is the most important part of the end. How your get to your point defines the point, validates it's, makes it good writing or amateur crap. The mess we saw with Olicity in season 4 was all about we need to break them and it was done horribly because how it was done didn't matter just that they did it. When Olicity gets back together, and I believe they will, look for it to be a mess as well, because these writers are BAD, they do a few things well and got blessed with a cast and a couple that have chemistry that leap off the screen.
  7. This person is legit. Spoiled exact dialogue from arrow episodes beofre they aired. The Olicity talk in episode 2 and that Oliver killed Malone, with the exact lines of dialogue of him telling Felicity and the team
  8. Remove earth one Laurel and this episode makes a lot more sense. Have earth one Laurel alive and this makes absolutely no sense. Also this being BS and not Laurel adds up with Katie not being on the arrow set since filming 508-9-10
  9. So spoilers according to this person who episode 10, earth 1 Laurel is back, earth 2 BS attacks, and there is a new BC with sonic scream about to be recruited
  10. Emily said the break down ia between episodes 3 through 5. No surprise her breakdown comes to its peak during an Olicity episode
  11. I dont think they can ignore Olicity for a full season. They might not be all wrapped up and be together but no kisses, no mistakes, so drama and declarations, yeah I think it would be nearly impossible for them to make it through a whole season with without Olicity being together in some important romantic way. Looking at it this way if Arrow follows its method of depressing beginning and positive ending and vice versa thing Olicity should be good.
  12. I really think this Felicity's BF thing will be done for after 2 episodes, no sings of it lasting, whenever they talk about Felicity they just mention him in passing. The pretty sure the dude has not filmed since 502. Will he come back later on in the season, possibly, maybe he never comes back at all. The dude deems to be in LA and anywhere else but Van rocking a full hideous beard that would not make it past CW auditioning tape. So I have no idea how it ends, Felicity ends it because her breakdown starts due to havenrock, she entrenches herself into the bunker more, or this is all due to Barry and his stupid flashpoint mistake. They may not be talking about Olicity, but they are not talking about anything, I really think last season's avalanche of spoilers really hurt them, and they want to keep it on lick down. All we are getting is the same thing repeated at SDCC phrased differently, we might have to accept the Arrow writers are clamping down on talking about important stuff. If this BF makes it past episode 2 and is the one that helps her through her breakdown then ill be worried. Until then I see Felicity breaking down around episode 3-5 as stated by Emily, and Oliver in some way, its no conciedence Felicity's breakdown matches with the "Olicity" episode and Wendy said that Felicity going through havenrock self examination will better help her understand Oliver in that IMDB interview. I may be wrong and these writers are beyond stupid and decide to drag Olicity through the mud to the point where it becomes unrecognizable, but with what Marc said to Jbuffnangle, the way the episodes are lining up, with what emily said that "its going to be hard for felicity working with Oliver and being in love with him" Olicity is not over, Olicity playing a big part of the show is not over Greg Berlanti demands romance on his shows, what might be over after last seasons spoiler mess is that the writers and cast will speak less and say less. Notice the completely lack of BTS shots from anyone? We have had unprecedented BTS access as fans, we basically predicted and got spoiled on every major event last season. What I think happened is that Arrow needed to stall Olicity, its why season 4 ended the way it did, its why they are started the season apart. these writers can be horrible, some of the stuff they write makes no sense, but they will in my opinion ALWAYS write olicity, Oliver and Felicity will always circle each other and I think they wont dare have Ray 2.0 that is my belief. Hope im right.
  13. So Im thinking the dude disappears after 502, and maybe comes back later on in the season. Anarky was recurring, he went missing for 10+ episodes. Lady cop was recurring, we never saw her after 1 episode.
  14. we know Emily is filiming she may not share BTS shots but she pops in them alot. Same as David. My issue is the dude has got a full beard, and has had it for a while, dude Felicity is kissing does not have a beard. Unless he shaved it, and has super human hair growth, its not him, if that kiss is not in episode 2, I dont see how it can be him.
  15. yeah but I dont think he sticks around as her BF
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