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29 Excellent
  1. Since you're doing the whole "rating" thing... Why not use a scale that's a bit more clear. How about a "nope, never" to "panty-dropper" scale? Responders can come up with the values in between. Seriously, do you want guys rating the women on the show like this? I personally don't have an issue with it but I suspect some might have something to say about whether or not it would be appropriate if you were talking about the women like that. Myself, I wouldn't just because after meeting my wife I realized there is no scale that can measure true attractiveness.
  2. I'm pretty sure I didn't suggest Anna "should" do anything. I only suggested that possibly Josh might do better with someone who's interests align more with his own (excluding the child molestation of course, I mean, I suppose he could always look into converting to the Catholic priesthood. . .). There are all kinds, including men and women who are o.k. with being rough with one another. Not my thing, but it's out there along with a whole gamut of other variations. Being the porn star of my spouse's fantasies sounds pretty good to me. But maybe that's my own personal freakiness showing.
  3. Man bits? Righteously Fufill? I wonder if that's like pillow talk for them. If so, I think I can see the problem: "Oh Josh, I just love your man bits!" "Come here baby, let me righteously fulfill you - but only with the intent of creating a blessed life of course." Yep. Steamy.
  4. I suppose it depends on what you want in that department. Men can be considerate and generous and still be manly. In fact, some might argue that, although those traits aren't exclusive to men, they are part of what makes a man a good man (or a good person for that matter), regardless of any other characteristics. I think you're confusing "being a dick" with "manly". Don't feel bad, a lot of guys get it wrong too.
  5. Let's see, scars or flappy, discolored skin. I'm going to go scars everytime I think. I mean let me throw some names out here. . .Machete, Edward James Olmos, Benicio Del Toro. Sure, not classic lookers but, preferable to looking like Dennis Johnson or Mrs Doubtfire, eh? The rest of your post just makes me glad I was never a frat bro. Or a bro even sans the frat.
  6. Maybe in a vacuum but, compared to Teresa's spawn? She's cuter than puppies!
  7. Allegedly. . .
  8. Also, on the same subject of being your best self for your new bride who's never seen you before. . . Dave. Buddy. Some women like big men but, it's not a high percentage bet. Maybe skip a few meals and do something that resembles exercise once or twice before your wedding. Sure, it's a long-shot but, why not at least give the appearance of trying? I think we can make a pretty good guess as to why most of these people haven't found a spouse going the traditional route.
  9. Did you have a large mascot head to fall back on in your case or were you walking that particular tight-rope without a net? I've been lucky enough to only have minor work done but, my wife swears I should have my jaw broken and that it would somehow "fix" my mouth. . . I don't know what she means by that.
  10. So, if Josh is addicted to porn, maybe if Anna watched it with him it could be redirected into "together time". She could also maybe wear little school girl outfits and help redirect some of his other predilections (should I say "past predilections"?) into more constructive and relationship building activities for their marriage. Heck, who knows? Maybe he doesn't need a church-based counseling solution and just a wife willing to get freaky with him?
  11. So, why didn't Doug get the moles removed before the marriage/honeymoon? Is it a religious thing? Is it like Samson's hair? Will he lose his doughy super-powers if his moles are no more? I'm just thinking, there's big odds against marriage to begin with, much less one that starts sight-unseen. I think a normal person would think, "Hey, maybe I should lose the flappy growths before my bride-to-be sees me for the first time and starts making a determination on whether or not I'm boneable. . .". Speaking of flappy growths. . .am I the only one who thinks Neils lips are large enough to be distracting? Also, is it just me or is he a little effeminate? Not that there's anything wrong with that. . .unless you're marrying him and a female maybe.
  12. Wow! I never would have guessed that. The plate thing is good news though. Hope lives on. . .
  13. So, quick question: Was Derrick's jaw surgery a success? Is it too soon to tell? Just curious. Pics I've seen I can't really tell. I suppose if worse came to worse he could always put on the Pistol Pete head so, he's got options. One more question: How old is Josey? I'm assuming 3 or 4 but it's weird because they talk about her on the show like she's older than that. Based on the way they treat her though, I've got to believe she's very young.
  14. Sure, I get that. So, it's not so much her "look" as it is that her look is natural? Again, preferences are subjective. I'd imagine women have a different notion of what is "pretty" compared to men. And, of course, there's variation within the population of men as well. I keep my look very natural. In fact, my long, luxurious eye-brows are the envy of my ward. I have often been called pretty. I suppose some might not agree but, in the end, it's all about personal preference. Thanks for clarifying!!
  15. I don't get the "Joi-Anna is so pretty" thing. I mean, she's not going to put me off of my frito-pie but, I wouldn't be bragging to my buddies at church camp about a full-on frontal hug or anything. Is it because she's got a few extra pounds? I mean, I agree, that can make someone look sweet and nice but, I don't know that I'd go with "pretty". I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. However, that beholder better have a good back...
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