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  1. Well so far TWP i havent watched any Castle, new or old. Use to watch and PVR daily (on Space Channel) but havent since news broke. Also deleted all Castle from PVR Still here right now to see replies to my post but once i sign out, Im done. Its already ruined for me and cant unsee what they are about to do to Beckett or Caskett. Time to get this show out of my system!!
  2. Nice chatting with you all but done with the show and all things related to it.
  3. Was Martha even in this? Oh yeah she was, forgot. Zoned in and out; Hayley has that affect on me - actually all of S8 does
  4. Also, even tho fans have made threats to leave before and havent, i think this time is different. So many are hanging on by a thread and have just about had enough of this bull. They just may follow thru this time
  5. If ur not a fan of Hayley, I'd say skip. Hardly any Beckett. Maybe 4 min of Caskett. The real lovestory here is between Castle and Hayley. Barf
  6. Considering the good chunk they lost after the non wedding, my GUESS is that they will lose quite a few. Myself included
  7. Remember, they did find the script from Boom according to the call sheet that was briefly up on twitter. So explosion it may be
  8. Hardly a thing has happened as he has described. When he talks, it sounds like a storyline or arc, but ends up being one line or scene.
  9. Lol what these showrunners say is always meaningless
  10. Well, that article was depressing
  11. Market research? If they actually listened to market research Hayley and Vikram would be gone and Alexis would act normal
  12. Might as well, the showrunners are killing it anyway.
  13. Not saying anything sexual, saying stupid all encompassing complete belief in a genie is ridiculous
  14. The Mummy curse he didnt believe in until bad things started to happen - then he started to question. Same as zombies. He never really believed, just liked "driving Beckett crazy". This, he believed with wide eyes and completely. Ridiculous
  15. Two sneak peeks for Backstabber.. BORING. Why does Castle trust Hayley again? God Lord. Stupid and stupider are at the helm here
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