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I have a general question: Aren't hallways a thing where they live? I mean, they open their front door and step directly into their living room? With their shoes? Where do they put the dirty shoes of four kids, their coats, hats etc? Won't the flooring be ruined pretty quickly? Every random person, the delivery guy, the mail man, everyone ringing the doorbell can see their living room and kitchen. I would hate that. I can understand a situation like that in an old house, but they did pretty much everything new. Why do you choose this?
My son is two and he got the cutest bible for his baptism.German bible This is a popular one for 6 year olds in Germany. The Duggar's certainly would not like it. It is very German, there is some nudity in it. 😁 I feel so bad for the Serwald kids. Spurgeon is 6 years old and has no exposure to normal things. No school, no sports team, no music lessons, no running around town with friends, no first secrets from his parents. My neighbour's son is 6 years old. He has so much fun after school and on the weekends. He and his friends are riding bikes through town, building forts in the forest, playing on the playground,... They experience so many things on their own without their parents constantly watching them. Ok, we are in Germany but I don't think "normal" 6 years olds in the US are that different from German ones.
I just watched Spurgeons birthday video and had to come here after day 4. Aren't there bibles for children in their religion??? I am Catholic and there are so many beautiful bibles for children. My sister's favorite book was actually her bible all through childhood. It had pictures, the stories were short and simple. What is Spurgeon supposed to do with this one? I don't get it. Besides that I find the lack of wrapping paper awful, Spurgeon's homeschooling situation sad and the whole birthday week thing ridiculous. And what happened to the kitchen door?? Seriously??
This topic is funny to me. In my part of the world many, many people don't use dryers because of environmental and financial reasons. I'm one of them. And when I lived in North America friends always wondered why because according to them doing laundry with a dryer is soo easy and not much work. Well, apparently not for every one :D. That bring said, I have to admit that there are occassions where I have to look in the laundry basket (or even on the clothing reck (?)) while searching for clean clothes. So, I'm with Jill in that case.
Here in Germany these kind of glasses are totally trendy. Most of my teenage students wear glasses like hers. I think she looks really trendy and stylish.
That's exactly the reason why I don't have a dog. I don't want the extra work, I don't want to go outside in horrible weather,... . I get all that but then don't get a dog! Fenna seemed so happy in the beginning of the video 😢 .
This poor dog. It seems like they keep her outside. Why would you get a dog of you don't want it in your house?
I guess some people are better at parenting than others. I'm a single mom of a 1 year old and I'm exhausted. I love my boy to death but I'm tired constantly. Imaging having a toddler and a newborn, no, I could never do it.
As a German living in Germany I have never heard that before. At least in Southern Germany I only know of Oma and Opa (or Omi and Opi) and have only heard Meema on TBBT. Are the social distancing rules in the US still not allowing contact between different households? I think it's sweet to see how much the boys love their grandparents.
In their insta stories you can see Felicity with a bed head, wearing a soccer jersey and not matching shorts, wearing a shirt with stains, splashing herself with water,... I don't post any photos of my son online (not even with friends or family on Facebook) and I hope someday every parent understands how harmful photos like all of the above can be. Anyway, I would prefer being raised by Jinger and Jeremy than Joy and Austin. At least Felicity has somewhat normal relatives, meets different kinds of people and will hopefully have a small number of siblings.
I still don't know how people can judge a little girl and her life solely based on pictures posted in a forum. Only looking at their Instagram stories would give people a totally different perspective on Felicity. To me she seems like a completely normal little girl.
I'm in Germany. We have lots of infections but our government has reacted very quickly and we are doing OK right now.
That's the difference between living in a small country VS a huge one. Here everyone has to stay home, no driving around. Only healthy activities are allowed like walking, cycling etc. Kids drew rainbow pictures and taped them on a window facing the street, so children walking by know that in this house another child has to stay home. I think it's sweet how close they are to grandma and liked their picnic in her front yard. It's so hard for grandparents to not see their grandchildren.