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Everything posted by mona

  1. For everyone who is wondering what Azan sees in Nicole, remember that she is 22 years old, has blonde hair and is a native-born United States Citizen. That last point is all she needs. There are thousands of men around the world who would marry her just for being a young American blonde. Do not underestimate the power of these characteristics. With her personality, it will end up like Mo and Danielle because Chantel is not ready for marriage. I don't understand why she wanted to "make some friends" with other boys and grind on other boys at that club on last week's episode. Pedro seems like a nice guy so I feel bad for him but I don't think that he should have agreed to come to the USA lying to his future in-laws. He should only have agreed to come if he was really able to get a student visa or get a work visa and provide for himself and Chantel. He should have considered asking her to live in DR. I have no words for the fake African prince. I disliked him ever since I saw the preview when he said "She put a ring on it!" I wanted to vomit. That poor woman doesn't even care that he lied to her about two major things. She is so desperate. I wish that her friends could figure out a way to stop her from pursuing this relationship. Anfisa's appearance frightens me. She looks like she has undergone facial cosmetic surgery. Does Jorge find her attractive simply because she is Russian? He is not old or ugly. If he lost about 50 pounds and went to the gym, he would actually look okay. This stupid idea of American men looking for poor uneducated foreign women to live out their 1950s backwards ideas of gender roles is to blame. I don't feel sorry for Jorge because he could improve his appearance and easily find a woman in the USA. Even with his criminal record. Alla is the only women that I kind of like. I don't know what she is thinking marrying a man who has been twice divorced but she has a child and she needed to come to the US so I guess she feels that she has to take what she can get. Matt is creepy. His appearance and his jealousy don't sit well with me. I hope that he does not do anything crazy. I agree that the friend should never have shared what Patrick thinks. She does not need to know that. I hope that her son does not get hurt in all of this. At least Nicole's daughter has her aunt and grandparents.
  2. This makes no sense whatsoever. She has two living parents. She is barely 22 and acts like a 15 year old. Obviously her parents need to drive her to the airport before she flies off to the Middle East to meet a complete stranger. The step-parents can say goodbye to her at home. Parents have to do their job regardless if they are remarried. Children come first. They already messed up raising her properly, so the least they can do is give her a lift to the airport.
  3. I was shocked by Devar's 90% (which he described in a bizarre 9/10 phrase). I know people from all over the world who send money home but, unless you are single, you don't send 90%. I was also wondering where his sisters' husbands are. Those kids have a father. And, he seems to be the youngest of the children. Why is he responsible for all of the bills? What does his mother do with her money? She is not living a life of luxury so she should send her income back home. OR, she can help support Devar while he is waiting for his work permit. She left him when he was a "tender" age so she needs to step up now. If Loren is a real New Yorker, she cannot think that a 3 bedroom condo is too small for four people. Really? If they are that rich, then her parents should buy/rent her a place where she can sleep with her fiance without a schedule. You hit the nail on the head with that Skype phone call. His father was mean, Loren was mean and Loren's mother was mean. Poor Alexei! He needed a hug and no one did anything to comfort him. His father even said that he will not come to the wedding because he cannot leave grandma.... Fernando is so unattractive, I can't look at him. Not because of his size but because of that and how he treats Carolina. Why is she with him? Who did he cheat with? Why do women in poor countries have to sell themselves to unattractive much older American men!!!????!!! I feel so sorry for these girls. 100% Long Con
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