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  1. That was Teo - Luis's son and the body we saw in the opening shot of the season.
  2. I was wrong in trying to explain her behavior because it was giving her a pass for her racism and her violent abuse of Gabrielle, and she doesn't deserve a pass; her actions are reprehensible.
  3. Aja reminds me so much of Venus Xtravaganza. And I agree, she would have been brilliant as Crystal.
  4. Oh, Aja as Crystal would have been perfect. Damn, I'm pissed we didn't get to see that.
  5. Clair may just be an inherently evil person, or, as I suspect, she's acting out late-stage postpartum and stress from losing her mother, and that she's living with an emotionally abusive husband, and then taking it out on Gabrielle in the most horrific way. I'm reticent to say postpartum because I don't want to equate that with violent tendencies. If it were any other actor playing Clair, I would say she's just an all out nasty person, but Taylor plays her with a flicker of humanity that I feel there's something else going on.
  6. In a previous scene, Dustin and this other guy had told her that Tracy had the best clients and was making the most money, so I think Shey went snooping on Tracy's computer to get the names of some of those clients.
  7. That's how I felt too! Only I opened my mouth to yell but no sound came out. I'm still a mess over it.
  8. Oh my gods.
  9. That was like watching a slow motion horror movie. Everything about Clair and the husband are so creepy and if I were Gabriella I'd want to leave. Everything Gabriella said screams that she's about to become a victim. She isn't close to her son, he doesn't know where she is, she handed over her passport, the family is super weird. (the thing about the leftovers, the way Clair pushed her off the kid etc) I find the Gabriella scenes so intense and terrifying. "That was like watching a slow motion horror movie." Oh that's the perfect way to put it. I was utterly terrified by that scene.
  10. Thank you so much! What a powerful scene, but then again, it's a powerful show. Mickaëlle X. Bizet is a powerhouse; everything she does in this episode had me in pieces.
  11. Indirectly at the start with Diego being interviewed by a detective.
  12. https://twitter.com/AmericanCrimeTV/status/851515655949922304 Hey, this has the scene.
  13. Scheck surprised me the most; I would have thought he'd have shown some contrition, but no. Nothing can prepare you for the photographs. I read all the books, all the Vanity Fair articles, so I figured I'd be somewhat ready. Again, no.
  14. If there is a season 3, I do hope you come back, because your insights into this season have helped me parse a lot of things that I missed or couldn't figure out. That also goes for the entire forum.
  15. "the overall picture was of both broken people AND a broken system." I completely agree. I loved the finale, obviously; well as much as you can love something this tough to get through.
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