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The Crazed Spruce

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Posts posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. Okay, maybe that last one was a bit tricky.  Here's a hint:

    one's a classic sketch comedy, the other's a one-season wonder teen drama.

    And to keep things moving, here's a bit of a softball:  A bisexual succubus finds herself in a prehistoric world.

  2. Can't really speak for any reports of Alda's ego, but I do know that the show's shifting in focus to Hawkeye and away from Trapper was one of the reasons Wayne Rogers gave for leaving the show.

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  3. Woo-hoo!

    After a new teacher turns the high school newspaper into a video broadcast, it suddenly becomes broadcast nationwide, and a number of wacky townsfolk wind up producing their own shows.

  4. I'd say something about guessing the wrong western, but y'know what? I'll take it. :)

    The cast of a Canadian comedy news show discover an antique clock that leads to a global conspiracy.

  5. Oh, how I miss Soledad. She was the best anchor/interviewer that CNN had.

    I hear you.  Used to be, I'd come home after working a graveyard shift and turn on CNN before my mother's home care worker came in, in the hopes of seeing Soledad skewering some right-wing airbag.  Nowadays, I just crash on the couch for a few hours, and don't even bother turning the TV on.

    Hey, remember when CNN actually used to air actual news, instead of airing travel shows on the weekend and glomming onto a single story for the entire frikkin' 24-hour cycle?

  6. Star Trek: Voyager, Season 2, Episode 15, "Threshold". (As in, the one where Tom Paris breaks Warp 10, mutates into a giant salamander because of reasons, kidnaps Captain Janeway, mutates her into a salamander, and they go off and have salamander babies that nobody ever talks about.)

  7. Who was it that played the guy who was convinced that he was a werewolf? I was sure it was Sam Anderson (who's probably best know for playing Bernard on Lost), but I just double-checked both his Wikipedia and IMDB pages, and the show wasn't listed.

  8. I think it's debatable.  Dave Hester claimed that they did, but not until after they dropped him from the show.  (Besides, he's a jackass.  I can totally believe that he made it up to get attention.)

    I'm pretty sure that Auction Hunters is real, because they gave a plausible explanation why the good stuff always seems to turn up on the show.  They stated from the outset that the two buyers on that show buy dozens of lockers at a time, and they only show the ones that had something good or interesting in them.  I can believe that it's something similar with this show.  (Unless you think that Dan and Laura only sell three lockers a week.  Doesn't really make for a great business model, you ask me.)

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