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  1. I agree. Maybe she just wasn’t ready to be done. I know the feeling. When something forces you to quit something you adore. For me, it was running.
  2. Rewatching Season 14. Two things pop up that made me shake my head like what??? 1. Bridget looked absolutely stricken when Gabbi got cut, so maybe that fed into why she was only around for 2 years. Also, wtf?! Why was Kelli such a bitch to her when she fainted? 2. wtf happened with Ashley? She went from top scoring rookie behind Victoria to cut over her kicks which didn’t look that bad to me? Wtf?! also what was all the high fiving with Victoria? We’re they showing us she had “changed?” How? I never got that. Nothing against Victoria. Anyway, season 14 was weird af. Then the Merideth love.
  3. As a person who has also suffered from ED, this picture does scare me. The video really got me because you can alter photos and it’s harder to alter vids. I’m a bigger built person who got way too skinny and it took years to finally be okay with myself. I struggle daily not to fall into old habits. I’m really hoping she is taking charge of her physical and mental well being. The girl has been under a microscope for three years. I hope she isn’t listening to those who are judging. I’m not; I’m just worried. ☹️
  4. I’m watching Season 9 on paramount, and I just cringe when they start going after all the “heavy” cheerleaders. Poor Meagan. She wasn’t big at all. Also Hannah. Hannah had put on some weight, but they railed on her from auditions. Why did they take her if they were that pissed off about her weight gain? Also, Christina (who made it in S12) couldn’t do the splits. She was injured iirc, so again, why take her? They made some odd decisions that season.
  5. I’ve always liked Caroline. They just do her dirty with her hair. I honestly hate to talk ugly about these beautiful ladies when I spend 99% of my life looking like a damn thumb with a pair of glasses. anyway, the last two or three years, it’s been much harder to root for the girls because of the secrecy. Lockdown or not, I know nothing about them from about Season 13, maybe 14 on.
  6. Wow, I just read those, went back and they are GONE! Crazy!
  7. Lisa looks fantastic! She’s beautiful and smart. I could tell her heart was broken when she had to resign to have surgery so I wish her the best.
  8. I bought Season 15 and have never rewatched it. Just couldn’t do it after I heard what the did to those poor girls during covid no less. All the while letting some not participate, or do a one day audition.
  9. I think that’s a great idea. That would have been really good for people like Malena who was a great speaker, but not a fabulous dancer. S10 Courtney comes to mind, and I’m sure there are many more I can’t think of because it’s Monday after a holiday. 🤣 however, “tradition” in Texas rules, so I’m sure it’ll be the same as it ever was.
  10. I have old looking hands because of Ehlers-Danlos, but I am closing in on 50. My kids call them elephant hands. I’ve seen multiple people get hacked with that crypto/money stuff. Grace Sells is another that I feel like was hacked. 🙄🙄 Season 5 (I think was that Nicole and Ann Lux rookie season?) is on right now and they’re doing swimsuit shoot. (I do NOT remember this!) Kelsi Rich had the cutest dimples and was making funny faces. Also, Tia is just goals. She’s amazing. Top 3 DCC ever in my opinion of course. Why does no one mention her?!
  11. Was that the one when he told them to look to the right , look to the left and start running! So rude! Honestly, none of those girls were big. Even Dinesha was a tall, large frame girl. She weighed 150, but I bet she was 5’10, 5’11. I’m 5’8 and weigh 145, and usually people don’t think I weigh that. weight is varied. I have long legs, and all mine is in boobs and booty, so I look smaller. I’ve never understood the being a certain height/weight? If I get under 130, I’d look like a skeleton, but I’m betting that’s a DCC weight. I’d never achieve that in a healthy way even 20 years ago. when I look at DCCs like Claire, Maddie, Brooke, s9 Courtney, Vivian (I know she only tcc)Kandi H., they were all beautiful and curvy. Claire’s body is to die for. I think that stupid TV is what made the skinny-almost skeletal look more popular. I prefer the curvier DCCs.
  12. She’s amazing and Sasha!! One of my top five is still gorgeous. This girl…now there is a kick ass legacy. I didn’t see how old she was? Is she old enough yet?
  13. That’s awesome! (I love both Nicole and Ashton so I’d love to visit there at some point.) As far as Covid, lucky me developed symptoms the day after I got home from Orlando. (12/23) I am vaccinated and a strict mask user.Texas is a hot zone right now apparently. anyhow, bless anyone who has it. My dr said being vaccinated saved my life. I feel for all the girls who have to quarantine and are sick during the holiday. It’s rough. Luckily, we will celebrate after New Year’s. It’s pretty exciting now that the Cowboys have won the division. I hope we go far in the playoffs! 🙌🏼😍
  14. Re: pro bowl I’d love to see Gina go, but I think it’s awesome for Lexie to go as well. Too bad they can’t both go. I love them both. I feel like there will be a year like season six next year where there isn’t a lot of tenured vets on the squad since we’ve already heard of some 4-5 year girl retirements. I think it’ll be interesting to see who steps up as leaders. I could be completely off base, but I’ll be excited to see what happens. whatever happens, I hope Ashlee stays. She’s amazing.
  15. The new America’s girls podcast is great. I’ve really enjoyed it.
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