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  1. I keep hoping someone will create a gif of it. Or that I learn to gif so I can post it here. It's a really great gif moment and I still can't figure what it's about, whether it was intentional or just a mistake in editing.
  2. I still really don't get the pumpkin thing. I don't think I've ever heard of this. I have pumpkin year round. Is there a new shortage? My partner didn't mention an increased price when they bought a pumpkin for a soup last week. I'm not finding anything on google, either, aside from all these weird articles about lattes. Which again, no idea what's unusual about this.
  3. I was dying with the "Trump is an African Dictator" sketch. I'm curious if this will end up a defining/best of for Trevor. It was really good. I was sort of confused with the pumpkin thing. It felt like an inside joke.
  4. I'd be shocked if there is any mention of the shooting tonight, beyond a generic 'our hearts go out to victims' statement. Trevor Noah would need to have more firmly established himself before he can target a topic like gun violence in America on the very day a mass shooting occurred. I fear the right wing would fall on him like locusts. I'm not even sure John Oliver has had a gun specific show, though the Charleston church shooting came close. Larry might talk about it, though.
  5. Being an advocate something doesn't mean ignoring skills and talent. It's pretty gross to say that Jessica should have taken the spot just because she brings awareness to the lack of black women on tv. Black women aren't all the same, and it's not really the case of 'any ole one will do'.
  6. This episode was sort of a bomb. Something about it didn't work, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. I kept thinking that I'd already seen that exact same correspondent sketch with Jessica Williams and Jordan Klepper. Of course I think #BlackLivesMatter warrants plenty of coverage and commentary, but maybe not the exact same sketch. It was just weird. Other than that, none of the jokes seemed to land. I started glancing at the clock and wishing the interview would hurry up and get there. I mean, ugh. I hardly ever care for the interviews but when it involves Chris Christie, one of the most worthless horrible men in the world, then there's something really wrong. I'm also really ticked he didn't have anything on the Planned Parenthood hearings. Women's issues ought to play a part in the show. Is there still a women's issues correspondent?
  7. Random observation: When Kiera was drowning Kellogg, his hand trailed down her hair and cheek in this sort of loving way and Kiera gave it this insane side eye. Not sure if this was intended or just accidental actor responses, but it's seriously weird when watching.
  8. I wonder what would happen if someone were to watch only the first episode of this season and the last. Would they be lost? Feel like they missed anything? The plot 'movement' here seems worse than a daytime soap.
  9. Definitely another good episode. I didn't experience as many laugh out loud moments as I did in the first, but I can see where and how Trevor might start experimenting and forming the show in his own image. I think it was a really good idea for him to keep to the Jon Stewart script to start because it doesn't alienate so much of the audience right away. Slow change can good good change. The interview was better though partly that's because the guest didn't force the host to open a gift in front of people. Trevor still isn't great with asking questions, so it's a good thing that this week is full of mostly 'soft' guests. I continue to have hopes that practice will make improvement.
  10. How does one capitalize on the background of a comedian by suggesting they drop a significant part of that background? Would you also advocate they drop the 'poor stuff' or the 'immigrant stuff' or any other 'stuff' that isn't bland and whitewashed of any identity markers? I'm just not sure what your intent here is in both arguing for inclusivity while also suggesting they drop part of an entire identity and then reducing it to 'stuff', with the only reduction of 'stuff' being race. It's pretty offensive. The jokes on the first night were pretty damn 'global' and also fairly inclusive. Jon couldn't have gotten away with the AIDS/aides word play, neither could Larry Wilmore. Amy Schumer couldn't, nor Margaret Cho. Trevor being of 'black stuff' (gods, this term is making me cringe, hopefully you'll notice how offensive it is) from an African country that has been ravaged by the AIDS epidemic can make this joke and it can be funny and have completely different connotations than if it came from an American of any racial or gender background. This is just a reality of comedy. Larry can speak of issues concerning black Americans in a different way than Jon could while Jon will be able to discuss Jewish American culture very differently than Larry would. I'm not sure exactly what sort of global perspective you expect to get, but what we saw last night was a pretty good taste of what we should expect.
  11. As soon as Kevin Hart encouraged Trevor to open the gift in front of everyone, I knew it was going to be awkward. There are very few cultures in the world where it's appropriate for everyone to view the gift and celebrate the gift giver and the gift he gave. It's such a weird custom, and I find it horribly uncomfortable. I was cringing for Trevor and just wanted it to end. As someone who didn't grow up with that tradition, I can say that being forced to participate in it is difficult. I still don't know how to react and tend to just try to make it go away as fast as possible.
  12. The comedy is definitely there. I laughed nonstop pre-interview segment. He's funny, though it's maybe a bit light on the bullshit critique. But for a first show, it's probably high up there. The interview wasn't good. I rarely watch the interviews anyway, but for those guests that I want to watch, I fear Trevor won't be able to perform. I can't see him as the type who can ask those biting questions. Hopefully practice will make improvement. But again, the funny was front and center. I could tell he was testing boundaries, seeing how far he could go with some slightly un-PC things, but for comedians I think that's good. He's got to find his audience. For now, I'm still in the daily show audience.
  13. How did it move the story forward? What new info about the characters or the vampires did we learn? I wasn't all that tuned it so I probably missed a bunch.
  14. Gods, I have zero self control. I keep forgetting to remove this show from my DVR and then find myself watching it. Has there been a single flashback that has moved the story forward? Has any flashback provided new information? I can't imagine what sort of writer would think to himself, "gee, I bet people would like to know how Eph and Nora came to be boinking which will remind the audience that Eph and Kelly are divorced and there is this never ending custody battle happening which is apparently on hold just so we can show you some useless fucking flashback." Garrrrtgh
  15. I guess all tv radiation isn't made equal since the radiated zombies last season didn't have crazy powers. I read a zombie book a few months about about radiation turning the zombies crazy fast. I wonder if one of the writers read the same book during the hiatus. I love how this show seems to just toss in random stuff whenever it suits. Like being bad shots. That was awesome. However, I think if they are going to do that, they have to force 10k to change his name. So I missed the thing about the Z weed. Are they smoking marijuana laced with zombie flesh?
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