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Linda helped burn Lucifer's wings with Amenadiel after one of the times Lucifer cut them off. So she's seen them.
Just discovered this show and binged both seasons while wrapping gifts and baking cookies. I love the buffy vibe it has. Well, at one point Dolls points out to Wynonna that you can't go to the good guys to get immortality, you have to go to the other guys for that. The deal he made may have damned his soul. Maybe it requires more than giving up the ring to save it.
I disagree that Reade's objections necessarily mean he's not the mole. It assumes that he didn't have some flexibility in his responses when Jane shows up. If everyone was skeptical of Jane and didn't want her around he could have chosen to be supportive to get her in. If Jane didn't need his support to be accepted he could object to her, granting him more protection as a mole. Now, evidence against him will be more likely to be mentally justified away and if he's suspected as part of Sandstorm he can say, "I didn't even want Jane to be a part of this! Why would I do that as part of Sandstorm?" Additionally, it gives his voice more weight when he does support Jane. This episode he encourages Zapata to have sympathy for Jane and think of her as a victim. If Weller had said that, it's easily dismissed as him being emotionally compromised. But Reade doing the same surprised Zapata and, I think, had more weight.
[This was not the OP's post but I can't delete his post...sorry! This is me, Tara Ariano! Hi!]
I know Blake has a big fanbase that watches the show, but there must be a huge amount of people that vote straight team Blake regardless of how people perform. That's the only explanation I have for how Paxton, who wasn't very good and was sitting at below 100 on iTunes, beat Emily, who got to #27. Or, frankly, Mary Sarah who was completely bland and was only at 87. Basically, people vote for Blake's team out of loyalty, but won't actually spend money to buy the songs.
Well, being mayor could be a stepping stone to Governor or Senator eventually. He could see an opening for a long term political career that he didn't see as likely before this fell into his lap.
Dustin Christensen (Team Adam, season 9) has a kickstarter up for funding the production and release a double EP. He has 2 songs in his project video, I like the second one. I'd post a link, but I'm not sure if it's ok to post a link to a kickstarter. (soliciting maybe?) Has anyone else used kickstarter to fund an album? I just started watching the show this past season.
I think I missed something. Did they ever explain what IA had on Deeks? As in, why they reopened the case now? The interrogator says Deeks is trying to figure out what they have on him, but does the audience ever figure it out? I mean I understand, I think, that Hetty transferred Quinn to force the investigation to come to a head. But there had to be an initial reason IA reopened the case, so...what was it?
I think part of Korin's problem was also that she had to learn 2 songs every week, to everyone else's one. I mean presumably Braiden learned his save song the first week of lives and then had another two weeks to practice it. When the twitter count on the bottom went to 49%/51% right before they cut it off, I thought Korin was going to pull it out. That would have been awesome, even though she's would have been cut next week anyway. If she had been even close to getting that song right she would have gone through. Even singing first and forgetting half the lyrics she made it close!
Did anyone else think the weak link in the Team Adam performance of "Wouldn't it be Nice" was...Adam? He sounded really bad to me, especially his first line.
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Korin was saved, Evan's out. Doing one of Adam's songs was inspired. Not only did she do a good job with it, she practically forced Adam to support her in his comments.
Maybe they were taking criticisms like the one from Waving Feather at the top of the page: A slower elimination process does give you more time to get attached to your favorite.
Pharrell's and Adam's teams are exactly what I'd thought they'd be, no real surprises. Well, ok I didn't know who it would be besides Madi and Mark, but I knew those 2 would be through. I don't know why Adam and Pharrell took so long to make choices, it was fairly obvious who they were going to pick. I was fairly surprised Braiden got voted in. I though Gwen might choose to save him, but I didn't think he'd have the votes. Based on iTunes I was thinking it would be Jeffrey and Ellie. I would have preferred Ellie to Braiden, but I'm glad Korin was saved. She's been one of my favorites even if her last performance wasn't great. And sooo annoyed Barrett was voted in. I thought it would be Emily Ann and Zach and was hoping Blake would choose Yvonne or Nadjah. I know, I was probably dreaming that Blake wouldn't choose Barrett anyway, but I'm still wish there'd have been the chance of losing Barrett.
Yeah, that whole "impeded his ability to make money" came straight out of a lawyer's mouth, trying to justify why he should get half or more. I watched the video of Blake getting slimed, it was cute. Nickelodeon should have Adam show up to slime Blake on the real awards show.
I kind of think Ivonne would have been better off with Gwen. One of her problems seems to be not being able to relax and move during a performance. Gwen could have helped her progress more with that then I think Blake will. Plus, if she "always wanted" to work with Blake, it sounds like that's just going to make her more nervous! Why not go with the judge that you won't feel quite as much pressure signing in front of, to help alleviate your nerves.