17 -
27 Excellent-
I think Anna said it best: "She loves him but she can't control him.That's what frightens her. He's stronger than she is, really. Or as strong. And she's not used to it."
I like Thomas Barrow, not because of what he said and did, but rather despite everything he said and did. Every bad thing he has done or said was absolutely mean. But I like to look behind these actions. Like we heard it in the last episode these are things that unhappy and hopeless people are able to do. And I'll always love what Mrs. Baxter said "you are your own worst enemy!" and to quote Tom "every bully is a coward" that also applies for Thomas. I hoped the CS after season three would be a turning point for him but wasn't really. I wish there were something for him to live for. I know "Every fairytale needs a good old fashioned villian" to quote Moriarty in "Sherlock" But he isn't a villian. Guys like Moriarty and Heath Ledgers Joker in "The dark knight" are/were villians. I don't care about "Chelsie" when people got excited that they might getting together I coudn't care less. It's not that I don't like them at all (although I'm not sure about Carson) but they were definitely not one of the reasons why I liked DA. Cora! Well...she is a wonderful mother, but as a character? There is nothing, I'm not sure if it's just badly played or if that's what she supposed to be like. There is just one facial expression, head slighty tilted with a smile that gets annoying after you saw it couple of times. I couldn't care less about Moseley either. I know he is kind and supportive but.... I don't know..... I often find Isobel tiring, although I mostly agree with her opinions. I can't stand Jimmy Kent, (I'm not sure if that is an unpopular opinion?) but he is an arrogant and self-regarding a**hole.
He read about three weddings and I'm sure Edith will marry in CS. What do you think we'll see in the Christmas special apart from that wedding. It'll be 1927 so two years later. I hope Carson has retired, do you retire as butler or did people just die? I know that Thomas Barrow polarised but I'd like to see him as Carsons successor, he definitely needs a extensive job to do so he won't have the need or time for scheming. And he could be that for George what Carson was/is for Mary. I'd like that. Moseley will probably be full time teacher and hopefully he and Mrs Baxter will be together. And I guess the Bates baby is running around, will they still work at DA? Daisy and Andy will be on the farm I think. Do you think Mary would want another child? I guess Henry would want to. Or and I almost forgot, wasn't there a funeral/death? Or was that this Charlie guy?
Well, were to start... Edith/Bertie: since I'm sure they'll get together and marry in the CS I wasn't that sad maybe because her happy ending is doing a detour. Mary: well she really was a bitch. Unhappy people can be such arseholes (see Thomas) I loved when Tom lashed out on her and Edith too. The talk with the Dowager was very emotional and she finally admitted what her fear was. I'm still not a fan of Mary/Henry, the only good thing about it is that he is as strong-minded as she is and he can stand up to her. That's what she needs, but I was hoping it won't be Henry Talbot. The marriage came too fast. Thomas (Barrow): I knew a suicide attempt was coming but I was so shocked, and when I saw him in that bathtub I started crying (then again when Mary was at Matthews grave and the Dowager/Mary talk, so basically I had tears in my eyes all the time). I knew Mary and George would visit him in his bedroom, that scene was so cute. Thomas and Mary were the most unhappy people in that house, that's why she probably felt the need to visit him with George. Apart from this, Thomas storyline was shit, he tries to kill himself is saved by Mrs Baxter and now everything is well? How many scenes did he have? Like three, for such strong stuff definitely not enough! Tom: that intensive matchmaker role was so exhausting. Now he has his new best friend living with them at DA, well done! :( Although I loved the "talk" he had with Mary and it was important he was the one who talked like that with her.) Carson: oh my God, since this series I never knew how much I don't need to see him. He was again a insensitive bastard (towards Mrs Patmore)
I noticed that when a saw gifs from series 1 on tumblr.
Does he say that to Mary? @Andorra: I agree with everything you said about Fellowes writing abilities. The Thomas Barrow storyline is shit, too.
Good that you mentioned it. I wonder what the note says that Tom got from her. She obviously isn't a fan of Henry Talbot and she likes Tom.
Yes he didn't behave like a lovesick puppy around her and stood up to her. I think she needs that. The pig-saving was brilliant, that obviously change his view of her.
Exactly, she doesn't care about Edith. Only the fact that there is a secret that she doesn't know about got her interested and the fact that she probably realised by now that she is the only one who doesn't know Interesting. I guess he won't make a declaration of love?! ;) I'd like a PM please :) Whatever it contains ;) Maybe that she'll live a simpler life with Talbot? I'l pray for the next week that Talbot won't be endgame for her. I still wonder about her U-turn!
Because of spoilerish photos we know that I'm really excited about this episode because of everything we saw in the preview.
I ike them together, I don't think they'll be endgame and I'm not sure if I would want that but in that scene after she breaks up with Talbot. I honestly thought he would hug her and they would kiss. I agree, I think being in the province and looking for love and acceptance there isn't the best plan. On the other hand he feels at home in Yorkshire. That seems more important for him. When he was sitting in that kitchen, alone again, I really thought they would find him dead the next morning. I don't have much hope for him after everything I read beforehand, but he needs to survive. And it would be such a cliché to kill of the lonely gay guy. me, too.
Thomas: very well said Talbot: totally agree with that plus he doesn't have a personality
I thought that, too. He war obviously still in pain. I wasn't sure if it's still post-operation pain or if it matters for the upcoming storyline.
Oh God Carson might be the biggest arsehole ever. First that Thomas scenes and then his behaviour towards his wife, honestly I'd have used a pan by now. That last scene made me cry, I know Thomas is a controversial character. But I find his story very interesting, there was a lot of rejection in his life, that made him how he is, that doesn't mean I don't have a problem with the things he did, there were lots of moments were I wanted to slap him in he face. Like Baxter said to him "you are your worst enemy!" that's why I wish there would be a positive turning point for him, a reason to enjoy his life. And yes homosexuality was a crime during that time, but it is well known that there were relationships possible between same-sex couples, although it was dangerous. Love always finds a way. So Fellowes reason with Thomas storyline are idiotic. Another writer would have found a way. There are no illusions that Thomas might survive this last series, also because of that RJC interview beforehand. The Thomas/George scenes were precious. That Mary/Talbot nonsense is so tiring. No chemistry at all, he always talks about cars. I reckon there must be a car nearby if he want to "get it up". And it seems Tom plays cupid because he likes cars, too. Or are "cars" a codeword for something? Bertie Pelham is so lovely and he knows how things work. And he's already "in love" with Lady Mary.*LOL* Even if Mary tells him about Marigold, I don't think it would be that problematic for Edith. He's one of my joys at the moment. And Evelyn is really beaten. Poor guy, I liked him, but maybe not strong enough for Mary.
What do you think will happen to Thomas? My worst case scenario is that he'll kill himself. :( RJC comments in interviews were very mysterious.