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Posts posted by parrotfeathers

  1. 19 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Who is going to support the Catfish fools when everything is gone is a real issue.   One woman who lost everything, and was still borrowing to send more, said something about moving in with her daughter.    The daughter said mother wasn't ever moving in with her, and I hope she stuck to that. 

    That's my question also.  The one this week especially.   I don't really feel sorry for her at all.  It was really sort of creepy that she had so many sexual comments involving her "true love."   This lady isn't stupid.   This guy is the second man who has catfished her.   She apparently loves the excitement.

    I feel sorry for the man who worked so hard (if that indeed is the case) to provide the retirement portfolio she had.  She just pi**ed it all away.


  2. 2 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

    when they first show her on camera when "Phillip" walks onstage she does this crooking motion

    Oh yes I'm sure every one has seen that.  Especially since the camera is right smack dab in front of her when she does it.  And then he does it right back.  How very original of them.  

    When is the audience going to be able to ditch the Robin masks?

    Who the double H is going to support that idiot woman who gave all her money to the man of her dreams?

    • Love 1
  3. On 2/19/2022 at 10:47 PM, LittleIggy said:

    he Irish Wolfhound didn’t work out as a service dog,

    I love sighthounds and had a borzoi for 12 years.  She was such a great dog.  Sighthounds love being couch potatoes too (when they are done running).   I cannot imagine anyone thinking a dog that chases things that run would be a good service dog.   But I guess it would have held her up if she fell.

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

    Next week: a non-consummated marriage, another ripped-from-the-headlines episode and two servings of catfish.


    WHAT?   No angry 10 year olds ruling the roost or drug addict adult children living on the sofa being waited on?   Thanks Dr. Phil I may tune in then.

  5. 15 hours ago, milkyaqua said:

    Doesn't surprise me one bit.  Dr. P has said more than once he knows nothing about a show until he picks up that notebook he is given.   Most of the time I think he just plays the part like a programmed robot.  He has his little catch phrases he uses over and over and seems to depend on those to get him through.

    • Love 3
  6. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Plaintiff case dismissed.     Defendant case dismissed too, and she has a restraining order for three years against plaintiffs.   

    Were people this age born in a hole or something?  Boyfriend picking skills clearly lacking (plaintiff).  And who goes to court and says "yep" to a judge (defendant).  JJ did not correct her, however, or mention to plaintiff what a prize she had in her boyfriend.

    • Love 3
  7. On 1/21/2022 at 5:26 PM, Tango64 said:

    I have to be fair and say today’s show about the deluded husband restores some faith that Dr. Phil can still do some good. I’ve always thought Dr. Sophie was a solid guy and together they came to a resolution that protects the kids and might help that poor husband come to his senses. 
    No face cream or bingo apps, but I still cringe at his wife’s podcast logo. 

    I also don't have any snark for Dr. P on this episode.   It sounds as if he thought it was caused by prescription drug abuse.   He handled the guy pretty well.   I like Dr. Sophy and hope he has a plan for this guy.  

  8. 1 hour ago, HitItHarder..BAM said:

    This made me smile, ty for sharing!

    "Her hips don't lie and neither does she because she loves Jesus" is the most amazing thing I've heard all day 😂😂

    Me too.  That was really cute but not sure why she had to take up the space with herself instead of the characters.

    • Love 1
  9. 8 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

    1/6: Out of Control or Provoked?!

    Sumyr [yes, really] says that if she says "no" to her out-of-control 13-year-old son, Ash, he hits, bites, and kicks her and sometimes hurts her pets, and he once set her car on fire; Ash's grandmother blames Sumyr for provoking Ash to violence.

    1/7: Bad Teen or Bad Parents?

    Junior says he has had enough of his 17-year-old daughter Ollie's stealing cars, physically fighting and running away; she says she is a normal teen doing normal teen things and that she had to raise herself during her parents' years of drug use.



    I guess he does this type of show for couples that cannot decide if they want children.

    8 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

    1/3: Painfully Ill: Can Monica Be Saved?

    Monica's life consists of lying in bed, unable to eat solid food due to C-diff; her mother, Stephanie, says taking care of Monica has become a full-time job, and gets accused of enabling her.

    Ten sessions with Dr. on Demand.  Maybe Robin will have some pointers.

    • LOL 1
  10. Someone on facebook asked Dr. Pol (the official page but certainly not Dr. Pol himself) why he didn't spend some of that money he was earning off the show and build a room to hold his radiograph machine so they didn't have to keep going up and down the stairs.  The official answer was because it needed to be in the basement to absorb the rays.  Let me just tell you--her butt was raked over the coals by his fans.  I mean she doesn't have any skin left on her butt at all now.  She may as well asked Dr. Pol if he had a girlfriend.

    I'm just wondering--does that mean all the other vets that don't have their machine in a basement are wrong?

    • LOL 4
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