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Posts posted by Skycatcher

  1. On 6/25/2017 at 3:30 PM, Maelstrom said:

    Delving into CO$ is like learning a new language sometimes, isn't it?

    Having a dictionary is always good.

     I worked for years in aerospace. They only speak in jargon and acronyms! Maybe that's why some engineers are so socially inept - lol.   I changed jobs moving from aerospace to telecommunications. Now the same acronyms meant different things. THAT? was mind-bending for a while since  I had to mentally transcribe from aerospace acronym to English to telecommunications acronym. I'm sure people thought I was "slow" while I was doing my mental gymnastics.

    • Love 3
  2. On 12/5/2018 at 12:03 PM, KHenry14 said:

    Despite the obvious evidence of Malfeasance, I just don't see a DA, or Congressman or the IRS being willing to take Co$ on. 

    Absolutely!  I'd be willing to bet that's how they got their tax free status.  With the threat of the CO$ level of harassment,  just about any bureaucrat at any level of government is going to roll over for them. As for suing the CO$, it would be very costly and hard to match the CO$'s deep pockets.

    • Love 3
  3. On 12/5/2018 at 1:18 PM, langford peel said:

    This discussion about the burgers seems to me to be the crux of the whole series. Balancing what guests prefer and what the crew wants. 

    Add what Bravo production wants to that formula and you've hit the sweet spot.

    • Love 5
  4. 21 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

    The site is undergoing an upgrade, you can read more about it here.

    Thank you.   I did not understand most of what I read but that's OK. At least I know the "glitch" is the PTV gods at work.

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, bref said:

    Has there been any kind of official explanation for why Ashton was pulled from WWHL at the last minute?


    Bravo is probably trying to milk the last possible drop of drama by holding Ashton back until the episode actually airs.  You know, sometime around Saint Patty's day in March.(I'm of Irish descent, a member of the tribe. I can call him "Patty".)

    39 minutes ago, Reality police said:

    Cap Lee stated that the camera boat and another follow boat actually got to Ashton first. Those boats are always there as part of production. He made no comments about any injuries. 

    Thank you for this bit of info. I always forget about production hovering.

    • Love 4
  6. 18 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

     That meal was a fail. Kudos to them for not complaining. 

    Sometimes I think Chef Unicorn gets a title too full of himself and his abilities.

    How is Chef Unicorn going to know he missed the mark if they don't speak up?  You don't have to be nasty about it but he needs to know.

    And BTW, if you want a cheeseburger it's not a time to be expanding horizons. If you lived on cheeseburgers, we could talk.  But meeting an occasional craving does not signify a closed mind or palate.

    LOL,  All the crap with Chandler and Caroline and "man overboard," and here I am losing it over a unicorn and a cheeseburger!

    • Love 15
  7. 45 minutes ago, Blindfox said:

    , but if I had my mouth all set for a really good burger and got a lamb slider instead, I would definitely be a little annoyed.

     A little?  I'm a fussy eater. When I get my taste buds set for something THAT'S what I want.  If I had been at that table after expressing my disappointment I would have gotten up and left.

    I was in Hawaii several years ago and had been swimming and kayaking in Kealakekua Bay for a couple of hours - sunburn of the century!  When I got out of the water I CRAVED a cheeseburger. And not just any cheeseburger, no Mickey D, and no lamb, no artisanal bread, no truffles or anything else a unicorn might use to cook with.  It had to be a world shatteringly good cheeseburger.   I drove all over the west side of the Big Island before I finally found what I needed and OMG it was sooooo  beyond satisfying!  I ended up eating there several times afterwards and still lost weight with all the swimming etc. My kind of diet!

     Note to the unicorn - you showing off does not equal me being satisfied.

    • Love 22
  8. 4 hours ago, miluyvr said:

    she prepped the tray with the cabinet door ajar, and when she closed the door, the corner of the napkin got caught in the door, so when she lifted the tray, the napkin was stuck. [...] When Kate laid the glasses on her tray, all of the napkin corners were folded under, so no extra fabric was hanging over the edge of the tray (and she held the glasses down with her hand for extra safety).

    So we have another one who knows it all and is never at fault. "Obviously" the person who incorrectly ironed the napkin is to blame, not (former) Super Chief Stew!

    • Love 16
  9. 12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

     Ross made her feel desirable, now she's calmed down a bit. 


    Agreed. I hated the way Adrian acted all put out by their request. As if he's too talented and sophisticated to make a simple burger with some fries.

    Well, Riley does want to feel useful.......🙄


    Arrogant jerk!  I think, after the food had been served I'd have loudly cleared my throat..... "Ahem, where's my request, the burger and frys?????"

    • Love 11
  10. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    That’s got to be weird for the guests, as soon as their charter departs port, there’s a potential life-threatening situation.

    That, combined with the screaming match between Riley and Ross,  which was edited with shots of the guests leaning over the rails above decks so they wouldn't miss a word of the fight. Not exactly a source of all-around warm  fuzzies!

    • Love 5
  11. 3 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

    I guess....whatever. I'll watch this next week before the next one. I don't appreciate being jerked around, lol.

    Like Bravo cares. They know most of us will be there, even if they drag Ashton under water for the next three episodes. SCUBA gear, stat!

    • Love 8
  12. 2 hours ago, bref said:

    Even though I know he's ok, I don't know if I can watch the accident scene.

     At least production saved it until the very very end so you didn't have to miss the rest of the show. So all we get to see is the same clip we've been seeing in previews since before this season started? What total crap!

    • Love 21
  13. 27 minutes ago, Reality police said:

    Looking at the preview, I'm not certain that it's Ashton that goes over. Might be the new guy or very possibly I'm wrong. It's been known to happen. 

     I have thought the same thing.

    • Love 1
  14. Actually, given the non-existant longevity of reality "stars"*, I'd say the self-absorbed cloth is more of a cheap paper towel!


    *  Does anyone else remember when calling someone a star really meant something, as with Elizabeth Taylor, or Clark Gable?  The word recognized the luminescence of people who had careers lasting more than three or four episodes on reality TV. I really hate seeing the word so devalued.

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