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Posts posted by Jediknight

  1. On 5/18/2020 at 12:35 AM, twoods said:

    I like the actor that plays Jamie so I hope he gets more involved in season 2. I like that they didn’t make him or Ingrid the bad guys.

    Definitely a better role for him than his role on Suits, where he played somebody we were supposed to like, but they wrote him like the dumbest lawyer imaginable.

    • LOL 2
  2. Jacob opened fire on Batwoman, and Alice killed Mouse.

    Yet, those were nothing compared to the biggest shock of the episode.  This show just cast Batman, and kept it a secret.  Who saw that coming?

    • Love 6
  3. I like that the Deltas are sticking together.  Was hoping for a Where Are They Now montage.

    Nate screws up, but still finds a way to help his family.  He's a damn Legend.

    I like Lita, and that she's been accepted by the Legends, and that she accepts them.  She doesn't fit with the rich kids, but she does fit with the Legends.

    And Dion had no chance to beat Sara.  He may be a God, but she partied with and was trained by Oliver Queen.  Dion's got nothing on his partying.

    • Love 9
  4. Loved the fight scene being like a comic book.  That was awesome,

    And hey, they finally remembered that Barry was the Paragon of Love.

    That was one strange cliffhanger.  But, it was the best they could do with the pandemic, and having to rush to shoot something.

    • Love 5
  5. 44 minutes ago, Dani said:

    Ingrid’s dad had Nathan killed so that he didn’t have to pay for the code. I don’t think Ingrid was trying to save Nathan’s life. She just wanted for him to survive the crash long enough to be uploaded. Her father wanted him to die instantly because Nathan being uploaded jeopardizes their plans. Also it seems that the uploaded still have money so Nathan being “alive” means that he (and Jamie) can came after Freeyond for their stolen idea. 

    I don't think it's him not wanting to pay for the code.  Something else is going on, someone's pulling the strings.  We don't know who shut down the servers, who messed with Nathan's memories, and who hired the assassin.  There's something beyond not wanting to pay for the code.

    Maybe Nathan coded something that's huge, but he doesn't even realize it.  We saw in this episode that he can control anything with no problem.  Perhaps he coded something even bigger in Beyond, and didn't even realize it.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 8
  6. On 5/3/2020 at 11:27 AM, iMonrey said:

    So you mean to tell me that Ingrid can simply delete Nathan's consciousness? That doesn't seem right. It's basically committing murder. 

    At least his exes seem like good people.  They had no problem with each other, the fact that Nathan dated them all in a short time, didn't like Ingrid's treatment of Nathan, and were nice to Nora.

    Robbie Amell is really good with comedy.  His response to Luke mentioning that he wore his dress blues, and "Uncle Larry, put your fucking hand down", were top notch.  His delivery is fantastic.

    • Love 11
  7. On 5/3/2020 at 11:46 AM, Danny Franks said:

    I did appreciate Nathan saying "hey, you look familiar" just as I was realising that it was the Cigarette Smoking Man. That was a nice meta reference.

    I cracked up at the fact he was the one telling Nathan that he was murdered.  He of all people telling somebody else of a conspiracy, and opening their eyes.

    • LOL 3
    • Love 9
  8. On 5/3/2020 at 9:06 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    Johnny lost it all this season, but at least some of the fault is his. You can't preach "No Mercy" to your students, then punish them for showing no mercy towards a fighter who just happens to be your estranged son.

    He did at least start to get a handle on things before Kreese weaseled his way back in.  He saw it was stupid, and was moving away from "No Mercy" to "Be badass."  And being badass means fighting somebody one on one, not attacking them from behind, and not taking advantage of a cheap injury.

    But, it's part of a flaw this show has put forth with Johnny and Daniel.  They're teaching kids karate, they're teaching bullied kids how to stand up for themselves and have confidence, which is great, but they haven't been teaching those kids how to use that power responsibly.  They've got all that training, but haven't been taught much maturity or responsibility.  Notice during the big school fight, that Chris had lost to his former friend one on one.  His friend didn't cheat, there wasn't anything underhanded, but then Chris uses a weapon (the book) to knock him out.  Right there, Miyagi would be appalled.

    The show has made it clear that in order for both to be the best teachers and have balance, they have to work together.  Their petty rivalry has done massive damage to not just their lives, but the lives of their students.  And it's allowed Kreese to take control and rule over the Valley.

    • Love 9
  9. 11 hours ago, paigow said:

    Not my point...the ground was hot and dry when she dropped her light saber...Vader showed up in winter and picked it up without digging or force pulling it...Only one clone helmet was NOT covered by snow so WTF?

    I wasn't talking about that.  I was just mentioning that Rex and Ahsoka knew that the other clones were victims as well.  They still considered them friends and brothers.

  10. Rex and Ahsoka made sure to bury all the clones.  They knew that the clones were victims of Palpatine as well.  The clones may have opened fire on them and tried to kill them, but they had no choice.  In the end, those clones were still Rex and Ahoska's friends and brothers.

    • Love 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Trini said:

    LOL at Jason Mewes, but why is he here if Kevin Smith isn't? (Unless this is their way of inviting him back?)

    May have just been Melissa getting a spot for a friend.

    I feel so bad for Eve.  Everybody makes her do what she doesn't want to, by threatening her family.  Poor Eve, she deserves a break.

    I still think Lena wants to be friends with Kara.  Hopefully they do work out their differences, and Lena helps take down her brother and Leviathan.

    That Sun Eater being unleashed as a villain was not cool.  Sorry, just thinking of All Star Superman.

    • Love 2
  12. 6 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    WellWellWellWellhat's... If I had just read on paper that ending scene.. With stirring music and touching hands via mirror.. I woulda been in a diabetic coma for all the sweet sweet smalchtzy sapiness... But I'll be damned of Gucci Gustin and Candice Prada didn't bring their "A" games for that scene...

    One thing that will always sell those moments, and not make them sappy, are how they've written Barry and Iris.  Barry and Iris have always been there to support each other, they've always believed in the other, from the very beginning.  Even if they argue, they always have unwavering support and belief in the other.  Even when Iris was dating Eddie, she believed in Barry and supported him.  And when Barry was dating Patty, he never lost his belief in Iris or support of her.

    They've been each other's lightning rods, for a long time.

    Of course all that is in addition to the acting of Patton and Gustin, and their chemistry.

    • Love 12
  13. 1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

    Think of the ramifications. I mean, I could totally see Iris getting pregnant via Siri and be somewhat okay with forgiving Barry. What then? "Well, Doctor? Is it a boy or girl?" "It's a disco ball."

    Iris: "Don't look at me, Disco Stu was one of my hall passes."

    • LOL 5
  14. Dayum, Tala Ashe was rocking it as Cleopatra.

    Nice to see more layers to Zardashian, and a reason why'd she would want to stick around the Legends longer.  It's not just because of Behrad, with the Legends she can read them, and knows they won't betray her or consider her an embarrassment.  You're with the Legends, and they're gonna have your back no matter what.

    Jack the Ripper, Bonnie and Clyde, Brutus, and Henry VII all check into a bed and breakfast ran by Enchantress.  Only in Legends, and possibly Gotham.

    • Love 6
  15. Bruce killed Joker dead.  Holy crap, now that's a revelation.  Now, we gotta wait to see the reveal as to what set him off.

    Mary came through with the best Hallway Talk ever.

    • Love 8
  16. Legends, you were the chosen show.  It was said that you'd be lighthearted, not join the heartbreaking shows.  That'd you'd be the happy show of the Beeboverse, not leave it in darkness.

    Just had to kill Behrad, didn't you?  The only positive is that Zari's about to unleash pain on Charlie's horrible no good terribad sisters.

    We got Baby, and Sara being even more badass, but dude, Behrad.  Why?

    • Love 11
  17. 16 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    At one point, someone tells Schofield to give the message to McKenzie in front of witnesses, clearly to make sure that's not exactly what happened.

    And the movie didn't present McKenzie as a villain, even with that warning.  He's somebody that's been in the war for way too long, and just wants it over.  He even mentions to Schofield, that soon he'll get another message telling him to charge.

    • Love 3
  18. Schofield's sprint across the battlefield was one of the most emotional moments in a movie in years.  Just freaking chills.  Schofield trying to get through the trench to the Colonel, him realizing he won't get there fast enough, and he does the unthinkable and climbs out of the trench to run across the battlefield.  Complete chaos all around him, he's running into soldiers, every soldier that you see is gonna die if Schofield doesn't deliver the message, some are gonna die a few seconds after we see them, and nothing stops Schofield.  And of course, the music.

    • Love 12
  19. 16 hours ago, Lola82 said:

    I teared up several times, most surprisingly when Barley sacrificed his van. Loved the image of the parking tickets being like wings.

    That was the part that got to me.  This movie didn't leave me an emotional wreck like some other Pixar movies, but that part got to me.  The parking tickets as wings, the tire popping which gave Guinevere a gallop, and the neighing.  A little bit of magic came back to make Guinevere a Pegasus and help the brothers.

    Ian passing up the chance to meet his father made perfect sense.  Barley's quest was to get that one last moment with his dad, and to say good bye.  Ian's quest was to gain confidence, he didn't need to meet his dad for that, because he had Barley.

    • Love 2
  20. 5 hours ago, alexa said:

      I looked up more info online and I kind of remember that other episode, but I don't think they have shown her enough to suddenly have her sit on the bed/couch with Erica out of the blue.  Or maybe it is just me.  I really didn't remember her or know who she was, and I watch every episode.

    I didn't know who the hell she was either.

    Johnny's fixing of Adam's bike was funny, outside of that, nothing else made me laugh.

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