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Posts posted by AntFTW

  1. Veronica has been coasting with her star most of the season, and Ace gets two stars handed to him without having to risk himself. That is just hilarious to me.

    Seems like Steve is likely making it to a final this season. Good for him.

    Jay got elimination but I thought this was a good redemption season for him. He got a decent amount of camera time. He will always be remembered as the guy that couldn't drink the drink though. He's never escaping that legacy. We won't let him 😂 

    Also, we saw Leroy packing up the frozen milk for their baby. Kam said on the podcast that production and the cast was extremely accommodating to her breast pumping schedule. They gave her a private space where she could she could pump. They provided the freezer. They would work the daily challenges around her pumping schedule so if she needed to pump before a challenge, they would wait for her.

    For the last woman to win an elimination, they could take Cara's star at the last minute. If Cara doesn't win, I'm thinking the best chance to defend her star is to go into elimination.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I stopped watching Survivor AGES ago and I still think I've seen him play that like 3 times. Does he do anything else besides competition shows? 

    I feel like I remember him doing a home renovation show that I didn't watch... 🤔

  3. So... I don't know anyone except the Survivor players, and most of them happen to be Survivor winners, and the other is the quirkiest Survivor player ever.

    I figured Rob would make his way to The Traitors at some point. It was just bound to happen.

    I watched the first season of Real Housewives of Potomac, and I think I remember who Robyn is.

    I could probably expand my horizons on the shows I watch. 😂

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  4. Wow! Adam’s savagery comes out. Is this what Adam used to be like back in the day?

    I think next week will be a double eliminations, and I’m sure the final elimination. I think there are 12 episodes this season.

    Oddly, I find myself rooting for Averey and Veronica to make it past the final eliminations with stars.

    if I were Jay, I still would have went down into elimination. However, I would have went against Leroy because Leroy panics in water.

  5. Quote

    After clamoring for a win all season so he could go into the Arena and earn a star, one player puts it all on the line for redemption. A quirky All-Star finds his game at risk again, but retaliates with an unexpected power play.

    Air date: June 5, 2024 on Paramount+

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    Someone did go home each time. But there was no daily mission- you just voted three people to go head to head. The winner got a key, and the two losers had to stand in front of the room and argue why they should be given the second key. The one who did not receive a key was then sent home.


    Johnny Bananas, Paula, Kenny, and then later Johanna, Derrick, and Dunbar rigged the votes so that each time, someone in their alliance was in the head to head with either a poor athlete or an unpopular contestant, basically ensuring if they didn't win the key, they would win the vote to stay. Once all keys were handed out, there were several rounds where people could steal keys. However, Teege made it clear that the final round, the person whose key was stolen would have no recourse. Dunbar, Johanna, Colie, Dan, and Kelly Anne were all left behind. Bananas and Kenny did some fast talking to get Ev to take Dunbar's key instead of Bananas'.

    Then they ditched Paula for Ev. 😂

    6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    I LOVE the idea that you have to compete in the elimination rounds to get to the finals, but this cast was absolutely brutal. The bullying of KA, Ev, Tonya and Robin was nearly unbearable to watch.

    Agreed. Happy they matured and grew out of that. When Cara came on the show, it was brutal for her.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    Was that the woman from the Olympics?


    21 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    At the time when she left, she didn't know there would be no chance of her getting in. She could have stuck it out a little longer.

    Exactly. She left before she could ever find out. Eventually, she would have had a turn if she stuck it out. They couldn't block her forever.

    21 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    With The Island, Johnny and Co. were very successful in keeping Ev locked out, but they had the advantage of not doing dailies so there was no way for Ev to force her way in. However, right before the final, Teege announced that everyone who didn't have a key would be competing for the final spot, and whoever had their key stolen that last time would have no way to get it back. The look on Johnny's face was freaking priceless, especially since Ev was by far and away the best competitor left who did not have a key. I might have to go back and watch that scene.

    I want that to happen this season. These seasons are too long. They give everyone the opportunity to get the thing that's needed.

    Wasn't there less people being eliminated in The Island? I know that in order to get a key, it wasn't required that someone go home. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. 🤔 With this All Stars, someone always has to go home when another is getting a star.

    I barely remember The Island, but I loved it. The format of the game was great.

  8. 4 hours ago, Tatum said:

    Of course, this could all be moot, as there may be more chances for stars and Laurel could still get one (and CM, had she not gotten one this time, could potentially still have gotten one), but I am operating under the comments that the cast members made that this was potentially the last female elimination. On The Island, cast members who did not earn keys stayed in the game but could do nothing but watch the 8 finalists sail off, knowing they had no chance to win but were still on the show.

    One scenario I always hoped to see was people being sent home because they can't compete in the final.

    When they did the skulls on seasons 35 and 36, they had too many skulls that it gave too many opportunities to everyone to get a skull. By the time, they got down to 8 players, everyone left had skulls so tell "your time is up. You don't have a skull so you can't compete in the final."

    Now, it's 6 stars so I'm hoping we get to see some people sent home because they don't have a star and can't compete.

    For season 36, if you watched it, they had Lolo Jones and people were blocking her from getting a skull. She chose to quit but if she stuck around, they would have happily voted her into elimination because everyone else would have had a skull. They wouldn't want to risk themselves going home after they got their skulls. She would have became an easy vote to throw into elimination. I think the same here would apply to Cara if they had blocked her.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    Cara's got a pretty strong record in eliminations and no one really seems to want to face her in them.

    The same applies to Laurel. It was a pretty even-handed elimination that Laurel could have reasonably won. Whether Laurel decided to replace Kam or Cara, I think she should have taken the chance. She clearly believes she has more than enough opportunity and also that people won't try to block her from getting a star.

    19 minutes ago, Tatum said:

    but clearly Laurel wasn't confident she could beat her or she would have taken Kam's spot

    Sure, but you can't do both plans. One has to take priority, and sending Cara home took priority. Based on what we're shown, Laurel was confident until she got to elimination. By that time, it's too late to block Cara. Cara had already been voted in. If they wanted to block Cara, Laurel would've had to know before Cara was voted in that she wasn't confident.

    Also, I'm thinking that blocking Cara can only work for so long. Eventually, one of the star holders will have to be sacrificed and thrown into elimination if they want to continue to block Cara. If Cara wants to go into elimination, which star holder is going to be willing to go into elimination instead?

  10. 13 hours ago, Tatum said:

    And I am amazed at the stupidity of putting Cara in an elimination round if you're trying to block her from a final, especially this late. Laurel is pretty arrogant about another shot at a star coming and I really hope she's wrong.

    Well... the only way to block her from a final with certainty is to throw her into elimination and send her home. Keeping her in the game means there is always a possibility of her getting a star. She could win a daily challenge and throw herself down or someone could steal a star and give it to her.

    Laurel could have switched things up and taken Cara's spot and competed against Kam. Kam was on the The Challenge podcast and, to summarize, she was saying that she couldn't sit around in limbo, that she either needs to get a star or go home to her baby because she feels like she's wasting her time if she's not progressing. I'm trying to understand how Laurel doesn't also feel that way. Where is the sense of urgency?

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  11. 13 hours ago, WInterfalls said:

    No one wants to take Veronica's star because she's no threat in a final. I'm fairly certain if Kam had won that elimination she would have taken Nicole's star not Veronica's. If it's me I'd rather have Veronica in the final than Nicole or Cara. 

    Especially after Laurel left her hanging, I wouldn't blame Kam for stealing Nicole's star if she had won.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    I'm sorry, but I am laughing so hard at Kam trusting Laurel, the most wishy washy person ever. They should have put Cara and Flora (or Veronica) down.

    Now you mentioned Veronica, something I realized while watching this episode, and made me chuckle a little bit, is that Veronica has been really skating by this whole season. She's been keeping her head down and causing no problems... and she still has this star that was given to her and no one has taken it yet.

    She finessed her way out of that elimination with Nicole and other people have pretty much been doing the work for her.

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  13. I'm sad to see Kam go. That's mostly because I think she's been playing the game the hardest out of the people remaining. Kam was willing to take big swings and I appreciate that in game play, and I wish the others would also take big swings. I feel like everyone else is just sitting in the background.

    The game has pretty much been Cara and Kam. Now that Kam is gone, they make me almost want to have Ayanna back. Cara needs to a new enemy so that we can have a decent season for the remaining episodes.

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  14. Why was there a women’s elimination again? 🙄

    This was an okay episode. Cara had the better strategy. It’s time consuming to go back and forth getting the balls at the end of the cage. Even though it’s a slow start, it saves time in the end when it counts.

    I didn’t care for the daily challenge and the elimination game. They weren’t very exciting to watch. The drama in this episode wasn’t all that great either.

  15. 5 hours ago, WInterfalls said:

    Cara grew up in the same general area as CT. Her accent is not as pronounced but I think during times of stress the Boston accent comes out strong. I can relate because I partially grew up in Mississippi and had a very strong southern accent when I moved away. It's mostly gone now but if I'm tired or angry or drunk it slips out and suddenly I'm very Southern. 

    My folks are from Georgia. Thankfully, my parents moved to a city and had me. I am not built for rural and small town life. Growing up, I was always told that I talked like I was from "the country." I had to beat that out of me in college. Now, that I've started working remotely and I don't go to the office as much, it's coming back. 😂

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  16. 6 minutes ago, WInterfalls said:

    Nicole told Laurel she wanted to have another go and be exclusive. Less than a month later Laurel takes Nicole as her plus one to Jakk's (From Ride or Dies) wedding and Nicole proceeded to have sex with the best man's sister who was married to a man and had kids. Broke up that family and caused a lot of terrible drama in general. I think those two are still seeing each other. Laurel has been nuclear against Nicole on social since then. 


    3 hours ago, bunnyface said:

    ETA:  Now that I've seen the rest of the episode, Avery is an idiot also.  She could have easily beaten Tina and foiled the whole plan and gotten her star back.  Dumb.

    Nobody wanted to go against the grain. I hate that.

    3 hours ago, WInterfalls said:

    I'd actually die laughing if Cara went down and won and then took Nicole's star and let Kam keep hers. 

    Same! I would love that!

    8 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

    Jay’s confessional about Avery wanting redemption puzzles me. What does she need redemption from?

    I asked the same thing. She’s not the one that cried and gave up in the middle of a final.

  17. I love Kam's plotting to steal Cara's star. I hate that other people aren't plotting and acting like they don't need stars if they want to have a chance at winning. I want everyone plotting!!! Why is Kam the only one plotting???????

    Maybe I'm giving them too much credit. Maybe they don't really care about going to the final and winning. Maybe they just came for a good time.

    There's a lot of Kam in the first half of the episode, which made me think she was going home.

    Cara cracked me up in this episode. Loved it! It was great.

    I tend to lean toward minding my own business, but I'm not mad at Cara for telling Nicole off about her effect on Laurel.

    Laurel and Nicole, toxic combination. I also agree with Cara that Laurel is not playing much of a game this season which is unlike her.

    I loved that nomination though. This Paramount+ uncensored shit is amazing! I went back a few times just to hear Laurel say "I don't wanna fuckin hear it" and "Kam and Tina bitch!" 😂

    Cara telling Nicole that needs subtitles is HILARIOUS!!! 😂😂😂

    Also, one thing I've noticed is that people have been wearing smart watches. Have they started letting them have devices in the Challenge house? 🤔

    I liked the daily challenge and elimination. This elimination would be on the flagship. I think Kam could have beaten Cara in this elimination. I appreciated Kam stating that she would face Cara in an elimination if she needed to.

    Kam wins the elimination and takes Cara's star. Now, I need some some get-back. I need Cara to try to get her star back... and from anyone, including Nicole if she wanted. I need someone's hopes dashed.

    16 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

    What is the majority of the house’s issue with Cara Maria?

    From my view, it seems like she’s not really working with anyone in particular so it’s easy to plot against her if it becomes necessary. No one seems to feel any allegiance to Cara.

    When it comes to protecting her star, she seems to be willing to sacrifice anyone, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It just makes the politics more difficult for her. There’s no one that is off limits to her or that she’s playing the game with. Jay says he’s playing with Cara but what exactly has Cara done to help Jay in the game? Jay has voted with Cara when he had the chance to give her that, but has that been returned? Not really. Outside of that, Jay is fickle. He was bound to break even if Cara was helping him.

    Also, Flora thinks Cara is a crybaby. 😂 On a personal level, I’m not sure if Cara is rubbing people the wrong way. If she is, they aren’t showing it.

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  18. 9 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    But right now, the only thing that really intrigues me is the idea of Rob joining The Traitors. Of course he would be chosen as a traitor, and of course he'd have almost no chance of success with the giant target he'd be sporting, but it would still be fun to watch him navigate those very tricky waters. DO IT, ROB.

    YES! I thought about that also! I wonder if he's ever been invited to The Traitors.

  19. Quote

    Two Challenge queens seize the opportunity to go after a knight fiercely defending their star. One All-Star confides in an old rival as relationship woes threaten to take over their game. An explosive nominations sends shockwaves through the house.

    Air date: May 22, 2024 on Paramount+

  20. I would have assumed that Maria told Q that his name was being floated and that he should play his idol. Maybe she did and Q stubbornly thought he had Kenzie and Liz on his side for this vote. I completely expected Q to play his idol. I was expecting a surprise... and I didn't get it.

    Ok, so... Liz at the FTC taking it all? You guys are seeing the vision, right?

    She's the last one on my list of annoying people that would actually make a hilarious and entertaining win.

    1) Venus

    2) Q

    3) Liz

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