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Chicken Wing

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Everything posted by Chicken Wing

  1. Well, just because you've lived in a certain city for several years doesn't mean you know where everything is. I've lived in the same metropolitan area since I was five years old (except for the years I was away at college) and I don't know where anything is. At least there was an in-story reason for why none of her kids ever seemed to visit: they didn't really like her. :) We did finally meet Matthew in an episode of The Golden Palace, though, and he was actually a CPA like Blanche mentioned he was in an earlier Girls episode. They should have had that bit of continuity bronzed and put in a museum.
  2. Yeah, I noticed that, too. I've likened it to sprinters vs. long-distance runners. Some of the opponents just burst out full force at the beginning but then they seem to fade; Julia, meanwhile, starts off somewhat slow and gradually builds until she takes over the race as the others run out of juice. Yay, this is my first Previously.tv post!
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