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Posts posted by AntFTW

  1. 4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    I'll point out that Leroy was not a backseat driver the last time he was on and worked his ass off to make to the end. Puzzles just knocked him out which could happen to anyone.

    It's not really politics with any of those people now that I think about it. Most of them are just unlucky with eliminations that suit them or they are not strong enough players like Kyle.

    I thought Leroy was a backseat driver last season. He did what was necessary to get to the end. He went from the team where Johnny’s the quarterback to a team where Paulie was the quarterback. He had no real choice because Paulie had the numbers so he had to get on Paulie’s bus.

    However, I’m not saying that it’s 100% politics that gets you to the end but it’s a majority of what gets you to the end. I don’t disagree that sometimes people are just unlucky. They get tossed into eliminations for others reasons like being last in a challenge, and then lose the elimination... or get purged out.

    We watch the show and we know that the best strategy to get to the end is to keep yourself out of eliminations, even if you’re generally good at eliminations. My ultimate point is that good politics is generally what keeps people out of eliminations... not counting some function of the game that gets people automatically tossed in or purged out.

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  2. 56 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

    I often wonder why Nany, Leroy, Aneesa, Kyle, Jenna, Shane from Road Rules, Tony come on this show when they have to know they have little shot at winning.  I mean I get the free vacation and television exposure but come on from a competitive standpoint it has to suck losing year after year.

    Also, I wonder what happened to Tony.  He was a regular for such a long stretch and now he has not been on in three seasons.

    All those people have terrible political games, and that’s why they lose.

    Nany has the potential to have a good political game, but she refuses to be the driver. She’s always a passenger on someone else’s bus.

    Leroy, same as Nany. Leroy’s likeable. No one dislikes him and people are willing to take him to the end. But that’s the problem, people always have to take him. He’s a backseat driver. 

    Aneesa has no political game. She has the relationships to win but refuses to use them... and she’s stubborn. That doesn’t make for good politics. Her stubbornness is what gets her thrown into eliminations every time.

    Kyle, in my opinion, has the greatest political potential of all the people listed. Kyle’s politics could be AMAZING, but he’s a floater. Nobody has any loyalty to a floater. Floaters don’t win.

    Jenna doesn’t know how to politic. She’s the only person I can think of that can get by WITHOUT ANY POLITICKING! Jenna doesn’t ask for favors. She doesn’t ask for anything in return. Jenna isn’t having any secret conversations. Jenna isn’t plotting.

    Shane is a shitty person IMO. He’s an explicit, in your face, shit starter that will always put a massive target on his own back. Shane makes himself an easy name to vote into eliminations.

    Tony is a terrible politician and a shit starter. Like Shane, Tony makes it easy to say his name.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    I don't watch Big Brother, so I have to ask: how fucked up is Fessy? We've seen Christopher be an asshole, Bayleigh lost her got-damn mind tonight, and a helluva lot of shade is going to be thrown on Kaycee. I've been under the understand that all Hamsters are mentally damaged goods. Is Fessy the exception?

    I actually remember the mission being used in Battle of the Seasons way back in 2002. I think the biggest difference was that the cars had to be pushed, as opposed to driven. As usual, both sides had to make it dramatic.

    Bayleigh is insane. Josh is still a dumbass. Johnny is still causing trouble.

    If any episode could have been scaled to sixty minutes, this would've been it. Once the result was announced, Nany was automatically going to Purgatory. After the others voted in Melissa, I don't see why we needed a Tribunal, aside from them picking Bayleigh, and her responding by ripping on Nany.

    Purgatory was interesting, but poorly thought-out. We could have ended in a situation where Nany and Melissa grabbed each others skulls and placed them on their respective pedestals five times, and the winner would have been decided by who was faster with the final skull. Melissa gets the win here, but you have to be worried about her unborn daughter. I mean, she didn't know she was pregnant, so seeing her drink a shot and wrestle Nany was a bit nerve-wracking.

    Looks like double elimination next week. The question is if it'll be guys/guys, or two final Purgatories with the men and women.

    The elimination challenge was interesting. I thought the idea of them getting a skull while being in bounds was not thought out well because what if they both got 5 skulls. I thought they should made the winner of each round the person that rips the skull off the other first or whoever gets their skull to the pedestal first.

    39 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    They turned Dee into a bobblehead during the tribunal. I cracked the fucked up.

    They showed more of Dee this week than they have in the previous 2 weeks. 😂

    I thought they were gonna stick to the back of her head like they were doing in the challenge but no... you actually got to see her face and you got to see her name being slid into the window at Tribunal nominations 😂

    • LOL 2
  4. FOREWORD: Fuck Nelson!

    Chapter 1: He actually seemed like a decent human this episode

    Chapter 2: ... but that's only because someone else out shined him in the stupid department this episode.

    • LOL 4
  5. I have to say that I thought this was the best episode out of the last 2 or 3 that we got.

    I liked the daily challenge, it was some good drama, and I liked the elimination challenge.

    Nany is just... never gonna win one of these things. She'll win when she stops playing a scared game (...and when it's not required that she goes into an elimination to get to a final). The people that play scared games don't win these things.

    • Love 5
  6. Here's the thing about Bayleigh losing her shit...

    Remember when the house voted in Jenna because they thought she wasn't mentally in the game anymore? How did that same logic not apply to Bayleigh? Bayleigh's been losing her shit damn-near the entire episode... and before the house vote.

    Why target Melissa who wants to go in and is mentally prepared to go in? Melissa was itching to go in. When they're itching to go in, keep them on edge. Make them anxious. Even though Bayleigh wanted to go in, she's has been off her rocker since Chris left. She also wanted to go and be with her man. This would have been the best time to strike. Kick her while she's down.

    • LOL 2
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  7. 7 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    I don't recall him using the n-word in the fight (Does not mean he did not say it, I am just saying I do not remember), but I oddly enough I thought I remembered the monkey thing.   Like I can picture him doing it clearly but maybe I am misremembering it.  I just do not think I am because at the time I was like, "What the hell is wrong with this guy."

    I remember the monkey thing. He did the monkey thing.

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  8. 4 hours ago, lasu said:

    I both love and hate the Dee edit.  On one hand, I'd rather they just play it out with the storylines intact so it makes more sense.  I would have enjoyed seeing the fall out after Dee came back from elimination.  She did them the favor of going for the villain edit anyway, so it's not like they are propping her up or making her look good.  On the other hand, it's HILARIOUS to see someone so thoroughly edited out.  And if they are going to go this hard, just call it a day and blur her face when she absolutely has to be on screen.  I would HOWL if they did that. 

    100% agreed! 

    I would pay to see that fallout after Dee got back from that tunnel digging elimination. That could have wrapped up the Dee saga perfectly. After that, edit her out for the rest of the season.

    Watching that transition from that half assed (albeit, short notice) 1 hour episode we got to that nicely edited smooth episode from last week MADE ME CACKLE! To know that they are purposefully avoiding her face IS HILARIOUS!

    What made me really laugh... was during the tribunal voting during Purgatory. She’s heard but not seen. You don’t hear her boo or cheer anyone. They don’t show anyone looking at her while she’s voting. It’s a swift “my votes for Kyle” and she shuts up.

    • Love 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, scrb said:

    They don't let them bring phones?


    On a show like JS or RW, they used to put all calls on the air.  But now, why would it matter?

    They let them do FaceTime calls but I guess that's only for the air.



    They let them have access to something like a house phone, but no personal cell phones. Thee cast basically sees nothing from the outside world; no TV; no phones; no printed media.

    On the more recent seasons of Real World, they've let them have cell phones.

  10. 53 minutes ago, scrb said:

    I thought that was kind of odd, he had all these prints he was looking at and they kept showing him going through them.

    Isn't it more typical for people to carry pictures in their phones?

    I imagine that since Cory isn't new to the Challenge house, he knows he won't have access to a phone and limited access to web calls, therefore, he should bring physical photos. Kailah had physical photos of her and her current ex-boyfriend.

    53 minutes ago, scrb said:

    Cory doesn't live with the daughter and her mother does he?  So he's still kind of living the single life?  Though it's probably not as easy now as it was when he first appeared on the Challenge for him to spend weeks on the show -- can't be easy for anyone in a relationship to be away for weeks. 

    I assume he's shacked up with the new baby mama.


    30 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

    MTV's reaction to the Dee debacle reminds me for all the world of "Megan Wants a Millionaire" and "I Love Money 3"

    I would pay to watch I Love Money 3... TO THIS DAY! I loved that trash back in the day.

    • Love 2
  11. 41 minutes ago, simplyme said:

    Melissa. *sigh* Melissa isn't going to yell at Bananas because she knows he'll eat her alive, so she's focusing on Josh. Meanwhile, she's too scared to go in despite having multiple chances to do so, but people not bending over backwards for her makes them bad people *eyeroll*.

    I know we're only seeing a part of what's going on. From what we see, it seems like Johnny doesn't give as much attention to Melissa that Josh does.

    Josh, overall, seems to talk more than Johnny. Johnny doesn't seem give as much material or ammunition for Melissa to comment on.

    Josh goes in for a hug and Melissa's like get the fuck away from me, you fucking liar.

    Josh coming into a room saying he wants a red skull. That entices Melissa to say I'm glad you don't have a red skull or any other flippant comment about not having a red skull. Whereas Johnny just sits back and listens.

    During the house vote, Johnny just says "My vote is for Kyle." There's not much room for comment there. Josh SWEARS ON HIS FAMILY'S LIFE THAT HE LOVES KYLE  BUT WILL VOTE FOR CORY... and Melissa's like swearing on your family doesn't mean shit, you liar. Josh brings more material to the table for comment.

    • Love 7
  12. I want to point out that while Melissa was yelling at Josh, Kyle called Josh a floater. The ultimate floater, arguably the best floater this game has ever seen, called Josh a floater. That cracks me up!

    • LOL 3
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  13. BY THE WAY... Am I the only one that thinks Melissa can read me bedtime stories?

    Her voice is perfect for narrating fairy tales. I can imagine her reading 3 little pigs or something, and me slowly drifting away into a peaceful slumber. LOL!

    • LOL 2
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  14. 6 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    Updated status on the individual males:


    I'm guessing there will only be one more Purgatory for them, and Jay's two Skulls won't be coming back into play. Basically, the odds that someone will be dismissed by Teege for not having a Skull are pretty slim. I could see a situation where both Josh and Kyle are left out in the cold, and two Skull-holders will battle it out in Purgatory. There's a part of me that likes weird stuff to happen, and having Josh and Kyle pitted against each other for the final Skull just seems so blah.

    They still have to slim down the amount of players left. Don't we usually go into a final challenge with maybe 6 to 8 people?

    My guess is that the purge challenge won't happen until after everyone has red skulls OR after a certain amount of players left (with or without red skulls), which I'm also guessing would still be followed up with an elimination.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    It looks like Dee knew she would fuck up royal several months in advance, so she decided to get in as much action as possible. Of course, BMP still ties their very best to edit her out. At one point, I thought they erased her from a shot of the Tribunal walking. Turns out she was just behind Fessy.

    Josh continues to be shut out, and I'm great with that. He's a punk bitch. I got a laugh that the only guy that won the mission (Fessy) already had his Skull. While I get Kyle bitching about Aneesa struggling . . . he should still STFU. Aneesa's punishment was basically getting to feel what it would have been like to play Reverse Tug-Of-War with Beth. The horror. The horror.

    Seriously, isn't Cory. Ryker and the baby mama already benefiting from being on an MTV show? I know Cory is a better option for a winner that a lot of the other bums, but I get turned off by people who use kids for motivation to win money. Still, though, I was good with him winning over Christopher. I'm guessing that if you need someone from Big Brother in the final, Fessy and Kaycee are acceptable. Apparently, Bayleigh has baggage. Josh is a punk bitch. The unborn child that Melissa doesn't know she's carrying is smarter than Josh.

    Oh, and I'm guessing that there will be one more shot for Josh and Kyle to get a Skull. Still hoping Josh strikes out one way or the other.

    The thing I find amazing about the Dee edits is that when she's shown you can barely see her face.

    When they have to show her, her face is not to the camera and we're looking at the back of her head; when they have to get a wide shot that includes her, it's shown for a second or it's a drone shot that's so far away that she just blends with every one else and you can't single her out.

    Knowing that this isn't the normal edit that they planned and that they are purposefully avoiding her camera time just cracks me up. At least there isn't a shortage of work for them during the pandemic. LOL!


    My feelings on Cory winning over Chris.... same


    TJ said something to the effect of the guys not having much time left to get a red skull, so I took that as there's at least one other opportunity left to get a red skull.


    Also, I'm waiting for that point in time to come where there's no one left without a red skull, where only there's only people with red skulls to choose from. This game has been too peaceful and diplomatic thus far... letting people go in to get their red skulls and giving favors by voting people in. This nice diplomacy shit has got to go. I want guerilla war in the Challenge house.

    • LOL 1
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  16. 41 minutes ago, angelamh66 said:

    Josh is just so incredibly delusional. It’s like he’s saying things he thinks a veteran of The Challenge would say without having a single clue what he’s talking about. He doesn’t have an ally in Johnny, Johnny is just willing to ignore him and use him when it benefits Johnny. Nobody considers Josh a threat so it’s easier to just let him be delusional.

    Josh is extremely delusional. Josh thinks he's good at the game but he's not.

    Josh has no allies other than Nany... maybe. Josh is of no use to anyone else. He has nothing to offer anyone else in the game. He has nothing to trade. But, we can argue that Josh is probably the perfect person to bring to a final. Unfortunately, Josh just isn't that good. He can be considered a layup in the final... but this is assuming that he can get past an elimination, which he has been terrible at in past seasons.

    • Love 5
  17. 1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

    Melissa, talking about Josh: "Is he dumb or something?" Uh... I can't, it's too easy. 

    This episode held together way better than the last one. First of most importantly, because Dee wasn't center stage, so it was easier to work around her. But I think also because the editors had more time to work on this one. 

    Lastly: byeeeeeee! 

    I'm sure Dee was center-stage until they edited her out. I saw the original edit of last week's episode with the original trailer for this episode, and that trailer included Dee and Rogan having a conversation about voting her into elimination and Dee not having it. I imagine the Dee-Rogan drama was originally supposed to be center stage.

    Those tribunal scenes were hilarious to me. They tried really to edit her out as much as possible. She's basically an extra. She's a background filler at this point. I guess it's a good thing Dee didn't sit in the center seat at tribunal.

    56 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Wow. What... an interesting episode.

    1) Dee is making it impossible for MTV. Dee is in positions where it's near impossible not to show her. She wins the challenge and ends up on the tribunal and I thought "well, it's impossible to ignore her now. We have to see the tribunal scenes. How are they gonna handle that?" WELL... they handled it.

    I'm sure we missed out on some good Dee drama after being back-stabbed.

    2) Josh is... something. Josh has no strategy. What is he doing? He talks about what's good for his game, but he has no game.

    3) Chris... bye.

    4) What kind of bullshit elimination was that? Where are the hall brawls? The physical stuff?

    5) I thought Kyle's political game was better this season. Kyle's a pretty likeable guy. What the fuck has he been doing this entire time?

    6) Regarding Melissa... I was literally thinking earlier today that Melissa is a but more mature this season. We haven't seen that firecracker that we've been in her past seasons... until this episode.

    Forgive me... I forgot to add that Nelson is a fuckin' idiot!

    • LOL 3
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  18. Wow. What... an interesting episode.

    1) Dee is making it impossible for MTV. Dee is in positions where it's near impossible not to show her. She wins the challenge and ends up on the tribunal and I thought "well, it's impossible to ignore her now. We have to see the tribunal scenes. How are they gonna handle that?" WELL... they handled it.

    I'm sure we missed out on some good Dee drama after being back-stabbed.

    2) Josh is... something. Josh has no strategy. What is he doing? He talks about what's good for his game, but he has no game.

    3) Chris... bye.

    4) What kind of bullshit elimination was that? Where are the hall brawls? The physical stuff?

    5) I thought Kyle's political game was better this season. Kyle's a pretty likeable guy. What the fuck has he been doing this entire time?

    6) Regarding Melissa... I was literally thinking earlier today that Melissa is a bit more mature this season. We haven't seen that firecracker that we've seen in her past seasons... until this episode.

    • Love 3
  19. On 6/12/2020 at 4:30 PM, AntFTW said:

    I have my DVR set to record all new episodes. From what I can tell, it looks all episodes going forward is gonna be 60 minutes.

    My DVR listings have been updated to 90 minutes so I guess we’re back to 90 minutes.

  20. Something that I did not notice that was extremely petty of MTV... when the Tribunal puts the names in the little window slots of the people they nominated, they don't even show Dee's name being slid into the slots. That's so minute and petty.

    • Love 3
  21. 1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

    I also found this episode to be weird and choppy. I think they should have just left the Dee stuff in. I personally would love to watch her be gaga over Rogan when he's actively plotting against her for the second time.



    In addition to that: I found this (below). Apparently, they aired the same shortened version of the episode (that we got in the USA) in Canada, BUT they put the full originally planned episode on the MTV Canada website. I don’t think it’s there anymore though.



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  22. 1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

    This instagram page has the cut scenes from last night's episode.  Looks like folks outside the US got the original version.  

    There are about 20 minutes of cut scenes on the page that do so much for contextualizing everything that happened to lead up to the Tribunal and Purgatory.

    Those clips provide 99% of the context of the entire episode.

    I assume they're gonna reedit the entire season, at least up until Dee gets eliminated, if she gets eliminated. I'm curious whether they're gonna keep the rest of the season 60 minutes or go back to 90 minutes, but feature less Dee. I'm also operating under the assumption that this episode is 60 minutes because it was a last minute change.

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