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Everything posted by MulletorHater

  1. Well, when you're Katie and grew up on a diet of (a) being the "good Logan" and the best of the bunch; and (b) firmly believing that your own fecal matter doesn't stink, self-awareness isn't exactly on the menu. All she knows is that she and Ridge are in love, and it's infuriating that other people won't fall in line and accept that. That's why she had to hightail it over to Forrester Creations to arrogantly berate Eric because he had the temerity to appoint Brooke and Ridge as co-vice presidents of his damn company. I would have had more respect for her if she simply lifted her leg and peed on Ridge to mark her territory.
  2. Sarah Palin is what happens when the men supposedly vetting her for Senator McCain are thinking with the heads below their waists instead of the ones above their shoulders. It's been apparent for years that this bitch is bitter, along with McCain, for losing the 2008 election. Her obsessive need to attack President and Michelle Obama speaks volumes. And, she takes no ownership whatsoever for whipping up the ignorant nut fringe, one of whom saw nothing wrong with waiving a confederate flag in front of a White House currently occupied by a Black family. I've yet to understand why the media listens to anything this increasingly haggard failed governor has to say. Given that this idiot didn't know what the vice president's purpose is in the Senate, I would bet dollars to donuts she doesn't know the role of the Senate in impeachment proceedings either.
  3. She started distancing herself months ago when she repeatedly stated, "Apollo is his own man; he does what he wants to do." That was her code for "I had nothing to do with Apollo's schemes; that was all on him!" Mr. Nida was just too dumb to pick up on it. Phaedra will certainly have her hands full with her Angela Staunton litigation, which isn't going away anytime soon.
  4. Snaporaz, this comment was enough to strike terror in this young heart of mine! Under no circumstances do I want Ridge--especially this version of him--pining for Brooke and doing his usual cock-blocking schtick to keep her from moving on. It astounds me that no one in LaLa Land has yet to state the obvious. Ridge is ultimately responsible for what happened to him. Had he minded his business and kept his ass at home where it belonged, no one would have had to "cool him off." At the very least, Katie should be beyond annoyed that her new fiance rushed off to another continent to stop his ex from marrying another man. And, dare I hope that the writers actually pleasantly surprise me by having Brooke stay with Bill when she finds out what really happened? Or, will I be treated to another scenario of her running off to her "destiny" and being used to prop up the duller-than-dishwater Kringe? I also wonder if these motor skill problems are keeping Ridge from servicing the obviously insecure Katie in their bedroom.
  5. Lawd, have mercy! I just can't. I realize that in Brad Bell's mind that Hope is supposed to be the "new Brooke," but this woman-child has nothing that draws me in the way Brooke did back in the day. I've had my fill of the "Perils of Pauline" storylines with Hope and could care less which of Bill Spencer's sons she actually chooses. Not to mention that she is the hypotenuse in a triangle with two of the most unappealing twerps on daytime.
  6. We've come a long way from when then-candidate John F. Kennedy had to reassure the American public that he would not allow his religion to dictate his duties in office. I agree about Hillary, but actually prefer that she hammers home the point that voters need to not sit at home and turn out in November 2014 to vote. No matter who the candidate is in 2016, this president desperately needs a congress he can work with, especially the Senate. The last thing I want is seeing the last two years of his term bogged down by attempts to impeach (oh, "sue") him in the House. That includes those close gubernatorial races where Democratic candidates have their GOP candidates on the rope and are pulling ahead of them in the polls. After what happened with the gubernatorial race in Virginia (which was a lot closer than people predicted), no one can afford to sit the 2014 midterms out. I say let 2016 take care of itself.
  7. I've read variations of this same canard elsewhere. Surely, these fools who live inside of a bubble of wealth and privilege, are aware that people choose jobs for various reasons and that one can't always simply leave a job when they feel like it. Most of us don't have golden parachutes that will tide us over until something better comes along. This decision by the 5 cardinals--um, I mean, the 5 conservative Supreme Court justices is chilling. The last time I checked, the decision to use birth control--whether to prevent pregnancy, control excessive bleeding or to regulate one's cycles--is a decision between a woman and her doctor. I won't even touch on the hypocrisy of Hobby Lobby getting a lot of the cheap junk they sell from China--a country that mandates abortions and forced birth control. Landsnark, sometimes the jokes just write themselves! LOL! Someone who "vetted" Sarah Palin to be one heart attack away from the presidency, only to tearfully confess that she didn't vote at all because she just couldn't bring herself to do so.
  8. If I recall correctly, Brooke acted like it was the best sex she had ever had. That sure didn't say much about Ridge's much ballyhooed prowess!
  9. To me, it's the ultimate dick-measuring contest for nuRidge. Even someone as dim as he is would recognize that Bill won't be easily gotten rid of or cut bait and run at the first sign of a Bridge tease. Plus, Bill's overpowering personality ensures that Brooke won't be pining away for Ridge, and old boy can't have that. I mean, how dare Brooke not be sitting at home sobbing over memories of what were and what could have been while Ridge moves on with the "better" woman? This also means that he won't be in a position to give Brooke false hope as he had repeatedly done in the past. Plus, it must gall him on some primal level that Bill's nickname, "Stallion," is well earned. That's why it was important for Ridge to sucker punch Bill in his office and again in front of Brooke in Abu Dhabi.
  10. I think that RS is being wasted on the kiddie story, and Quinnsane just comes across looking ridiculous as a result. Consequently, Wynutt comes across looking like the kid who can't win in a fair fight without his mommy running interference for him by holding the other boy down while Wynutt gets his licks in and calls the other boy a "punk ass bitch." Then to add insult to injury, the mommy gloats that her son kicked the other boy's butt despite the fact that he clearly had help! Not content with that, she simply won't leave the other boy alone. I could see Quinnsane mixing it up with the grownups in her own age group and I honestly thought that she would be a formidable opponent for Bill's attention. Instead, we have a grown ass woman going out of her way--to the point of threats, intimidation and violence--to ensure that some silly girl picks her son. None of it makes a lick of sense to me and is totally turning me off of what could have been an intriguing and enjoyable character. Nor, does it help that Quinnsane's son won't simply take the hint and move on himself as any other guy would have by now. But, this show's trademark is having someone chase after a wishy-washy character. I know the question was asked how Stephanie and Quinnsane differed. For me there's a key difference. We at least understood the root of Stephanie's hatred for Brooke and the Logans, which was revealed in the show's first year. We learned that Eric's broke his romance off with the late Elizabeth Henderson because he had a one-night stand with fast-tail debutante, Stephanie Douglas. We saw when Beth reentered Eric's life 25 years later and we saw and understood why Stephanie was so insecure. She knew that she was Eric's second choice and that motivation colored her actions for the rest of her tenure on the show. We saw her obsession with Ridge early on, as well as her ambivalent relationships with her other children, and we were actually invested in the characters. Given that Quinnsane and her son are new to the show, I've yet to understand why Hope is so important that Wynutt has to have her. Will he die or something? I understood her anger toward Bill when she first arrived, but even that was over the top because the anger was misplaced given that she lied to her kid about the existence of his father and never informed Bill in all those years that she decided to have the baby. I was actually worried we were going to have Morgan Redux III when Quinnsane became obsessed with Bill. And, that's the other thing. This chick changes obsessions the way most of us change our underwear.
  11. He's kidding with this shit, right? What the heck did he think the tea partiers meant when they marched around with racist signs and shrieked, "We want our country back!" immediately after President Obama's first election? Wouldn't the natural follow-up question have been, "Back from what?" Yeah, Joe...keep right on being supremely disingenuous! Surely, he's heard this president referred to as the "food stamp president," "not a real American like us," "lazy," and as having a "Muslim outlook," and other race-baiting slurs. Come on, Joe--can't you for once be real with your shit and not insult our intelligence? Or, maybe Joe wasn't paying attention to the "birther" movement, as well as some mainstream GOP lawmakers who have been seeking to delegitimize President Obama since 2008 and the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections. Perhaps Joe didn't know about the GOP impeachment "playbook" or the strategy dinner at the Caucus Room Restaurant in D.C. the night of President Obama's first inauguration, which was attended by Rep. Paul Ryan, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Mitch McConnell and other GOP notables who decided that night that their first priority was to make President Obama a one-term president. That was their first priority over fixing an economy that was in free fall (thanks to their economic policies) or ending two wars where the tab is still running.
  12. I simply don't get it. What strikes me as odd is that none of these people ever go to the police. There have been other incidents where Quinn attempted to terrorize Lame. Yesterday's nonsense reminded me of the aftermath of the Big Bear assault. Brooke actually did pick up the phone to call the police on Stephanie, but allowed (the operative word) herself to be talked out of it by Thorne. His excuse? "Mother wasn't in her right mind." Gee, no kidding! Oh, and here's the kicker: "You know she would have never hurt you." Never mind that the demented hag acted like she was in a slasher movie and was going to do a Mama Bates and stab Brooke with a chef's knife. Never mind that she hopped on her broom and flew to Big Bear to stop Brooke from "seducing" Thorne. Never mind that Thorne was a grown man and a willing participant in this seduction. It also reminds me of when Brooke was raped and learned that Stephanie facilitated her rape by telling Andy where he could find the extra key to Brooke's home, not to mention telling him that Brooke likes sex and would happily put out. The police should have been called immediately and Stephanie should have never gotten away with it. But, I digress. It also amazes me how these clowns make excuses for criminal behavior by "fambly" members that they wouldn't tolerate from anyone else. Maybe Thorne thought he owed Mommie Dearest one for keeping him out of jail when he shot Ridge in the head all those years ago. Now we have Wynutt making excuses for Quinn. I realize she's his mother and all, but come on, dude. There are times when I distinctly get a Sante and Kenny Kimes vibe from them. I haven't felt this befuddled about a mama's actions since the Texas Cheerleader Mom who hired a hit man to "take out" another girl because her precious baby didn't make the cheerleader squad.
  13. ITA about Livia doing a much better job of hiding her feelings and using others. Quinnsane hasn't graduated to poisons--yet. Lame at this point needs to start sleeping with one eye open and a pistol under his pillow, and this is coming from someone who abhors gun violence. But, as Chris Rock once said, "I understand!" At this point, I don't know if Quinnsane is worth the bullet and would probably need to be shot several times, stabbed, kicked in the head with a steel-toe boot, and drowned in the bathtub to ensure she's actually dead and stays that way. I don't know if so-called "stand your ground" laws are in operation in California, but I would think that being stalked and harassed by someone whom everyone by now knows is certifiable would be the perfect opportunity for Lame to put the trash out and save whatever is left for the police and paramedics when they arrive. I barely paid attention to Maya the first time around because there simply is no "there" there. But, I seem to recall her being written as the underdog against suddenly bitchy Caroline, who complained to her Uncle Bill, who promptly started to intimidate her and tried to blackmail her with her criminal past (turns out she was wrongfully convicted) and a dangerous ex. I never got a gold digger vibe from her either. This just-add-water-and-mix nonsense with Maya and Rick just came out of nowhere. Is it a case of the writers being desperate to give Rick something to do?
  14. It's ironic that PBS aired its Freedom Summer documentary last night (which was excellent!) on the 50th anniversary of the effort to register Black voters in Mississippi. How ironic that some of McDaniel's supporters are squawking about voter fraud and policing the polls (i.e., intimidating Black voters) because they can't accept what happened in last night's primary in Mississippi. It would be nice if Joe & Co. could explore why people were wiling to risk death, financial reprisals and being shunned socially 50 years ago for the right to vote and helping others to do so. Yet, only a small fraction of the electorate now thinks it's even worthwhile to vote. Dare I suggest that they discuss the irony of Freedom Summer 50 years ago and the current GOP's attempts to suppress voters in at least 24 states? If anything, this panel (including Cackles) should have figured out years ago that anything Sarah Palin touches and endorses turns to absolute shit. Why anyone continues to seek this woman's endorsement or commentary is a mystery to me.
  15. Oh, you mean that second-rate relationship that took nearly two years to evolve? The one devoid of "pomes," soccer in the park and passion? I look forward to Kringe and their grand passion, which is a cure for insomnia. For Katie's sake, hopefully he'll be able to perform in spite of his head trauma. As for Lame and Quinnsane, I agree that she gives off an I, Claudius Livia vibe. It would serve her right though if the playa-hater got herself played by the ultimate player himself, Deacon. I've yet to understand why she is so freakin' obsessed with Wynutt and Hope being together. What is so special about Hope that Wynutt just has to be with her? It's one thing to be disappointed for your child, but setting up someone to be physically harmed...twice?! Lame is an idiot if he doesn't get a restraining order, a guard dog, a security system and a bunch of ninjas to guard his home and his person. Because you know, the moment he grabbed Quinnsane's arm and tossed her raggedy ass out of his home, the police would be called and he would be arrested for assault. I know people have compared this with the Ridge/Stephanie/Brooke dynamic, but I don't think so. That dynamic played out over several years with multiple layers especially when the show still had the benefit of good writers, including the late Bill Bell. This mess here? It's just what it is--a hot mess with a one-dimensional caricature of evil and insanity. And, as much as Quinnsane doesn't want Hope to hold Wynutt responsible for her actions, any person in her right, natural mind would be leery about marrying into a family with such a toxic sociopath as a potential MIL. My first thought would be, what would happen if I pissed her off? Unfortunately, Hope doesn't have a really good example to follow when it comes to tolerating outrageous, violent and criminal behavior--all for the sake of winning some victory (being chosen by a jackass).
  16. Both of those losers, Lame and Wynutt, are notorious for monopolizing Hope's time. It's a wonder they allow her to use the bathroom by herself or to breathe without holding an oxygen mask under her nose. My own parents would have been alarmed that any boyfriend was monopolizing so much of my time. But, this is all on Hope who won't form her lips to tell them either of them to back off. Why was it necessary for Wynutt to hop aboard the plane with Brooke and Hope after the failed Bridge #666 wedding? Why does Lame act as if he doesn't have a job at Spencer Publications--one where Bill expressly left him in charge during his absence? Both of these losers are like gnats--a couple of irritants you angrily swat away, but they just won't leave. Under the guise of being all-sacrificing and wanting to do the right thing, Hope is incredibly self-absorbed. She was so busy with Wynutt, she couldn't be there for Brooke during her time of need. Don't even get me started on how she made Ridge's "rescue" all about her and Lame's resurrected duller-than-dishwater relationship. As my late grandmother used to say, none one of them is "worth a huss!" Where and with whom, indeed! Since everything has been all Ridge, all the time, along with the "Perils and Romances of St. Hopeless," Brill has taken a backseat. Have they even had a discussion about the fact that they were supposed to have been married and whether or not they will try again?
  17. This is why I really wish they had brought TK on as another character instead. As atrocious an actor as RM was, even I have to concede that his character was iconic, and he was a member of the Core Four. As a day one viewer, I feel as if I am being asked to ignore Ridge's history and to accept several things that are just not in his character. Ridge's new-found love for poetry is the most glaring example. As a totally new character, TK could have worked with HTom's Katie. Even if Ridge supposedly evolved in his taste of women, I still don't see him being attracted to Katie. Certainly not attracted enough to propose to her barely 3 months after getting into a relationship with her. Plus, given the timing of this proposal, I am still not convinced that it wasn't in reaction to Kringe's mutual enmity for Brooke and Bill. When TK's Ridge calls Brooke, "Logan," it just doesn't invoke the same emotional response that it normally would. Ridge will always object to Brooke moving on, but his reaction to Brill's engagement and wedding plans should have resulted in his arrest and a request for a temporary restraining order. Snatching Brooke's engagement ring and marching over to Bill's office to return the ring and announcing that Brooke would not be marrying him was one of several WTF?! moments for me. The only thing that was in character was his trying to sucker punch Bill. Nor, do the Bridge wedding flashbacks work anymore and hopefully Brad Bell & Co. will have sense enough to retire Bridge's signature song, "Unforgettable."
  18. Kia, you raise some very valid points. However, Katie has admitted by her own words and actions that she wants Brooke and Bill to pay for betraying her--in perpetuity. She wants them miserable and guilt ridden. Meanwhile, she gets to openly lay up with Ridge's facsimile and to assign the purest of motives for her falling in love with him. The way Brooke and Bill got together was all kinds of wrong; however, it's downright hysterical watching Katie and Ridge acting like their own shit doesn't stink when it comes to betrayals of the heart. Katie also copped to knowing that she's being a hypocrite about Brooke and Bill but dammit, that's the way she feels! Now, I don't know if this is the way that HTom is being directed to play her scenes, or if it is her own acting choices (the smirks, over-the-top histrionics, redundant sarcasm, sneering, etc.--all of which have lost their punch). Katie has been hung up on "winning" over Brooke. She was intoxicated by the fact that Bill chose her over her prettier, "sluttier" sisters and found her to be the "good Logan" who had what it took to be Mrs. Bill Spencer. However, Katie saw Bill as a fixer upper, with herself as the contractor. I'm sure it stung that Bill didn't come beating down her door in the middle of the night the moment he found out about Kringe so her little victory has been a hollow one especially since Bill was determined to start a life with Brooke. The worst thing that could happen for Katie's supercilious psyche is for Brooke and Bill to be happy--especially if Brooke has effectively moved on and isn't pining for Ridge. That would mean that the "prize" Katie won isn't really a prize at all, and she just can't have that. Hopefully, Katie won't repeat Taylor's pattern by pathologically choosing men who are/were in love with Brooke and then twisting herself into a pretzel of angst and tears because she's insecure and has to look over her shoulder.
  19. Now, just imagine if the situation was reversed and it was Bill who went missing. Katie wouldn't spare two tears on the guy but will ensure that everyone knows how she has somehow been deprived because, you know, Will doesn't have his father. But, oh well! Bill was a horrible dad anyway and Ridge can step in and play daddy, which was something Katie alluded to a few weeks ago when Ridge moved in and started grousing about Brooke and Bill. Of course, Brooke would have to suck it up since Brill wasn't a serious relationship anyway. After all, it's not serious unless Eric designs the gown and bestows his blessing! There would be no tears for Brooke, no comforting words or sisterly hugs (from Donna maybe), much less any joy if Bill was later found alive. That smirking cow would walk around with a perpetual sneer on her face and make everything all about her. Has Katie expressed relief that RJ got his daddy back? That Eric got his son back? Did she express any sympathy for Thorne when he commiserated with her about losing someone he loved also? Nope! It was all about her fairy tale romance being halted. Now, she can finally hustle Ridge home and make sure he doesn't forget their "love." Hopefully, they will stop at a jewelry store--after Ridge showers. I just can't with Quinsane. This bitch. She's like a broken record! Tired, exhausting and redundant. Hello, you soulless cypher! Why in the world would Bill help you with anything after you deliberately set out to mess up his wedding? Lame has got to be stopped? From what, pray tell? Breathing fresh air? Heifer, please go somewhere and take several seats and take your tin foil hat with you.
  20. I can't stand the disingenuousness of Joe and his ilk. The fact that the GOP is on record for having a "playbook" to impeach both President Obama and Attorney General Holder speaks volumes. And, what do these two men have in common? They also like to pretend that they aren't actively suppressing the vote of minority voters and others who voted for President Obama in the last two elections. Funny! I guess now that the corporate media is being rightfully called out for giving air and print space to the Charge of the Fool Brigade (Cheney, Wolfowicz, etc.), Joe wants to play the "let's don't blame each other" game. Sorry, Joe! As usual, you're a day late, a dime short and self-serving as usual. It's hilarious watching the party of personal responsibility trying to rewrite history to absolve themselves of the consequences of the Iraqi fiasco that they helped to create. The architects of that debacle should be on trial--not on Sunday talk shows.
  21. LuLu123, do you have any room on that simply don't care train? My interest in B&B just plummeted. Ridge being feted as if he did 5 tours of duty in Afghanistan, and the distinct feeling that Brill will take a backseat to Kringe's grand romance does not make me a happy camper. I really like the scenario you laid out. It's certainly a lot better than having Ridge dump Brooke over a text message to Deacon--Hope's father. Although Ridge has always had a "Get Out of Marriage Free" card to play just in case, even this was just too stupid to fathom. Your scenario would also go a long way toward explaining why a guy who was still connected to his mother's umbilical cord did not show up while she was transitioning or for her memorial. Nu-Ridge's back story has more holes than Swiss cheese and I honestly didn't think anything could top Taylor's nonsensical return from the dead for a second time. I just have a quick question: Where is RJ? You know, the kid for whom Ridge engaged in all of his stalkerish foolishness? Is he off at soccer or tennis camp for preteen boys? Did anyone get a chance to tell him that his daddy was missing for all of 2-3 days? Or, does it really matter since daddy has a history of flitting in and out of RJ's life anyway?
  22. WOW...simply...WOW! I suppose the Howard Beach incident had nothing to do with racial tensions in NYC, did it? And, let's talk about how these now middle-aged men, who were maliciously prosecuted and wrongly convicted, were characterized as thugs, and it was none to subtly suggested they were raised by animals. The comments were made by MSM and several prominent New Yorkers, including Wig Trump, who said they should have been executed. But, the Howard Beach and Bensonhurst murderers weren't characterized so harshly. If Joe wants to rant, he needs to rant against the prosecutors, who should be disbarred. Instead, they went on to make careers for themselves based on their lies and misconduct.
  23. The non-profit literacy program, Reading Is Fundamental, was obviously on to something. Who knew that a poem could jog someone out of his selective amnesia? Like others, I'm also wondering what the point of this whole exercise was? I realize that TK has to commute back and forth from Connecticut to L.A., but please tell me that this mess wasn't penned to accommodate his travel. Was it to tell us once again that Kringe are star-crossed lovers who can conquer all? Despite the fact that Ridge traveled halfway around the world because he was obsessed with his ex moving on with Bill? Or, will all that be forgotten now that the Not So Fresh Prince of Bel Air is alive? Or was it to show us once again that Bill, and by extension, Justin, are the most evil dudes who ever eviled? Whatever the point of this sorry mess was, my reaction is still the same: Dayum! I could have had a V-8!
  24. RuntheTable, thanks for reminding me about some of the few occasions where Ridge showed his humanity. I have to admit though that when he had the heart attack, I wasn't impressed. I considered it the ultimate temper tantrum. Another stellar moment was when Taylor checked out when they thought Steffy had been eaten by a shark. He really stepped up as a dad trying to hold it together for his other kids; he did it again when Taylor supposedly died the second time. Losing Phoebe was a bitter blow. I remember when those twins were born and how much they were wanted despite great risk to Taylor's health. Even my cold cynic's heart melted when Tridge held their kids for the first time and I felt a tear or two come to my eyes. I just wish TPTB remembered that Phoebe had two parents. Instead, most of the focus was on Ridge and his grief. Sitting through the Putrid Fart Smell Method Acting technique was not my idea of a good time. Although Taylor's face barely registers emotions anymore, it would have been nice to see both of Phoebe's parents commiserating over their grief. It also would have been realistic for Taylor to experience some guilt for some of the chicanery that occurred during the whole Darla-gate fiasco, which landed the child in the hospital with a nervous breakdown.
  25. It seems that every since she dropped out of that race for whatever office she was running for, the Cheneys have been desperate to find something for that hag to do. According to Rachel Maddow, this dubious duo started some kind of think tank yesterday. They hold themselves out as patriots but it has been said that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. Either 5-Deferment Dick and his daughter are two of the vilest hypocrites I have ever seen, or they are a couple of soulless cyphers with no conscience whatsoever. Rachel's takedown of them last night was epic. I'm also curious about these sources in the intel community who keep Joe abreast of everything that's going on. I guess he's pissed because they didn't give him a heads up about the plan to capture the Benghazi mastermind.
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