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Everything posted by solarfire
Didn't expect Bruce to go out so quickly, but he needed to get FJ right but didn't. That seems to be happening a lot lately. I worked out FJ fairly easily when I saw ova and then virent/viret since I know a little bit of Latin via Spanish. I also got How Sweet it is and Brass in Pocket.
Different strokes and all that... but I like the new Champion and hated the previous one. I got Lou Grant, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Niagara and Spain. FJ I had no clue but guessed disciples. Missionaries never entered my brain although know more than enough about religions.
I didn't get FJ, I kept saying to myself "the other guy, not Grant". lol. But I couldn't pick his name out of my brain to save my life. This game was much better than yesterday. I'm glad to see Travis keep winning.
FJ was an instaget for me because I read about that somewhere and found it fascinating. I was very surprised the middle guy missed the answer because I was prepared for him to win and I preferred my hometown guy, Travis! He's not exactly from Philadelphia but a suburb of it. I'm waiting for the $4,133 bet because I'm sure he's an Eagles fan. Go Birds! 🙂
I, too, was disappointed they didn't finish the Super Bowl category. I would have swept the category. I was also sure they would bring up the Philly Special. I like the new winner, mainly because I couldn't stand the champion. I was shocked he missed FJ as it was an instaget for me. Can I mention this pet peeve? Why do contestants not bet everything when they get a Daily Double on the 2nd line? IT'S GOING TO BE EASY, PEOPLE!! Today, he missed but 99% the time, they get the answer. It's the second most easy question in that category! You have to bet everything, especially if you have a lot of money, like the woman a few weeks ago. It cost her the game. That is all.
That's my guess too, Brady following McDaniels. But for the most part, this hanging on thing almost never ends well. It becomes embarrassing and painful to watch. Like Peyton, who won the SB with the Broncos, they won in spite of him, a broken down warhorse. Anyway, I'm exhausted and too tired to hate Brady anymore.
There's lots of talk of Brady not retiring and returning to the Pats or some other team. My question is: WHY??? What does he have to prove? That he's not a quarterback who throws a pick-six on the final play of his career? It's going to end some day and however it truly ends, it won't take away not one bit from his goat legacy. In fact, nothing will (sorry, triple negative. lol). Exactly how many Super Bowls rings, MVP awards, All Pro accolades does he need? There's something a bit psychotic about still trying to prove something. Prove what? He's already proven everybody wrong a million times over. The pick-six doesn't change that. Just saying...
I got dog in the fight, the last tycoon and Scientific American. OTOH, I had no idea about FJ so my streak is over. That Native category was beyond sad. Hard to watch. All 3 contestants were sooo annoying in their own way, hoping for a new champ tomorrow.
Got 3 in a row FJ! I guessed the holly tree because mistletoe is not a tree. Also knew TS Lady Gaga and Voyager. I was trying to remember the documentary where I saw the origin story of MacDonald's and it was "The Food that Built America". Hershey's and Mars story is in it too. Fascinating stuff. I still miss Jennifer too.
I got FJ but wasn't sure. I read somewhere that it was some state out west, but thought maybe it was Iowa(??). I settled on the first woman to vote, in any case. I was sorry to see Jennifer, she was my favourite in a long time. Looking forward to her in the Tournament next year! I also got Twilight Zone FJ. I was like 99% sure because of the year and the "strange", but then thinking they were guitars? Never knew that. Lol.
I'm really liking Jennifer a lot. She seems so shocked that she's still there, making a lot of money and "living the dream". It's so endearing! It was also cute at the end where she was showing Alex how shaky her hands were, but calm enough to be the only one with the correct answer in FJ. Lol. My TS was CSI. Surprised no one knew it. And a shout out to Taraji P. Henson for Person of Interest. Loved her on that show.
I have a hard time believing this. I actually was going to give the pats their due right before deflate-gate, but that was the final straw. They don't deserve my respect. The question I ask is if it doesn't mean anything and doesn't give an edge to the pats, then why do it? or risk it at all? It's clear to me these things do give them a very distinct advantage so it's worth the risk. (And I'm not saying I know exactly what these advantages are, but Bill sure does).
I ran the category too although it pains me to see them as a category. I'm surprised they haven't done it sooner for that team. I'm a devout Baseball fan and I like the Red Sox too. Even though I didn't know the football team played at Fenway, it was an obvious answer. But Wrigley and Comiskey parks? Laughable. Clearly not Sports fans at all. lol. OTOH, I had no clue about FJ!
Another day when I thought it was too easy and thought I was wrong. I was like well, if it's not that, I have no idea!
Sorry to see Elise go, I was really liking her! A little quirky and not boring 🙂 I said Levi but thought it was too easy so I thought I was wrong. In general, it seems we are going back to top clue first as a pattern. I don't mind either way or when they jump around. However, what really bugs me is when Alex says 1 minute to go with one category left and the player who is behind starts at the top. It seems really dumb to me even if you're not sure of the category. You have to be aggressive and start at the bottom because you have limited time to get the most money. Anyway, one of my pet peeves. (and no James as the next host, please)
The Clarke/Bellamy scene was exactly like the Xena episode "Is there A Doctor in the House" from Season 1 (ep 24!). I'm guessing one of the writers remembered and copied it almost exactly. Also like Xena and Gabrielle, there was plenty of "subtext" that they were in love with each other but it was never consummated. By the end of the show, Xena died in a horrible way so I hope that doesn't happen here, even though I'm not exactly a shipper of Clarke/Bellamy. I like them separately, just not together but I do understand how shippers get very frustrated with this endless "will they/won't they?" torture. I lived through 6 long seasons of Xena with that.
FJ was an instaget for me. I always associated Grapes of Wrath with Woodie Guthrie. If you can find tv movie "Bound for Glory" with David Carradine as Woody, it's worth watching.
I was spoiled in two instances but I didn't know it. I work overnights so I'm asleep all day and when I wake up I watch Jeopardy! Meanwhile, before I went to bed in the morning, I saw my local paper say something like "can local contestant beat James?" I immediately thought no, they were just trying to get local people to watch. I didn't click on the article. Then my brother phoned while I was asleep probably to discuss the Loss but I had a feeling not to phone him back until after I watched. While I was watching the show, they said Emma was from the University of Chicago (not hers or my hometown) so I thought the newspaper was probably talking about tomorrow's show. So I watched oblivious and unspoiled. I was pretty much holding my breath from the 2nd DD until she actually won. LOL. Great run for James. I wanted him to lose but I respected his game. And even though he won't have the all time $$$ amount or the all time win streak, he'll never be forgotten. So good for him. Awesome win for Emma!! Hope she lasts a little while 🙂
But that's the thing. I can't "play along" because he usually answers the questions in a nano-sec, long before I have a chance to answer, even if I know the answer. So I end up passively watching a blow out instead of "playing along". Maybe that sounds stupid or silly to some, but I guess we all watch for different reasons. Blowouts is not one of mine. I'll shut up now.
I don't enjoy watching beat downs. But that's just me. Obviously. I want my regular show back and I don't see anything wrong with expressing my opinion about that. I watched a Jeopardy rerun over the weekend that had regular people and it was competitive. That's what I enjoy.
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So James can get off this show, can we just give him his $10 million or $50 million or whatever and leave it at that? Or how about giving him his own Jeopardy show so us regular humans can watch and play again?
I had no clue what FJ was and wild guessed Hit the Road, Jack because that's the only "jazz" song I could think of. Way off, but don't the name of jazz songs at all. Nate was sooooo close!! Why would he not bet everything? (this is not a rhetorical question, I don't get his thinking). He's the challenger. Assume James knows the answer and assume James will bet significantly. As it turns out, James didn't bet that big, but if you are going to beat the Champion, you have to go ALL IN!! Okay, that game was really exciting but really frustrating as well. Kinda like the Super Bowl when the Seahawks gift-wrapped the win to NE. Count me in as not rooting for James. Dominance is boring and I usually root for the underdog. Is it my bias, or does it seems that James is a little slower off the mark these last few games? A few times he waited several seconds before ringing in, so if the other players knew the answer, they could have rung in. I noticed this yesterday, and Nate took advantage today.
I don’t post here often, but I read this forum regularly. I always record Jeopardy so I can fast forward through commercials and when Alex talks to the players. If it turns out, I have a reason to like the player, I’ll go back and watch the interview. So far with James, nada. Anyway, this is me “watching” Jeopardy these days. Play along (sorta) the first round (check) James races to 40,000 point lead (check) No point watching the 2nd round when he hits the 2nd DD. Fast forward to FJ in case I know the answer. I can’t take it, this in no way, shape or form, fun to watch. I usually root for the underdog and blow outs are just depressing to watch. Even worse, I can’t keep up with James. He gets the answer before I have a chance to answer so I’m just watching obliteration. Not fun. So basically, I’m just skimming through the show for the day (hopefully, soon) when he loses. I’m so very much looking forward to the Teachers Tournament next week. Good luck, teebax!!
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Ok thanks for the paintball info, I've never done it so I didn't know. Also, regarding the speed bump. I was so hoping they would make them cut their hair, maybe not shaved off like Uchenna and Joyce but at least a short hair cut. It grows back! As it was, for a good cause but a lame extra "task".
I was wondering if she just couldn't do the task without the helmet, since that was the main thing freaking her out. Maybe they would have only been penalized a half hour. In any case, I'm bummed that they are out but really disappointed that they quit. Good luck to them, though, they seem like a cute couple.