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Everything posted by lschmeiser

  1. Yeah, that was a typo on my part because I was writing very quickly. Thanks for the clarification!
  2. Something I missed last night, but realized this AM -- Coraline is a story about a child who's fooled by something that originally positions itself as an ideal mother, but is in fact incredibly treacherous. Chloe reading the story to her daughter, keeping her promise to Trixie and making them both happy in an honorable way, is the direct opposite of how Charlotte's continued presence affects her children. I feel like we're getting a lot of clues about how Charlotte is bad news. We've already seen that angels can be complacent and self-centered. Who knows what Mom is capable of?
  3. I'm kind of kicking myself this morning, because it hit me that the girls' night out is an echo of something in the penultimate issue of Lucifer, where Maze goes out on the town with Elaine Belloc, Mona the Goddess of Hedgehogs and Spera the fallen cherub. It's one of my favorite sequences in "Evensong" and I'm embarrassed it took me this long to recall it. Sorry, comics nerds who also love this show.
  4. "Enjoyed the write up, but isn't that the Manhattan Bridge?" Probably? If you need bridge accuracy in San Francisco, I am your woman, but anything east of the Sierras is all, "Um, Brooklyn Bridge?" to me.
  5. I had figured that Alison was so big because this is baby #2 so she's showing earlier (a lot of women do show earlier and bigger with subsequent babies) but then I did the math, realized that she's got at least 21 weeks left to an April due date, and thought ... what woman shows like that at 19 weeks? I reiterate my contention that Alison needs a posse of girlfriends. Having one friend you haven't seen in nearly a year and an ex-sister-in-law are not good. She needs a crew of women who can call her out on her ongoing series, Bad Decision Theater. Then again, if Alison had a crew of good friends, maybe she wouldn't have been so mired in helpess grief and self-loathing back in S1. This show is pretty much an argument for why, even if you have a romantic partner who rocks your world, you really need good friends. Not family, but good friends. Everyone whose POV we see on this show is so very alone.
  6. I agree that she's childlike, mostly because she seems like she has few inner resources and few social connections. No strong group of girlfriends, no close women in her life to check her on this Noah thing. In her mind, she's an object of contempt to women and an object of lust/contempt for men. I just keep thinking, "If only she had some really good girlfriends to 'real talk' her and help her get the tools she needs to help herself."
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