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Everything posted by blaksheba

  1. Wonderful start to the new season. I like the reunions. Great to see Morgan, but, unless he has at least 1 other person with him, how can anyone account for that perfect haircut he has? He is completely edge up perfectly. That being said, I'm excited to see where all the stories go.
  2. Zillabreeze, this is exactly what I think when watching the show. I thought I was the only person who felt that way. It is actually quite creepy. The other thing I noticed is that most of them have the same body type as well.
  3. What I liked about this episode, was that there were some outdoor shots. That being said, I must say, this show gets progressively worse each episode. Some of the younger actors have such limited range that it can be difficult to get into their story. I want to support this show because frankly it features a number of Black actors who probably weren't working much before this show, but wow.. The scenes with the Overgroomed-Gangtas were humorous (I'm sure it was all unintentional, of course). Poor one-note Quincy has no allies, it seems. I don't know if its the direction or the actor, but Quincy's overcool demeanor, head-cocked-to-the-left, heavily-veiled eyes, toothpick-in the mouth, low-mumbling talking is just comical. Candace/Tika Sumpter seems to be getting the shaft though... it seems like since Tika Sumpter "corrected" Tyler Perry on The Tyler Perry talk show last year that her role is getting less and less deliciously evil and more ridiculous and unlikeable. TP seemed pretty annoyed when she said THATHN is "*our* show" after he was over-congratualating himself about how wonderful his show is. I certainly hope I am reading too much into this. Tika Sumpter wasn't wrong; although TP is the brains behind it, it took a team effort to bring the show into prominence. All of the talented people in the cast and crew contributed in some way. Its always great when people think as a team when working on a project, not as individuals jockeying for control. I'm not liking the new direction the actor playing Benny is taking the character... Benny is coming off as a glib, smart-alec, jerk. I am curious to know who thought that would make the character more interesting. The acting was bland before, but I suspected he was supposed to be a fail to Candace, now it makes me wonder why saintly Hannah would dote on such an asshole and hate on Candace so much. That aside, I do think it was weird that Candace would be able to get a cab to stop for, pick her up and take her to an unsavory neighborhood given that she wasn't wearing any shoes.
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