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Posts posted by Abmis

  1. It makes me sad that with the exception of Liz's siblings no one seemed the slightest bit happy about the baby.   I get that Amber is concerned about Liz's health but she seemed even more flat and disinterested than she usually does.  It was just weird.  No one even smiled when talking about the upcoming baby. I really wish there had been an explanation as to why Liz and Brice waited so long to tell anyone. 

    I did get a kick out of the two "badass aunts."  I enjoy Anna and Emma's scenes together.  They seem to have the most normal sibling relationship out of all the kids.

    My only laugh of the night was when Liz said something about Brice's family having strong male genes.  Okay.  Brice looks like he's caught in a hostage situation. 



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  2. 1 hour ago, ranchgirl said:

    4 to 6 pictures of her mom in her tiny room. 

    Jill claims that Nessa did not want to leave her crib.  

    If Jill had been able to produce another blessing poor Nessa would have been out of the crib whether she liked it or not. 

    I hope Jill realizes that it's time to hand the crib down to one of her grandchildren and isn't still hoping to have another baby. I think that ship has sailed. 

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  3. This episode made me so sad.  Poor Tammy. She handled everything quite well and the memorial was nice.  She obviously had deep feelings for Caleb whatever they were.  I remember her calling him her best friend at some point and I think that's probably what he was.  I knew when we saw him win the little sloth in the last episode that we'd be seeing it again.  I got choked up over that.  RIP Caleb.  What a sad ending to a young life.

    When the episode opened with Amy crying on Tammy's couch, Amy crying in her talking heads, and Amy crying at the kitchen table I was afraid she'd ruin the memorial service like she did Tammy's wedding but she behaved herself.  Maybe because her kids weren't there to trigger her.  I know I sound mean, but I've dealt with a family member who was a lot like her and she has a long way to go to win me back over.  Amanda was gracious to forgive her, but I think that may have played out differently if it wasn't for everyone dealing with Caleb's untimely death. 

    I enjoy Amanda and Misty together.  They both looked nice in their new dresses.  The whole family was appropriately dressed.  I get a kick out of Chris wearing his cowboy hat when he's dressed up. 

    This episode seemed more like a series finale than a season finale.  That probably would have been the best thing for Amy's kids, but I've heard they're  filming next season.  I hope Michael has enough sense to try to keep the boys off the show.  They deserve their privacy. 


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  4. I went back and watched Episode 7 and the little guys had on life jackets at the beach so they either owned them or had excess to them.  Maybe they were able to rent them at the beach.  Too bad they didn't use them on the boat. 

    I wonder what the trip home was like for Justin. It had to be hard being stuck in a vehicle for a long trip with Amy after she shoved his mother around. 

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  5. I've missed this forum so much.  It's hard for me to remember back a whole week, but did anyone catch Amy saying something like, "Here's your son." to Tammy when she brought Glenn to the table?  That's probably a joke between them, but it shows how much Tammy does for the boys.  When Tammy was at her very worst the one thing I did like about her was that she was affectionate to Little Bit and Amy's kids.  I didn't think she was a bit out of line offering suggestions to help settle Glen down to Amy.

    I was shocked that Amy said she was going to call Michael to come get her and boys.  As her family pointed out, he wouldn't have been able to get there before it was time to leave.  Also, isn't Michael supposed to be a lazy person who never helps her?  If I had been Michael and had gotten a call like that the first thing I would have done is hung up and called the police station closest to where she was staying and asked for a welfare check on the boys.  That would have given him a police report should he ever want to use it against her in court.  Not that I think he's a great parent, but maybe it would have given her a wakeup call.  

    I vaguely remember one of the Teen Moms assaulting her boyfriend/husband on camera and being charged for it.  He didn't press charges but she got charged anyway since it was filmed. Amy is lucky that hasn't happened to her.  

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  6. I didn't think the boys were being all that difficult when Amy had a meltdown over putting them in their car seats.  It's like she can't handle lifting a finger to do anything with them.  Those poor kids had no business being at the restaurant.  They had to be exhausted after a day at the beach in the sun.  I felt badly for Amanda having to miss out on her supper.

    I also got tired of hearing Amy complain about how long the drive was.  She chose the car ride option so she had no grounds to complain.  I hope Justin had a good time in Florida.  He earned it. 

    The good parts for me were Tammy's facial expressions on the plane and her joy at getting to experience being at the beach, Chris' ridiculous shorts, seeing how great Misty looks. 

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  7. On 1/17/2024 at 6:44 PM, MrBuhBye said:

    I thought she ate Chinese food and had heartburn or gas or something.  I think Amy thought once she had kids she would have some idyllic family life which is why she was in such a rush to have them against doctor’s orders.  I think some of her stitches could have ruptured so soon after surgery.  But then she had the kids and found out that not only did it not solve preexisting issues but added new ones.

    I found the episode I was thinking of.  It's the first episode of season 2.  Amy claims she hasn't pooped in three weeks so Michael takes her to Urgent Care and she discovers she's pregnant with Gage.  I do remember the Chinese food episodes too.  We know way too much about Amy's digestive system!

    It's interesting watching old episodes now that everyone has changed so much.  It makes me sad to watch Little Bit.  She was such a sweet little dog. 

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  8. I think that whether it was consciously or subconsciously Caleb would have loved to see Tammy eat the fried foods in hopes that she would start gaining weight and come back to rehab.  For all his talk of going home he seems totally unprepared to handle life outside of the facility.  Without Tammy all he has is food and words.  Lots and lots of words. 

    Tammy looked so happy doing Zumba.  She looked smaller in that scene than when she was visiting Caleb.  Maybe the pants she was wearing were more flattering than the dresses she had on at rehab. 

    I can't remember if it was this episode or the last one where Misty said Amy is regressing but I think she hit the nail on the head.  Watching Amy sitting on the floor with all her older siblings gathered around her asking her she was going to the bathroom, taking her meds, using her C-Pap etc. made me feel like she was going back in time to being the baby of family with them taking care of her because her mother didn't.  Amy needs help, but she has to want it.  No one can do it for her.  Her complaining about having to do everything for the boys all the time doesn't really hold water because they weren't at the Kentucky Derby scene or the Zumba scene so she obviously doesn't have them 24/7.  I just don't know what to think is going on with her but I do worry about the little boys. 

    Didn't she have to go to ER during one of her pregnancies because she hadn't poop for two weeks?

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  9. I'm also getting tired of all the laughing at things that aren't all that funny.  The thing that really struck me funny was Chris's remark about the toothless and bald in Kentucky dating profile.  They're right about Michael, but on the other hand I doubt anyone ever went to their dentist and asked for the Amy Slaton smile.  Speaking of Amy, I'm all for self-expression but I don't think go to court with blue hair for something as important as custody of my children just in case I got a super conservative judge. 

    Another funny thing was Chris saying Brittany wanted a cute chicken coop in the back yard.  Their yard and the yards around them aren't exactly professionally landscaped so it struck me funny, but good for them for trying. 

    It seems like we're seeing a lot of TLC driven plot lines.  Last week it was taking the little boys to the sushi restaurant and this week it was when the girls went to the house and Amy walked right to the closet and took out the bag with her wedding dress in it.  Naturally she starts crying so of course her sisters take it out of the bag so she has to look at it.  It just seemed so fake to me.

    It was nice to see Tammy cleaning.  It finally hit me that besides her weight loss one of the things that's making her look so much better is that her glasses help cover the bulge in her forehead or maybe it's just getting smaller.  Either way, her face looks good.



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  10. I had to laugh at the beginning of the show when they were heading to the restaurant and the camera panned to a building that said "Comfort By The Cross-Eyed Chicke(n).  Not sure if that was the name of the place where they ate but I wonder what Amy thought when she saw it. 

    I was shocked that Gage was running around barefoot in the sushi place.  He was barefoot when Amy carried him in and even though his pants were long and covering his feet it was obvious he was barefoot.  That is so gross not to mention unsafe for Gage.

    Amy's reaction to Micheal filing for divorce first was mind boggling.  I don't think she really knows what she wants.  She needs help badly.

    Amanda crying in her talking heads seemed fake to me. 


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  11. On 12/23/2023 at 7:24 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:


    I noticed that not only has Michael gained a lot of weight, but Amanda has really put more one, in spite of her WLS.    Amy is obviously regaining too.   I think after she found out she hadn't gained much after the second pregnancy, that she gave up even pretending to try, and went back to eating anything she wants.   

    I'm so happy for Tammy, she’s really embracing her new life, and is so committed to moving forward.  

    I wonder how Amy really feels about Tammy's weight loss.  Tammy doesn't weigh much more than Amy did when the show started.  Amy may not be the "skinny" Slaton sister much longer.  That could be adding to her stress.

    I'm happy for Tammy too.  Her new outlook on life is as wonderful as her weight loss.  I'm hoping her family doesn't drag her back down. 

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  12. 18 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Someone must have said something on the post with the R word. Ma's leg is now "mentally challenged."

    Someone with a beloved family member who was teased and taunted with the R word may have complained to Facebook.  Mentally challenged isn't much better but I guess it's a start. 

    10 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    Seriously? Ma said it and she already posted it. How about just take out that sentence? 



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  13. 16 hours ago, TomGirl said:

    I can’t find this episode on Netflix. There’s a GBBO bread week episode but it’s from an older season (with Noel and Sandi).  Any suggestions?

    That happened to me on my tablet, but it worked fine on my TV.  I hope you can get it to work. 

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  14. This was a great episode.  I love the feeling of community and family they're giving us.  I'm hoping the talk of Maximus means we'll get to see Graham Greene again.

    Watching the guys fish made me think of the Deer Lady's boarding school friend who wanted to go fishing and I got choked up.  This show makes me laugh and cry and I'm going to miss it when it's gone. 

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  15. On 8/3/2023 at 11:14 AM, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

    The friends were Bear’s family/elders. He mentioned Mabel and Brownie, who are Elora’s grandmother and uncle. Buchanan is Bucky. Irene is Cheese’s adoptive grandmother. 


    I was surprised that Bear didn't seem to realize this and asked Maximus where they are now.

    I loved Graham Greene in this.  He's one of my favorite actors and I'd be happy watching him read the phone book.  His performance in Thunderheart is amazing.

    There were some cute moments in these two episodes such as "spirit fingers", Bear saying he was practicing for a play, and him trying to summon William Knifeman by saying his name three times like he was Beetle Juice.  My one complaint is wouldn't the gang have noticed Bear wasn't on the bus?  There weren't a lot of people on the bus so it would have been pretty obvious he wasn't there.  Also, since the girls thought he was in front of Cheese in line wouldn't they probably have been sitting together?

    I liked seeing more of Teenie.  In the season 2 episode where Teenie came back for Mabel's passing she and Big got pretty flirty.  I'm kind of hoping they end up together. 

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  16. Which episode was Jrod in?  I must have blinked and missed her.

    I bet Jen from Fundie Fridays is disappointed in how little screen time she got.

    Mr. Abmis is not familiar with any of these people other than hearing me rant about them.  He was in the room while I was watching the documentary and the spanking and hugging thing with Gothard caught his attention.   He was repulsed and kept asking why no one stopped it since it was obvious Gothard just wanted to touch the kid.  Nice to know I'm married to someone normal. 

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