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Everything posted by Tee

  1. WOW! I find those numbers astounding! I never expected that. Personally, I find all of these people EXTREMELY annoying. I don't know if I will make it through this season because there really isn't anyone I am rooting for. They all just seem so self centered and full of themselves -- I guess that's the whole youtube generation thing, which I admittedly don't get. The least annoying is the editor guy who posts all the special effects videos, because at least he has an actual talent/craft. But the rest of them? Ugh. I don't get it. I just don't get it.
  2. Actually the actress playing Clary bothers me more --- I don't feel ANYTHING from her when she is talking about her mother -- it's like "now I'm saying my lines" and that's it. I get that she's young, and like someone else pointed out, I'll give the cast the chance to grow into their roles a bit. But I looked her up on IMDB and she's done enough stuff that she should be better than she is. I say the movie recently, and I wish we could mix and match the two casts! This Jace is so much better, but the movie's Clary was a lot better.
  3. Best guess? It's a deleted scene that accidentally aired in one the the commercial breaks. Sometime for foreign distributions shows need to be longer than here in america, so they have extra scenes that will be added to the show. It's probably one of those. HOW it got in the middle of the commercial break is anyone's guess. Somebody screwed up!
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