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Everything posted by Matkat

  1. Coming out of lurkdom to relate my take on the rod and screw surgery. I had several herniated discs a few years ago and after x-rays, it was determined that I also had severe scoliosis. I am old as dirt and had the surgery at the advanced age of 72. I had the rod and screw scoliosis repair, a lamenectomy and a spinal fusion all during the same surgery which lasted about 5 hours. I have two titanium rods inserted in my back to stabilize my spine, which now is much straighter. I also have a lot of metal in my back due to the spinal fusion. I had one incision in the lumbar area which is about 4 inches long. While at the hospital, I had a morphine pump to use for pain but felt pretty good and used it sparingly. I was up walking the next morning and was amazed at how good I felt. I was hospitalized for 3 days and prescribed Norco for when I went home. I did use the Norco, but again, used it sparingly once home and stopped using it at all after about a week. I was horrified to see the pain that Isabel was experiencing and I just can’t understand why the pain was not better controlled. Just my opinion, but to me it looked as if Isabel had a lot of extra medical procedures on her spine and lung. Chest tubes are no joke and I think I would rather have one 4 inch scar rather than what she experienced. The titanium rods do reduce my flexibility so that might be part of the decision making process that Christine considered.
  2. I like Lola and am glad she brought some clarity to the situation but BPD’s are not known for their introspective qualities. However, I admit it, I am shallow. First I look at her hair and then her clothes. She never disappoints.
  3. I’m just a bit shy about posting here but I am familiar with Ashley’s behaviors and wanted to share. Most people don’t recognize the behaviors associated with BPD and are perplexed when they encounter them. I just happened to have a more concentrated contact with BPD than a lot of people. Dr. Now did a good job pinning Ashley down but she will likely ignore his advice anyway. Dealing with these people is like hitting your head against a brick wall. I don’t post much but love the snark on this forum. The only other time I have posted is in regard to one of the crime shows which did a segment on what was called “The Bugs Bunny Defense”. I was friends and worked with the woman who was convicted of killing her husband referenced on this show. I may not post all the time, but I appreciate all the witty folk here. Snark away!
  4. First time posting on this forum. Before I retired I worked in an institutional setting for adult with severe behaviors. I was part of an interdisciplinary team consisting of Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Behavior Specialists, etc. We were charged with developing behavior plans so these folks could be returned to a community setting. For individuals with the diagnosis of BPD they were essentially impossible to deal with and meds weren’t particularly helpful. In private, among ourselves, we would refer to BPD as folks with “broken brains.” Not holding out a lot of hope for Ashley and not surprised with her outburst and smirking capitulation to Dr. Now.
  5. Remember, Linda is very convincing. I think that when Linda and the boys were first interviewed they appeared to be an intact, loving family. It would seem that she had no motive for killing him. My guess is that the detective initially believed her but after putting more and more clues together he eventually became convinced of her guilt. Also remember that Patrick was non LEO working for the Sheriff's Dept. All those LEO seemed to have no suspicions either and spoke highly of Linda. If I recall correctly, some anonymous letters to the editors appeared in the local paper inquiring as to why she was not being charged for murder and why she wasn’t in jail. I also saw some internet documentation from the insurance company refusing to pay off until a further investigation was initiated. Possibly external pressure caused a further look. From my point of view though, the investigation really hit high gear after the first jury hung. My co-workers and I, including Linda, would chair Inter-Disciplinarian meeting which could sometimes get a bit dicey. Generally though, no big deal and you just get through it. I recall that Linda had a fainting episode in one of her meetings. Paramedics were called, fire engine, police, Program Director, etc arrived. Much drama. Meeting canceled. Out of literally hundreds of meetings that we all chaired, Linda was the only one who ever fainted for no particular reason. Just saying she might have had some practice for the sentencing!
  6. Never heard a word about his health. He was a large guy but he was pretty active with his friends so I'm not sure how relevant his health issues were to Linda. At the memorial service, several of his sheriff buddies spoke about how he was always eager to go to the shooting range or fly model airplanes with them. Didn't sound like he was cutting back on activities with his buds.
  7. I just had to emerge from lurkdom to comment on this murder. I actually was a co-worker with Linda and Julie for several years. I went to the viewing, memorial service and the get together after the memorial service at Linda’s house as well as the closing statements at her second trial. I’ve heard her lie about medical issues (yeah, nobody has three gallbladders) as well about several bizarre incidents which simply could not have happened the way she related. She also told me that she never, ever had any kind of disagreement or argument with Patrick throughout her entire marriage. There was something very off about Linda and it was something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, you just took what she said with a grain of salt. But, as far as motive is concerned, IMHO Patrick was not a nice husband nor father and did not give Linda or the boys positive attention. Also to partially answer the question as to why this investigation went so long, I understand, but don’t know for certain, that there was some pressure from the life insurance company to bring this to a final resolution. Alhough I know better, I was struck by how well she lied about the murder. Believe me when I say, she intentionally shot him. I also think that if she had shot him just once, she would have convinced everyone that it was an accident and would have walked. She’s that good. I feel bad for everyone involved including her new husband who believes her. My prediction is that she will be a good inmate and will impress everyone with her sincerity and will be paroled in about 10 years or so. She’ll go back with her new hubby and be fine. My opinion only…….
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