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  1. Which is why this show inspires such love-hate. Richard love got me through. It was obviously "daddy's money." Loved seeing the Azores, good for her! I'm surprised a small Portuguese island would be any more progressive than an Italian city like Bologna, but I'm glad it worked out for her.
  2. South Africa to London I can't believe they did not take the adorably perfect last place for the soulless modern monstrosity next to a construction site--and she is supposed to study through that noise? She seemed childish--how do people like that make it through law school? Their budget seemed low for London for a lawyer and "international banker"--even a lawyer taking a year off. It is so amusing how some people just want to be on tv no matter how bad they appear. Comedian in Edinburgh They were cute, aside from the HHI pretend-stupidity. How did I not know how beautiful this city is? It's going on the post-pandemic travel list stat! I am very partial to Mediterranean country episodes because I want to see the real estate more than the made-up story, but Scotland and Ireland episodes are moving up.
  3. Bologna: They were nice but I can't stand it when young people complain about stairs, or a ten minute walk. I could not stay in any of those places for even three nights, though the one with the terrace looked the most livable to me (and looks like it could accommodate a counter top oven). I wonder how they fared for a year, or however long the school school was. Does anyone else's DVR cut off the end of HHI, it's so annoying, and I have conflicts that make extending each episode a pain. If I was producer, we would all now know if her credentials are valid in Italy, but I don't care enough to google it.
  4. Eel I swear I could watch a show about immigration rules and real estate, lol.
  5. Agree their house in the US did not scream adventurous, but the couple themselves were great--the kind of people I love to meet on vacation, so inspiring! I was very curious how many bedrooms they ended up with, etc. The producers of this show make me crazy. I think the true fans hate the fake drama and want the boring details. This was a great eye candy episode. It's a hill town so it seems isolated, but it's really close to the coast where all the people are. That part of the riviera does not get as much attention as the part near Genoa, not sure why. I thought it was gorgeous and that episode took me straight to Italy. I could practically smell and taste it. I am so glad this season has been Europe focused. Between this and Lorraine Bracco, I am getting my Italy fix.
  6. I've caught two new episodes this week, and I think there is a new producer. I am enjoying the "local flavor" segments more as well as the more attention grabbing agents. They seemed just slightly more educational as well. I want to know specifics people! Sayulita: I am normally not interesetd in Mexico either, because so often they are boring condo resorts. Sayulita looked nice, and the house were amazing. I loved how the agent kept calling the construction background guy on his BS. Of course partly why I love HHI is because I want to do just what these folks did--trade equity in my US home for an amazing place elsewhere. The wife was cute with her fear of her husband's terrible driving. If they have the kind of home in Charleston I have an inkling they have, then they absolutely could live on that income, in a small Mexican town anyway. Utrecht: As usual, Netherlands episodes are great, and though the agent could verge on annoying, the "we're both from Ohio" bit was charming, and she also called the woman on being unrealistic about European homes. I know most of this is fake, but that they even considered that hole in the canal was a bit too far.
  7. Allow me to preface this by saying my grandma had nine kids, but that’s was a different time! When I see a family with six kids, it just freaks me out. And then to balk at prices and not be aware of space consideration in Italy is just ridiculous. There is nowhere with enough room for a family of eight dude! Damn, mom got her body back somehow though. I guesss from chasing six kids. If you knew you were moving, why would you not enroll in language classes? These kinds of episodes with so many questions are distracting and detract from the real estate eye candy. The first apartment was palatial for an Italian apartment, but it was never clear how many bedrooms it had. Probably a lot easier with all girls though.
  8. I think I'm out y'all. The writing has just been too uneven for me--I don't feel compelled to watch this week. Too bad, because this show has such promise.
  9. And how amazing it would be to watch an adult black male come to terms with his toxic masculinity! RA annoys me too, but he's his own worst enemy, and I would like to see him turn it around. I think that is why people respond to Darla--she accepts her faults and works on them. But I don't forget what she did for a second (have my own personal baggage about that), and I have no problem with Violet being cold. That is part of accepting your faults, accepting the repercussions.
  10. I like a thoughtful pace, but QS needs to amp it up! We've known all along that 1) Davis is a dog, and known for a while that 2) Nova and Remy got a thing going on. That said, I did feel Charley's pain at that added betrayal and appreciated the plot device throwing her in Landrieu's (or whatever his name is) way. I have not seen Remy and Nova together enough to determine if it makes sense. Sometimes people just starting looking at each other differently one day, so it could happen. But I sincerely hope it is not a plot device to thrown tension to Nova and Charley again--they can generate that a lot more naturally. Her looking at the same text all day was annoying. While it is depressing clear that there are people like those confederate-flag-waving kids, that was a little on the nose. I find Micah's struggles with his identity a much more compelling and complex story. The kind of story that Ralph Angel could also have if someone would pay attention to his anger issues and offer some tough love or help. He's not going to fix himself!
  11. I'm loving this season--it is vastly superior to TWD, though I know that's not saying much. Morgan was just the injection the cast needed. I loved to hate Nick, but Nick and Morgan was gold. I love the cowboy (that actor seems to be everywhere and nowhere), and SWAT team girl is serving her purpose. Nick was utterly compelling when the series began, he just suffered from terrible writing like all of the others. I'm glad I got a genuine surprise for once!
  12. Ah, Tuscan dreams. David and Toby were completely adorable, and I was completely on board with their dreams of a B&B and olive grove. I am actually surprised a house of that size, plus land, plus proximity to one of the most popular Tuscan villages, was only a million.
  13. All true, but I still wanted to be there and take her place. I liked the homes--all had some potential in one way or another--and I totally got why the views sold the place. When are they going to get the memo that we want information!
  14. Apologies if I missed previous discussion of the Atlanta to Abruzzo couple. I guessed the house grandma was born in was going to be it, but why not just show us the house as one of the choices?! I wanted to see more of those gorgeous floors. The husband was so nice and accommodating.
  15. Last night's episode crystallized what I love so much about this show--three entirely reasonably priced and modest homes, all shown to have potential. I know a lot of people are annoyed by Chip and Jo, but they have done more to highlight the potential of old homes (especially ranch style homes) than anyone else. I had to laugh when she mentioned not being cheesy when highlighting a hobby--while shopping at the antique market. All I could think if was fake ginormous clocks. Other than those silly clocks, I think they both do really quality work.
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