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Posts posted by Lakewood27

  1. Okay, so between holding artwork hostage for $10K, trying to squeeze a bonus out of Bravo for tossing her leg, and refusing to pay a 10% commission on $50K, I am very suspicious about the state of the Dreschers' finances. This is not the behaviour of wealthy NY socialites. I know she's desperate to keep her name in lights, but I think she may also need the money.
    • Love 2
  2. I agree with those who think Drew hit on Kelley and she shut him down. It is the only thing that makes sense. Getting an equal portion of rice and being a superfan, don't seem like legitimate reasons. It also explains why no one else voted for Kelley.

    • Love 11
  3. How is Kim still denying plastic surgery when it seems glaringly obvious that she got a head transplant somewhere between 2009-10?? She looks completely different. It's not just a different nose or lips. Her whole head is different!


    It is also very obvious that she had fat transfered from her waist and thighs, to her butt. She was more evenly proportioned and human-looking before.


    I totally get the impulse to dress in the things a significant other finds sexy, but her boobs need support! It's as though Kanye is trying to style Kim to look like Jamie Lee Curtis in Pefect, but Kim doesn't have the height or physique to pull that off.

    • Love 2
  4. [Kristen's] Kathie Lee pales so much when I think back on Jan's impression, which nailed her and was a giant hoot.


    The self righteous KLG of the early 1990s is nothing like the blowsy KLG of the 2010s. The Kathie Lee of today (Today) is a mean, snarky drunk and she just DGAF, so the parody version kind of has to match.


    I will never tire of Herb Welch and his utter contempt for his younger, more progressive successors.


    I think I laughed loudest at the "Barack/Mitt" joke.


    Sasheer needs to work with the writers to come up with something interesting before she completely recedes into the background. I don't mind that all of her characters speak in the same voice. The same can be said about Aidy. But at least Aidy's characters are funny.

    • Love 4
  5. Plus she's getting old lady hands.

    That's the first thing I noticed. Her fingers are wrinkly. She will probably be running to the nearest plastic surgeon to have them lasered.


    I feel like 10 seasons is enough of KUWtK (and its spin-offs) for everyone.


    Kourtney can go back to running the real DASH store in Calabasas. Kendall appears to have a legit modeling career. Khloe could probably squeeze out a few years doing D-list reality TV shows, since she's the only one of them with a personality. And Kylie should consider going back to school, since she has no discernible talent.

    • Love 1
  6. Bobby's everlasting bitchface, while holding the ring box cracked me up so hard. I do love the absurd sketches. One of my favourite sketches of all time is Will Ferrell's 'Crazy Doctor'.


    Count me as another who will miss Kenan's reaction faces. Hell, I used to laugh every time one of his characters said "Cecily" during Update.

  7. Jim is now claiming that he and Amber were asked to make a deal with Dina-they didn't so she got nasty:  http://rumorfix.com/2014/09/dina-manzo-tried-make-pact-jacqueline-laurita-says-jim-marchese/#AEkYJTHbFKhtBThR.99

    A pact with Dina? Someone please explain to Tiny Jim that this isn't Big Brother. Now that I think about it, the little elf is playing this as if Andy Cohen is going to hand him a million dollars and the title of 'Sole Survivor' at the reunion.

  8. I not putting  money in any housewife's pocket!


    I must admit I've purchased and enjoyed several Ho'wife products. I've given Bedroom Kandi as gifts and brought Fabellini to bachelorette parties. I've tried the Ramona pinot, and a few years ago, I regularly drank the various Skinny brand cocktails. The only thing I don't buy is the music. It's all so terrible. I came close to buying 'Money Can't Buy You Class' because that 90s electro-pop vibe would fit in with my treadmill dance mix.

  9. I was very confused when they first showed [Jacqueline]. I asked myself, "Did they cast an Asian American woman on the show this season?"


    Hahahahaha! I was looking at the screen, all perplexed, like "Who is this woman?". It looks like she had a gallon drum of restylane injected into her face. Scary.


    I also saw an ad for Manzo'd with Children (Gah, how I hate that title) and it made me cringe. I will NOT be tuning in, but I will be following it, here.

    • Love 1
  10. Jim is taking the weekend "off" Twitter.  Hmm....I wonder if someone told him to shut up.


    James Marchese @JLMarchese111     ·   3h   

    Taking the weekend off of Twitter, enjoy the show Sunday!


    He probably hasn't showered, or seen his wife and children in weeks.


    Are we taking bets to see how long this Twitter vacation actually lasts?

    • Love 8
  11. Bye, Aviva! Can't wait for you to officially join the 'Ghosts of Housewives Past' thread. Take your disgusting pig father with you. And stay out!


    It always makes me laugh how bitter they get when someone doesn't want to go on the producer-planned trips.


    Heh, I've often wondered if the producer-planned trips are merit-based. Because the RHoNY kinda got bottom-barrel trips, compared to previous seasons and other franchises.

    • Love 4
  12. While Aviva getting fired was not surprising, the news about Ramona is somewhat unexpected: 




    It makes sense to me. I read the producers approached (and were turned down by) Helena Christensen to join the cast. If the show is trying to up the taste level and skew younger, they need to side-line both Ramona and the ditzy trainwreck, Sonja. If they're trying to land cast members with name recognition, real money, and style, they have no choice but to dump the loose cannons. Frankly, I would be happier watching RHoNY with 100% less wine glasses and limbs being thrown around.

    • Love 7
  13. Also the pics of Kim and Kanye being affectionate look totally forced, I'm not buying it.


    Oh, so I'm not the only one! I'm not buying any of it. I'm not buying their "amazing" sex life, rumoured sex tapes, or that they had a tryst in the bathroom stall at the GQ event. Kim looks like the type who can't relax enough to let her hair or make up get mussed. And Kanye would probably prefer to do his own thing facing a mirror. Another person would just get in the way between him and his own reflection.

    • Love 4
  14. This is kind of like the Adrienne RHoBH situation. The actual scene where Brandi spills the beans about the surrogate never actually aired, but everyone and their mother knew all about it, and it didn't stop anyone from discussing it online. So Tiny Jim can threaten to sue Sirens over the footage, but it will not stop his pegging predilection from being discussed online. What is he going to do? Sue the internet?

    • Love 4
  15. Oh, FFS! He has well and truly lost his mind. I really hope whoever TamaraTattles is doesn't "correct" anything.


    Also, Tiny Jim can't spell 'subpoena'. Why am I not surprised?


    So, between threatening to sue people on Twitter and screaming at production, when does the little elf have time for his actual job? Santa's toys won't make themselves.

    • Love 16
  16. Kim looking SUPER trashy at the GQ Men of the Year event in the UK. There are pix in the Daily Fail. Isn't there a rule that if you're giving décolletage the rest of your garment should be modest? She's wearing a vinyl swimsuit with chainmail. Ugh.

  17. Hard for him to watch show because he knows what actually went one.  He is being cast as a villian.


    I hate to write the most cliché sentence, but.... they can't paint you as a villain unless you provide them with the footage. Tiny Jim claims to be smart, but he's making an assload of rookie mistakes. Attempting to control or intimidate production? Taking credit for casting decisions and then expecting undying loyalty from said cast members in return? Obsessively using social media to deal with an onslaught of negative criticism? Ask Jill Zarin, Mariah Huq, and Jacqueline Laurita how wise those decisions were. What a maroon.


    Tiny Jim and Amber have been shunned by the cast, are generally disliked by the viewers, and are likely hated by production. Not a winning combination. The real kiss of death is the 11-episode season. They didn't even provide enough entertainment for a full season.

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