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91 Excellent-
Regarding the great idea of getting all our favorite "agents" (most of the ones we like are apparently real agents, unlike others) together for a conversation show - - would like to see practical, tell-it-like-it-is Roz from Amsterdam join colorful Adrian from Paris, and especially hot Luc from southern France, sarcastic Richard from London, that attractive very British guy who used to be in the London episodes (the one cuddling the dog in the old promos), cute, funny James from Cork... and Tamiel from Puerto Vallarta who can barely keep a straight face sometimes. Oh... well, I thought I watched HHI for the location and houses.....! Who am I forgetting? There are some new cute agents in the mix too.
Just a thought...after watching yet another young House Hunter look around an affordable apartment - anywhere in the world - and say disparagingly “Looks like Grandma’s house.” ... In 50 years are young folk going to look at our stainless steel appliances, granite or quartz countertops, white and grey kitchens, and IKEA furniture and say with a sniff, “Looks like Grandma’s place.” ??
Yup... I didn't want to make assumptions about third-world countries and all that but yes, you don't have the services that you have in the U.S. (which often have their own problems) but there they can be really unreliable. For various reasons. I confess the first thing I thought of is they didn't pay protection money, or enough of it, and their place burned down. They said something about how the main owner of the building had a bit of insurance, which is rare there, but it wasn't enough to cover much. I know someone who moved to Guatemala for the HH mantra - "slow down, enjoy life, in a beautiful place, for a lot less money" and he was back in the U.S within 2 years. Too much graft, bribery, corruption. So, in relation to House Hunters, yes, we enjoy the TV show, and the little bits of reality (real people!) but the TV show just plays into anyone's fantasy of a fresh start in 30 minutes. I enjoy the shows very much - just have to remind myself they don't show the whole story. Every time I get the itch to move!
Couple buying bar in Granada, Nicaragua - was just catching up on shows I hadn't seen yet - I looked up Reilly's Bar in Granada after seeing that show (yes it was an odd one!) and that bar burned down a few months ago - in fact most of the block burned. Suspicious "electrical fire." It's on their FB page and someone started a GoFundMe to help them rebuild. It talks about how they called the fire department and it took ages for a fire truck to come, which then ran out of water - went somewhere to refill - and then ran out of gas to get back to the fire. Yikes.
Gordon was adorable. And seemed so nice. But his girlfriend, that voice, that laugh, that attitude. Could barely watch but wanted to see more of Gordon. No wonder she’s worried about being together longer than 90 days! Maybe it was just camera nerves. Hope she’s nicer in person. He must like her for some reason. And the place they chose...that “kitchen” is smallest I’ve ever seen. They must eat out a lot.
Here is the Tuscany B&B’s website. They’re still working on it and plan to open in 2019. (Those “partially renovated” properties are always a giveaway, as we know.). And on the website they do say the town is a short DRIVE away. :) Despite their understandable insistence that a walkable distance would be a priority for guests when “looking” for a property. Of course HHI is staged, it’s TV, but still fun to get glimpses of places around the world... and see the real people and their websites. https://www.fontemartino.com/about-us/
Seriously. They say they don’t want their kids on TV. Their fifth child isn’t even BORN yet and they’re releasing videos of the ultrasound! For the public to gawk at. Sure. Right.
Didn't anybody else see Kristi Yamaguchi totally diss Sasha at the top of the sky box stairs? Sasha was standing at the top, gave Lindsey a big hug, reached for Kristi and she blew right past him. Sideways. He had a funny look on his face. Then he gave Mark a quick man-hug. Ouch, that was cold, Kristi. Did she just blank out or does she not like him? Everybody likes Sasha!
SF to Amsterdam: Lately I just enjoy catching the little digs the editors work in there (even they must be tired of the same stuff over and over.) In the second Amsterdam place with the big yard, that gal was standing there whining that it "had no character, didn't feel like you were in Amsterdam." And the editor cuts to a long look at the gorgeous round stained glass window glowing with colorful tulips. Um.... yes. No Amsterdam character at all.
So.. I love watching HHI for the peek at other places around the world, but it finally hit me... 9 times out of ten it's the unfurnished or partly furnished place that they "pick" .... So why do they bother moving all their stuff out at all? If there were three furnished places, it would at least maintain the pretense of suspense! And save a lot of time and trouble. It's not like we know what their furniture looks like? I suppose it would ruin the "three months later" shots though ( More like 24 hours...I was disappointed when I realized they usually don't go back later really.) I suppose that's it!
OMG! Just catching up with the DVR. Trent always kind of bugged me from early on but I just finished my 180 fast! Sharp Dressed Man was HOT !!!! Loved everything about it! A star in the making for sure. Yes, now I agree he was wasted on the farm. Loved the back up singer intro, even Bandzilla got into it, loved the hair, the suit, his swampy groove, that was indeed hot. Finally a Moment! For the dying embers of American Idol. I feel better now. And I loved the way Trent said "men-tour"..,!
Exactly BiakBiak! The tinkering/fixing/adjusting/polishing is part of the whole hobby for them. My husband spends hours in the garage fussing with his motorcycles. I have no idea what he's doing but glad he is happy doing it. He has absolutely zero interest in my hobbies, horses, etc. Everyone has their own passions. Keeps the world interesting. You couldn't pay him $1000 to ever watch a House Hunters episode! Ever. Hah. I like them. Hey I lived in San Francisco many years. I hear you on expensive small space. I fled to Minneapolis so we could buy a house with a garage for the motorcycles. Didn't manage a horse barn though.
Well I'm against the grain here but everyone's different! I loved the Kaiserslautern episode. It's what I watch HHI for. To see new places. And places that I have been to also. I was in "K-town" in 1987. And sometimes friendly, pretty normal people that seem like they'd be fun to sit down with for a beer. (Yes, I have a busy life, this is my break time.) I liked her laugh. They seemed more natural than most HHI folks. I know avid bikers and if they have 3 bikes each then they are avid bikers with different bikes for different uses and the bikes require lots of constant adjusting and maintenance, it's their religion practically. Of course there is the usual silly HHI plot fakery but we're all used to that. They're grinding out a TV show with different crews around the world so they use consistent scripts/shoot outlines for cost efficiencies. When my sons were teenagers they would have loved their own extra space. Actually I was surprised though they didn't just make that extra room by his the bike room... !