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Posts posted by RuntheTable

  1. What I never cease to believe is how insensitive and stupid Liam is. He should have called Hope to tell her he was going to meet her in Paris. Letting her hang out and wait and wonder is just mean. I don't understand why he thinks it's going to be a surprise. It wasn't like Hope didn't invite him to go along with her... A surprise would be more like if Liam actually TRUSTED Hope to go to attend business and Paris and he would show up with no inkling on her behalf.



    And don't forget; Liam didn't make the decision to go on his own. It wasn't so much Hope's words as his groupies, Ally and Ivy, that spurred him to go.


    Why does he want his half-brother's sloppy seconds? He reminds me Thorne back in the day when Thorne was willing to take Taylor as scraps after Ridge mistreated her with his waffling.



    He was also willing to take Caroline, and later Brooke. Poor Thorne, has always been "the other brother".


    I would have some respect for her, if the writers would have had Hope say to Wyatt, when he began dissing Liam and macking on her on the plane,"Excuse me, your crazy bitch mother would be facing attempted murder charges if Liam, out of regard for you, hadn't decided not to call 911. So why are you talking about him like that? You are some poor excuse for a brother." That is what a decent person would say, but Princess Hope is a twit who likes the world to keep revolving around her.



    Co-signing. This SL is smarmy, and has me wiggling in my seat. Wyatt knows Hope came to Paris with the idea of marrying Liam; what person in their right mind would be willing to run off with someone they know has unresolved feelings for someone else? How will he handle that when he and Mrs. Fooler return? Does he think Liam is going to keep his distance? Has Wyatt forgotten that Liam works part-time at FC's? Doesn't he understand that Liam will need to come to FC's to get his daily rah-rah from Ally and Ivy?  If Wyatt refers to Hope as an "ICON" one more time........


    Mr. RuntheTable startled me last night when he said, "Liam is an idiot and a pussy. He needs to throw in the towel and just go ahead and jump the crazy brunette's bones". Wow, but he is totally not invested in this show.......

    • Love 7
  2. Hey everyone! I am a refugee lurker from that other board



    Hey back at you, and welcome aboard!


    Seriously, the pretend son of RS and DD should be a swarthy GAWD with ice blue eyes, not a squawking chicken neck dude.



    And you are welcome to keep throwing things out there, because that is a gem.


    I do enjoy Ivy and Aly's little mean girl shit with Hope. I mean, I don't dislike Hope, but she needs a foil. Ivy is a good one but they need to step it up before it gets boring.



    Indeed, and I can see it coming, but I don't think Ivy is going to be the same kind of foil as Steffy. Steffy was catty, and cagey; I think Ivy is going to be all smiles and sunshine about fucking people over.


    the recast should have been lean and elegant not big and musty.





    The RM Ridge could be a spoiled, flip-flopping oedipal ass, but I don't remember him ever being this much of a sociopath.




    • Love 2
  3. I, for one viewer, am sick and tired of the "Steffy kept us apart, Bill kept us apart, Quinn kept us apart" bullshit.  Someone needs to tell both Liam and Hope to grow up and take responsibility for their actions and choices and stop blaming other people.



    Yes, yes, yes! That is absolutely it! I might accept that "reason", "mishap" or "misunderstanding", once, but six times? Seven?


    She's pretty much let Liam think that he can do anything and she'll eventually forgive him, regardless of how demeaning it is to her.



    No doubt, and she is doing it again; "I might even consider giving the diamond back", after pleading with Liam to come to Paris, because Liam's insecurities must be respected and appeased.


    (It would be a thousand times more interesting if Liam's next "rebound" was a drunken night with Wyatt's mother.)



    That would be awesome. Rena Sofer is playing Quinn a little differently since her return, not as maniacal, almost with a playfulness. Now, if Quinn can pull off her handiwork without Liam finding out, and he doesn't make it to the ET in time, and the spoilers come to fruition? How about an angry Liam returning home and going to that bar where Quinn met Deacon, and he ties one on and Quinn happens to be there........


    Just imagine Hope and Wyatt's surprise.


    Yeah, I could really get with that.


    Random thoughts:


    I thought Liam was going to take a few days to clear his desk, then go to Paris; isn't it the same day?


    Was the Spencer jet in for repairs?


    I have done some flying in my life, but I don't recall getting seats where I want them at the last minute. And in first class? How did Quinn score that seat, and how did she know where Liam would be sitting?


    Wasn't Wyatt supposed to be meeting the Mexican authorities?


    Leslie Kay looked fabulous.


    "I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?"



    Sweet, but I don't really think one tune sums it up:


    For Wyatt -


    For Hope -


    For Liam -

  4. I think I have finally been swayed to support Wyatt; he made more sense on that plane ride to Paris than anyone has about this mess to date.


    Liam is so passive/aggressive. And so needy. This is not about that diamond; it is about control and getting his way. And Hope is caving; no wonder she can't stay in a relationship. No friggin backbone.


    Liam needs to work......riiiight; seems like the only thing he is "working" on is lining up his support team. Ally and Ivy, like two bobble heads, agreeing with everything Liam said. The only thing missing were the outfits bearing a bit H&L, and the pompoms:


    We want a wedding!

    Come on, help us out!

    Hope and Liam fans!

    Spell it out for us!



    First to ten!

    They will do it again!

    Come on Hope and Liam fans!

    Clap it out for us!



    Ivy really, really needs to shut her pie hole about Brooke. Girl is pluckin my last nerve.

    • Love 4
  5. dumbassedness



    Is that even a word? Oh, shit, who friggin cares. It is too damn funny to care.




    Thank you, Bradley, for giving me at least 22 minutes of my day  back.  I won't be watching this shit.





    Uh Uh, don't you dare! The joy of it is the snarking, and if the rest of us are willing to go the extra mile.........


    That spoiler?  I'm over this show.  But I the draw of discussing it with you guys always brings me back.  I think a month and a half/two months should be enough of a hiatus.



    The same goes for you! If the rest of us are willing to stick around and watch this crap, you can too. Just imagine all the delicious snark to come of it! And really, how long can

    any Hope union last? You know something will come up about Wyatt's ownership of the diamond. Or, Hope and Liam will realize they were once again "manipulated", and she will get a quicky divorce in order to marry Liam.....wait, that may not be so good. Wouldn't that just being starting the cycle over. Just forget I sad anything about Hope divorcing Wyatt.

    • Love 2
  6. And, wouldn't you think with all the mishaps, mayhem, and misunderstandings Liam and Hope have had, that maybe, just maybe they would have a clue? That maybe, one or both would say, "hey wait a minute, this could just be one big misunderstanding!", or, "I've seen this before.......maybe I should talk to Hope/Liam before kissing, bedding or marrying someone else".


    Just saying........and ranting a little today.

    • Love 4
  7. Forgot to put in my earlier post that there is also a brief glimpse of a scarf wearing Quinn on the plane with Liam. Really? Really SHOW? Again, just fill in the blanks......Oooooh, do ya think Quinn will have something to do with Liam not getting to his destination in time? And of course his tardiness means he doesn't want to marry Hope now. God forbid someone pick up one of their expensive Smart Phones and find out what the heck is going on.

    • Love 7
  8. If nothing else the past week has demonstrated to me how far this show has fallen, and how much I miss the good old days when Bell senior was in charge. I never thought I would see FC's reduced to a flop house, dependent on a twenty something with a message and a diamond. Where is the fashion? Where are the fashion wars? I miss Red Suit Brooke, and found myself cringing yesterday as she talked to Deacon saying things like "I don't know what she is thinking". These are the exact same things Stephanie used to say about Brooke when she introduced something new at Forrester. Where is the renegade, the risk taker, the innovator, the visionary I have come to love over the last three decades.


    I resent beyond all belief that I have invested over a year of viewing time watching Brooke and Bill's love story evolve, and now, I am supposed to chuck them to the side for Ridge and Katie? Ridge, who has behaved nothing less than a Neanderthal since his return from Paris, charging around town telling everyone what they will and wont' be doing. Attempting to undermine the work done by those left behind at Forrester, as he was off walking, and thinking, and learning about poetry. A man who was so involved in his own self, that he couldn't be bothered to come home for his mother's funeral, or to comfort his daughter after losing his grandchild. Coupled with Katie, the dour, Lemonhead sucking, unpleasant, and most unsympathetic character on the show. I am supposed to prefer their three weeks of discovery; discovery based on their mutual unhappiness and angst about Brooke and Bill? Sorry, I don't buy any of it. It is an "engagement" of convenience; Katie saw her chance at the big prize (as if!), and Ridge saw his chance to hurt Brooke and to get back at her for supporting Bill. They are both wholly immature and juvenile, not to mention delusional.


    This show needs an injection of good writing stat. I realize this is soap land, but this show used to know how to build a SL, and make viewers invest in it's characters. Brooke/Ridge/Taylor were the triangle, but it worked because all the principals had chemistry with each other, and they each had their own unique stories and histories. Additionally, they were allowed to stay together for more than a day, before jumping ship to the other one. This nonsense with Hope and Liam is just that; nonsense. Who friggin cares? The characters are not compelling, and I generally feel like I am watching some sort of hybrid form of Saved By The Bell. And these two are supposed to be the future of B&B? Yeah, good luck with that.



    Liam can't go to Paris because he has to "work"? Huh?

    Liam won't go to Paris if Wyatt is going to be there?

    Hope might compromise what she wants, and give the diamond back if Liam comes to Paris with her, or meets her there?


    Per the newest Promo on CBS's site, it looks like we will have a new "Misadventure of Hope and Liam" in Paris. They show a distressed Liam running toward the Eiffel Tower shouting Hope's name........just fill in the blanks, cause we have seen this shit about a thousand times already. But you know, when you base your future on a loosely arranged meeting in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower, with no cemented time or day? Idiots are just setting themselves up for disaster. Like I said before; there ain't no fixin stupid.

    • Love 11
  9. When a woman is committed, or engaged to, another man IT'S HANDS OFF!!



    Wouldn't this logic cut both ways? When Liam and Hope have had their "misunderstandings", why was the onus not on Liam to tell Steffy to move on? How is it he gets a pass on his boorish behavior in excepting anything Steffy was offering? It is totally irrelevant who initiated the contact; Liam as the engaged party, should have put an end to it by citing his commitment to Hope. But oh hell no, there was dancing, drinking, kissing and marrying to do. Unfortunately, all the happened with the wrong person. Additionally, I didn't see Liam respecting Hope and Wyatt's relationship. He allowed them what, about a week of exclusivity, before barreling in with this ultimatum about dual romances and equal dating time? And don't get me started on his unwanted and unneeded presence when Hope was taking her pregnancy test.

    • Love 3
  10. Shleppy should have left an ENGAGED MAN ALONE and not gone panting after him like a dog in heat!!



    Oh, I don't know, maybe Liam, as an ENGAGED man, should have found it in himself to tell Steffy to move on?


    You're right, this is a soap. It is an escape. Attraction has everything to do with it for me. I spend a half hour every day with these characters. They better be sexy, romantic, smart and attractive to me otherwise I'll stop watching. Liam and Hope as a couple are just don't do it for me. They are never together long enough for me to be invested in them. The constant breaking up, reconnecting and breaking up again isn't attractive. It's repetitive and boring.



    Word. Add in the total lack of energy/chemistry between SC and KM, and it makes for a real snoozefest.


    Had JMW not left, I'm certain we would still be getting Liam waffling.



    No doubt. Triangles is what B&B does, and once they sink their teeth into one they don't like to let it go. I do think it would have been far more interesting with the addition of Wyatt and Quinn

    • Love 4
  11. I don't think at all that they'd still be dating.



    I guess we will never know, but I didn't see Hope chomping at the bit to end the dual dating arrangement, and Quinn's actions were the deciding factor for Hope, not Wyatt's.


    Hope had absolutely nothing to do with Brooke's bedroom line, not one thing. That was all about Brooke. Weanie made a nasty cardboard cutout of Hope and presented it at a meeting with everyone there and wanted her to model the nastiest underwear, and plaster her all over billboards, it was so disgusting and it demoralised her!!



    I stand corrected; I was confusing Oliver's pitch to have Ally model B's B. In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about the HFTF lingerie line. I didn't find it all that shocking or disgusting, as much as silly and ill-timed. They were discussing launching Brooke's Bedroom; I couldn't see the need for more lingerie, and Hope's demographic is supposed to be the younger set, so I thought a swimwear line would have made more sense.

    • Love 1
  12. That video was a mistake and he said so, plus it was not done out of love and that's what counts!!



    I'm not sure if being done out of love or not is the issue with the video. The issue is that it was made at all. It was yet another example of Liam's inability to say no to Steffy. No doubt it was a mistake, and Liam felt bad about it, but only after Hope saw it, till then, he hadn't given the wrongness of it a second thought. And just how many mistakes is Hope supposed to grant Liam in this lifetime? Liam didn't see the video as wrong, or thoughtless, or inappropriate; a gift honoring their time together for his ex-wife? Hope however, has committed an unforgivable act of betrayal in accepting the HFTF diamond?


    I don't see any undeniable energy whatsoever between Hatie or Quinn so I have no idea where this is coming from.



    We will just have to disagree on this.


    IMO Wype were all wrong because he always had to be kissing her or have his hands all over her



    And that is exactly what made them a much more compelling couple. Wyatt brought out Hope's sexuality in a way Liam never has. Instead of watching someone who looked like they were going through the motions, Hope actually seemed present when she was with Wyatt.


    Then he tried twice to get her to model his nasty underwear line.



    I think that was Brooke's Bedroom.


    Liam isn't at all obsessed with her



    Oh, I must totally disagree. At least Wyatt has an excuse to be around Hope; he works with her. Liam on the other hand? When was the last time he crossed the threshold of SP's? If one didn't know better they would think he is employed at FC's.


    Which leads me to:


    he was overly possessive and it was sickening



    Liam was the one who pressed for dual romances and equal dating time; clearly disrespecting Hope and Wyatt's relationship. Even so, Wyatt agreed. I never really saw Wyatt too concerned about Hope and Liam's time together; he was confident in what he had going with Hope, and was willing to let her make her own decision. No demands. No tantrums. No ultimatums. It is also important to remember that Hope would still be dating Wyatt had it not been for Quinn's actions. Is it really a win when you must stamp your feet, and pitch a hissy fit to get your way?

    • Love 4
  13. But truthfully, I wish they would all get away from each other because this story is dumb


    If nothing else, we will agree on this. I realized after the show ended that I had been watching it with mouth agape, a look of stupification plastered on my face, and I felt oddly dumbed down.


    Liam wants Wyatt fired because he feels disrespected?


    Ivy and Ally twittering to each other, and following the pack like two groupies.


    Ivy unable to bear witness to the tragedy taking place in the Forrester Communal Office.


    The recently defanged Ally, giving Hope advice on life and love.


    Liam's prissy flounce out of the office was funny.


    Bill's "Mugshot", and "Convict" were funny.


    I don't know if I like Quinn's new do.


    I suggest Wyatt get on the horn straightaway and find out if mom was at the "facility" when the mexican man died.


    Deacon kissed Brooke and she started to kiss him back. I wish I had the ability to unsee things.


    Is Ivy supposed to be dressed fashionably? I wish I had the ability to unsee things.


    I am willing to suffer a week of the Ogre and his Keeper cause there ain't no fixin stupid.

    • Love 2
  14. Isn't that what she's been doing for the past year?



    I didn't see it that way. I won't flat out deny that there might not have been some payback in Hope's mind, but what I saw was someone who realized that there was more than one guy in the world, more importantly, maybe more than one guy for her. I saw someone who was enjoying being the center of two guys lives, having them fight over her, being the only one since Steffy was MIA. Then, after deciding to be with Wyatt exclusively, Liam decides he can't handle it and gives Hope an ultimatum; it's both of us or I am outta here. Really? Had it been me, I don't know if I would have laughed, given him an energetic single finger salute, or just waved and walked away. Hope caved however, and in doing so gave Liam power over her personal choices. Now, here again, he is giving ultimatums to Hope about something she feels strongly about; something that really has nothing to do with him. If the damn diamond is about the line, and business, and what is best for FC's, then that is what it is. If Hope only wears it for promotional purposes, and is not sporting it around town, and gets it housed at the boutique, then what is the friggin big deal? It is the HFTF diamond right? Then who the heck are you going to give it to? Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm? I see it as nothing more than a continuation of this show demonstrating that women are not capable of making their own choices, and if they do make them, and their man doesn't like or agree with the choice, then the woman has to change to suit what he wants. What I was saying in my earlier post was that maybe this is where Hope draws the line. She has acquiesced to all of Liam's demands, she waited in the wings for years while Liam romanced Steffy as her pleas fell on deaf ears, so maybe she has had enough and wants to show Liam how it feels to want something so bad, and have that desire thrown right back in your face.


    I'm actually more concerned that the human oil slick and his smirking slattern won't be able to generate the heat necessary to convince the audience that they are a super couple.  Enter Big Bad Brooke to add angst complete with Bridge teases and we have the same old wash, rinse repeat nonsense that has traumatized me for years.



    Oh no, they wouldn't. Please say they won't. The thought of it is unbearable, because no matter what shape it takes, Brooke is going to be the vixen sniffing around forbidden territory, and Katie will be seen as the victim once again. I don't want a Brooke/Deacon reunion, because were can that go really? At the same time, I don't see Brooke forgiving Bill, and if she did, all the pertinent players would castigate her back into seclusion for taking back the man who won't take Ridge's shit lying down. I just have a bad, bad feeling about where this is going with Brooke.


    In agreement about the hair. Brooke's hair has looked bad for a very long time; too yellow, dry, brittle, and appears very thin. Hope's hair has always been rather spectacular, but recently the ends look like snakes rearing up to strike.

    • Love 3
  15. I have no doubt whatsoever that Hope is fully aware of Wyatt's motivations. What I think is that on some level, whether consciously or subconsciously, Hope wants Liam to know, to understand, to feel the pain of betrayal. To experience the sting of feelings that don't matter. To wrestle with the helplessness of watching someone you love fall under the spell of another's manipulations. Hope could write novels about those things. I am not a believer in two wrongs making a right, but I am a  believer in just desserts. How many times did Hope beg Liam to see Steffy for what she was? How many times did she ask him to steer clear of her all together? And Liam would respond with his condoning smile and head twitch, and be all like "shucks Hope, Steffy is harmless. We are just friends". No matter how strong the argument Hope presented; it always ended the same; Hope is wrong and is being unreasonable. Well, maybe Hope has decided to draw a line in the sand and stand firm on what she wants this time. I like that. That is how Red Suit Brooke got started; when enough was enough already. It is also a show of strength and growth, something the Hope character desperately needs if she is to be the face of the show.


    I am really concerned now. It looks like Deacon and Bill will be going at it over Brooke; I am ok with that. My fear is that it is going to be the new excuse to crucify Brooke as the bad Logan with all the degenerates sniffing at her heels. While across town, the local hero and his fiance/wife, are living a life of unquestionable dignity. Of course that is the same scenario we had with Taylor for decades, but Taylor wasn't Katie. As much as I loved Brooke, I was still able to sympathize with Taylor. That will never happen with Katie, because as soon as she opens her mouth and starts spewing her venom any softness I feel for her flies right out the window. Taylor also genuinely loved Ridge, something I will never believe applies to Katie, who saw her shot at the big prize and siezed it. And no doubt Ridge was on board; Logan had to pay for not waiting for his return. How dare Brooke give up on their destiny, and deny him his stewardship of her life. Then again, Ridge is going to exercise that right whether Brooke wants his interference or not.

    • Love 4
  16. One thing I am tired of hearing is the constant harping on the magical, mystical powers this diamond posesses.





    I used to think I didn't like the character of Ridge because I really didn't like Ronn Moss. Now I realize I just don't like the character no matter who plays the part.



    Sometimes it is the simplest statements that say the most.

    • Love 3
  17. and I believe there was one more but I can't remember who.



    Maybe Shane or Hector? I am a little fuzzy too because I wasn't enjoying the show much during those days. The only thing I remember liking was Taylor's earth shattering fall from grace, and her memorable appearance at the Forrester manse when she let them all have it. Of course the best of the best was telling Stephanie that she had always wanted to bed Ridge, which resulted in the slap heard around the world.


    I often wonder if the actors (SC and KM) are themselves exhausted with the merry-go-round and as a result they end up putting more energy into their scenes with other characters. Just my speculation....



    And that is some very interesting and insightful speculation. I have never considered this, but now that you have voiced it, it makes perfect sense.


    And maybe this is all just PTSD after 20 years of the Brooke/Ridge/Taylor triangle. It's a ride we've been riding so long I just refuse to do it again.



    I was ok with the triangle up until Taylor's second return from the dead. This is when I think the show started losing it's way. I just didn't feel the tension, and the vibes between the principals anymore. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that a big part of that was the horror that Hunter Tylo's face had become. I wasn't able to take a thing she said seriously because I thought the words were being emitted from a Kabuki mask. And of course there was the whole faked heart attack from dear of Stephanie.


    which was to punish and humiliate Brooke in the worst way possible because he believed his mother and Taylor's lies that Brooke was having an affair with Grant.



    And which resulted in yet another Ridge mad dash to "save" Logan. This is the period I began to dislike the Ridge character.

    • Love 4
  18. That was then and this is now.



    That is a hard sell in any relationship, but when it comes to Hope and Liam? I am just not going to be able to get with that. Liam had so many opportunities to tell Steffy to take a hike, and leave him and Hope alone, but he was never quite able to pull that off. Even up until their most recent failed attempt at marriage, Liam was conversing with, and fulfilling Steffy's requests. Now though, when the shoe is on the other foot, and Hope has another guy interested in her, there is a different set of rules? I hate double standards, but I particularly hate sexist double standards. I am disappointed with Wyatt right now for shoving Liam's generosity and acceptance in his face, but that is between the two brothers. When it comes to Hope, I would prefer her to be with Wyatt. When they were dating exclusively, Wyatt was not putting all these restrictions on her, and had no problem with her being around Liam, because he trusted in their relationship, and more importantly, he trusted Hope to respect their relationship. Outside of that, I feel like I am watching two people who were truly exploring each other, instead of a brother and sister, or a boring couple who had been married for 50 years. Make no mistake, I like SC, and I like the Liam character, as long as he is not in Hope's orbit. I don't know about Ivy and him yet, but I certainly felt sparks between him and Katie when he was becoming her BFF, and there was that undeniable energy between Liam and Quinn. But the writers aren't going to go there because they think they need to recreate Ridge/Brooke/Taylor with these characters; and it is my opinion that they have failed miserably.


    that Hope is the future of the show



    NO!!! I'm sorry, but KM just doesn't have the presence or charisma to carry the show.


    I'd be curious to know if there are any fans of B&B who still think of John McCook as Lance Prentiss from 100 years ago on Y&R (said fans are probably themselves 100 years old by now).



    Well I guess I am 100 years old then, because I will always see JM as Lance Prentiss with his crazy Burka wearing momma.

    • Love 6
  19. I could give a cat's badoodle if Hope keeps the diamond or not. The only compelling angle to this is Wyatt stabbing Liam, and proving he is a snake in the grass. I did appreciate Liam's comment about how it bothered him seeing Hope and Wyatt in the tabloids; I guess Hope seeing him and Steffy on them was AOK. If Hope is telling Liam that the diamond is about the line, and isn't any kind of commitment on her part; then he should trust that. That is what engaged couples do, they trust each other. If you don't or can't trust each other, then you get what these two have always had; misunderstandings and bolting to someone else.


    I hate myself for this, but I was feeling some of that old magic today between Brooke and Deacon. After that brief glimpse we got the other day, I found myself youtubing some of B/D's old scenes. There really was no way to measure the heat these two generated. Brooke was just so absolutely gorgeous during this time. I am trying hard to remember how much I like Brooke with Bill.

    • Love 4
  20. Ok, so I can take Brooke ending things with Bill if it is based on him lying and not his actions. I don't like it one bit, but that scenario is far more palatable than Brooke excepting Ridge's abhorrent, premeditated, and potentionaly deadly behavior, while crucifying Bill for his. I can understand why she would be disturbed that Bill let her and Ridge's family worry for days, not knowing if he were alive or dead. The only hole I can find is even if Bill had come clean, all he knew was what happened; he had no idea where Ridge was.


    And Katie, exercing diarrhea of the mouth, babbling on about how Bill made Ridge doubt himself and blah, blah, blah, and boo fucking hoo. Hey Katie, my beribboned one, you do realize that Prince Valiant could have cost Will his father? And of course there is Liam, Wyatt, Caroline and Karen. Shoot, I forgot myself there for a minute; those are Spencers, and are perfectly exceptable as collateral damage if it means Ridge winning over Bill. At the heart of it, WINNING, is what it is all about for Katie. And winning means breaking Bill, and seeing Brooke alone. Katie wants Bill to suffer for tiring of her restrictions, her insecurities, her hysterics, her desire to fold clothes and clean house instead of wanting to spend an evening with her husband. Katie wants Bill to suffer for discovering the real Brooke, and what it is that makes her so irresistible and unforgettable to men. Katie also desperately wants to score a direct hit on Brooke's reputation; once again Brooke Logan has made a bad choice in the romance department, and has gotten mixed up with Bill Spencer, a man who has steadfastly ignored every one of Ridge's dictates and orders since Ridge's return from Paris. Was he not connected to the Ridge Rules All Pipeline? I mean seriously, did he not get that fucking memo?


    I thought Ridge and Katie were going to pee their pants with glee as they got to relay the "story" to Hope; they appeared to be hopping from foot to foot from the sheer expectation of letting the news out. Of course, not one word about Ridge's actions; nope, can't have none of that. It might make Hope take a step back and think about the implications; "Um Ridge, aren't you condemning Bill for the same thing you did?" "Well, I mean, not exactly because your's was....well.....kind of......I don't know......premeditated?" "And didn't you kind of.....well....hijack Bill's private helicopter?" "And didn't you ....um....cut out Bill's seatbelt?" "And didn't you.....er.....endanger a lot of people on the ground too?" Yeah, I can see Katie allowing that shit to happen. 


    And Ridge standing there like a block of smirking wood. Good grief, and all that is Holy, but I miss Ronn Moss.


    What is the big deal with Hope taking the damn HFTF diamond? Isn't it supposed to be about her line? It certainly isn't a friggin engagement ring. This whole SL is already starting to BUG. These writers don't know when they have a good thing going; they missed the boat with Liam and Quinn, and now they are missing it with Liam and Wyatt. Don't they get that Liam is good with anyone but Hope? He smiles for Pete's sake. He is silly and goofy. He seems so much more at ease. His interactions with Bill are a perfect example. I liked the energy between him and Wyatt when they were alone and not talking about Hope. I am pretty much to the point that I don't give a rat's behind about any of it.


    KKL and DD were pretty damn good today after the Ogre and his keeper left.

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  21. Grrrr....Just delivery me ok? The hypocrisy of it all is just too much to bear. I think what stood out for me the most was that Bill's life, and Will's father, are expendable, if it means Ridge is proven correct and comes out the victor. Then again, Katie does live by the credo of two wrongs making a right; ie, her and Ridge. I wonder how things would have gone if Bill had fallen out of the helicopter? How would Katie have explained it to Will? Your dad did a bad thing, and your new dad had to correct him for it? Katie is such a turncoat; she never really had a problem living the Spencer lifestyle, and sucking up all that it offered her, but she sure likes to paint this picture of an abusive marriage. I don't know Katie, maybe you should have sought out divorce to end your torment. Oh, I forgot, without Bill's near constant abuse Katie wouldn't have anything to whine about, and she wouldn't have that crutch where Ridge is concerned.


    So be it. Katie is going to be in for a rough ride now. Stupid, stupid girl. Once Deacon starts calling, and putting moves on Brooke, Ridge is going to see red. And I am not talking about the Red Ribbon of Commitment, which I am sure will still be on Katie's finger. Good. I wish nothing but heartache and distress on both Ridge and Katie; one of the worst pairings in soap history. Dirty, gross, unappealing, sour, only begins to summarize the less appealing traits these two share.


    Ivy you can take a seat and STFU. I want to like you, but don't bring your little jewelry designing ass over here and start passing judgment on my girl Brooke. Why is it so strange to see two people who were dating giving each other a hug? It wasn't like they were tearing each other's clothes off, and throwing down on the FC's cups and cutlery. But oh fucking no, Hope was straying just like her whoring mama.

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  22. I see all of that propping, however, the writers don't seem to be doing anything to prop Kridge. As a couple they seem insufferable. There's little romance or planning for their future. It's all about Katie whining or them talking about Brill. I just don't understand what's going on there. I can't see any way the writers want me to root for this pairing while they've been building a love story for Brill for quite some time now.



    Great insight. I think they are going for the juxtaposition of dark and evil against goodness and light. This is one of the few times a Brooke romance has started as a friendship, and the only time it hasn't been based on sex. We watched as Brooke and Bill bonded over their concern for Katie, and we watched as that bonding turned into a friendship, and then an emotional affair. I was amazed at the restraint Brooke showed by not falling into bed with Bill right away, and actually found myself encouraging the character to go ahead, have at it. So, when the day finally came for them, it felt right, and it felt real. However, it was clouded by the fact that Bill and Katie were still married, no matter Katie's histronics, and ring removal, and sweeping proclamations; at the end of the day they were still married, and Brooke had once again betrayed a family member by giving in to her base desires. It would never be seen as true love by anyone on the canvas, because afterall, this is Brooke Logan, the femme fatale who has worked her way to the top by offering exclusive membership to the Golden Couter.


    Then you have Katie and Ridge, who came together out of mutual despair and unhappiness at Brooke's most recent foray into sleezedom. Katie living her life fueled by a desire for revenge, and feeling dissatisfied with the empty victories of stealing SP's and denying Bill visitation with his son. Enter a newly minted Ridge, fresh off his sojourn in Paris, where he apparently spent his time thinking, and walking, and discovering poetry. During all this self realization, and deep contemplation, he also found time to enhance his skill set by obtaining his pilot's license. This newly moralized Ridge returned to LA with a song in his heart, and a flower in his hand, convinced that his Logan would be waiting for him with a full heart and single tear. All his newly developed senses prevented him from processing the fact that Brooke had grown weary of riding on the pendulum of their "Destiny", and had moved on. He wanted to make it about Brooke's betrayal of Katie, but in truth it was the unpalatable knowledge that he had lost his hold over Logan. So he turned to Katie, who he painted as gang raped by Brooke and Bill, both individually, and as a couple. It also served the dual purpose of pissing Bill off, and deeply hurting Brooke.


    So, even though we watched Brooke and Bill fall in love, and were able to see them cement their bond and commitment to each other; we are still supposed to see their relationship as dirty, and sullied by betrayal. Katie and Ridge, OTOH, found each other through a spectral light, and on a higher emotional and intellectual plane than mere mortals. We no longer have Stephanie here to act as Brooke's judge and jury, so we are expected to know this intuitively.  

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