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Posts posted by Westiepeach

  1. 14 minutes ago, Sherry67 said:

    I can't believe that I missed it, now that you explain where it was in the episode.  I usually don't start fast-forwarding until specific cooking segments I don't care about come on, or maybe a boring guest appears, but I should have been paying attention at the beginning of the show!  I don't know how that slipped past me.

    Thank you for clearing that up for me -- I was really curious, and assumed that the pregnancy announcement must have come during one of the "5 o'clock somewhere" segments... which turns out to not be the case at all!  Lol.

    It was very low-key ... blink and you missed it.

    • Love 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Sherry67 said:

    Right.  I see that mentioned above in this thread, on August 27th.  But where was the announcement made?  On The Kitchen?  Which episode was it?  That's what I'm trying to figure out.  I watch and/or record every episode, and I only fast forward through specific cooking segments that don't interest me.  I'm trying to figure out which episode it was, or during which kind of segment, because I don't know how I could have missed it.  It appears that I wasn't the only one who missed it.  Was it during one of the alcohol segments at the end?

    I don't recall which episode it was, just that it was in the very beginning when they all compliment each other and tell each other how nice everybody looks. I believe Katie Lee told Marcella she had a "glow" about her, and Marcella said something like, "this is not a repeat, I'm pregnant and it's a girl." Then they all oohed and aahed and fawned over her and then it was business as usual and the show carried on.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Sherry67 said:

    I have never before posted in any of the threads for The Kitchen (or, if I have it wasn't anytime recently, and I don't remember doing so), though I watch the show every week.  After 2 or 3 episodes of being puzzled about this mystery, I came here to get the info that I see you guys have been discussing!  I sought out this forum for the sole purpose of asking, "Why is Marcella suddenly not drinking?  Is she sick?  She can't be pregnant again, can she?"  I kept thinking that she couldn't be pregnant because surely we would have seen an announcement on the show.  So then I assumed that maybe I missed the actual announcement when forwarding through a boring segment or something.

    Did Marcella actually say something about it on The Kitchen (that I guess I skipped past)?  Or did she announce it off of the show?  Any ideas as to how far along she is, or when she is due?  It seems like she was drinking alcohol on the show until just a few episodes ago, but I could be imagining that.

    I am waiting for Daphne Oz's next baby.  I have a feeling she is going to have a lot of kids.   When she was pregnant the first time, the announcement was a big moment on The Chew and her co-hosts were apparently surprised (or so they claimed).  When she got pregnant the second time around, it almost seemed like they were all trying to not draw attention to it -- although astute viewers noticed that she was not drinking alcohol.

    Marcella announced her pregnancy (she is having a girl) a few weeks ago.

  4. 4 minutes ago, LittlePeas3 said:

    Why is it, every time Dumb Bob speaks he sounds like he is trying to sell off his children?  Michelle's speech was so forced and rehearsed and still so pathetic.  Poor Josiah, he gets called Si because his parents were so foolish to call him Josiah after calling his older brother Joseph (not to mention calling his sisters Johannah and Josie...what fruitcakes!)  Sigh...

    Not to mention Joy Anna ... too close to Johannah.

    • Love 4
  5. On 8/24/2016 at 4:20 PM, IntoTheMystic said:

    Jill seems to be very over Central America and having her gringo child there. Derek wants another baby and it IS up to him when they add to the family, but he should crack open a book and be mindful of Zika before he unzips the fly of authority and procreates.



    You win the internet today! Except somebody owes me a new keyboard! We can settle up in the prayer closet.

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    All I know about the Napiers is that they were willing to whore out the birth of their son to TLC when Jill went through her "midwife" training with Venessa. 

    On a much lighter note, we no longer have Waller Wednesdays *sob* but this gem was posted today. Poor Prissy, how will she multitask when her kids start getting older? She only has that one vocal fry tone. 

    Wait ~ Pris gets to sit in the FRONT seat ... with a MAN who is not her headship ... and TOUCH SHOULDERS? I am defrauded.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:


    Damn, Sumi...your reply came in the same time I threw mine up. 

    That just made me giggle. Yes, I am 10 years old :)

    12 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

    Sigh.   I wasn't paying attention in my Duggar Academy classes, I guess.  

    Trudging off for my first visit to the prayer closet.  Anyone care to join me?  

    Most of us already have assigned seats. You can come sit by me. It's my turn to bring the wine.

    • Love 2
  8. I live in Cleveland. RNC is on the horizon. Like, tomorrow. Very nervous with all the police shootings happening all over the US. I would hate to finally win a world championship (GO CAVS!) and then have the city darkened. Please, good thoughts for a peaceful RNC week. Let's all get along.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    Oh my god yes. On the bright side we have been saved from the Texas ego this season.  

    I know 3 people born and raised in the south, none of them have an accent.  

    Robert is an ass.  Bobby and Giada think so too.  Good camera work guys; I appreciated you catching their expressions after Robert spoke. 

    RBF?  BF is Bobby Flay but what is the R?

    She has been flirting with him, shamelessly all season.  I guess their affair continues.  He has with her, too. 

    I understood why Monterey was chosen to go above Ana.  Ana did not do all that much wrong this episode and Monterey tanked badly on the last challenge.  

    RBF = Resting Bitch Face.

    • Love 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Sorry to be clogging up the interwebz with my posts today. I had a freak fall yesterday (I do this every couple of years) and woke up this morning with a very tender achilles. We were planning on going to the county fair for my birthday tomorrow, but all that walking is now OUT. 

    Icepacks, pizza, and hopefully a Warriors win tomorrow night consist of the new itinerary, such as it is. :/

    So sorry about your freak fall. But ... hoping ... wishing ... praying my Cavs come home with the Championship. Cleveland needs it. Sorry, I love you Sew Sumi ... but we need the championship. *ducking* Can we still be friends?

  11. 17 minutes ago, outtahere said:

    The network must be paying Geoffrey Zakarian a ton of money to do The Kitchen.  This show feels like "daddy" working with the "kids" in the kitchen.  I'm surprised they were able to get an Iron Chef to participate in this mess.

    OMG. I totally was thinking the same thing! Lose the crafts. Really. Concentrate on the cooking. Really. When I saw the "shirt" "apron" I really thought it was a joke. I was embarrassed for them.

    • Love 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

    Was this ever confirmed?  I know it was a rumor based on the ratings, but given the direction the FN seems to be going in, I don't know that assumption holds.

    She announced it herself on her Facebook page.

  13. 3 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    Speaking of Giada's dress, her dress at the final judge's table was so incredibly tight -- the view from the back proved it.  Ugh.



    OMG yes a thousand times! I could not believe they kept showing it. WAT too tight!

  14. 20 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

    I used to have a coworker who moonlighted as an orchestra musician for a production of Annie for a while. I could always get an obscenity or two out of him after that by singing, humming, or whistling "Tomorrow." At one point I made it the startup sound on his laptop while he was at lunch. I thought he was going to hit me with it. Good times...

    I would have done EXACTLY the same thing. Just because I could.

    • Love 1
  15. I always cook all my meals for the week on Sundays. Lunches and dinners. Best habit I ever adopted. I have my own graphic design business and some days I am working late on deadlines. Or I come home the regular time but my brain is too full to think about meal prep. Or I have a taste for chicken and Husband has a taste for meatloaf. Whatever the reason, killing it for 2-3 hours on a Sunday afternoon has saved my sanity. And kept all of us well-fed. Plus a lot of meals taste better the next day ... or 2.

    • Love 2
  16. 31 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I am going in for a mammogram tomorrow morning. *joy joy* I often wonder if Michelle goes in for one or the other lovely tests ladies look forward to, or she might just pray away  any signs of cancer or other female medical problems/read the bible because it was caused by the devil/evilness and leberal heathens.

    Oooh ... interesting. Never thought of that. I would think she would have had some type of GYN exam ... but who knows? I mean, if she thinks her knees would defraud somebody ...

  17. I am still missing my mom terribly, especially on Mother's Day. And my birthday, and her birthday, and my wedding anniversary, and on Tuesdays ... I miss her every day. I just wish she was here on earth to see my successful business, how I finally learned how to cook, and cook very well. I know she "knows" ... but I just wish she were HERE to see it. Ok, there is dust in my eyes now.

    I am still missing my mom terribly, especially on Mother's Day. And my birthday, and her birthday, and my wedding anniversary, and on Tuesdays ... I miss her every day. I just wish she was here on earth to see my successful business, how I finally learned how to cook, and cook very well. I know she "knows" ... but I just wish she were HERE to see it. Ok, there is dust in my eyes now.

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