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Posts posted by Queena

  1. 8 hours ago, Jaded said:

    So what your really saying is that the On Demand lineup has been cleared out completely? 

    It was, it's back now. They've added a lot of new programs, there are 75 to choose from! I think that I caught them in the middle of changing their lineup. 

    911 Calls is very good. Chilling. 

    • Love 2
  2. On 1/25/2017 at 9:29 PM, azshadowwalker said:

    I think Murder Calls would interest me more if they weren't playing the Weepy Voiced Killer in every damned commercial. I hate that dude almost as much for his voice as for the murders he committed. Hated him way back when he was still an open case on Unsolved Mysteries. 

    This! I was coming to post something along these lines. Enough with his voice and that commercial! I haven't been able to watch a second episode because of the commercials. So glad that I blocked seeing it on Unsolved Mysteries. 

    ID which has been my saving grace since the election, has cleared the entire On Demand lineup. My only option is that O.J. Crap. 

    • Love 4
  3. On 4/13/2016 at 3:42 PM, stillhere1900 said:

    Oh, yes. That one was straight up creepy!!!!!.

    I just saw this episode a few weeks ago. Damn, I wasn't expecting that. I had vaguely heard of the story mostly about the lawsuit for a sex change. 

    My favorite show Web of Lies returns soon. That's one of the best shows on ID. 

    ID doesn't have to recycle shows, I belong to a forum that talks about death and crime, and there are so many interesting stories out there. 

    Has anyone seen Requiem For The Dead: American Spring 2014? That documentary alone has enough stories for 5 ID shows. 

    The case that's in reference is the Edmonds Tennent Brown case. 

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  4. On 1/8/2017 at 10:19 PM, appledumpling said:

    My bad, I thought he was coming all the way from Cali.  Still crazy behavior though.


    Porsha looked ridiculous, at her age, sneaking a man into her mama's house?  Don't he have a place of his own? 

    This! She has a job, hopefully so does he. Where I'm from that's disrespectful. I don't know if they did the do, but you don't do "it" in your parents house when you aren't married. She's foul. 

    Kenya and Matt need to stop. 

    I haven't liked Kandi in forever. 

    I like Sheree. I was going to buy her book just to support a sister in the day and age of y'all President. However, after that little snippet I'll pass. As everyone stated above Sheree isn't the most erudite, and that line probably canceled all of the pre-orders. That was horrible, and corny. 

    Kandi, the woman would kill a bitch over a chicken wing, I just couldn't don't know how she could watch her man with another woman. Then again, I'm dipping my toes into water I don't know about. I the same way over my husband and family the Kandi feels over her money and her food. As much dirt as she has under her acrylics... I can't with her. 

    • Love 1
  5. 21 hours ago, potatoradio said:

    I have ventured into the comments section of a few fascist sites and it's generally a ballpit of assorted, usual talking points. Usually goes: 

    MURRCA WINS! Fucktard librulls!

    Cry, librull, cry

    HUSSEIN Obummer needs to *racist comment* 

    Clinton is *gender slur*

    Trump is king. No more freebie money for librulls and welfare queens.

    F*ck global warming hoax. Drill, baby, drill. Palin is still a *gender slur*


    I'm gonna get me some fresh hot Chik Fil A tomorrow and then go to hobby lobby with my confederate flag flying for FREEDOM. The *gay slur* can FOAD.

    At least, that's what happened on the stories written by Faux News favorite bots like Ingraham or Hannity or Rushie Pooh. I've checked out Red State once in a while and can confirm the presence of racist, sexist, homophobes that can string entire sentences and arguments together, but not often. And if you read comments on stories from the few remaining RINO commentators like Eugene Robinson? Essentially screaming essays on why people like Robinson fail their purity test and are nothing more than librulls anyway.

    So, it's kind of like, in your other example, when you try to sit a table with your friend of a friend of a friend's cousin and her whole gaggle of insufferable queafing magpies* and you try to listen and view them as fellow humans, but invariably the sound of their voices and stench of Schlitz and watermelon shooters and confusion has you slamming straight tequila, no lemon, no salt, and you wake up from the nightmare stinking and with a worm in your mouth. 

    *with no disrespect meant to the actual birds, of course. 

    Eugene Robinson is a Republican? I had no idea all these years... 

  6. I read that the Russ Faria case aired in November. I didn't see it. Pamela Hupp is the dumbest criminal alive. She's also a serial killer and I'm glad that she's finally locked up where she belongs. The nerve of her to try to set up Russ after every thing that he went through! What a way to overplay your hand dummy. 


    I think that she would have done best to wait and see if the state would have come after her. It makes more sense than that cockamamaie plan that she came up with. 

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    New DNA testing is being done.

    The article says that Mary Lacy may have been wrong to exonerate the Ramseys.  I'm not in the legal profession.  She couldn't/didn't grant some type of irrefutable immunity, did she?  This DNA testing apparently will only determine if it was random DNA, probably from multiple people, thereby disproving the intruder theory.  If they do ever come up with something substantive on John or Burke, can't they still be held accountable?

    Not Burke, because he was under the age of legal culpability. I'm not sure about John. I sure hope that this brings closure to the case. 

    • Love 2
  8. On 11/9/2016 at 7:49 PM, DAngelus said:

    I just realized that you can blame the election on a Republican man…Hillary's dad.

    If Hugh Rodham had not named his daughter "Hillary" (not after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite Clinton's repeated lies about this), but say perhaps "Diane" (her middle name), we would never have had that awful "I'm with Her" slogan (which basically translated to "me, me, me! Cult of personality!" to much of the electorate, and left open the door for Trump to say "I'm with YOU" to the voters) or that ridiculous "H" logo that looked like a Hospital sign.

    Because you know that the only reason some genius came up with "I'm with Her" is because "Her" and "Hillary" both start with "H".  Oy vey.

    Not that they couldn't come up with stupid stuff on their own (don't get me started on "Stronger Together"…ask the UK Labour party about "Better Together"), but at least it wouldn't have been "I'm with Her".

    But, of course, old Hugh wanted his girl to have his same initials.  69 years later, and Hugh's penis issues bit the Dems right in the butt.  Way to go, dude.

    You reached way back there my friend. 

    • Love 13
  9. 5 hours ago, Mumbles said:

    I'll never quite understand the comic joy this show derives from the idea of Leslie Jones as a sexual being and how sooooo funny the idea of her and the white guys hooking up is. 

    The last line - "This is the worst thing this country has done!" with Chris and Dave's response - was the best.

    I find it demeaning and insulting, but thats a conversation for another thread. 

    • Love 10
  10. While I agree, we need to focus on the mid-terms, we also need to multi-task and think of 2020. We can do both. I think that we need to let Howard Dean take the reigns again. It was his strategy, along with Alexerod, and other's that got Obama in office. I wouldn't credit the DNC alone. Everyone knew that Hillary would run in 2020 back in 08. Was it right? No, but the democrats felt that the Clinton's were owed, and now we've repaid them. Michael Moore has been posting a to-do list of what the democrats need to do, and I mostly agree with him. One of the main things that needs to be done is to bottle up that anger that the young people are expressing in the streets. We need to make sure that they're prepared to vote. Not just in 2020, but also in 2018. I was watching Chris Matthews last night, and someone was saying how some in North Carolina don't even know that there are mid-term elections. The only time that the democrats reach out is during the presidential election. We have to change that. Come to think of it, Howard Dean is a good choice as the head of the DNC but he needs to pair up with someone young. We need fresh ideas on how to reach the young people. 


    We also need to talk about the electorl college. Maybe it's time to get rid of it. I know that there would be consequenses, but someone pointed out to me that often times the president is choosen before California votes are counted. I know that California's electoral votes are sometimes needed, but that does mean that ofen times, the rest of the country picks the president without the input of California, or without caring what Califronia thinks. 

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, shoregirl said:

    You just made me realize that so am I . .so now I'm depressed for two reasons ☺. 

    I do wonder if she picked someone like Cory Booker or Joaquin Castro (or his brother) if things would have been different . Picking Tim Kaine clearly didn't help her with the white vote.

    It sure didn't. I think that it would've. 

    • Love 1
  12. It's time for the democrats to do an autopsy just as the republicans did. I still think that this was a one-off election. I don't think that this was a mandate. I don't think that the country has turned. I think that it was our candidate. While I was with her. Young people weren't. The democratic party and progressives are made up of young people. In '04, Obama was young and new. That's what made him so popular, and what captured us all. I'm closer to 50 than I am to 20, so I am not ageist. I am just trying to save my party and progressive politics. I've heard let's run Bernie in 2020, or Warren. They both will be in their 70's, and Bernie will be closer to 80. We need someone young. We've paid the Clinton's. There aren't any more political dynasties in the democratic party. Let's groom our next Obama. 


    While I love Tim Kaine, I think that she should've picked a minority as her running mate. I know why she picked Kaine, but I think that a minority would've reached more milimiums. I don't think as Chris Matthews says, we need to go back and make our politics more friendly to White people. They're friendly to everyone already. Does he mean we should become like Trump. NO!

    • Love 2
  13. Tears fell from my eyes when I had to tell my aunt who's in the hospital and couldn't vote that Trump is.... Damn. Telling her that Hillary had conceded, and that there were no more votes to be counted, and there would be no recount, well, that hurt. I didn't think that I cared so much. What a sad day in America, or at least in my America. Even my husband is angry, and men aren't supposed to care about a woman being president. 

    I have a arabic name. I'm not Muslim, but I'm often mistaken for one. There are 3 people in the world with names similar to mine. They're all Muslim and live in the Middle East. They all know that I'm not Muslim, but that I support everyone of every race, creed, color, and religion. They each sent me messages of encouragement. It's usually the other way around. I can only imagine how it feels to be Muslim or Hispanic today. I can only imagine how it feels to have parents who aren't legal, but work hard everyday. 

    I need time to get over this. A long time. I need until at least 2020 to get over this. 

    • Love 12
  14. I'm not ready to call him president. Maybe in 4 years as he's leaving office... 

    I'm not as sad as I thought that I would be. Poor Hillary has to be torn up. I blame the media. The media should blame themselves. If they were responsible and wanted to do their patriotic duty, they would never let another candidate go unchecked like that again. 


    Who am I kidding. They made a lot of money off of Trump. I hope they all go broke. 

    Maybe Trump will change the bankruptcy laws, since he's so familiar with bankruptcy. 

    • Love 7
  15. I'm taking my lumps, but I'm also giving them out. This is fucked up beyond belief. Sure we have 2018 and 2020 to look forward to, but FUCKKKKK we have to get there. I'm burying my head in the sand. I don't think that I can take the news. I can barely tolerate Facebook. You guys have been wonderful. Hugs to you all, I know that we would all love to flee, but we aren't cowards. We'll sit through this, watch them fuck up, and see who's going to clean it all up in 2020. 

    • Love 15
  16. I think that the future of the Democratic party is bright. If Hillary doesn't run for reelection, I can name a few people that can run as Tim Kaine's veep. 

    The GOP is in a state of crisis. I saw it in :04 when Bush barely won (some say that election was stolen) against Kerry. 08 really showed how disconnected that they are from reality. 

    There aren't any more Bushes or Clinton's to run. 2020 will be fresh faces. I'm interested in seeing who will run. 

    • Love 4
  17. 13 hours ago, HumblePi said:

    It's 12:11 and the very first election results are in. From the 'First in the Nation' to vote, Dixwell Notch, New Hampshire. Exactly 8 votes were pulled from the wooden box and counted. Nine minutes later the results were; Clinton 4 votes, Trump 2 votes, Johnson 1 vote, and a write in vote for Mitt Romney.

    I'm always amazed at write in votes. I wonder if there could ever be enough to change an election. 

    I've already voted. I'm so scared of my vote not being counted that I'm refraining from changing my address until after the election. 

    My husband still has to vote, and because voting is serious to me, I had to make sure that he was with her. He is. Sorry Michael Moore, but he says that he has no problem voting for a woman, and a woman president may prove to be better than a male president. I'm not saying that we would've got a divorce over voting, and/or the election, but there would have been some problems. While I didn't grow up during the struggle for civil rights, I read enough, and heard enough from my elders to where I appreciate the hard work and the lives lost just so that I can vote. 


    I never thought that I would see a Black president, and now a female president? I'm going to have wine, and kleenex on hand tomorrow night. I don't think that it will be a long night either. It may be long for those waiting for a concession speech... 

    • Love 11
  18. What's this about Kandi's sexuality? Cynthia and Kenya should just move in together? It would explain a lot of things about Kenya. 

    I never noticed how tall everyone is. Except for Phaedra and Kandi, they all seem to be at least 5'11. 

    I forgot that Nene was now a comedian (she's doing a show in Chicago on NYE), I miss her. I'm a fan. 

  19. 1 hour ago, appledumpling said:

    Was there rocks all over Kenya's driveway?

    What's up with potty training a baby at 5 months?  Kandi said she did it with Rielly but how soon are they fully trained?  A 5 month old can't talk to tell you he needs to go nor walk and go on his own.  So you place him on the toilet in the morning, what about the rest of the day?  I don't get this method; does anybody know more about it?

    Yes, it's stupid, but that's just my opinion. You have to watch their facial expressions. You can also teach them sign language so that they can tell you when they have to go. Ace will be 1 in a little over 2 months, he's been using the potty for a long time now. I wonder if he's fully potty trained? 

    My baby is 2 months younger, and he likes to undue one side of his diaper. I'm always threatening to potty training him, but I'm joking. He can't talk. Wasn't Kandi doing a few other not so popular parenting things on instagram and/or Facebook? I remember her bragging about how much breast milk she was able to express/pump. Now I see that she's using Enfamil. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just different than her supermom bragging. 

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