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Happy Camper

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Posts posted by Happy Camper

  1. Poor Kyle and her whiny tweets. There are these evil things called the AGENDAS. Apparently there are lots of them.

    This season: Kyle vs The Agendas. (Dorit, Rinna, Garcelle, Erica and Denise)

    Her tagline should be: "In Beverly Hills, my truth always rises to top the Agendas. Those Fucking Asshole Agendas. Hashtag #TheAgency."

    Her recent tweets:

    "I see what is happening here. It’s going to be a rough ride for me apparently. Lots of agendas."

    "I am a very sensitive & emotional person. When my feelings get hurt in this group I try not to show vulnerability & end up stinging back & then almost always end in tears."

    "Everyone coming for me like the first party out of quarantine."

    "I have suffered from anxiety since I was a child. At times it has been crippling. My husband almost called 911 for a panic attack I had last year."

    "It felt like everyone was against me and I was too tired and emotional to deal with any of this."

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  2. 30 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

    And Erika, please don't make that stupid comment to Denise about how maybe she shouldn't have her kids around their dinner parties.  You're an adult, Erika.  Maybe you and the other Hos should be adult enough to restrain yourself from improper conversations when kids are around.

    Erika never had to worry about her kid being around dinner parties. He was in New York with his daddy while she was a cocktail waitress in LA looking for a wallet.

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  3. 41 minutes ago, swankie said:

    Erika doesn't like to be called out by anyone, even if it's done kindly.  She'll pretend to be sorry but deep down she's seething for having someone have the NERVE to step to her.  Yet she is the queen of calling others out as it looks like in the previews she's about to do to Kyle next week.  

    Yeah, but, you don't know what she goes through at night!

    • LOL 7
  4. Interesting that Meghan has had the kids in LA for over two months now without them seeing their dad. He was saying that she took them out there without him knowing about it and was upset. Three days ago she posts that "Diary of a Single Mom in Quarantine....and It's Not Pretty", complaining about how badly she is suffering trying to cope with her kids.

    Now suddenly yesterday, kids are with Jim and his girlfriend in Missouri. How did that happen? Did Meghan's post backfire on her? Did Jim contact his lawyer after reading her blog saying that he's worried about the kids and Meghan was ordered to have the kids return to Missouri?



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  5. 32 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    Yeah, I'm right in the middle of single momdom with a deadbeat ex in every way -just so much, and while I understand that everyone's pain is valid she's coming across almost like she's humble bragging. I want to kick her in the face.

    This is what bothers me about Meghan. She is so out of touch with the real struggles of moms who don't have live in nannies and wealthy husbands who pay for those nannies and rent and probably everything else.

    She expects people to feel sorry for her and her "Single Mom in Quarantine" story.

    My job was working with families who had children with severe disabilities. They had access to no resources. They were on years long wait lists for speech therapy, behavioural therapy etc. I sat at kitchen tables with moms who had to lock themselves and their other children in their bedrooms because they were dealing with kids who were violent and would be physically aggressive and attack them. No dad in the picture, no live in nanny. They didn't complain. They just tearfully asked for a few hours of help.

    Meghan can just F off with her sob story.

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  6. 23 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

    Yes.  That’s what I mean.  She is seeing them now and reacting to them now.... weeks or months AFTER filming the episode.

    She didn't expect the negative response. She really thought that people would be on her side. I think that she is surprised at the hate directed toward her on twitter etc. When she filmed she thought that people would be on her side.

    TWIST. Now she sees "what is happening here". After all "It's not her first rodeo." LOL.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

    Me too.  The show was not in the least funny with Bethenny.  What’s funny now?  Sonja Bethenny peeing?, Dorinda  Bethenny acting like a lunatic?  There is not one thing funny about Dorinda.

    Sorry Silver Bells. Had to fix that. The only thing missing from the new season is Skinnygirl bottles featured in the background and Bethenny having a meltdown and sobbing in the corner about how her life is so much more tortured than Dorinda's or Leah's or anyone else's. How dare they complain after all that she had endured!!?? I mean ....Dennis, her addict boyfriend who died because of his unrequited love for her and her poor Cookie who died before her very eyes while she filmed it all on instagram, and her horrible parents who tortured her while they spent tons of money on her, and her many near death experiences from allergies and being lost at sea and the horrid Uber drivers who victimized her. 

    If she had returned this season Dorinda's story would have been sidetracked with Bethenny's awful suffering. 

    • Love 21
  8. 44 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

    She (or any of them) doesn’t see the responses to her actions, on her Twitter account, weeks or months after filming ends.

    I am pretty sure that Kyle sees the responses to her twitter account considering that she is now tweeting out comments about what was filmed months ago. She is definitely seeing how her actions are being viewed now that the viewers are privy to her horrible behaviour. Mauricio is going to have to double down on his weed orders.

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  9. 19 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    She needs to stop talking. Her whiney entitled rants are not as cute as she thinks they are.

    I think of the days when I was a single mom without any financial support from my jerk ex, but still managed to make him look like the good guy for the sake of my kids in order to let them believe that they had two parents that loved them. No "paid by my ex" nanny, no "paid by my ex" rent, just my own family to help out by being loving grandparents, aunts, uncles.  It paid off in the long run. 

    Meghan made her selfish choices by marrying a guy that didn't want children, and then went to the ends of the earth to have his children. I believe she just wanted to be Mrs. Jim Edmonds, and to compete with his ex-wives. 

    Not an ounce of sympathy for her.

    • Love 13
  10. 1 hour ago, tinderbox said:

     I believe they laugh themselves silly when the director yells cut.  They will say and do a LOT for ratings.

    I doubt that Kyle is laughing herself silly when she sees the responses on her twitter. So much negativity toward her. Does she even consider how this affects her daughters and THE AGENCY?

    I don't think that any housewife signs up for this show thinking "Won't it be funny when I pretend to be an asshole so that the entire viewing audience despises me!?"

    Lack of self awareness is Kyle's problem. Seeing her double down on twitter is proof of it.

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  11. 2 hours ago, misschung said:

    I have a hard time feeling sympathy for Megan in her blog post about being quarantined with the kids.  


    So  do I. She has a live in nanny. She also chose to flee with the kids to LA, taking them away from their father. Jim is a dick but his kids don't know that and they are not able to see their daddy.  She is clearly punishing him for the Kortnie thing, but it's still not fair to the kids to be stuck in a tiny apartment without their dad, when they could be quarantined in Meghan's nice big house in Missouri with a great backyard to play in.

    She made that choice and her kids are paying for it because she is vindictive and selfish.

    I also feel sorry for the nanny. Must be weird to see Meghan crying the blues when she is likely the primary caregiver while Meghan carries on with her running, doing hair and makeup, selling shit and instagramming. Of course the nanny (Ashley) has signed a NDA so she can't comment on it.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    You know that anyone on your friend list can be a pedo? Is the solution for no one to post anything ever? I mean come on. This isn't realistic. I posted a picture of my daughter at the pool last summer in a one piece, now I personally keep those pictures to my friend list, but as I noted above, anyone on your friend list can be a pedophile. Do I, and the millions of moms out there who do the same thing stop sharing our lives because some pervert can twist innocence? If that does happen am I, in this space of logic to blame for their actions or thoughts? The world is a different place from what I grew up in. But there were pedophiles there too. 

    All good points. All kids are at some risk. Sharing with friends is much less of a risk than sharing with the entire world, especially when you have 2 million followers. 

    Also, showing photos to your friends pretty much guarantees that everyone is going to respond favorably with positive comments. Bethenny puts Bryn at risk of having people make snarky comments, as we have seen with the boob video. If she continues as Bryn gets older, Bryn will be affected by those comments.

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  13. 47 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

    There’s been ones busted with hundreds of candid screenshots of pics of such kids saved on their computer or phones along with the pornography. 

    That is horrifying and a good reason for parents to make sure that their kids accounts are kept private. It concerns me when Bethenny posts videos of Bryn dancing. If Jason has requested that her face not be shown I can understand why.

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  14. I do think it's sweet that Bethenny is spending quality time with Bryn doing meaningful Mommy/Daughter activities. However, it's beginning to look like she's increasingly putting her on display and it's more about craving the comments/attention that she gets from Bryn's image. (even without showing her face) Dorit does the same thing with her young kids.

    It's likely that Bryn is going to overly enjoy all this public attention just as much as her mother, and it would be sad if she sees her own value based on what strangers think of her. If/when that happens she may lose herself in all of that, especially when she gets a bit older and people begin to make negative comments about her. All it takes is one silly photo or an impetuous post and the criticism starts pouring down. That could be devastating to a girl who just wanted to play her ukelele in an Uber.



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  15. 1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

    Bette Davis dancing in the Black gown with Henry Fonda in the ballroom just them two.  The best, lol.  One of her many Southern movies.



    Bette Davis, but then Kate Hepburn, Spencer Tracy. Good way to spend quarantine. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner at my place tomorrow right after All About Eve.

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  16. 20 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    Most kids mom's don't have a presence like that. But can you believe Hoppy signed off on that? You must be thinking he's totally equally to blame right? 

    I honestly believe that moms should have a presence like that and dads as well. Yes I believe that Jason is equally to blame. Anyone with a child under age 12 should absolutely know what is going on with them and have total control over Iphone/Ipads/Social Media. Even as a grandma, I was keeping any eye on my grandkids instagram. They really need to keep their accounts private and it's very easy to ensure that. I would have a real problem with any of my grandkids having an instagram account that wasn't private with access only to family and their close friends.

    I love ya @ShawnaLanne. I know from your posts that you are an exceptional parent. I guess the worry that I have is that my 9 year old granddaughter tried to open her own non private Instagram and my daughter and I caught a father of one of her friends sending her very inappropriate messages. 

    Tiktok is the new problem. It worries me for children.

    Bryn is only 10 years old. I do worry about Bethenny putting her out in the spotlight. I do think that it's Bethenny's responsiblity to protect her from the public.

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