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Everything posted by BritFan

  1. Likewise, I'd love to see previous seasons, I'm in the UK too and only get a couple of seasons on youtube ? I'd love to watch earlier seasons.
  2. Surprised there was no clips of Erica or Holly as they took the coveted first and last spots. Some of those dances looked very odd mixed with that cheesy music! Also some of the bottoms of those outfits were very unflattering, giving the girls quite heavy looking butts. Even Stephanie looked big bottomed, when judging by her bikini shoot she is probably built like a stick of spaghetti! Megan looked great, but I've alway loved her, she looks real nice and smiley ?
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/DCCheerleaders/status/734098169886310400/photo/1 Also, just looking at this vet pic ( and I know they aren't all there) I don't feel there is a bunch of stunning girls like Holly Arielle snd Jacie or big fun personalities like Brittney Schram and Kelsey Bond. Again it may be because the fun bubbly girls don't post on Instagram, but I really hope there are some stand out girls when MTT starts to reignite my enthusiasm.
  4. Just thinking, without Kat and Caila they are very low on blonde vets so will have to take a bunch of them from the newbies.
  5. Just watched Hunter's solo, and agree it wasn't really right for DCC audition. The movements were too aggressive and there was a lot of walking about even in that tiny clip. Kat's dance was gorgeous, but also probably not right for audition. I will miss her though, she seemed so nice ? Not sure who I will be following from DCC now. All my faves have gone these past few years. I keep my fingers crossed Kelsey and Madeline to make it and maybe look at the hopefuls' instagrams and see if there is anyone there to root for. Feel strangely flat though ?
  6. It's 4am in the UK so I really wish they'd announce all the girls and show a nice clear photo so I can go back to sleep!
  7. Shelbi better not have made it. If she got through and Kat didn't I may chuck my ipad out the window in despair. .. Poor Kat ?
  8. Unsurprising I would think this, as I am firmly Team Kat, but perhaps it is nice for the judges to see a bit of rythmic gymnastics.. Perhaps it makes a change after all the bumping and grinding!! I'd love to see Lacey's solo, she completely passed me by until a fortnight or so when I saw her in someone else's instagram clip from a class. She is such a great dancer to watch. Just goes to show, the more they post the more fans they get ?
  9. So, I've just been thinking about Kelsey and the reply she gave to LaurenBrook.. She seems like a lovely girl .. and yet she's never made it to training camp? My point being she must be doing something right for me to be interested in her. I only 'seriously' started following DCC this last year, though I watched the two previous series' (also just last year). And yes she is stunning, but I'm sure there were a lot of other stunning girls but I don't remember or follow them. I vaguely follow a few girls who made it to training camp but didn't make the team (Madeline and Courtney Johnson). But other than that no one has made an impression on me. I think it is a pity if she doesn't get a chance because if she learns all her Cowboys history she'd make a great ambassador as she draws in people like me, from the UK, who have no prior knowledge of Football (*ahem* American Football). It's sad she didn't wow with her vote dance, but I was only really loved two of them I saw, the rest were non memorable for me. And at least she didn't do a shocker aka Shelbi (*shakes head* - SO bad). And as she uploads dances to Instagram - which not all DCC's even do, I know she can dance. I'm really rooting for her. Team Kelsey!
  10. Tasha is now herself and a bunch more girls are up including Kyndall.
  11. http://www.dallascowboys.com/multimedia/videos/recent
  12. Lots cut out early.. usually because the girls mess up and stop. I think there are about 4 or 5.
  13. I think I am suprised by the amount of mistakes compared with last year. I don't recal so many girls messing up.. perhaps I am wrong. I completely understand they don't get long to learn the routine.. I'm surprised that girls that have been on other teams -like Emily made so many slip ups. I wonder if they got less time to learn it that previous years?
  14. I'll stick with Mandy and Madeline .. and Kelsey just because she's gorgeous. Now as it is gone midnight in the UK I'm off to sleep.. where most likely I will be kept awake by that flipping song going round in my head all night!!!
  15. I can't believe how many girls messed up. Emily was a big disappointment ? Allie did quite well. .. Anyone who gets the choreography right is a relief to watch!
  16. Whitney seemed to just make up her own choreography.. If men vote on the girls I forsee her boobs getting a lot of votes!!!
  17. http://www.dallascowboys.com/video/2016/05/16/92-amy It aint good lol! There are two pages of videos now. http://www.dallascowboys.com/multimedia/videos/recent
  18. Amy's kick is shocking. Worst of the bunch so far. Very disappointing from someone who knows the importance of the kicks.
  19. Me too! Let's go! *shimmy shimmy!* Has anyone else watched Tasha? It says Tasha but is infact Madeline again!
  20. Oh Lordy, again with the terrible editing, Khalyn finishes and on trots Madeline at the end. Khalyn also looked like she had a brief panicked moment of forgetfulness. They give this tiny deer in the headlights look to whoever is in the room. Makes me feel nervous for them for the rest of the dance.
  21. I think Madeline did great! Even gave a cheeky wink! She's in my top 3!
  22. Ally just gives up and looks very cross. Honestly I'm shocked how many have forgotten parts, that must be at least 4 girls now.
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