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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. One more thing I may have missed others commenting on: TOTALLY over production rewarding the Gorga children with airtime. I don't think it's "cute" to see Jnr kicking his father while the parents are talking and neither parent acknowledge this disgusting, attention seeking behaviour. First of all, Mum and Dad are talking, so beat feet. Secondly, use your words. And further, it's not amusing and it's not entertaining and I don't want to see it. It was bad enough when we were being fed the schtick about Joe's 'old school' attitude to Melissa working and the (boom tish!) chaos that ensues when he has to deal with dinner!!! That was another scene where I reached for the ff button. I can't stand kids being misinformed about how cute their screaming and rudeness is and I don't want to watch it. The Gorga daughter putting the dog in the kitchen sink (hilarious!) cos her mother wasn't home and then screeching 'MOOOMMM!' repeatedly....scripted and beyond boring. I'll say one thing for Atlanta: Porsha and Kim ('Tootie' Kim, not 'wig' Kim) have some beautifully brought up and natural children: polite, well behaved and actually fun to watch when it's limited to scenes where they happen to be around when the hos are being filmed. The NJ kids, from the overexposed and deadly dull Manzos, to the over informed Staubs and to the overentitled and misinformed about their importance Gorgas.....make it stop. Funnily, Tre's aren't the worst, except for having to hear 'Milania' being shrilled across the acres of marble. That gets old real quick.

    • Love 4
  2. I stopped counting after Anne did her annoying giggle after a dozen times. I don't think anyone at all, including production, missed the staggering hypocrisy of lecturing about animal cruelty, boycotting the clay pigeon shooting, feeding the Parnell pussies (heh, heh, heh)  etc whilst carrying a snakeskin leather handbag and never missing an opportunity to leave the house in a fur coat. Even the rocket scientists in this bunch, Julia first among equals, picked up on the cognitive dissonance. Anne says that it's alright for her to be an animal rights activist and wear fur because she inherited her fur, poor thing. Anne tucks into a fish lunch after boycotting clay pigeon shooting whilst making remarks about how none of her fellow hos could slit their meal's throat or skin it. Anne says that it's alright to wear a FOX fur, because they are going to die anyway, they're lesser animals because they are pests. Like rabbits and possums, as Michelle helpfully adds. Anne is batshit crazy and maybe gets a pass only because of this. I also get the feeling she doesn't much like children (never had any), and she intends to mix her own ashes with those of her cremated pussies (heh, heh, heh). Oh, and shooting is ok provided it's shooting at a FIXED target, not a moving one, because a moving one is like practicing for shooting at real animals.  Yup. 

    Louise and Gilda are the only house hos in this franchise who really pique my interest. Louise presents as a real human being. I was actually moved when she was turned down for the acting role she auditioned for, and watching her go through the process of being knocked back and coming to terms with it was relatable. She took it like a trooper and she didn't go all Angela and preach some hokey half baked self help nonsense. Which is a relief, because the back end of this episode was ALL about Angela Stone and her latest schill venture (ANOTHER book!!!!) where she preaches her version of 'being real'. This woman's delusion pips Anne's at the post. When she AGAIN upstaged someone else's event to promote her One Amazonian Woman crusade to restyle the world in her image - a prospect that is so staggering in it's lack of appeal that the other ho's are again seen giving side eye and reaching for alcoholic bevvies - another of her many THs has her completely misread their reaction yet again. In Angela's eyes, the ladies are really coming around to her world view! I think the word she was searching for and never found was 'authentic'. So she's written another self help book about finding one's 'authentic self'. Except she's obviously done no market research, despite also being the gun business woman she claims to be, and hasn't yet heard of this quite tired concept. Her exploited French PA, Lea, will probably bear the brunt of the consequences when the book goes the same way as 'Switch the Bitch'.  I'd borrow it from the library for shits and giggles, but not for any kind of advice. I really did feel my gorge rise at her photo shoot for the cover. Not because we were all exposed to way too much naked Angela, who is a whole lot of woman in the way LuAnne Delasepps is a whole lot of woman, except that Angela is creepy, 'intunse' and weirds everyone around her totally out, no, it was because her 'artsy' Scottish photographer was shooting every cliche in the photography manual: Angela kneeling on a bed in a men's white shirt (the shirt must have been truly enormous to look oversized on Angela, who is never naturally going to achieve the boyfriend look), click, Angela lounging on a bed in a satin outfit, click and worst of all, Angela exposing herself. Not her body, as she tells us, she feels she has mind melded with her photographer and they have reached a mutual spiritual consensus to expose Angela's soul by sitting her naked in a bath blowing bubbles at a camera. Because that it so original and will really stand out on the self help shelf. I can't wait.

    The best part of Angela yet again upstaging the feral orc nosed racist Julia at her lunch was Gilda, gun shade slinger, casually mentioning that her own SECOND book was being launched in 3 weeks also. We haven't, of course, even heard that Gilda has written a first book. And Gilda's book is actually fascinating: a graphic novel about the cosmos aimed at 7s and ups. The artwork looked topnotch and I really want to know if she did these illustrations herself. Gilda's book I actually WILL look for because I'm actually interested. 

    I don't even want to devote oxygen to Julia the Racist because she should have been pulled from the screen after calling Michelle a n***r last episode. Julia has had a lobotomy, or she's just narcissistically stuck at age 5. When Julia gets comfortable in a new social situation, she brings out a paper bag full of used sex toys to impress her guests, and follows this up with dropping the racist slurs she uses in everyday life into her conversations. there is no room on television for this trogolodyte. She blatantly attempts to rehab her image in this episode by accompanying batty Anne on her stray cat feeding mission. She whines and is generally useless throughout the whole pointless and transparent exercise. I wish she'd fallen off the 'cliff' she kept whingeing about. I wish Anne had pushed her, except then she'd have wanted casseroles. She needs to go 6 rounds in a ring with Vicki Gunvalson, they deserve each other. Julia actually looked as though she was about to cry when Gilda and Louise were better shots on the clay pigeon range and she only came a dismal tied third with best bud from last episode Angela. Then at lunch she finds her usual form by becoming moist and animated about the 'stimulation' she feels from guns. Again, Gilda wins this event by mentioning to the gun guy that although she hadn't used a shot gun before, she'd used an AK47. Because Iran and revolution. Go Gilda, you and Louise are the only hos on this franchise of any interest, so why are the episodes clogged like pubic hair in a drain with the awful Angela? I KNOW that NZ cannot be that hard up for beautiful women that Angela can be considered a fashion model, as she keeps claiming. And not a plus sized one, either. In what universe?

    I really can't stand people who acquire a pet as an accessory. Michelle is one of these people. In the introductory episode she chose to have herself filmed showing off her daughter's horse and it was evident she hardly knew which was the business end. In this episode she lures Dan the Dog Trainer to her lair and proceeds to sexually harass him to the point of making the audience and Dan and Gilda cringe. Having a dog enables Michelle to say 'Louis Vuitton leash' over and over again. Animals suffer when humans expect them to behave like humans. Michelle lives in an icy morgue of a house where shoes are not allowed. She very obviously hates touching an animal's coat unless it has been converted into something she can wear and dryclean. Michelle should not be allowed to acquire any more sentient beings. Gilda has real chemistry with her dog, the same breed as Michelle's, and it looks as though Michelle has seen Gilda's 'accessory' and ordered as close a copy as possible, Watching her lock this beautiful animal behind a pool fence and then mimic it barking at her made me sad. And angry, actually. I wish Gilda the Good Witch would take Marley home with her.

    Angela and Anne tie for most deluded and Louise and Gilda tie for most 'real self'. Julia is human garbage. Michelle is barely likeable, though she is the only one who can forgive Julia for her racial slur. Maybe that is why Julia is still on the television.

    • Love 3
  3. I'm a hair model so thought I'd get that out first for potential hate that will follow: I've had the gluten dairy soy and various other freedoms for 30 years. I do believe that it's down to things like animal feeds being packed with various things they don't naturally eat plus food processing etc. All that said, I'm not an ass about it. And these are sensitivities NOT full blown allergies. Having a sandwich will give me indigestion and brain fog. It's mainly to keep horrible depression at bay and it works. That said, my diet of meat and veges is pretty easy to get creative with. I think the primary here was the only person with a modicum of elegance and taste and he ordered the tasting menu and seemed to really enjoy it. I certainly hope the primary is the one who determines the tip this charter. He seemed pretty chill throughout. The rest of the gang? Vulgar, crude, oily and brash. 

    The way the world is going, Ben needs to invest in a gourmet health course. Because he ain't going to be seeing less of this. And he's always banging on about his crucial role in the tip size. 

    I'm looking forward to Rocket Towel Charter Guest Spirit Animal Dean reappear and I'm going to be checking for the double take when he spots his fave chief stew. She is unraveling. It's sad, cos she's a reality tv natural. 

    Adiós Booger Boy, squint of into the sunset. And I think the much adored Emily ends up with Ben. He's playing the long game with her, well aware of the other 2 like cartoon dogs with their tongues hanging out. Poor Sierra. She told us she loved all the men in the spectrum, but her wack vibe is traceable even through my screen. Can the bottled juice market take another product? Good luck with that. I still think the worst reality tv schill product was the sad Manzo spawn black water. No. Just no.

    • Love 6
  4. I think Alaskan Face refers to Sierra's open Scandinavian features due to long history of migration to the northern states of the US and Canada (sez the Australian) least that's how I took it. Set up to fail with that great messy chunky mohair salad. Did not fit the 12 course aesthetic at all and I'm surprised Ben let it leave the galley. And Kate needs to separate Sierra from guest relations. Alcohol with your gin and I tonic? And misleading the idiot with the faux dietary issues. As Cpt Lee says ' once is a problem, twice is a pattern, do I think it'll happen again? Absolutely! '

    Knowing what we now know about Kate, is anyone else seeing a visible physical decline? !? 

    • Love 2
  5. I can't wait for social media to catch up with Julia. She calls Michelle a 'boat n****r' next episode. I had no idea that was coming from the previews attached to this epi. But that's it. I'm done. There had better be consequences for that comment, and by that I mean one of those crooked canes you see in cartoons, yanking her stringy neck offstage for good. Way to represent, Auckland! Prior to this it was Melbourne for showing the disgraceful underbelly of casual racism in Australia via Lidiot. And I want her gone, never to be seen again also. THIS was a line that just doesn't get crossed. 

    And Angela is a creepy unit. She seems to have studied an illustrated HR manual for facial expressions and she deploys them during all her interactions. She comes off wooden and weird. And her relationship with Lea looks really exploitative to me, especially if that young girl is not being paid. And I don't count free board in Angela's linen cupboard as being paid. It's a relationship that is disadvantageous to Lea. She is isolated, overworked and trotted about by her hellhound of an employer like this month's must have accessory. And Angela laying so much guilt on her for the car accident and keeping her 'brand' going because that's apparently a 'twinty four sivin' job according to Angela. She is the type of employer that thinks hauling Lea along for a pedicure counts as a benefit or part of her wage or time off. Lea needs to leave. Similarly, Lea gets to come to Port Douglas, where she hauls Angela's bags and is installed as Angela's 'twintyfour sivin' inhouse tea and drink making maid. Angela will be patting herself on the back for being a generous employer, NO! , a generous *friend* to Lea, whereas Lea will be feeling hot, uncomfortable, lonely, overworked and most importantly isolated. Isolation being the hallmark of abusive relationships. Good on Anne for stirring the pot and asking Lea to spill in French. The look on Angela's face because there is a difference between having the cachet of 'possessing' a French PA and actually speaking the language or knowing anything about France. It was gratifying watching Angela squirm because she couldn't control the situation. And her self aggrandizing THs! She tells us she is a wise person and people can learn so much from her! Utterly no concept that no one wants anything she might have to say rammed down their throats. She's been told to back off and be herself, but she cannot stop getting in her own way. Upstaging Louise by organising an activity, the helicopter trip to the rainforest for some hokey spurutchooull yoga....no one else wants that. You can feel them all deflating at the prospect through the screen. The others should crack some booze and cocktails on the verandah and watch Angela on her knees in the rainforest tossing leaflitter around her head with that goofy big chin grin she does, eyes turned spurutchooully to the heavens. With a big leech stuck to her plus sized arse. And no Lea to pull it off because Lea is locked in the villa with Angela's brand. 

    Julia needs to go. Really. No one can countenance her getting a cheque for calling someone 'n***' in the name of entertainment. 

    • Love 5
  6. No. No. No.

    First I tried my usual link to watch this episode and it came up with the message 'this file has been removed by administrator'. I've never seen that message before. Two minutes in and I'm seriously suspecting that it was deliberately removed. 

    Julia is now up there with Lidiot  (Real Howives of Melbourne) for RACIST ignorant troglodytes that have no business being paid for entertainment on my screen. Like Michelle, I have no interest in seeing her orc nosed low rent head again. Ever. I hope she is pilloried and I hope she can no longer show her face in public in NZ. There. Is. No. Excuse.

    Louise was correct. Despite Louise using borderline inappropriate whitesplaining language herself: what Julia said was unforgivable. And she needs to be sacked immediately. Sacked. Contract pulled. 

    She cannot be permitted to slither out of this. The cast is broken. I don't like Michelle's behavior in previous episodes but I was happy enough to watch her interact with the unfortunate Angela. It's insulting to expect Michelle to continue working with someone who has vilified her in racist language. I've stopped the episode as they turned the boat back. I'm thinking why are all the women crowded around the racist troll and only Gilda is supporting Michelle? Granted at this stage Orc Face is sobbing about Michelle throwing champagne at her and saying she's out of control. No ownership for what provoked it so right there is Orc Face attempting to slither. And how. .what POSSIBLE excuse or reason does she have? It just 'slipped out'?!!! Because that tells me that when Orc Face and her terminally socially humiliated spouse are hanging out in their skeevy kitchen slurping wine and dreaming up new tacky methods for Orc Face to grab the limelight, like a bag of sex toys at a dinner party, they don't think twice as privileged white people about throwing around the 'N' word. I know people like this, unfortunately, and they only dial it down until they feel 'safe' amongst their own kind (racist pigs) with a nudge nudge wink wink we're all on the same page here, *those* people, n--s etc etc. She uses this and other racially pejorative terms every day with ease and without any thought. She and her husband will be right wing entitled conservatives and they are making their money in a country with a long history pre white 'settlement' (invasion in Australia, slightly different history in Aotearoa). I hope hope hope that her Maori neighbours hear and see this and RUIN whatever nasty business fuels the lifestyle of this dried up ignorant hood rat piece of garbage. 

    I don't know how much control Bravo has over the franchises in the colonies, but I for one DO NOT want to see Julia or Lydia (RHOM) on my screen again. And I DO want to see some successful Maori Howives! I thought during the first episode that maybe Angela was going to reveal she had Maori heritage because of her comment about being the 'face' of some NZ tourism campaign. But so far, nothing and I don't think so. 

    There's nothing entertaining about watching an entitled and over privileged withered up white woman use ignorant racist language to humiliate a cast member and then surround herself for support with others of her ilk while the only women of color are left alone together. I don't have a problem with the ugly underbelly of racism in Australia and New Zealand being unwittingly exposed, I guess, but ethically there must be consequences. 

    I'm furious and disgusted. Keep Michelle and Gilda. The rest can kick rocks. Maybe an episode where they all attend a cultural sensitivity workshop. Old dogs/bitches etc. Classless, tacky and also ignorant, hate filled racists. I spit. 

    • Love 3
  7. The poster above who described this show as The Real Housewives of Teresa Giudice nailed it. And I'm wavering on whether I continue with it. RHONYC has a similar dynamic going on with the Bethmonster. These women now seem to be calling all the shots. The NJ cast all seem to be quivering in terror at saying or doing anything that could be construed as offensive by Teresa. And Teresa is a lackwit so it isn't hard. Further, Tre is suffering from delusions of reality tv grandeur. I really don't buy that learning some yoga moves means that you've evolved as a spiritual human being. I do have sympathy for Tre's upbringing, I'll never forget her husband referring to her as 'my c*** of a wife'. But the show is suffering with the rest of the cast tippy toeing around this psychopath. She's only tolerating Jac because the Lauritas are in financial trouble and won't be building a bigger shinier and tackier mansion anytime soon. And Jac is also becoming a deeply unpleasant and ugly woman. But she seems to understand her place with respect to Tre: be submissive at all times. Ditto for poor Melissa. That scene where they are walking together: Melissa enquires about how Juicy is coping and Tre blows her off with the usual bs. Teresa is the least 'real' howive in the franchise in that she gets away with revealing nothing authentic about herself, very little truth and she will NOT be challenged by anyone. It's pointless bringing in new cast members here, because they are suffocated immediately by the Tre Gorgon. What is the point of Siggy and Dolores atm? Tre has too much power. At least Lu and Dorinda challenge Bethenny. No one on NJ dares stand up to Teresa and her crap. Jac tried it, but she knows where her bread is buttered and has fallen into line a la Carole and Bethenny. And we all know how boring Carole has become. She's redundant on RHONYC and I'd bet won't be asked back. What happened to the Teresa of Seasons 1 and 2?

    And I have zero interest in frkn Ashley and Pete. Right up there in the Brianna category of don't appear on my screen again, ever. 

    I'd love to see more Rosie. She feels genuine. Kathy just reads as desperately hungry. These people have been raised by monsters and their job in this life is to rise above all this hateful grudge holding that they seem to cling to as part of their heritage alongside home brewed Grappa and meatballs. No. I don't think Teresa learned anything meaningful in prison. She's come out more deluded and guarded and nasty than ever before. Andy should just put her and the Bethmonster in a ring and cast some new women for this franchise. 

    • Love 3
  8. Heather and Terry do the vampire thing too, don't they? Hardly news, that treatment anyway. 

    I found Julia hauling Michelle up into that room absolutely the height of rudeness and a betrayal of the hostesses' hospitality. Anne's event was outdoors. Guests were not supposed to be upstairs creeping the joint. And Julia sneaking Michelle up the stairs for the sole purpose of sniggering at Anne's tchochkes..If she was my friend, I'd be hurt and furious and no more champagne for you! Julia is a dimwit nasty bulb. Michelle gives off such a nouveau flashy vibe, she's going to have the least appreciation for Anne's time capsule room and I'm pretty sure Julia knew that and deliberately grabbed her. 

    I loved than Anne had that room. I think Michelle's monstrosity of a place with that hideous tequila sunrise bar and the pretentious swinging day pallet will be in vogue for 5 minutes, if that. It was sterile and of course she doesn't cook. Orc nosed Julia needs her arse kicked for that. 

    And Angela and the leaf tossing reminded me of an adult diaper advertisement. No squirrels in NZ. 

    • Love 1
  9. Hope I'm not repeating anything as I've only just seen this episode here in Australia. 

    Surreal. I think Heather was the one worst affected in the accident. The sit down scene with Meghan looked almost scripted and definitely overacted with the snapping eyes, arching eyebrows and flapping hands. Heather's response to this, relative to a whole season of cancer scamming, seemed way out of proportion to me. I think she's had a head injury, it was out of character for her even to mention ptsd in regard to herself. 

    And did Season 10 not happen? Given what Vicki did to everyone, why are Tamra and Heather so furiously shocked and condemnatory of Shannon and Meghan and their choice not to run to Vicki's bedside? Jim seemed to be the only one who isn't drinking the Season 11 koolaid. 

    Kelly is so very desperate for approval, sitting at Vicki's feet agreeing with everything anyone says about anything as long as the finger isn't pointed at her. 

    Allegiances are flip flopping everywhere though and I bet Bravo is pleased. I haven't been a fan of Shannon or Meghan but I feel for them after this. Especially Shannon. I think forgiveness is laudable, especially in a newly minted Christian, but when you are dealing with complicity in scamming cancer from someone who has owned none of it nor apologised for any of it, then I think you must respect the right of others to continue to be wary of that person. That's just self preservation! 

    And I am resenting having Brianna and her abusive husband and her kids on my screen next week with the already tired scenario where Gramma Gulverson investigates online dating apps. Nup. Totally over Vicki's extended family, zero interest and Vicki should be on borrowed time after last season. Not at all amusing. 

    • Love 11
  10. Heather and Terry do the vampire thing too, don't they? Hardly news, that treatment anyway. 

    I found Julia hauling Michelle up into that room absolutely the height of rudeness and a betrayal of the hostesses' hospitality. Anne's event was outdoors. Guests were not supposed to be upstairs creeping the joint. And Julia sneaking Michelle up the stairs for the sole purpose of sniggering at Anne's tchochkes..If she was my friend, I'd be hurt and furious and no more champagne for you! Julia is a dimwit nasty bulb. Michelle gives off such a nouveau flashy vibe, she's going to have the least appreciation for Anne's time capsule room and I'm pretty sure Julia knew that and deliberately grabbed her. 

    I loved than Anne had that room. I think Michelle's monstrosity of a place with that hideous tequila sunrise bar and the pretentious swinging day pallet will be in vogue for 5 minutes, if that. It was sterile and of course she doesn't cook. Orc nosed Julia needs her arse kicked for that. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 9/8/2016 at 5:21 AM, Yours Truly said:

    I think it's more about how they resent the way Lu does represent herself. You're right both Beth and Carole have plenty of life experiences that could probably hold our attention for an hour long special but if anyone's pompous and pretentious it's those two. Or more like entitled. THEY don't think Lu should flaunt anything. They don't (or so they say, whatever) so they can't stand that Lu carries on the way she does. I think she gets carried away sometimes but nothing too major but it's more about the response she gets. I do think there is jealousy there. While Beth and Carole's approach is to try and 'understate" things about who they are and feign being humble Lu just glides in non apologetic and self appreciative as hell. That irks. Especially women like Beth and Carole who need it not to be about physical appearance or sexual appeal since neither one has either.

    Believe me I've been the muted beauty in the room with other outwardly attractive and sexy women only to be overlooked because my companions were set to 10 while I chose to be a bit more delicate in my socializing and flirting. I'm not the aggressive type and I sure as hell am not fighting for anyone's attention. My friends on the other hand would pounce right away and just lay it on thick all the while I'm noticing some of those prey making eyes at me. Nothing would come of it cause dibs have been made and even though there seemed to be interest, playing musical dance buddies among girlfriends during a night out wasn't really acceptable but sometimes I used to get really frustrated cause I liked to ease into it and ya know, steal glances, observe body language, let the across the room dynamic work its thing and then let it build from there but the way my friends operated they'd drape themselves over this one or that one and wouldn't let anything organic happen so if a guy noticed me after my friend already dirty danced her scent onto him for 2 dances there really wasn't anywhere to go from there. Stakes have been claimed only for it to not go anywhere for anyone.  Wasted evening for me cause my prospects were slowly devoured by the Lu types while I sat back and hoped for a more subtle pairing based on real attraction and intent instead of hunter and prey.

    I don't think it's some burning rage with Carole and Beth but I do believe it's about the resentment the wall flowers feel about the likes of a woman like Lu. (Beth's not exactly a wall flower but she's disaster so same difference) The one's that don't give anyone else a chance unless of course your a vulture too. Some women like me don't like to enter a venue ready to pounce so when you have these divas completely distracting the men with such obvious methods it's annoying. And it's a strong factor when drawing an opinion of someone else. Me personally, I've gotten over it although it still is a trait I do dislike but as I've strengthened my own game and embraced my own fabulousness I find that no matter what I am not ever completely eclipsed by other women in the room. It did take me a while to get to that place meaning a Lu will never "steal my thunder" but it really is a strong basis of dislike. People like to deny it cause it's such a petty thing but I for one see it plain as day. They resent that what they consider corny, typical, dated, desperate  and even archaic behavior still reaps Lu the reward of attention. Whether it be from the opposite sex, society, different circles, fans they hate how she gets rewarded for something they find completely unworthy of praise or positive reaction. Sure they have other relevant grievances with her but on a minor scale. The reason why these ridiculous feuds reach nuclear meltdown I promise is because of this underlying resentment they have of this particular detail.

    It eats them up.... Maybe that's why they're skin and bones... LOL.

    This. Remember Dorinda's description of Ramona's game? She says Ramona has settled into 'hunting' rather than 'trapping'. I have never heard this before, but I love it! Whilst it has zero to do with Ramona's game, it's a really apt description of the scene. And what you've said, Yours Truly, reminded me. I can totally relate to hanging back, often to your own detriment, whilst the lesser luminaries jangle their bracelets, flip their dos and shimmy. I love you've brought this up because it's foundational to the Howives dynamic: this resentment that exists. Or that has certainly existed this particular season. Lu snagged Tom in the first place by snatching him from someone else. Imagine how that woman felt? Maybe she's relieved NOW, but Lu is one of those women who is relentless when she's after something. She's a trapper. 

    I'm a feminist, and I'm not even going there with the right and wrong viz a viz male accountability in these situations. They are conditioned, no one with power walks away from or relinquishes it by choice. We don't talk about it much but every woman here would have her own story or observation of women with great trapping skills beating out the better or more appropriate competition. And how unfair it feels! But there's no court of appeal here. 

    Also, all these women are at an age where they're terrified of being alone. The pool is shrinking, men their age go for the younger models, sad but true, and it's becoming positively gladiatorial. I'm facing it myself. I know I'd rather be on my own than in the wrong relationship and there's nothing wrong with being alone etc. But. It IS a depressing prospect, the empty house at the end of the day etc. I GET it. We are seeing the terror writ large on our screens of this scenario this season. And Vicki Gunvalson is another cautionary tale. It is exactly this that drove THAT nastiness. 

    • Love 4
  12. Yes, they definitely are they same place. Petitfleur left when it was still called Ceylon. It became Sri Lanka sometime in the late 70s early 80s I believe. At least she gave the impression that her country was Ceylon when explaining her past at some stage. I believe she may have been to school there too, the one with the 'English Nuns', this was during the convo re her accent where Gina said 'well it obviously didst work!'. It's possible she spent some time in a facility if her family left as refugees and there are a couple of reasons why she may not have milked this story. ..yet. Firstly, Australia's current heinous attitude to and treatment of people seeking asylum, many of whom come from Sri Lanka. And secondly, she may not want to be questioned about her wealthy sounding childhood and current status also and be accused by anyone in the current zeitgeist of not being a 'real' refugee. I'm sure this would all be too beyond the pale for her these days. If that's the case, shame on Australia. And I say that with no respect for this woman from watching her on this show

  13. No no no no no. Petitfleur went to boarding school, either in Ceylon or Sri Lanka. I'd bet the farm she was never a refugee, even though we have many that have come to Australia from Sri Lanka that way. She's never mentioned it on the show. Really curious given her pathological need for attention, to know where that came from? Cos if someone is saying it, I bet it has come from her and I bet it is bull.

    • Love 2
  14. Wow. I've just been rewatching last season, because I missed some of it and I believe another change in the guard is about to occur. I just watched Vicki lose her mother. I watched hard, knowing what we all now know. Everyone was so supportive while she broke down and. ..wailed (I paused and looked for tears. They weren't there when they should have been. Vicki would go to wipe her eyes and even though there were visible tears from Tamra and Heather, I wasn't seeing Vicki's). At first, I teared up too. But then she dreeeeew it out and it really went into ham time. That's harsh. But the cancer fake out is also harsh. And her alone and injured is a consequence of this. 

    Skip to now. Heather's words ringing in my ears in a TH from the year before about how they are all friends that fight from time to time but when things get tough, they're always here for one another...

    Not so much now, hey Vicks? And on the East Coast there's another howive experiencing similar. Bethenny spent way too long in the spotlight crying about her lack of concerned relatives during her health scare (scared up for a storyline and fast forgotten when LuAnn trumped it with the ludicrous Tom relationship). They're very different but both are paying for their ruthlessness, I think. In the episode I just watched, Vicki was crowing about how she is a winner at life (she had just lost at Banco and was about to lose her mother) and Bethenny similarly thinks this way. 

    Also, I think I got a sense of what Brooks' long game was to be. Live off Vicki, 'survive' stage 3 cancer and go on the road as a holistic healer making beaucoup bucks. That is brutal and unbelievably squalid, but he won't have been the only person who has scammed cancer recently. As a D List celebrity, he maybe could have created a healthy Internet business flogging coffee enemas and juice cleanses to desperate people. A woman in Australia is being pursued by the courts here for faking cancer and making a fortune from a similar 'lifestyle and nutrition' empire. After watching Bethenny repeatedly scream 'I can say what I want! ' during the reunion, I am seeing that these people are losing all perspective. Something about fame and power is destroying their moral compasses. Vicki is reaping what she sowed last season (s). And her worst nightmare, aging alone, is coming to pass. I see it for Bethenny also. So. Sad.

    • Love 8
  15. How will LuAnn and Tom be after the reunion? Bored without a storyline. Real reality. Them living of her money alone will hit home hard and fast. But I feel she's dug her heels in so hard now that the marriage will go ahead. Wedding, rather. There isn't going to be a marriage in any recognizable sense. 

    • Love 3
  16. Ms BlueJay what season was that? You just gave me glee because I've definitely not caught that one, I'm working through All Stars from the beginning. 

    I think that Part II was the calm before hopefully an explosive Part III. Bethenny with the 'I Can Say What I Want' line. ..we're spiraling into nonsensical here. There are no limits. I'm even beginning to think that Bravo should scrub the entire cast for next year and I did NOT think that 2 weeks ago. 

    It hasn't been done before but this franchise has probably come the closest in the season they got rid of Alex, Jill etc. Maybe keep LuAnn as a cameo. .. Dorinda is the only one I think I might miss because she's a weird combination of really smart and Beaker from the muppets after too many Martinis. 

    The rest are gone or should be gone. The Beth monster is out of control. It's sick and weird and way too in control of the whole process and it's showing. And we're not appreciating that as an audience. What about the wife from 9 By Design? I'd LOVE to see that family on the teev again! 

    • Love 8
  17. I'm as phobic about throwing up as Meghan is about needles. For the last 2 days, my entire extended family has dropped like dominoes to a tummy virus. And 2 nights ago, the worst happened. 

    While lying on the couch trying not to barf, I was visualizing Heather Dubrow holding my hands and telling me 'you need to calm down. You can do this'.

    It worked. No barfing for me! But it did get me thinking about how invested (or something) I am in Bravo franchises and people I'm never going to meet! Wow. 

    Re Meghan: not interested in her pregnancy, not interested in her dubious connection to cancer and parlaying this into speaking engagements. That whole Heather and Meghan go to Washington scene was a total dud. If I was unfortunate enough to have colon cancer, I would be dubious about listening to a motivational speech from someone who's experience was limited to being the wife of an ex husband who died of that cancer. I can't even see Jim in any kind of intimate caring role of his ex partner, beyond care of their daughter. Drop that story line fast. 

    Recovering here and rewatching. Heather addressed her medical experience once as MMD: Married to MD. Worked for me and I'm grateful. If not a little weirded out! 

    • Love 5
  18. So glad this has started just as RHONYC winds down. Hannah and her sloshed 'I love you honey, you'll always have a piece of my heart' rantings at Ben, while he bum crawled away from her, was an embarrassment to all Australians. Looks like we're representing better here with Lauren 'don't be a dickhead'. 

    Wow Kate. So the love affair in real time is now over and ended in DV with her 2nd court appearance in a couple of days time. I was astonished at how Kate has visibly aged. I don't think she's dealing with the aging process at all. 

    Emily and Nico are self proclaimed freaks. Emily is the right kind of English for Ben and probably won't make him cry for being brought up wealthy like Julia did. They've already compared elite boarding schools. Looks like it's on later for these two.

    Trevor, like Josh Altman, has a head that's too big for his eyes. I caught the nose picking in the top bunk action. ..this is a deeply immature human. And the blatant sexual harassment of Sierra, thankfully Ben gave him some busy work and we were treated to his constipated thinking face while he came up (eventually) with 'social meatia'. Rocky and Emile were in huge trouble for being up on the radar thing whereas in this episode, Trevor was up there also sans shirt but WITH guests! Shouldn't that have been more of a concern for Kelley? Maybe they didn't want to do the while ticket home, will Cpt Lee, or won't he? thing until later? Trevor won't last. 

    Kate stroking and talking to the Hermes cushions. .battiness that obviously becomes something a little more pathological later. And her guest soulmate, Dean, is partially on the Bravo payroll by now. This season will be the 4th time we've seen him. 

    I thought the sad primary looked like Drew Barrymore also. And her 6 hottest insty friends. 

    Sierra will probably end up having a steamy off camera hookup with one of the grinning off camera engineers after sobbing over Kelley. Cos Ben with Emily. Kate with Ro. Nico with ? Trevor with late night bunk booger. Captain Lee married. 

    • Love 3
  19. Re the accident: I remember thinking that Tamra, who was driving, looked like she may have been trying to race the other ATV in front. The 1 Eddie was driving. She then veered right. 1 of those 'I can't catch you so I'll try and match you moves', went over a ridge and landed badly and lost control. That's why the women were shrieking before she actually rolled it. That's my memory of it. 

    And when Kelly was relating to Tam's poor mother the story of her unstrapped helmet, she sounded disingenuous. Kelly didn't want to admit that helmet wasn't strapped on. 

    • Love 8
  20. One thing Vicki said that DID make me adore her a bit this episode, about Heather and the rv, I think. She said in a TH 'I want to be a princess! Who am I kidding, I'll be working til the day I die! '

    I thought that was relatable, it chimed with me. 

    Someone was being snarky in production calling last week's ep 'WooHoo Weekend' too. That was the flattest saddest party I've seen on the franchise. THAT made me cringe. Made up for it at Glamis though! 

    • Love 4
  21. Dynamic is about to change. *Rubs hands in evil glee*.

    I just can't with Shannon. She's so contrived. If they run the counter on the number of times she said/shrieked THIRTEEN!!! in that episode at the reunion, I'll jam my own drop dunny (Australian for toilet) with my own puke. I WANT to like her, because I love Jeff Lewis, but I just can't. Actually, given Meghan, Jeff and Gage share Dr Potter, they might become play date buddies (Jim left out on purpose, Meghan you're lips to God's ear: you said you were worried about raising that baby on your own tonight? He's already left), and I find Meghan dreary also. 

    Brianna. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Of course your sick, darling. You're sick of working and you're sick of minding two hi energy toddlers and you're sick of your abusive husband. I truly suspect Brianna is sick of her life and this is manifesting in lots of non specific weird ongoing illnesses. Marry in haste, regret at your leisure. Vicki's orange looks pretty good to Brianna but I have absolutely zero interest in seeing her or her family on my screen again ever. Vicki will undoubtedly parlay this into a grab for viewer and cast mate sympathy of epic proportions. It was funny that Heather presaged Vicki's throwing up earlier on her rv. And that's what she does in the ATV after the accident. I suspect Vicki doesn't find it hard to blow chunks on command either.  And she could NOT have found a better receptacle to let loose over. Kelly is more worried about this than Vicki's injury and after, she wasn't walking around like she had barf all over her lap. Shock, maybe? 

    Heather was a champion. I don't really care about all her personal chef and not good enough rv talk. She laid the law down to krazy Kelly Mach II over her gross language and Kelly calling her Principal Dubrow just made Heather look cuter. Like Heather. Bravo must have a vat of kooky Kellies out the back for dipping into when the cast gets flat. I'm praying the obnoxious play for a vow renewal story gets rejected fast, I'll be switching off. 

    I'm sorry Glamis but just looking at this place gave me hives. Or maybe a sand allergy. It's not where I want to see my Hos vacaying. It looked hot sweaty and dirty, all that sand and exhaust, definitely not my thing. But I don't get the appeal of Palm Springs either when Kyle R or the Shahs of Sunset go there. Different strokes. 

    Happy Birthday Eddie! !!!!

    • Love 7
  22. 17 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Luann was initially agreeing with Bethenny until Bethenny revealed that she had told Carole and Ramona, who had told Sonja at the start of the weekend before she told Luann. When she heard that, you can see Luann shut down towards what Bethenny wanted her to do. I really don't think there was anything Luann could do right in Bethenny's mind. Had Luann said, "That's it, I'm done with Tom, the engagement is off", Bethenny would have claimed that Luann/Tom were fake and only together for the show and we know because they are still together, Bethenny is claiming it is because they have an "open" relationship and will have an "open marriage". So, no matter what Luann did, it wouldn't be right in Bethenny's opinion. The only way Bethenny is happy is if Luann quits the show.

    You're right. I think I just got a sense of Bethenny jumping to Plan B at that moment. LuAnn will always be too much competition. Bravo better not allow her to start selecting cast members because this will further devolve into the Bethenny and Friends Hour. And how boring would that be? I just hope Dorinda doesn't pack it in. 

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