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Posts posted by Mothra

  1. 1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

    This is unclear to me...Farrah did this, or a show with somebody else did this to themselves

    Yeah, awkward wedding all around. Bentley looked adorable.  So during the wedding, Ryan was actually chewing chew? I know it's called that, but I thought they just stuck it in the inside of the lip.  I hated how he was chewing like no tomorrow in that scene.  Does Mac smile? Ever?

    I have no idea where or when I saw this, but it was on TV.  I have massive cable capability, so it may have been a porno channel.  She was riding in a limo with a guy who was somehow involved with her porno tape, and she was a little drunk, or high, and she went off on people criticizing her for being in adult films, and the guy sort of talked her into fisting herself right there on the back seat.  I have never been fisted and had no idea you could do that to yourself.

    I did a little searching, and apparently what I saw was from one of her sex tapes.  In a discussion on Reddit, someone says:

    Her 'acting' was the worst, pretending to be his gf all small talk and jokes and he's just like 'whatever, I am paid to fuck you not talk to you' , and that was the most awkward part until the limo scene. So much second hand embarrassment watching her make herself into a hand puppet. When I watch TMOG now and shes talking about 'my minions' and acting superior I chuckle remembering she had to fist herself for a fistful of cash.

    • Love 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Unconfused said:

    Amber just had to make the birthday party all about her with the gender reveal. Why not make it a special moment to share just between her and Leah?

    oh and the Maci/Jenn drunk girl lovefest cracked me up. “I luuv you more!” “Nooo I luuv YOU more!”

    I'll go a step further and ask why it was important so early to tell Leah the sex of the baby at all, and particularly at Leah's birthday party.  I think Christina said that Leah wanted a baby brother, but Leah is nine years old.   Amber--who has a magnificent track record as a mother--is excited to know the baby's sex; why should it matter to anybody else (well, I guess the father has an interest, but he didn't want to know).  So it's Amber Amber Amber, and Leah obligingly performs the "so excited and happy face" she's been trained to exhibit--I swear, one of the things about many of these mothers that drives me totally up the wall is the way they push their kids (Chelsea, I'm looking at you) to express joy over something that the kid may have a mild interest in, whether it's a pregnancy or a wedding.  "Are you excited??  Are you excited???" and since these kids are smart, they soon learn to say yes just to calm mom down.  The payoff for mom is that she can feel she's doing something *good* for her child--"did you see how excited she was???"

    • Love 23
  3. 6 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Let's see if Mariah makes it to a Pride March. 

    I kinda think she would, if Mariah asked her to go.  I find myself, to my eternal horror, on Meri's side in this one.  Sure, it was scripted and a major plot point, but I believe Meri when she dismisses the question about who she voted for (first of all, I'm not convinced that these women vote at all) but was there to support her daughter.  I just remember the last time I saw Meri and Mariah onscreen together, and the hostility was overwhelming.  Meri's attending the Women's March scored big points with her daughter.

    • Love 5
  4. 3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    How is she a whore? She's had fewer boyfriends than most of the others.

    You can be a whore without men.  I watched a show in which she fisted herself in the back seat of a limo.  That'll stretch that vaginal wall more than any dick can.

    • Love 5
  5. WTF?  Poor Gary.  His mom needs psychological help imo.  I wondered if she just didn't want to appear on TV.  She kept her head down so much on the few occasions she was captured by the camera.  And "no sex" is the reason she didn't want to marry what's-his-name?  She wants him to get it taken care of, by which I guess she means go to the doctor, but why in hell would he want to propose, knowing that this was such a big problem?  Gary, you are such a good guy, my heart goes out to you.

    • Love 13
  6. 11 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

     I'm kind of surprised - actually I find it kind of hard to believe - that they thought a march through Washington D.C. staged by women the day after the inauguration was not going to have any kind of a political angle to it. 

    When explaining the nature of the march to Kody they seemed to be trying to convince him it was "only" about women's rights or about LGBT rights ... but not anything "political." Maybe it's just me but when I hear women's rights and LGBT rights, it sounds inherently political to me.  Were they trying to snow him or did they seriously think it was going to have nothing to do with politics at all? 

    I have a feeling their only news source is F*x, where the march would not have been a topic of much interest.  Plus, I think they're all profoundly ignorant, by choice.  By the time Kody started grumbling about it, I think it was too late to change Meri and Janelle's minds--Meri said she was going with or without his approval--because (as in the case of FT and racism) they did not want to put themselves in a position to be criticized for homophobia.

    • Love 3
  7. I have to give it up to Janelle and Meri for going to the Women's March with Mariah and her friends.  They both said, repeatedly, that they were conservatives and did not want to be involved in anything political, yet as the time approached they had to know that the March *was* political--and they went anyway.  They seemed to support Mariah with joy and energy--although of course we don't know what went on when they were not on-camera; they may have been bitching and moaning and throwing rocks--but from what we saw, they both were very good mothers indeed.

    And I understand that this was all TLC's idea and scripted out the wazoo, but the fact remains that these women are conservative and out of love for Mariah they betrayed their political consciences and marched.

    And boy did Kody hate it or what?  That alone was worth the price of admission.  "If you march in this march, you'll lose all the energy for the Polygamy March."

    • Love 17
  8. On 2/16/2018 at 11:45 AM, KateHearts said:

    I was really impressed with his ability to get around despite the extra weight and the prosthesis. 

    He didn't use a cane or other assistive device even though he weighed over 600lbs.  I worked in a rehab hospital, and I am no longer amazed by how mobile lower-limb amputees can be, if they're willing and able to do the work. l knew a 90-year-old woman, a double amputee, who refused to move from her walk-up apartment, despite the best efforts of social services to put her in a ground-floor unit.  And then there are the countless young people I saw who played sports with their friends, especially one young man who was an outstanding basketball player--and these guys were not playing against other people with disabilities; they went back home and continued with their lives as they had been before their amputations.  None of them, however, had the added disability of carrying around an extra 400lbs.

    • Love 10
  9. 14 hours ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

    Well, my damn ass, I was really hoping the extended version would tell us more about how the whole Maw 2 and Pa 2 situation came about. Only made it halfway through it. But I’m not sure I had any greater insight to much at all. Damn ass extended version. 

    Wasn't that weird?  I rewound to see if I'd missed something, some reason Maw 1 and Paw 1 were periodically unable to care for him, but the best I could get was he was the only boy in the family, and everybody wanted a piece of him?  Which makes no sense.  But it seems to me that that sort of divided discipline/trust/love/routine/you name it might lead to some emotional trouble later in life.  Lola told him he was adopted, so he was "chosen"--but it kind of seemed like the person who chose him was having second thoughts by sharing him with Maw 2.  And Maw 2's indulging his eating--when it was clear from an early age that he was very overweight--might have been a little passive aggression towards her sister/sister-in-law Maw 1.  It was clearly not what was best for the child.

    And it really bothered me that when he tried to tell his mother that his depression was rooted in his feeling that he always disappointed her and his father, she didn't listen.  She just kept telling him she loved him as if she'd given birth to him--which not only minimizes something important he was trying to tell her, but also suggests something else to worry about that might not otherwise have occurred to him--why is she telling me that?  Why would anyone question that she loves her adopted child as much as her biological ones?  Is that a thing?  Is she saying this over and over to convince herself it's true?

    • Love 6
  10. On 2/14/2018 at 10:37 PM, AllisonWonderland said:

     So, Dr. Lola was deeeeeefinitely flirting with ol' LB, right? 

    I've seen her act this way before with clients, including women, and I think it's just her way.  But it makes me uncomfortable, and if I hadn't seen it before, I'd have thought she was coming on to him, too.  I wonder if he thought she was--and maybe it's intentional, to get clients to return for followup visits.  I think someone should speak to her about her tone and manner; it seems inappropriate to me.

    On 2/14/2018 at 11:27 PM, auntjess said:

    I wondered why they chose Galveston, which is 50 miles away.  (I looked it up.)

    Me, too.  It was a really nice house, though, and he had his truck, so maybe the distance just didn't matter that much.  The apartments most of Dr. Now's patients stay in in Houston are pretty grim.

    Edited to add:  on the question of whether to drink in front of a loved one who is in recovery.  I am always a little shocked that anyone would put their "right" to drink ahead of a loved one's sobriety.  When my alcoholic relatives or friends visit, I do not offer alcohol to anyone, even though those in recovery have said to me that it wouldn't bother them.  Going without alcohol for an evening seems a small sacrifice to help preserve someone's health, maybe even their life.  In fact, if it's that hard for a person to forgo alcohol--even on your birthday!--I'd say maybe that person needs to examine their own relationship to alcohol.  I have a close relative whose wife is a dreadful alcoholic--she drinks herself to unconsciousness and then pees all over herself--and he refuses to get the alcohol out of their house because *he* likes to have a drink every night.  I'm sorry to be so judgmental, but cheesy peezy.

    • Love 16
  11. 10 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    In a world where Sony has to apologize because CGI rabbits are hurling blackberries at an allergic Farmer MacGregor, there are snowflakes who are offended at everything.

    (BTW, I saw the Peter Rabbit movie . . . the farmer had it coming.)

    I'm offended by the Little Lotta comic because it reinforces stereotypes about fat people.  I am old enough to have read this comic.  The stories are always about Little Lotta's constant quest to eat, nothing else.  I distinctly remember the punchline of one of them--after Little Lotta has won a pie-eating contest (by eating whole pies sandwiched together) she says she actually prefers cake.  Her very name is insulting.  All fat people are not gluttons--which is ostensibly one of the things this crapfest of a show is supposed to be about.  This comic encouraged kids to make fun of fat kids.  That's why it's insulting.

    • Love 6
  12. I am only just watching this ep, about half-way through so far, and I noticed that Buddy mentioned that his parents had an intervention for him.  Kudos to them for not including Whitney.  And how miffed is she that she wasn't invited?  She could've studied up about how to run an intervention and made shitty decorations.

    • Love 18
  13. 8 hours ago, MrSmith said:

    I would argue that Meri was guilty of an emotional affair even though Sam turned out to be fakery put on by a woman. After all, Sam was real in Meri's mind until Jackie Overton revealed the lie. Importantly, as Lee Atwater noted in the 80's, "perception is reality".

    I don't get it.  Every time I've seen Meri talking about being catfished, it's all about her feeling betrayed, about how violated her privacy was by this person, how awful it was that the person wasn't who she had been led to believe it was--and that's all stuff that saved her bacon.  If she hadn't been betrayed, she'd be long gone with "Sam", yet she wants sympathy for being misled.  You can't have it both ways, Meri--either you are a cheating wife in everything but the actual fucking (which some would say is the least of your betrayal), or you weren't fooled at all and were just playing around.  Being all upset that your boyfriend turned out to be a woman--your boyfriend that you had been cyber-intimate with for a long time--doesn't jibe with being all upset that your marriage was threatened.

    Why don't you leave Kody et al--you're divorced, after all, and your daughter is grown--and go live with your mother.

    Edited after I saw the picture of FT held up by his bros:  I don't think he's even wearing regular jeans--I think he's wearing those stretchy leggings that are made to look like jeans.  See how the pockets don't look real, like they're just outline stitching?  And he couldn't even get that up over his gut.

    • Love 10
  14. On 12/22/2017 at 7:07 AM, mayvenne said:

    Is there any more updated info on them? (am I in the wrong forum?).........inquiring minds want to know. :)

    I wandered in here, too, expecting to see later posts.  There's nothing about them learning that Tourette's can be inherited, that Loren is the one who insisted on strippers--where'd everybody go?

    • Love 1
  15. On 2/12/2018 at 1:30 PM, MrSmith said:

    You've gotta love Starcasm. This picture really shows just how stupid and stupid-looking these two really are. Perfect!



    Okay.  This is the shallowest, most mean-spirited thing I'm going to say about these two:  where in the HELL did they get the self-confidence to present themselves to the world looking like they do and seeming so pleased with themselves about it?  It must say something really good about growing up in a polygamous family for Myk to think she looks good, and I'm not just talking about this awful picture.  I mean, how do you instill that kind of self-esteem?  Does it take four mothers?  FT didn't have four mothers, but men tend to believe they're hot shit until someone sits them down and explains to them otherwise, so I'm not crediting Catholicism for his bloated self-confidence.  Every one of these kids that I've seen on TV comes off as totally pleased with their looks and behavior, confident in their judgments and intelligence.  Are they not allowed to see other people their own age throughout their childhoods?  I swear to god, if you could bottle it, you'd make a million dollars.

    • Love 14
  16. My GOD this episode gave me such a headache!  I just sat down and watched it all soup to nuts and sweet Jebus what a shitstorm.  I agree with everyone's critical remarks and have a few thoughts I didn't see expressed yet:

    The "wedding" pinatas--several people who should know said they'd never seen them at a wedding, and somebody else posted that they're all over the internet.  So they're being used for something besides kids' birthday parties.  I bet they're used at bridal showers/bachelorette parties.

    The bridesmaids' dresses were lovely; Myk should have had a dress in a similar style, only in white.  Christine's dress was pretty, but that little shrug jacket thing was eight sizes too small and looked stupid and uncomfortable.

    Myk said that the bridesmaids had pashminas (not caplets), and I did see them wearing shawlish things after the ceremony.  But pashminas?  I don't think so.

    Because it cannot be said often enough:  FT is an asshole.

    The overgrown flower girl bothered me, too, especially wearing that toddler-type outfit.  I was embarrassed for her.  If the little ones needed supervision, let her wear a bridesmaid dress. 

    When they're sitting on the couch talking, what is that black cloth thing--like a curtain--hanging on the other side of the coffee table?  Do they not want us to see Meri, Robyn and Christine's ankles?  Kody's?  Because we sure get to see enough of Janelle's ankles.

    FT is an asshole, and I kinda think his father might be, too, just because the hat.

    Kody seemed to be wearing blue pants with his gray-and-black dinner jacket.  Are we sure he didn't wear jeans, too?

    Myk has clown eyebrows.

    I really liked Robyn's yellow blazer.

    FT is an asshole.

    • Love 10
  17. 18 hours ago, teapot said:

    eeeekk  guys I cannot hop on the Farrah-love-train.

    I get that in some ways she's been treated terribly...it might be a chicken-egg thing...she has a reputation for being difficult, so *everything* that comes out of her mouth gets scrutinized, whether she's actually being  a bitch or not, and might not have caused the same reaction had another girl said it...

    but I still  *can't* with her "I'm -better-than-everyone" attitude...

    nope.  I'll be waiting at the station...LOL

    I can't either.  Her parents, especially her mother, deserve a special place in hell for giving us Farrah.  And sure, the other moms have behaved just as badly as--and worse than--Farrah, but imo the difference is that Farrah has a genuine, serious mental illness.  It has taken lo these many years for MTV finally to concede how dreadful it is that they're capitalizing on insanity--why else do we watch Farrah?  I watch to see her act crazy and humiliate herself, with her mother's disgusting attempts to do whatever it is she's trying to do (other than look like a fucking teenager) as the cherry on top.  I wonder if there have been complaints from any mental health professionals to MTV for their really abuse of Farrah for allowing her to expose herself this way.

    I am not a professional, and it's only my amateur opinion from watching this show for years that makes me think Farrah is genuinely crazy.  And of course I could be wrong.  But I don't think I am.

    And in my evil heart of hearts, I'd adore a show that secretly filmed Farrah after her departure, with the MTV money cut off, and see how popular she is in the porno world, see how much furniture, yogurt and children's clothing she can sell without the tv imprimatur.

    • Love 6
  18. 5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    What's sad about this is that if ALL the parents are so gaga over Tony, it will make it more difficult for her to break free from this jerkwad. Maybe they should start by treating him like a normal human being instead of the gift from god they seem to believe he is. It will lead Mykelti to think there must be something wrong with her if everybody else in the family thinks he's so perfect.  


    I don't believe for a nanosecond that the parents are gaga over FT.  I think they realize that Myk has decided she wants to marry him, so they're not going to badmouth him in front of her, but I bet when it's just the parents they really take FT apart.  And I think the reason they're so OTT on camera is that they are afraid of being accused of racism, on top of the not wanting to tear down Myk's husband.

    IMO you really can't be gaga over a guy who wants to beat a pinata that represents his wife, and the parents were all--justifiably and audibly--horrified by that prospect.  I'm sure they're at least as aware of what a fucking jerk FT is, and they're trying to make the best of it.

    Edited to add:  Is it so very wrong to want to taunt Taunya?

    • LOL 1
    • Love 18
  19. 9 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Grifters gotta grift missed this opportunity. They should have contacted the company and explained their wedding idea and could have maybe gotten a few freebees. I'm shocked they didn't think of this.

    Do you think they paid for anything?  I don't--well, maybe the frisbees and the pinatas.  But I bet they grifted the venue, food, music--maybe McK's dress, too.

    • Love 3
  20. 19 hours ago, Wings said:

    Oh dear Christine should never sing. Ever Ouch

    Mckelty "We can all keep these flowers forever."  Smart money says some did not make the car ride home due to a collision with a trash can. 

    But Christine's assignment was to provide something *borrowed*--so everyone has to give back those "flowers".  I think they would have been sweet for "something old" but show-off Robyn had that covered.  Poor Janelle--her wrap, the most useful of gifts, was the least enthusiastically received.

    • Love 7
  21. On 2/9/2018 at 2:45 AM, Awfarmington said:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who was subjected to such a horrible but memorable B rated movie ?.

    Has Rory Calhoun ever had a greater role?

    Edited to add:  "Four-poster beds?"  I count one bed with even a footboard.

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