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Posts posted by Whodunnit

  1. On 4/12/2024 at 10:56 AM, iMonrey said:

    Did the social worker happen to mention she was that traumatized? I

    IRL my sister went through something like this and unfortunately the social workers only know what they're told by the kid's previous social worker. They were not prepared and trying to make it work played a role in the end of her marriage.

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  2. To those with FLD, I have been recommended to follow the Mediterranean diet. Fish, veggies, fruit, etc. Natural fats (like omega 3) and natural sugars (like fructose) are best. Over processed foods bad.

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  3. De-lurking to say:

    Clearly the obesity that the girl had was caused as much by the bullying and depression (and other likely undiagnosed factors) as the FLD itself. As some others have pointed out sometimes obesity is causing by things other than the calorie count. With FLD you have a gene that means your ability to process fats and sugars is all messed up. I know because I am seeing a specialist for this. (Also I was skinny as a teen.)

    But I am not the 600 lbs or whatever that the girl was on the screen. Maybe the gastric sleeve truly was the only option for her?

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  4. "If Ted or one of the judges say that part of an ingredient is toxic (I'm thinking cherimoya seeds), for heaven's sake don't include that part on your plate"

    I've literally eaten hundreds of cherimoyas as a child where we just had it skinless and chopped in chunks with the large, black, obvious seeds in situ. Never had a problem, even the one very embarrassing time that I accidentally swallowed a seed. These things are nowhere near as lethal as Chopped has made them out to be; they're about as deadly as peaches (if you crack open the pip of a peach and eat the inside, you' ll get a bellyache).

    ETA: Those seeds are like pebbles, you're in more danger of cracking a tooth than actually breaking one open.

  5. On 4/6/2023 at 6:23 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Why would Proxima B have been under consideration as a possible destination in the first place if the planet didn't spin ?

    Theoretically, on a tidally locked eyeball planet there is a small habitable zone, where it is perpetually sunset as opposed to always night/cold or always day/hot. Of course, that's only viable if there is a landmass in the right spot.

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  6. On 3/11/2023 at 5:53 AM, marinw said:

    Why am I watching this show? Proxima Centauri is the closest star to Earth, hense the name. Yet they can stop at a random star system for fuel on thier way to Proxima when they can't get the ship up to near light speed? 


    This is literally what my dad said. We no longer take any of the science on this show seriously.

  7. DID: Am I a joke to you show?

    TBH I don't know why I'm still watching.

    I could care less about the kiss.

    Hartley is interesting though, probably for the best that he isn't a regular.

  8. On 2/1/2023 at 11:16 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Where's Levi? 

    Totally got left behind in nineteen eighty-whatever so that there would no longer be a love triangle.

    On 2/1/2023 at 6:34 PM, Cobb Salad said:

    No one said anything about this extra food that pretty much fell into their laps so I agree they probably did nothing with it.  

    Actually Mr. Murderer was shown butchering one of the fallen fishes (presumably to be cooked).

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  9. On 10/4/2022 at 6:22 AM, nokat said:

    Eve's perfectly curly hair is natural and not because she has an endless supply of hair products that fall through the hole. No food or antibiotics, just hair products.

    To be fair, given what that part of California is famous for, I could see there being an upside down van or trailer full of beauty products.

  10. I've been playing catch-up on the episodes (due to medical issues) and I kept yelling at the T.V. because it's been weeks and no one, no one, noticed Alex was missing. Did the actor have a scheduling conflict or something? This is the last season, right?

  11. I wonder if they are going to show that a an Alex imposter has been responding to Michael's texts, and that Michael hasn't simply failed to notice that there has been no response for weeks from Alex (as he was kidnapped and probably now has purple eyes).

    • LOL 1
  12. On 5/5/2022 at 7:59 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Of course, they'll likely take a scenic coastal route.
    I would.

    In 10,000 b.c. the sea levels were even lower, so the 'coastal road' would not be visible on a modern map.

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  13. It's even worse than that Shanton.  Not only did they forget what she did to Iris, but they forgot that in the episode where Frost went to jail, she committed the crimes that she was accused of, admitted it, and said that she deserved to do time. It was a great moment of personal growth that this revisionist history seems intent on wiping out.

    It's official, this is my last season watching this show. Not only did they get rid of one of my favorite characters (Cisco) but the writing is becoming very inconsistent.

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  14. Eobard needed to die.

    We all know--given his genius level IQ and the fact that the writers just aren't creative enough not to do the obvious thing--that next season Eo will regain his speed again, break out of Argus, kill a few people and make Flash's life hell again proving Despero right. *Headdesk*

  15. The only love story I liked in this episode was Dahrk's paternal love for his daughter. 

    Also, who were half of the people in the episode?

    I found myself fast forwarding through half of the episode... this is not a good sign.


  16. On 11/23/2021 at 10:29 PM, Lantern7 said:

    Flash: Cool. I'm just gonna subdue you by running in a straight line, knowing that your deal is making people go mad.

    This. Are the writers even trying anymore?😡

    I had to stop watching a third of the way into the episode because Barry (who used to be smart) literally got told that something would make him go crazy, finds out that there is a crazy inducing meta on the loose, and then just decides to just run up to her and hope for the best. *Headdesk*

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