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Posts posted by Fretful

  1. Count me in as one of the people who don't get the Ryan and Chrissy dislike.  I see them as my favorites- along with the surprise inclusion of Devin, who seems like someone I would dislike, but actually comes off very sweet and thoughtful. 

    Lauren and (gasp) Joe are growing on me- he seems pretty self-aware regarding his actions and behavior. 

    JP has the qualities Ben wishes he possessed, although Ben definitely has the bigger personality.

    I liked Dr Mike at first, but he's not as interesting when he's playing from the bottom. 

    Ashley needs to step it up. 

    And I think we all  agree that Cole is a tool.

    • Love 3
  2. If Nicole and Cory stopped for one minute, they would have realized that the finale instruction on the triangle was "multiply by 12"  All they had to do was keep trying multiples of 12.  They would have hit the answer in 9 tries.  Even if it were a larger number, they knew it had to be 3 digits, the very worst scenario would have given the answer in about 80 attempts with each attempt taking just a few seconds, they could have been out of there in 5 minutes,  The problem wasn't that they couldn't do math, it was that they couldn't see any alternatives except to keep trying what they were doing.

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  3. On 12/3/2016 at 11:33 AM, Marmiarmo said:

    Glad to hear it.  I belong to one Survivor group that practically worships at Westman's feet, and I just don't get it.

    I can't stand him (and I'm a middle-aged woman, so I should be his demographic).  There are so many examples of him being a bully (The fishing expedition, the shark's head that brought rats to the camp, the water reward where EVERYONE else wanted to take a shower but he outvoted them).  What a jerk.  How he ended up on Heroes on the HvV season remains a mystery to me.

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  4. I don't understand how Joel/Ashley and Rita/Yvette ended up so far behind the 3 lead teams.  Even before the longer roablock (and the twins' speed bump) we never saw all 5 teams together, and  they all flew from Cuba together. Maybe the Coast Guard Rescue was only 3 teams at a time, but they still should have arrived there together.  Did I miss something?

  5. 3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I hate hate HATE the Face Off. Much for the same reason I hated when original TAR did the Intersection. I just dislike these tasks that force teams to deal with each other, in any fashion.  It didn't seem to be too much of an issue this time but what if there had been a gap of several hours between teams? One team would have had to just sit there and wait for another team to show up.

    This happened on TAR Asia in season 2, as Paula and Natasha had to wait five hours for Henry and Terri.

  6. Sure they will come back. They need to fill out the roster. Tony, Nany and John's relatives for sure will be back.


    According to the Season 28 thread,

    Nicole, Jaimie, and Vince

    are all returning

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  7. One of my favorite pieces was the way Jeremy handled Keith's potential idol.  He convinced Keith to vote for Spencer. So Jeremy was in the perfect position.  If Keith has an idol- Jeremy is safe because Spencer is out.  If Keith doesn't have an idol- Keith is voted out and Jeremy doesn't have to turn on his core alliance.  It's these kinds of subtle moves that defined Jeremy's season and demonstrated  (to me anyway) that he really was in control fo the game and deserved the win.

    • Love 8
  8. Regarding Jaime and the ship, didn't Cersei ask Oberyn to give Mycella a ship as a gift?  I seem to remember him agreeing to it in season 4.


    I also think (spitballing here) that Doran is in on the plot to kill the Lannisters.  How easy would it be to make them feel like Ellaria is a rogue agent, when actually that was the plan all along?

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