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Posts posted by Mothra

  1. 16 hours ago, sidka said:

    BINGO. I know my depression is linked to my hypothyroidism in ways I never initially considered. The brain can only function as well as what the body provides to it.


    Something that isn't often pointed out is that insulin is a hormone, too.  Besides the pathological side of insulin in diabetes, insulin production in non-diabetic people is one of the things that make us feel hungry.  Insulin production is stimulated by sugar intake (which includes intake of simple carbs, which are quickly converted to sugar in our bodies), so that if we eat sweets, we are biologically programmed to want to eat more.  Ironically, satisfying a sweet tooth is virtually impossible--the more you eat, the more you want, and before you know it, the whole quart of rocky road is gone--and this might explain why so many of Dr. Now's patients seem to be addicted not just to sugar, but to fast food, much of which is composed of simple carbohydrates.

    I am not a health professional, but a doctor friend explained this to me some time ago. 

    Edit:  I was looking for more information about the role of insulin in weight control and found this paper on PubMed:  Insulin levels, hunger, and food intake: an example of feedback loops in body weight regulation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3894001) from 1985.  Here is a quote from the abstract:

    These show that high acute levels of insulin can be produced by simply seeing and thinking about food and that individuals showing this response show a greater tendency toward weight gain in a food-abundant environment. (emphasis mine)

    So we're screwed even if we resist eating sugars and simple carbs--all we have to do is think about them, and our bodies demand them!

    • Love 5
  2. 19 hours ago, kj4ever said:

    Sarah said she was the only overweight sibling, so I'm assuming it was just Sarah that had an issue with food. 

    I believe we saw the other sister near the beginning, and she was heavy, sort of the size of the mom.  Sarah was certainly the biggest of the siblings, and it looked like she was the only one who was obese as a child.

    Edited to add:  On rewatch, the other heavy woman was Sarah's aunt, not her sister.


    23 hours ago, WonTon said:

     when her personal trainer Derrik showed up, I was thinking "oh, ok, this was totally worth it."

    Eye candy but so much more.  What a sweetheart he was to her.

    (I seem to have a lot of time on my hands today, and a lot to say about this ep.  Please forgive my long-windedness; it may be the only thing keeping me out of the tater tot casserole)

    It seems like Dr. Now isn't doing full gastric bypass surgeries, just gastric sleeves--and boy, wasn't Sarah's stomach huge!  I remember his saying in an earlier season that the bypass was more effective because it hindered the absorption of so much food.  He did gastric sleeve only as a second choice, if the patient were in trouble during the surgery and he needed to finish up quickly, or if there were physical obstructions, like scar tissue or just too much fat.  I wonder if he's found that the sleeve operations are just as effective long-term--we know that initial post-surgery weight loss is much greater with the bypass, but I wonder about long-term comparisons.

    And I have to confess to looking forward to seeing those yellow curds of fat inside patients' bellies--the image of actual fat is so disturbing yet fascinating to me.  And I am ashamed of myself.

    • Love 5
  3. Once again I consulted https://www.lifespanfitness.com/fitness/resources/calories-calculator

    to figure out how many calories Sarah would have to consume daily to maintain her weight.  The calculator goes only to 500 lbs. so that's the weight I used.  I guessed at her height, 5'6", and it seems it takes only 3625 calories/day to maintain that weight.  This is hard for me to believe, but given her sedentary lifestyle, she probably doesn't need so many calories to maintain.  What we saw her eat of the tater tot casserole looked to me like more than 3600 calories!  If I calculate for the same height and weight, but the "extra active lifestyle" she would need close to 6000 calories/day.  So activity counts.

    • Love 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Miracle Maxie said:

    And then there's the necessity for equipment and some actual counter space (which my condo sorely lacks). Not to mention that if you've never had butter poached lobster or prime rib you have no idea that it's more remarkable than a quarter-pounder with cheese. There are obstacles.

    They had a small but fully-equipped kitchen in that apartment.  I don't know what kind of cookware they had (other than a disposable aluminum banquet-sized lasagna pan), but you can buy cheap pans at the grocery stores in my area, and I bet they could, too.  So I'm not excusing their not cooking on their lack of equipment.

    But I stand and cheer your other point:  these folks likely have never tasted good, healthy, well-seasoned food.  And certainly not the mouth-watering but expensive foods mentioned.  I wonder what the grandmother cooked for Sarah?  I can't remember for sure, but didn't Sarah say she didn't like her grandmother's cooking?  Or maybe it was that Nana was making her stick to 1200 calories.

    btw--I went to Junior High School, too, and learned to cook in home ec in the eighth grade (sewing was 7th)

    • Love 5
  5. I'm hoping Sarah will get herself down to a reasonable weight--it looks like she's tall and could probably carry more than the 190 lbs. Dr. Now has her shooting for--so that she can function as an adult.  I want her to get her GED--she seems very intelligent--and a job and a boyfriend.  This was one of those cases where psychotherapy really was key; what a terrible childhood Sarah had.  She couldn't get enough of her mother, and now when she had her mother all to herself, she didn't know what to do with her!  Somebody mentioned PCOS, and maybe that's the case, but I want her mother to get liposuction of her neck.  She must surely have sleep apnea, and the fat of her neck seems like it should go with a much fatter body.

    While I'm team Heather for not allowing herself to be used when it seemed like Sarah wasn't taking this seriously, I wonder what kind of eating disorder (if any) Heather herself has.  How did she grow up in this family of overweight people and be not just normal, but imo close to skeletal in some parts of her body?  Sarah carried a lot of her weight in her thighs, and I bet Heather has heavier thighs than the rest of her.  I wonder if Heather's unwillingness to be involved in Sarah's "journey" (gak) had anything to do with her own issues with food?  To be really skinny amid all those fat people must take almost supernaturally rigid control, and I wonder if she feared losing that control if she were put into a position where she had to help Sarah make choices in food.  In fact, I bet Heather has an inflexible eating plan of her own.

    • Love 8
  6. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I agree with those who would like to see more of the patient enjoying meals and treats. We mainly get the patient moaning about their dedication and sticking to their diet, like it's a fate worse than death.  They just don't think it will be worth it, like it's cruel and unusual punishment. But, preparing and eating nutritious foods is amazing.  Why can't they ever seem to do that? Does that happen in the post surgery phase?  Before surgery, Sarah showed her plate of carrots and hummus, but, it was like such a downer.  Don't they know how to jazz it up?  Isn't seasoning of their veggies, poultry, fish and meat allowed?  Not salt, so much, but spices, herbs, lemon, etc. ?

    And where was the protein?  I know hummus is made of chickpeas, but without a starch, that's an incomplete protein.  If she's allowing herself 400 calories per meal, surely a lovely broiled chicken breast or even a juicy burger (sans bun of course) would be more satisfying.  Pair that with a salad with fat-free dressing, and that's a much more appealing meal.  IMO.

    • Love 7
  7. 1 hour ago, Noirprncess said:

    That "casserole" looked revolting.  How much was she eating in order to gain 14 lbs?

    I suspect she ate it all.  I can't tell you how much I hate hate hate hearing these morbidly obese people who are about to have life-threatening surgery to help them lose weight excuse overeating by "I deserve a little reward" or some such.  I think my favorite is "you have to have balance"--bullshit.  When you are so fat you are likely to die before you're ten years older, you don't need balance.  You need to do what the doctor tells you to do. 

    And I was hoping she would take one (smaller than she took) serving and then *throw the rest out*--in the outdoor trash so she couldn't dig it out of the kitchen trashcan and eat it, but no--she kept going back for more.  And then she said she felt terrible.  That's the way binges go, and I think the only way to stop them is to get the binge-inducing food out of your reach either before or after you've had a reasonable taste of it.  Just throw the fucker out.  Sure, it's a waste, but jeebus; what's more important?  Wasting food or your life?

    • Love 13
  8. 12 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know a lot about Dr. No having only seen his show a few times, but is this something he says about all people or just morbidly obese? 

    He has only had occasion to say this about his patients, but I suspect it's true of anyone who is morbidly obese.  JMO, though.  I doubt that he would say that about anyone of normal or near-normal weight.

    I should clarify that he says this when he has sent his patients home with a diet and the expectation that they will lose a certain amount in a month or two.  When they don't lose weight, or lose only a few pounds, I think he means that their trajectory is upward bound.

    • Love 3
  9. Oh, was there ever a sweeter show than this?

    I am so in love with Christine--and with Ken--that I will gladly marry either or both of them.  My husband doesn't need to know.

    If I have any complaint at all about this near-perfect show, it is that Dale seems to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.  Everybody else (except maybe Ken, and maybe he just hasn't had enough screen time yet) has shown at least a little bit of an unattractive, selfish or just plain stupid impulse; I've never seen Dale do or say anything that wasn't unattractive, selfish or just plain stupid.  Until he gave Ken his blessing to marry his mother.  But that's not enough.

    • Love 8
  10. 12 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

    There's a guy named Simon Sinek in a video called Millennials in the Workplace. It's about why they're hard to manage in a work environment, but he talks about social media and how it affects them. If you go to about 2:35, he says that it puts a rosy filter on life, and engagement with technology releases dopamine in the brain. Whenever you get a text or a like, you get a hit of dopamine, and that's addictive. He says someone Whitney's age has been getting these dopamine hits starting at a very young age, while their brain is still developing. Now that they're adults, their brains are hard wired for this.

    Thanks for that most interesting video.  It makes a lot of sense to me (thinking not only of Whitney but of my son and his friends), and in fact I now have to stop feeling so smug about not using social media.  I have to start questioning why I check hourly at this site to see if I have any new notifications.  Thanks a lot, Lord.

    • Love 5
  11. Another thing that's really sad about Whitney's determination not to lose weight is that imo it is possible to be overweight yet healthy, even fabulous.  I think Melissa McCarthy is fabulous.  Especially if Whitney dreams of being a "professional dancer" (I need some help here in understanding just what this means; to me "professional dancer" means Fred Astaire) she needs to take care of her "instrument" above all else. 

    If you go to the store and pick up a ten-pound bag of potatoes, it feels pretty heavy--at least, to me it does.  Imagine spending your life with that tied to your back.  Losing a relatively small amount of weight--like ten pounds--would make Whitney feel better.  And as Dr. Now says, if you're not losing, you're gaining.  At her weight, I would imagine that her initial weight loss--if she followed a diet--would be significant enough to change her life.  I bet she would lose 50 pounds in a month if she stayed on a diet that long, and she would still be fat, but what a difference it would make in her ability to move.  If she got herself down to 300 pounds, I bet she'd be able to do all the things she wants to do but can't do now.

    And I still don't understand why she isn't diabetic.  Or is she, and we just haven't be told?

    • Love 6
  12. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    In order to maintain her weight, Whit has to be consuming an incredible amount of calories, imo. 

    I would have thought so, too, but according to this page https://www.lifespanfitness.com/fitness/resources/calories-calculator she needs only about 3500 per day.  Which is frightening, because I am sure that there are days when I binge eat at least that many calories.  It only proves that cheating, even a little, on a diet can be catastrophic.  And even if fat people eat ice cream, is Whitney eating a "serving"--which is 1/2 cup--or the whole container?

    • Love 2
  13. On 3/24/2018 at 10:13 PM, TurtlePower said:

    I like this and Whitney is all over the board as to what's "wrong" with her. I think maybe "gluttony" needs (for her) replaced with food addiction. She won't admit it, though she's claimed to have been ED/bulimia. The woman has a food addiction. She wants "acceptance" for that, so hence the "No BS" campaign, which leads to her "victim" mentality. 

    As All Hat No Cattle says, she could seek help. She's got the means and the support but she thinks any support is "shaming" her if they call her out. Typical addict behavior. So in regards to her claiming "victim", she has the ability to change her "condition". Amputees and burn victims do not. 

    I listen to Whitney talk about how mean people are to her and by extension to all fat people, and I think about how Dr. Now dismisses all that kind of talk as excuses.  I'm sure there are people who tell her to kill herself and other cruel things, and that's awful.  As an old lady, I don't "do" social media, so it's hard for me to understand why she doesn't stop reading it, but it seems to me that with all those barnacles, she could get someone to screen her messages so she isn't exposed to that kind of trolling.  And for the short time I've read this site, I've never seen anyone post anything so cruel about her.

    I don't know anything about PCOS or much about eating disorders or food addiction, but I do know that if a person really wants to lose weight, she'll power through those obstacles, seeking help when she needs it and submitting herself to whatever program it takes to help her succeed.  We make fun of her calling her life "fabulous" because it's plainly anything but, but her weight is a serious threat to her health, and she needs to lose some of it.  When Buddy talked about how his mother got to him by telling him she feared having to bury him, I thought of Whitney's parents who must surely have harbored those thoughts--they even did a funeral-intervention, to no avail.

    If she's going to expose her life--I'm not talking about her body, but her *life*--as she does, she's going to need to acknowledge that it's not fabulous *because* of her weight, not in spite of it.  I was glad to hear her acknowledge that the pain in her feet during the Hawaiian 8K was because she is fat.  Would that she could be so honest about the rest of her failed attempts at being fabulous.

    • Love 13
  14. On 3/27/2018 at 1:46 AM, GreatKazu said:

    I hope to God Gary is noting the visitation days. If I were him, I would have been keeping a journal. 

    I hope so, too.  One of those three visits Amber made with Leah was going to get a manicure, wasn't it?  Did they do anything else?  Because besides the insufficient number of visits, Amber falls short in quality of visits.  I generally give quantity of time spent with a child more weight than quality of time, but poor Leah is getting neither from her "mother."

    Amber's mental illness, which I understand to be manic-depressive disorder, was controlled by medication, at least before her pregnancy.  If her meds are not keeping her well enough to spend time with her child, the problem isn't the illness; it's the treatment.  She needs to have her meds changed, or adjusted.  And the same goes for depression.  I know depression is a terrible thing and often doesn't respond to medication or talk therapy, but if she is unable to function simply to the point of spending an hour or two with her child a couple of times a week, maybe she should be hospitalized.

    And how in the *hell* is she supposed to deal with an infant, who can't be put on a visitation schedule?

    And another thing:  about miscarriages.  First of all, many if not most women experience at least one miscarriage during their reproductive years, so even though it may be a "traumatic" event (per Tyler), it's not rare and doesn't justify being announced in a whisper, as if Catelynn had had gender reassignment surgery or something.  Miscarriages happen, and people respond in a whole spectrum of ways, but they are not unusual and usually do not signal anything of significance with regard to future pregnancies.

    Furthermore, I wonder if anyone has mentioned to Catelynn (or Maci) that often miscarriages are caused by problems with fetal development, that the life of the fetus was not sustainable, and in that way a miscarriage is actually a good thing.  In fact, obviously *something* was wrong with the pregnancy, especially in two healthy young women who have previously given birth to healthy babies; it's not as if a fully-developed baby was miscarried.  An early miscarriage, such as I have suffered, looks like flow of a heavy period.

    Edited to add:  In describing an early miscarriage as looking like a heavy period, I do not mean to minimize the pain parents can feel over any miscarriage, no matter how early.  But imo it's a little self-indulgent to refer to the fetus in the first couple of months of development as a baby.  That's just me, and of course ymmv.

    • Love 17
  15. 22 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    She just wants to be part of the family on her own terms.  She's raised her kid, now she wants to go do something else.  Most of the kids are pretty much raised.  There's what, three little kids now?  The other kids must be in their teens at this point.  She's more like an aunt anyway.

    I have not watched this show from the very beginning, but in one of the first episodes I saw, Meri was going on a trip and wanted to take ?Sol? along with her, but his "real" mother said no, he wasn't old enough to be away overnight or something, how about taking ?some girl?  Meri was a little pissed.  I think at one point she did feel she had a role as an involved "aunt" to all those kids, and I think her rather aggressive "I'm not going to go to their houses and take care of their kids" is just nasty.  She has made overtures to some of the children, but apparently there are some she is interested in and some she's not.

    I also noted that she referred to her "tough year" referring to the catfishing.  She needs to understand that, to her family, she was *not* the victim.  She was as bad an actor (I've been watching too much cable news) as "Sam" was, and she needs to acknowledge that and apologize for it.  I think a big reason Kodeine isn't interested in her is that she expressed a desire to be with another man, and there's no reason to believe she still wouldn't have gone off with "Sam" if it hadn't all been fake.  His ego has been sorely injured, and I'm not sure there's anything she can do to fix that.  But she can at least, at the very least, acknowledge that she wasn't a victim, that she was in the wrong, and that she truly regrets what she did.  Maybe if she pleaded temporary insanity.

    • Love 12
  16. I was fascinated by Renee.  The teaser was "plus-size model"--yeah, right.  We got to learn about "eatees"--which actually did not surprise me; there is sizable online presence interested in seeing women fart on cakes--google it if you don't believe me--so food fetishes are a little ho-hum.  But when I heard "squashers" I was terrified that she was going to say she sat on puppies or kittens, and I'm still not sure that that isn't a thing.

    When Renee said at the end that it had been years since...I was sure she was going to say, as many of them do, years since she'd been able to shop for clothes.  But years since she'd been in a bookstore!  How wonderful.  She was not a stupid person; she made lots of dry little jokes throughout, most of which Dr. Now didn't catch.  "Rome wasn't built in a day--and neither was my bikini body" is one I recall.

    All of her children had such low voices--when I first heard Monique, I was unsure of her gender.  She is slim and flat-chested, and I wondered if she were trans.  Then I heard all the other kids talk and they all have those deep voices.

    I noticed Dr. Now didn't go into his standard shaming of the care-givers about Renee's eating habit.  I think it must've been clear that they were burned out and maybe hopeless about their mom's health.  At the end, her son was lovely--he was so thankful to Dr. Now--"thank you for giving me my mom back"--and I hope that her success gave them all a boost.

    Her breasts really are a problem.  I don't think it was lymphedema; breasts are fatty tissue, and that's where she's carrying a lot of her fat.

    I think she wasn't using the wheelchair footrests at the beginning because the fat in her thighs made it impossible for her to bend her legs at a 90 degree angle--I don't think she could get her feet on the footrests.

    And at last Dr. Now uses hyrotherapy!

    • Love 10
  17. Just for fun:

    " The woman I am now can dance with reckless abandon. She can frolic in a bikini. She can demand love and respect that is not contingent on her dress size. The woman I am now can LIVE, knowing that I am completely deserving of every single wonderful thing this world has to offer."

    Life&Style Magazine, Jan. 2, 2018


    • Love 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

    don't see a great capacity to GIVE love. I see a very immature woman who only TAKES love. She loves herself. She's devoted to herself. She's very self-absorbed, and needy & clingy with other people. She thinks of Buddy's addiction recovery only in terms of how it affects her, not what's best for him. She has similar interactions with the rest of her friends...it's about what they can do for her, not what she can do for them. She has to make events that should be about her friends all about her instead. Even Ashley said "she better not make my child's birth all about her."

    She treats her parents terribly. She was a petulant brat in Hawaii, even ruining her parent's anniversary dinner. She was horribly disrespectful to her mother concerning Piggy's ashes - it was Babs' pet, not hers. She had no right to upset her mother like that.

    I agree with you.  I would also be concerned about the many instances of passive-aggression we've seen from her over the seasons, mostly involving the people she loves best, and particularly her parents.  I would worry that her parenting might be focused on demonstrating to them "how it should be done" rather than focused on the child's needs.  Of course, these issues would never come up in  any investigation into her ability to be a parent to an adopted child, but I think they're important.

    • Love 4
  19. I have been thinking a lot about how Catelyn runs to a mental health facility at the drop of a hat when she becomes very depressed and/or has a panic attack.  I have suffered from life-threatening depression, and I never got to go away to a nice place--I would sometimes wish I'd be in jail (three hots and a cot sounded like heaven), and I wonder how many other middle-class women with "normal" childhoods have had the same experience.  You go to the doctor, who sends you to a psychiatrist or psychologist before or after prescribing anti-depressant medication.  If you are seriously suicidal, you go into the mental health ward of the local hospital.  I think the TMs, especially those who, like Cate, have had traumatic childhoods and were never really parented, just don't know how regular people respond to these mental health crises.  What they do is what movie stars do; from really hardscrabble backgrounds--hell, Tyler's sister was unable to feed her children--they go right to the tippy-top of expensive, intensive care.  I wonder if the absence from home has anything to do with their repeated visits to these places? (rhetorical question). 

    Tyler's obsession with his body and general appearance (anybody else catch him looking in the mirror and smoothing his hair at an inappropriate time?) has got to be related to Cate's depression.  She has always had issues with her weight, and knowing, consciously or unconsciously, how important physical beauty is to her husband, doesn't help her feel good about herself.

    Like all the TMs, these two have never really supported themselves outside of the MTV checks.  All of them have these fantasy businesses whose success, if there is any, is wholly dependent on their MTV celebrity, which will not last forever.  They'll be lucky to get a few more years out of this gig.

    • Love 19
  20. I think it's really clear, as others have pointed out, that Meri shouldn't be in a polygamous marriage.  She repeatedly has said how she admires the way Mariah and Audrey look after each other, support each other, obviously love each other, and she has none of these things, and wouldn't, even if she and Kody were on the best of terms.  She would always have to share him with the other women.  Maybe that's part of the appeal of "Sam," that he would be *one* man, just for her.  I don't believe she wants to be a lesbian, but I do believe that she would change places with Mariah in a heartbeat.  She's far more committed to Mariah and Audrey than she is to her marriage or her sister-wives.  Furthermore, I think she wanted Mariah to meet her fellow "victim" of catfishing because she wants Mariah to be her friend, not grasping that as her daughter, meeting the "man" her mother almost left her father for, is the last thing Mariah would want to do.

    Meri wants to be in a monogamous relationship, and if that's not possible, she wants to live on her own in the bed and breakfast house.

    • Love 8
  21. On 3/18/2018 at 9:26 PM, albarino said:

    Haven't read through the thread yet.  They are all fat.  Fat.  If you don't have enough self-control to watch what you're putting into your mouth, I don't really care what is coming out of it.  Yes, Janelle, I'm looking at you as first at the feeding trough.

    It's funny you should say this.  I was watching and noticing that everyone is overweight, some by a little and some by a lot, but then I thought:  that's one maybe the only good thing this show does:  it features people with bodies like the ones I see every day, "normal" bodies.

    • Love 5
  22. On 3/18/2018 at 8:28 PM, Galloway Cave said:

    Kody, YOU are not the one who needs the surgery. I am glad Ysabel's curve is better but she is still 15 degrees from needing surgery and her quality of life WILL be bad if she doesn't continue with those exercises. Right now she has the time and energy; what happens when she goes to college or has a job or gets married and has kids? No time or inclination to continue with the exercises and maybe doesn't have the insurance to cover surgery. Another example of the Browns trying to skirt around good parenting.

    I was surprised that the "boot camp" was so effective.  HOWEVER I'll feel better once Ysabel's regular orthopedic doctor takes his own x-rays.  Not that I'm suspicious of a chiropractor who claims to have *healed* scoliosis.

    • Love 7
  23. 53 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    I have a real problem with this reasoning.  Babs is a grown adult. She's not a baby who needs to be sheltered. It was her pig. He died.  Pets get sick, they die.  She has been through that enough with their personal zoo that she knows it can happen.  My mother in law's family was all about "not breaking news" of health problems to other family members.  It was not a good idea with humans, and it's not with pets.  Let Babs deal with it however she needs to. Don't try to hide it from her.

    There's a big difference between not disclosing health news, which could have an impact leading to constructive action, and concealing the death of a pet from someone who dies not need to know about it.  What harm can it possibly do to keep Babs in the dark?  Telling her can have only unhappy consequences, and there is nothing she can do to help the situation.  It has nothing to do with her being an adult; it has everything to do with inflicting pain needlessly.

    • Love 3
  24. 3 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

    My main and only objection to the 1200 calorie a day diet is constant terrible hunger. This is nothing like the objections and excuses of the patients on the show. Of course they need to feel deprivation before the surgery and they need to follow a plan, but if you are unable to sleep because your stomach is physically hurting from growling, I don't see how one can do it. I think the bedbound ones have less hunger because they are so sedentary. A mobile person is going to be so hungry on 1200 calories a day that they may get headaches and feel faint. Feeling deprivation is one thing but being too hungry to sleep or function is totally another. I understand all the reasons for them losing weight and learning to eat a lot less. I think this can be done on 1500 or 1800 calories a day even up to 2000 calories a day of the right food. Someone going from 10,000 calories a day of junk to 2000 calories a day of healthy foods is going to feel deprived and a big massive change and is still going to lose 10 pounds a week. And they will learn that they can eat much less and healthy and feel just fine, and it's not horrible. 1200 calories a day is horrible due to the extreme hunger pains. I don't feel it is necessary for these people to reach their goals. I feel 1800 calories a day makes a lot more sense and will still lead to a huge rapid weight loss in a person carrying and extra 400-500 pounds.

    I do actually  not have a healthy relationship with food. I had been a yo yo dieter all my life and i am an emotional eater, a boredom eater and I love food and I use every excuse to eat. I hate being fat so I have to deprive myself on a daily basis. I have been a diet my whole life. Anytime I have tried 1200 calories or any no carb diet, I have been unable to function or sleep and i only weigh 140 pounds  Being absolutely starving and miserable is not good I don't are if you are about to get this surgery.. I guess no one agrees with me here on this but I can't function on 1200 calorie a day diet, physically I am sick and lightheaded and faint. I don't see how a 600 pound man going out to work could either. 


    I fully believe you when you say you can't function on 1200 calories a day, but I think most people would be able to, especially if they were trying to lose weight. The USDA says a woman 5'4" 126lbs between the ages 20 and 50 needs between 1800 and 2200 calories a day to maintain that weight.  The calorie spread covers different levels of activity.  A person that size wanting to lose weight (ha--as if!) would need to cut 3500 calories for each pound lost.  IOW, if she wanted to lose a pound a week, she'd have to cut about 500 calories a day, or go on a 1300-1700 calorie diet.  I do think you're unusual in your sensitivity to reduced calories--even on 1000 calories/day I have never been unable to sleep because of hunger--but what do I know?  I'm glad you're not in a situation where you need to go on a strict diet! : )

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