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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I am in the burbs and if I had to choose between rural and city I would pick city
  2. I am so not a farm person. I would not last there or in Sequim
  3. I could survive at 63! But is not about me per se. Every single guest experiences the same thing. We are all freezing. If he would put it to 63 I would be OK. I do realize I run cold. My nose is like ice the whole time I am there. Its not just me though. Some people wont even visit him any more because they are too cold. There should be a compromise that is somewhere in the middle, you know?I turn my air conditioner to a really cool temp when he visits because i want him to be comfortable. He could meet in the middle for me
  4. He may be like my friend in the Uk who just will not turn the heat up to a decent setting. He keeps his house at like 58 degrees and I am always freezing, I wear layer after layer of clothes. The bathroom has no heat at all where I have to shower. This is a nice house. This guy can afford to turn the heat up. Everyone tells him its cold. He just doesnt care if we are cold. At ALL .Pisses me off so bad
  5. Hi all. I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a decent one, as good as one can be in the covid word. For anyone wondering, my friend who quarantined in Aruba for 2 weeks had no problem getting into the USA last week. However, the day after he got here they closed the border to anyone with a UK passport. He made it in to the country by hours
  6. Is she going to Mexico then the USA? That is actually working for a lot of people. Its similar to my friend coming through aruba, The rules dont ban Europeans, they ban people who have been in a country on the banned list for the last 2 weeks. Mexico and aruba are not on the banned list so people are coming in through there
  7. Its totally deserted right now. He said its like a ghost town
  8. I have a friend from the Uk arriving tomorrow. He has been in quarantine in Aruba for 2 weeks before coming here. They only have like 120 active cases.
  9. In Fl? Are they? Well that is good. I am on Orange county and the mayor here has some pretty hardcore restrictions but i though a lot of the state was really lax.
  10. And I am in Florida, where you can do whatever you want. Yay!,
  11. I want to so that so badly! I still have plane tickets to the UK in May
  12. If You do,I will remember you for this in songs and in poems
  13. I agree with this. My friend had a huge old home in a TINY village in the Cotswolds and after about a week, i would get bored.
  14. Thanks! I am undetectable and healthy though. if I can just get a danged covid vaccination I am good to got for 30 more years
  15. My husband had a joke about rolling them in flour that i will not fully repeat.
  16. He stole his blue jacket from that dude on Love After Lockup
  17. I might,lol. but I can travel without being heavily masked and reminding people every 10 minutes. Well, covid aside
  18. When I was in High School a boy I was with peed on Paul Revere’s grave. I was mortified
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