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Posts posted by milkyaqua

  1. Well that was anti-climatic but congratulations to the winner.  Didn't appreciate Goldfish's performance of the first song (it's like she knew she was going to win so why try).  Gumball is certainly fond of 70's rock.

    See everybody next time.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, edhopper said:

    In a fire fight, you should always stand outside your bullet proof vehicle out in the open.

    Why not take the Humvee and drive off road after Monica, who is on foot, probably heels.

    Oh now there you go looking for logic.  I pretty much expect that TPTB are going to treat the audience as a bunch of maroons no matter the show/movie.

  3. Oh geez, so when Monica pops up again she's going to be an international woman of crime?  Seriously show, why didn't you just kill her, ugh!  Now we have Bailey's ex and Oscar running around.  At least Nolan and Bailey got a warning this time.  Also, it would probably be a good idea to wait on a kid until after both those loons are back in prison.

    I did appreciate Thorson telling the doctor to stuff it.

    We won't even go into the silliness of Nolan and Harper going to Argentina, going rogue and being back in time for the wrap-up.

    I'd wish for better next season but that would entail some type of miracle.

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  4. That was a lot and yes, when Will was arresting Angie I thought, "But what about Amanda?"  And of course Crystal was the killer.  I was glad when Will told her she was the one responsible for the mess with her daughter.  I was annoyed when he apologized to her and no, I can't see her doing the right thing and admitting she brought a loser into her home with her daughter and didn't believe  Crystal about any of her trauma.

    I'm also with Ormewood when it comes to the custody fight.  Also, he knew what Angie did, so how does this impact him?  I don't see Angie dragging him into it.

    As for Faith and her boyfriend, with this show you just know he can't be without his issues.

    I do hope with a full season we won't have so much darkness on top of darkness.

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  5. On 5/20/2024 at 12:04 PM, slowpoked said:

    I don’t think she’s upset, but more like finally resigning to the fact that there was never anything between them anyway. Doesn’t make sense she would be upset considering she won’t even make nice with Josh after he tried to fix things with her in a proper breakup way, not getting back together.

    I agree with this.  Serena was lucky to have dodged that bullet.  Why TPTB thought that Josh and Allie were that compelling was beyond me.

    I wouldn't mind Max, Beau, Serena and Chris popping up on the new version.  And yes, what was up with all the medical examiners.  The twins can sail off to oblivion and take Penny with them.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    The Penny/Jack stuff is a waste of screen time and Sonya’s return is pointless. We don’t actually need the Nikolayevich siblings in this episode.

    The final scene that teases a new killer preying on the unhoused has been edited out. Good call! 👍🏻

    Definitely agree with the first part.  I'd have rather had the other doctor and Penny focusing on her job.  Didn't know anything about the new killer tease.

    Owain Yeoman was wasted but at least he got a paycheck.

    I'll miss the show as well even though I suspect that the things that annoy some of us would have continued if the show had survived.

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  7. Yes, no way M.E.L. doesn't somehow pop-up next season.  How very POI except not as well done.

    I could care less about Robyn and Marcus but yes that was an abrupt end to that relationship.  Couldn't Marcus' captain just transfer him to another burrough?  And yes, he had a day to get his kids situated with their mom and what about this house?  Unless the actor is leaving the show, how will he get back to NYC?  A major crime kingpin who his new team has to follow to NYC?

    Mel taking time to deal with her trauma is fine but is it expected to got past the summer break or half way through next season?  And yes, there's the national threat and of course Michelle is still running around meaning Fisk won't be going anywhere and Harry has to find a way to decrypt whatever he and Fisk stole on their trip.

    As for Dee, yes, it was nice of her to figure out she could help people and not be in the military to do it.  But as asked by another, why couldn't she ask her guidance counseler knowing how her mom and Aunt Vi felt?  Hopefully next season TPTB can wrangle in the Dee/Aunt Vi in jeopardy stories.

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  8. Yes, the only thing I was sure of was that Goldfish would go into the finale even though I agree the song choice wasn't the best.

    I'm a little disappointed that Clock didn't get to the finale but I also had a feeling that TPTB may have wanted a male in there.  When Rita first said Thelma Houston, I wasn't sure but it made more sense than some of the other guesses (a couple I could never see doing it and one isn't as mobile as she used to be).  But during the battle royale she hit a few notes and I knew Rita was right.

  9. It was nice seeing A Martinez.

    Monica as super information broker using young, inexperienced pyschologist to blackmail cops into telling info to help her scummy, clients.  Okay, show.  And of course now she's going to help Hutchinson break out of jail.  Sure.

    Of course Smitty would be hanging out five days a week at that office for the snacks.

    Nolan promising the doc protection is a joke since cops city-wide are part of this mess.

    The whole nanny mess thing is par for the course with this show.  How did neither Lopez or Harper ask for past references or at least do a deeper dive on her work history?  And of course now her former client is mixed up in this several degrees due to Monica.

    I hope they rap up this nonsense and get rid of Monica for good on the finale.

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    • Fire 1
  10. Eh, so Max, Catherine and Chris go to a factory in the night with strange goings on and something bad happens, shocking.

    The main case was interesting though I have no interest in whatever drama is happening between Penny and Chris.  I really don't care all that much about characters shows like to make quirky and full of emotional ticks so I'm already not a Penny fan.

    I hope the finale doesn't leave any cliffhangers.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 hours ago, Brown44 said:

    Damn man, can Dee and Aunt Vi do anything to have fun without getting it F'd up?

    That was my thought as well though I'd read the description before so I knew it was coming.  I do wish every episode involving Aunt Vi and Dee didn't need to be a storytime or lessens we learned today thing.

    And yes, does the fact that Marcus helped take down Colon erase the fact that he went against his Captain?

    I figured Harry would come clean to Mel and that Mel would not be happy about it.  And yes, while I don't mind the CIA stuff as much as others, I do think they need to concentrate more on COTW helping out ordinary people than focusing so much on the cloak and dagger.  Also, I can't be the only one who's waiting for Harry to lose control of M.E.L. because you know it's coming.

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  12. Please let this be the beginning of the end for Monica.  I get her wanting to know who wanted her taken out (because of course there's a line of possibilities) but the whole injuring herself more to go to the hospital and interagate the perp only to then turn around and murder him when he wouldn't talk.  Ugh.  You shot him in both feet and he wouldn't talk, at that point, let it go because no way another hitman isn't going to come your way.

    But Monica is also mixed up with what went down with the metro ops team?  Not to mention the psychiatrist who kept popping up where she had no business being and the cop who threw himself off the building which of course Tim is going to get blamed for (which of course Lucy will insert herself all up into the investigation).  What nonsense is this?

    So now Bailey is off the having a baby train because she doesn't want to spend the money on IVF?  Okay, you just know she's going to get pregnant when she least expects it but whatever.  Tim and Lucy, meh, don't care, never did.  It was nice to see the dog though. 

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  13. Same feelings.  Glad Will unlocked this memory and that his uncle was there for him to tell him it wasn't his fault.  Hopefully, Will can keep his uncle in his life and maybe work through anymore trauma.

    And yes, too many women of color disappear and aren't cared about unless it gets major attention.  Was glad that Lily Watkin's case got solved and loved Faith's disgust with the dad.

    Ormewood and Angie's case looked interesting and it was a way to make Michael more interesting and a more interesting case than the whole Angie and Crystal thing.  Something says the roommate thing with Joey is a disaster waiting to happen and no more oxygen needs to be expended on that storyline.

    • Like 7
  14. Yeah, I also questioned why Jesse wasn't just arrested or why the antidote wasn't confiscated.  Kate contacts or not, a foreign government is just going to take the word of the American and just let it go, favor owed or not?

    And yes, you do wonder whether or not TPTB at least knew they were on the bubble or up for possible cancellation because they definitely could have cut the Maggie scene and just ended with the party.

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  15. How is it so many of these shows have computer systems that can be hacked?  I know hacking is a real life thing but come on, how many times does it have to happen to the same lab?  I think the only one that was worse was the NCIS shows.

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  16. Agree, why not just leave this CSI and go over to COTW stories.  Heck, most of the time when shows do these long drawn out storylines, TPTB don't bother keeping track of the plot points and consistently retcon and assume the audience is as dumb as a box of rocks.  COTW makes it a lot easier for folks to follow in general and TPTB don't have to look like complete idiots trying to juggle multiple threads.

    And yes, nothing could be as comical as CSI Miami.

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  17. I will never understand shows where the good guys are able to take out this bad guy and that but then leave behind all of their weapons much less not maybe take a phone.  Ugh.  I've never been into this show for the personal relationship drama so I have no interest in Dante's brother.  It was bad enough with just his dad.

    And yes, Harry being able to figure out the peach cobbler just in time before finding out Dante was in dire straits was comical.

    Anything with Dee is almost always eye rolling to me and yes, if Tyrese is that hard-up for money, maybe buying expensive shoes isn't the way to go about dealing with limited resources.  Agree, this kid is probably going to turn back up so Dee can drag her mom and others into trying to help.

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  18. I'm only surprised by this cancellation considering CBS uncancelled and renewed S.W.A.T. of all things who are down to a couple of original cast members and mostly newbies that don't exactly have charisma.

    I've also never gotten into Tracker or Fire Country.  I also have no interest in seeing Origins or the Tony/Ziva thing.  I did watch NCIS Sydney a few times but usually forgot it was on.  If money is the issue, I can't see Sydney being cheaper than Hawaii (unless Sydney is somehow getting different money).

  19. 3 hours ago, Bookworm13 said:

    The stupid Allie/Josh stuff had me rolling my eyes too. Please don’t go there show, nobody wants that. 

    There must be someone who wants otherwise why would TPTB keep going there?  They could have just left Josh with Serena but considering Josh has issues, Serena probably got out in time.

    The only interesting part of the case was seeing how they figured out how each man died but yes, the mom/daughter seemed guilty from the start.  Not sorry to see them both go to jail where they can spend all the time they want together.

    I get everyone has to start somewhere but surely at some point in police training Serena ran across a course on how to go undercover?  If not, she needs to reacquaint herself with how to be effective/good at it.

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  20. Episode was fine but agree about not caring about Dante's dad and whatever drama he's into.  Dante has enough issues with his captain.

    The whole Harry keeping stuff from Mel and Robyn regarding whatever it is Fisk has him doing is also not good.  No way this doesn't blow-up in Harry's face when he ultimately relents and tells Mel.

    As for the case, granddad didn't find it odd that an organization would accept his say so for taking his granddaughter and not wanting actual parental permission?  Not that he couldn't have just lied about being her guardian but still that didn't send up red flags?  He was wrong regardless but come on.

    I could still do with less Dee but I didn't mind her so much this episode and it was good that she and her mom seemed to come to an understanding...for now.

    • Like 5
  21. Yes, how exactly did Robyn get back?  I guess she held a gun to the pilot's head to get him or them to turn around.  Whatever show.  And yes, how would the Chinese government not now have Robyn and her folks on their radar?

    Miles wanting in seems bizarre.  Robyn's spidey senses should be sounding alarms.

    I think Robyn's problem with Delilah protesting, besides getting arrested/assaulted, is that protests these days are more extreme and that all the supposed protesters aren't necessarily there for the protest.

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  22. The lemon seemed a small thing but they made a point that the dishes had to match the picture.  Also, the cameras kept focusing on it when Mada put his plate on the platform and there was also Ayesha who'd made a comment about him managing his time.

    As for Mr. Dreadlocks, why wouldn't you make extra ravioli in case some of them blew out? 

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