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Everything posted by Shadyblue

  1. So they're supposedly moving to Dallas, eh? Oh joy. I guess Jordan thinks he could be the next Dallas Cowboys quarterback. Not on my watch, bucko! Now if it were Aaron.... Speaking of Aaron, I think it was pretty crappy of that family to air their dirty laundry on a stupid "reality" show. Were they really shocked he didn't want to have anything to do with it? IMO, he wouldn't have even if he didn't have the famous girlfriend. Why would he? I did like the ring. The idiot guys usually go for the biggest rock, but it looks like JoJo has small hands so a huge diamond would have looked gaudy. I wonder what she'll do with it when they inevitably break up. Ebay!
  2. Chad reminds me of Eric Close. I loved him on Without a Trace. http://mame-m.sakura.ne.jp/soclose/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/eric200909.jpg Here in Dallas, we're calling Nick B Santa Romo. He looks a little like a young Tony Romo - which isn't a bad thing in my book! She's already dumped some of the men I thought were attractive and some of the ones left just look like doofs to me. Of course, I'm looking at them with old eyes so maybe all this floppy hair is attractive to young women. IMO, either have short hair or long hair, not both.
  3. Newbie here. *waves* Lord. I was born and raised in Texas, and have lived in and around Dallas for 30+ years. Are these women the only ones they could talk into doing this show? I was excited when it was announced because I like seeing what local landmarks they feature on Dallas-related shows, but these heifers are giving Dallas a bad name. If that's high society, I think I'll stay in my middle class lane! Leeanne is the only one whose name I can remember, the rest of them blend together. A DJ on a local radio show says they all look like the creatures in the movie Sleepwalkers - and he's totally right! That's enough to turn me away from the botox forever!
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