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Posts posted by Fretful

  1. On 11/8/2021 at 6:19 AM, blackwing said:

    I agree, I think what Blue did last round was the definition of flushing out the idol.  They pretty much announced that Evvie was going home, inviting Xander to use his idol.  They wanted him to think he needed to play the idol thinking that Evvie was in danger.  Thus, flushing out the idol. 

    The three of them truly need to try and get Erika and Heather onto their side.  Otherwise I don't see how they can keep on surviving.

    I don't think we can really call this "flushing the idol" because it wasn't played and Xander still has it.  At best, it was an unsuccessful attempt to flush the idol. Unfortunately for them, they didn't get rid of the idol or their intended target.  They did protect DeShawn, however, which may prove more important in the long run.

    Ericka and Heather are cannon fodder at this point, but you're right, they do need allies.  Too bad Liana shot herself in the foot, otherwise they could bring her back in.  I would grab Ricard and Naseer and vote Shan out.


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  2. On 11/7/2021 at 2:36 PM, mlp said:

    The only way to equalize things IMO would be to have one show with all women and one with all men.  As I've said before, some women are stronger than some men but, overall, men are stronger and better suited to the highly physical tasks this show features.  If they were to make the tasks a bit easier so the women had a better chance, the tasks would be easier for the men at the same time and the end results (and complaints) would be the same.

    To me, it's a question of re-thinking the challenges themselves. Stamina-based or organization/logic based tasks would even things out.  Being 'Tough" and having brute strength are two different things.


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  3. And... another all-femaie overtime and another woman out.  I'm not sure why the men did so much better, at the tire task,  but all the men finished ahead of all the women except Lia (who was the first to find her tires, but had to carry them 2 at a time). 

    They really need to rethink this show.

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  4. If Erica turns back time (as she's likely to do), that it makes for an interesting choice at tribal.  Danny has noted (correctly) that men seem to have been targeted so far.  He realizes that they have to start voting out women to balance that out.   That leaves Evvie and Sydney. 

    And with that the prisoner's dilemma  advantage might actually come into play.  DeShawn has tribe loyalty to Sydney, but has also promised to try to protect Evvie for giving him the extra vote.  

    Lianna is in a tight alliance with Evvie, but also the African American Alliance. If she's smart, she'll  convince them to vote Sydney.  That way, she can pivot between  that and the women's alliance.  

    So it's:

    Danny, Deshawn, Lianna, Shan, Tiffany, Evvie, and Xander voting Sydney

    (Ricard will probably go wherever  Shan goes)

    Heather, Erica, Naseer, Sydney,  vote for Evvie.

    Unless Naseer plays his idol for Sydney,  Then would Xander sacrifice his for Evvie?

    Anyway, that's how it seems to me.  It's probably completely wrong, which is why I would probably be the first boot if I ever played Survivor  (also, I'm old and bossy)





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  5. The men are wearing caps in their talking heads.  So, something must happen down the line with their hair.  Do they dye it blue to support Emy?  Do they shave it for a challenge?  It's distracting.  It reminds me of makeover week on ANTM.

    I used to really enjoy Tori, but this season she's just annoying.  I'm not even sure she's one of the strongest women anymore.  I hate to say it, but Jordan might have brought out the best in her.

    I like Cory more than Nelson, but at this point, they're both just fillers.    But they're not the lay up Josh will forever be.

    Isn't it almost time for trivia?  I think there are only 3 non-native English speakers left, and they all seem to have terrific comprehension (unlike Turbo, who really struggled and was painful to watch).  I love TJ's love for trivia.

    I adored Emanuel's coat at the Lair.  

    BTW- I'm old and I do remember the very first Challenge.  It was Real World people pretending they were on Road Rules.  Puck was the host.  There was no winner (or rather, everyone won).  

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  6. The way they decided the winning team of the challenge was just BS.  They won because they fell off faster.  It should have been which of the tied teams got along the course the farthest.  


    ETA: or was it that the two people who made the leap of faith did it the fastest?, in which case: Never Mind.

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  7. This shorter version that forces people to play hard seems even more flawed now that having an advantage or playing a strategy gets you voted out (or plan A if you go to tribal).   Rather than the usual medium-rises-to-the -middle winner, I suspect it will be weakest to the top, as they vote out the hard players first, then the strong players after the merge, leaving the hangers-on in the final.

    However, so much a for the idea that Yasa was doomed and could never win after voting out their two strong men.  Maybe this is the year that turns traditional strategy in its head.

    Nathan seemed cool, but how did he help?  He climbed a tree but didn't teach them how to.  He cooked a fish (in a coconut?) but when they asked how to actually catch one, he told them try at low tide instead of instructing them on the spear.  As rewards go,  this was pretty lame.

    I fall a bit more for Danny every week.  As much as I think is time for a woman to win again, I'd be fine with Danny.  DeShawn seems to be having a great experience.  Win or lose, I have a feeling he's going to be  a multiple-time player.

    Sydney is not as attractive as she thinks she is.  I'm not sure she's even in the top three this season (but I'm a middle-aged woman, so clearly not the demographic she was cast for)

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  8. I also wonder about the 3 part idol and a tribe swap.  If Xander gets sent to a different tribe at a different beach, he could find another part of the clue.  Then, once someone finds the 3rd, he has 2?  

    Also, Evvie, Liana , and Tiffany know the other 2 phrases.  They could convince one of their new  tribemates to say one, and completely screw Xander.  Actually,  THAT would be gameplay I could get behind.

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  9. I'm actually going to defend voting out Voce (and I liked him, so I'm sad to see him go).  The goal of this game is not to move your tribe forward.  It's to move yourself forward.  One way to do that is by winning challenges which saves your whole tribe (even the ones who aren't you allies).  As Evvie said, yellow wasn't winning anyway. 

    Another way is to make sure that no one votes for you if go to tribal.   Neither Evvie nor Liana has her name come up yet.  And Evvie now has a connection on another tribe.  Those two women are playing smart.    Personally, I would have voted out Voce over Xander, too.  He's really overplaying his hand and if they lose again, he's an easy out as he doesn't have a vote.

    The only way for Xander to activate his idol is if players from 2 other tribes get theirs.  And, Evvie and Liana would know it because those players would have to announce it at the challenge.  Worst case scenario, Xander plays his idol and Tiffany goes home.

    Of course, a tribe swap could throw all these plans into chaos, but then it wouldn't matter whether it was Tiffany gone or Voce  gone- your goal would still be to keep yourself safe.

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  10. 14 hours ago, millennium said:

    I don't know if it's just me but I find it grating when Emy and Berna refer to CT as "Uncle CT."   It makes him sound old and washed up when in fact he won The Challenge last season.   They talk about him like he's a possession or commodity, something they're entitled to, something to squabble over.   This is a guy who's lasted through something like 20 seasons and is still going strong despite having had to overcome serious personal tragedies along the way.   He hasn't always been nice but I think over time his better nature has eclipsed the memories of his earlier days as a hellion.  In light of his history, "Uncle CT" seems ageist and reductive.   I hope it doesn't stick.

    It's better than being "Creepy Uncle Vinnie", which is what they called Johnny's cousin.


    Also, Ashley: You did not give Berna that advice at deliberations because you were "trying to help her.' You have never tried to help anyone in your life.  You were trying to threaten her, and she called you on it.          However, I did think that fake hug with Ed was kinda ok/- You were letting him know that you weren't mad at him, while still having your little fit.


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  11. 18 hours ago, Genius said:

    Voce is his last name?  Ugh.  The only people who choose to go by their last name on Survivor are d-bags.  Is that a kiss-ass attempt to Jeff, who loves calling alpha males by their last name?  Yuck.

    Abraham used his last name, too (and look what happened to him).  Some people are just more comfortable with it.  

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  12. Brad looks like John Glover.

    Not loving the give and take of supplies- they'll figure out how to make fire sooner or later.   I don't mind not getting rice, etc, at this early stage, but I don't want them skin and bones at day 18.  But if two people go every week, there are only two more episodes then merge anyway. So that'll be, what, day 10?   I don't see how they can "punish" the losers with everyone at the same beach.

    I like Shan, Voce, and  (surprisingly) Danny.  I can see them going far.  I liked Sara.  If they have another second chance season, I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

    Danny should have risked.  He handed Xander and JD advantages.

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  13. On 5/21/2021 at 7:54 AM, Racj82 said:

    He also didn't yell or be rude to Jonna. All he said was I need to go at my own pace. He's only going to be able run so fast. A bunch of people were having issues on the leg.


    I think it's also worth noting that Eric is not trying to win the final- he has stated several times that his goal is to finish.- so he's not pushing himself too hard. That must be incredibly frustrating when he has a partner who is looking to score points to help them win.

    One thing I liked bout Darrel carrying Ruthie is how she went along with it so good-humoredly.  I think some of the women would have been mortified.

    It's also interesting to me that Alton's "it's all good" style was irritating to Aneesa, but motivating to Kellyanne.  

    I don't think that the Jisela/Derrick failure is all on her. We heard  him several times  say that he couldn't figure out how to turn the boat.

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  14. On 5/24/2021 at 8:31 AM, joanne3482 said:

    I'm rooting for Yes. I like how matter of fact and efficient he basically is. It was good game play to get the partner he wanted. I liked that. 


    I recently started re-watching the first Battle of the Sexes season (still my favorite.  Still hate Puck) which has a lot of these people on it.  Yes didn't get a ton of airtime, but he everything he says was always very well thought out, even 20-ish years ago.  He's a quiet leader.

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  15. And just like "that" two of my favorites are gone. If Katie and Yes (who is playing a great strong but UTR game, I think) go soon, I'm going to run out of people to root for.  Do we know how many people in are in the final?

    Was Derek always this intense?  I remember him being competitive but nice.  Perhaps he's trying to get "good television"

    BTW-Jisela, running zig-zag from an alligator is foolish.  They are faster than we are.

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  16. All the women out except one.  Only one man eliminated by a challenge.    

    Last season, 3 of the final 4 were men.  Same this season.  If Sarah doesn't win this, the producers' really need to look at some of the tasks and rethink what  "tough' means

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  17. I'm not spolied, so I could be way off, but for the most part- I like these 4 matchups for the final.

    FESSY AND KAYCEE- Seem the the strongest, and if the final was 100% physical I think they'd take the whole thing.  However, there's always much more to it than that.  They have so much confidence in their strength that I can imagine them falling apart if they make a bad decision somewhere along the line.

    CORY AND KAM- These two are really well matched.  Cory may be the only guy in the final who has the ability to put his ego aside and let Kam do her thing. They don't seem to have any obvious weaknesses in skills. I can also imagine her getting distracted  about Leroy and losing her focus, causing them to fail.  

    LEROY AND NANY-  He wants this, and I can see him killing himself to get it.  I know Nany wants it, too, and wants it for him, but in the past she hasn't been able to dig deep when she's needed to.

    CT AND AMBER -  They are both strong, and CT can cover the puzzles. I don't think either of them have any quit in them and he knows what it takes to win.  The curveball is that, as a rookie, we just don't know what Amber brings to a final.  She may not be ready.

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  18. 20 hours ago, lasu said:

     I really wish at least once we had seen two people with who already had skulls go back in, while someone without was forced to watch.

    EXACTLY.   Every time there were 2 people from the other alliance who had skulls, BB should have sent them in against each other.  I'm glad they didn't though, because most of my favorites were in the other alliance.  Of course, the risk is that if they sent in CT and Kyle, it might be a women's day and then they risk Kam.  

  19. On 4/2/2021 at 6:39 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    This is starting to drag. I feel like the same thing happens every season. They should carry a slightly smaller cast and cut the episodes by at least two. I think it would really help with pacing. 

    They REALLY needed some double eliminations, sending in both team members to compete individually with their same gender counterparts.  Winners get each other as partners.  Not only would it shorten the season, it would change the strategy, as  it was too easy to figure out if it was a male or female elimination.

    I don't care if he wins, but I  want Cory to get to the final.  He really didn't have much opportunity to control his own game, and he's still standing (admittedly, he got to sit out a lot of the challenges on "guy" day, but it also kept him from going in to get his skull).

    I also want CT to beat Fessy, just because.

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  20. On 4/2/2021 at 6:48 PM, snarts said:

    Doesn't explain what happened to Big E? Who, BTW, is my absolute least favorite challenge competitor of all time. 

    I am 100% with you on this.  His only possible redeeming feature is that he's friends with Katie- and I adore her- so there must be SOMETHING to him, but I don't see it.

    This seemed like a good first challenge.  It combined the physical qualities of the "new" Challenge and the simplicity of the OG.  I wonder if some of those people would have been better if the water weren't freezing.

    I think Aneesa and Darrell have an advantage being both OG and continuing competitors.  They're used to the harder challenges.  

    I don't know that I would have called this "All Stars."  Seems like that would be a completely different group of people.  I agree that Jemmye and Jonna are too new.  

    Loved! that Beth was determined to help the team by not wasting time once she realized she couldn't do it, then swam the wrong direction.  Never change, Beth.


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