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Everything posted by allboys

  1. Vicki, you don't have to "get" Meghan's life choices. It's none of your business! I don't like Meghan, don't make me defend her. They are each getting something out of this arrangement. Just like you and Brooks.
  2. The last house wife I remember spending so much time and money on her ridiculous home is living in prison these days.
  3. I don't recall anyone accusing Will of stealing from the group. They said he probably held some back for himself. I think that is a very different thing. I think other people had been accused of the same thing early in the season. I thought they sounded like entitled jerks at the time, when Will was doing a nice thing, but Survivor isn't the real world. Of course the show was classist-that kind of seemed like the point of the groups of "collars". Did anyone know Shirin was rich before she said it last night? I agree she was probably annoying but you just can't talk to people the way Will did.
  4. Dan calling Mike condescending is hilarious. Remember that little talk you had with Shireen where you told her what a terrible player she was? Remember how you lost that last reward because you dismissed Sierras ideas? What a jackass! If he could have seen past his jealousy of Mike he could still be in the game.
  5. To be up front, I like Mike and Rochelle. I can't imagine that Rochelle asked that guy for a push and I can't believe she should be penalized for it if the guy did it on his own. If we want to get super literal, Phil said that both team members had to carry the boat and then one of them paddle out, Tyler carried the boat himself. Mike and Rochelle were also at a disadvantage because Laura had God on her side with her prayer that someone would get a flat;)
  6. I thought the baby was biologically Jane's. Jane's egg. Isn't that why Petra has no claim on the baby?
  7. Does Jasper even have more the one expression? Pouty and clench jawed. Is he serious, angry, furious, menacing, frustrated, constipated? It's always the same look.
  8. Rochelle is kind of a badass. I love when her boyfriend sang the love song and she said something like it made her stomach flutter.
  9. Kim-if you actually had pride you wouldn't be taking money to get on national TV and take away any good will you might have had as an out of work formerly beloved child actress. I don't think these people realize that they are not preserving their faces with all these fillers and treatments; they are creating new creepy ones.
  10. I don't enjoy watching such lopsided teams. I know they have to do gross stuff out there but I would have had to take myself out of the game after Max put his warty feet in the water pan. Would never have been able to get past it.
  11. Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. I guess that's the joke?
  12. I really shouldn't come to this site after Parenthood. I come here thinking " how can they not like this episode"? I cried when Drew (who I have a real soft spot for) told Zeke how he felt, cried when Zeke and Camille sat in the car watching a new family get their start in their old house, felt for both Jasmine and Adam in their scene. And that shot of Joel when he showed up at the rink! The show is much less annoying if you can suspend disbelief and just enjoy the good things about it.
  13. I wonder if they just stopped writing new scripts for Thomas. They just tell him to look menacing and find new ways to say "Tell me what you know about Bates"
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