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Everything posted by AllyinthekeyofX

  1. http://www.reocities.com/ally_fic/gene_pro.html This hasn't seen the light of day for a very long time. When I wrote it I got some fabulous feedback and it was archived all over the place. It was also shortlisted for a 'Spooky award' - possibly my finest moment ever. Didn't win one but the shortlist was enough. Its novel length. If you read it and want to give feedback, ignore the e-mail address on the site. Its inactive and won't reach me.
  2. I had previously never watched 'William' - there was stuff going on in my life at the time that just made it emotionally impossible. I read spoilers so I knew the broader details but on the whole I shut myself off from it. After the finale I put XF to bed and filed it away. I didn't re-watch any of it. My life moved on, my priorities changed. I stopped writing fic and basically, for me it was like the show never happened. Of course I was kidding myself at the time. Like I say, I had some serious health issues at the time. When I heard it was coming back again I was shocked and a little afraid that painful memories would resurface. But I felt compelled to revisit the series right from Pilot. Maybe I wasn't paying attention by the time season 9 originally rolled around but now I've watched it in detail, I have to say that I think some of the finest character moments came from that last season. OMG the heartbreak. It was like all the feelings I'd had for the show had merely been sleeping. And now I feel like I never stepped away for a second. Sorry for the ramblings lol
  3. I'm in the UK but finally figured out how to make Hulu think I'm in the US (techy stuff not my strong point). Anyway, I had a 3 episode binge, 'Home again' being one of them. Not my favourite of the season. It all felt a bit disconnected in an emotional sense. But saying that, the monster was gross, the premise was good, the creepiness was creepy....I wish they had concentrated on more of motw and not tried to branch it off with introspective characterisation of M&S - I used to write fic that concentrated mainly on first person POV and this ep left me slightly wanting. But heck, its new XF so I'm pretty forgiving ;) And I'm new here - pleased to have found such a current forum :)
  4. I recently found all my fanfic - written back in the day and had a great time re-reading it all. It seems like a lifetime ago. I even wrote two novel length, how I found the time or the imagination I will never know. I was actually surprised to see the website still there. I suppose it must be true that nothing really dies lol
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