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  1. Loving Rosehaven, thanks for the rec!
  2. I always feel like such an outcast when I proclaim my dislike of Game of Thrones. Everyone i know seems to love it, even the bookish girls who worship Anne of Green Gables. So it's always comforting to hear that Sarah and Tara don't watch it, I feel validated! I thought Tara's comment about the entire episode feeling like a bunch of meetings was spot on about most of the series. And I gave the show a good chance, watched the first three seasons. My husband still watches, so i catch a bit here and there. To me, it feels like watching The Young and the Restless, a lot of stilted, dull dialogue between two people standing still in a room with very little wit, except sometimes from Tyrion, and very little heart. But, since I am a twitter and podcast addict, I do try to keep up vaguely with what's happening, so I am not completely out of the nationsl conversation. Has anyone read or written a really clever good takedown of the show? Would love to read one.
  3. I knew I had heard this somewhere before! I think my stepgrandfather used to play it for us.
  4. Sarah D. Bunting saying "ew" after the clip of Kelly and her dad canoodling was great.
  5. You would also think that if Joe was a quarterback at a UCLA-like college, he'd have spent plenty of time with diverse teammates and wouldn't sound like a such an ignoramous.
  6. This was such a hilarious treat to listen to, downloaded it a few weeks late, so glad I did!
  7. Just want to add that I thought Alex was a great valued guest, haven't watched Anne, but her review made me want to watch, and loved her commentary on Six Feet Under. I hope her Gross Equalize Challenge goose eggs don't scare her off from returning to the show!
  8. Was sorta sad to hear Sarah and Dave indicate they did not like Six Feet Under, since, despite its flaws, one of my favorite shows of the "prestige" era. So rare to have a good drama that doesn't focus on a man who either kills or cheats or both. I also hate this episode, but I hate all torture, and why I won't watch Dexter, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Fargo, certain seasons of Breaking Bad, and the list goes on . . .Actually kinda thought TV writers had become desensitized! So nice to hear everyone on the podcast still horrified by this one.
  9. Am enjoying The Great War on OnDemand, thanks for the rec, Sarah D. Bunting!
  10. No joke, I just teared up in my car when Kim described all the menfolk helping Pa after seeing the girls lift the sack. Never watched the show, but read the books and saw ads for the show enough that I can picture all the characters. Not sure if a recap has ever made me both LOL and COL.
  11. Kelly is very Kate Gosselin in these episodes, both in looks and personality.
  12. I actually thought Brandon's list of things wrong with college girls was kinda funny. Especially since it's true, none of the women on the show have a sense of humor.
  13. I guess I'm a dork, but I thought Brandon's and Dylan''s banter was amusing. "You bought the college, didn't you?" made me LOL. Maybe it's because I'm not watching any of this, just listening to the podcast. Also, the college in my hometown, Montana State, had a paper with a paid staff.
  14. Sarah was on fire this episode. So many good snarky comments in the background. I especially loved "jerked off to it" about Kellys cover, made me LOL on my dreary drive to work.
  15. Also, attention Kim Reed, who wrote the most hilarious recap of an old Battle of the Network Stars episode as one of her most awesome things I saw on TV last week back in the TWoP days. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.arts.tv/AuzQAT-3j_M
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