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Posts posted by Fretful

  1. On 5/12/2022 at 8:52 AM, susannot said:

    Romeo is the goatiest goat I've ever seen and I'm sure most of the other players realize it.

    Romeo has been on the wrong side of every vote (except Rocksroy, which was unanimous) since the merge. Personally, I would love to see him go on an immunity run, because he really doesn't need it and it would annoy the other players.   He's being pulled to the end no matter what he does.

    10 hours ago, Fretful said:



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  2. On 4/21/2022 at 12:50 PM, Brendan Birch said:

    I feel like we're kindred spirits.  I'm so used to grape jelly, I'd only eat that with my peanut butter.  Count me out for strawberry jelly.

    This is interesting to me. I haven't eaten grape jelly since I was about 10 years old, and I can honestly say I've never seen an adult eat it.  I never would have guessed there's a whole grape jelly fan club out there.

    • LOL 2
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  3. On 3/17/2022 at 4:54 AM, ProfCrash said:

    I thought the Vegan story line was interesting. He had every reason to think there would be rice, sometimes there is even beans. He could make that work with what ever fruit they found around the island. It wouldn't be easy per se but it was workable. I appreciate that he made a hard choice and that his Tribe was supportive. You could see that this wasn't a trend chosen thing but something he believed in. And I think it was good that he could see that the crab tasted good but that he felt guilty. 

    I do believe that most people would make a similar choice in a real survival situation but I can see how eating meat for a TV show would be a different type of choice because then it is not "eat crab or die" but "eat crab to be able to stay in a game to win a million dollars" and that feels different.

    I'm a vegetarian and I've given this some thought in my pretend winning-Survivor musings (I would never get cast, and could never win, but that doesn't stop me from pretending I might).  It is tough to make that decision.  Survivor is not life-and-death, it's entertainment.  On the other hand, it's what they sign up for.  Not getting rice would leave me with nothing-coconut, btw, is s natural diuretic, and if you eat that and nothing else it will go through you pretty fast-and then what's the point of being cast?  Would I quit?   That seems unfair, too.   In the end, I realize that I have eaten meat in the past, and might again someday, so I would probably eat what we found/caught.  That way I can be somewhat sure that it was humanely and ethically processed.  I don't think I would  partake meat from a reward, which would most likely be factory farmed.  It's a small distinction, but probably the best personal compromise I could make work.

    • Love 8
  4. On 2/19/2022 at 8:17 PM, eel21788 said:

    I still think part of the reason they keep coming in first is because they keep leaving the start line first. If we had more legs where there was a wait time to start a task or being on the same flight leveled the field the way it happens in a normal season, I think we would be seeing variations of what order people are ending the legs.

    Other teams are starting at the same time, and still not beating them.

    • Love 1
  5. I think the Souvlaki spelling threw off some teams because of the pronunciation.  Americans typically pronounce it Sue-Vlah-kee, but the Greek way is more Shoe-Vlah-Kee.  

    With transportation out of the equation, I really wish they would make some of the tasks harder.  They did this with TAR Australia last season (because the entire season was filmed inside Australia) and I think it made it more interesting.  Teams really had to push to get through some of the tasks.  But without travel drama like missed train connections, production really needs to up the challenges, and they haven't.

    • Love 4
  6. I think if I were the cops, I would have switched the direction I was working on the belt.  Worst case scenario- you're both wrong and have to start over.  If you're both right, you're a couple of minutes behind and can out run the other team.  As it turned out, father\daughter got lost, so cops  had an opening and probably would have avoided elimination.

    • Love 2
  7. On 1/8/2022 at 6:25 AM, snarts said:

    I actually don't mind MJ. If they stay in pairs, I'm rooting for him/Jonna.


    This is the first season I've been able to tolerate MJ (He cracked me up when he was annoyed with himself for singing  Safety Palace-  a tune which now might be forever in my head). I'd be fine with an MJ/Jonna win too, although I will always root for Darrell.  I don't love Nehemiah/Melinda, but they've worked hard so good on them if they win.  If Ayanna/Tech win, I will laugh so hard I may have to be hospitalized. 


    ETA-  Apparently it's Save The Palace  (not Safety Palace- although if we Google "Safety  Palace" this shows up):


    • LOL 2
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  8. On 12/17/2021 at 12:51 AM, SVNBob said:

    That said, I would like to see reform to the setup. 

    One way would be to have the final immunity challenge decide all of who makes it to the final three. Last place in the challenge is the final jury member.

    Or another way would be that everybody but the winner of the final immunity challenge has to build fire, and the last person standing gets in.

    I don't understand how that would work.  

    At final immunity (4), once one person is out, the challenge is over.  What is the advantage to continuing/winning the challenge?    Plus, it puts way too much emphasis on the physical game for my taste, and is inherently unfair to the social players.

    On the other hand, if three people make fire, the last one to do so would be out, not in. 


  9. I wonder how heavy the control bar during the mission really was.  Could one of the stronger women maneuvered it?  If so, it might have made sense to have the taller person grabbing flags.  I think Ayanna and Teck could have won if they had reversed places.  If MJ had a stronger partner (it looked too heavy for Jonna), he could have used his giant armspan and nabbed them all.

  10. I can see how Coral's outfit could have worked.  There are lots of one-line events that could use a combination of dress-y and comfort.  Cocktail parties, wine tastings, and concerts are often remote.  You want to dress up a bit to take your mind off the fact that you're basically sitting at home by yourself drinking.

    • LOL 4
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  11. 2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Because Darrell prefers to stay in the background and not make any waves. That's how he's always played the game. Tina creates the rules and makes the waves, not Darrell. Darrell made sure people knew they were not on the same page on how to pick people and who to pick. To me, that's his way of saying "THAT WAS ALL TINA!"


  12. I love, love, love Darell, but... as great as he is at the sport "The Challenge," he's just not that good at the game "The Challenge."  WHY would he let Tina make the rules?  Just tell her that her system doesn't work for him, then hold his ground.

    Tina was smart to take the representative role early.  Now she probably won't have to do it again, and if she had lost and had to go in, there are still plenty of weaker women to go against.

    Kendall seemed to have picked up some strategy since last season, and is doing a pretty good job of staying in the background.

    I would find Ayanna exhausting to be around.  I felt that way about her during Semester At Sea.  I remember fast forwarding through her scenes even then.

    • Love 2
  13. It was very brief, but we saw a bit of Heather's game tonight.  She did a great job of convincing Danny that going along with the plan was his idea.  I think there's more to her than they show, in an under-the -radar way.  She's also done pretty well in the individual challenges (which DO seem very geared towards those with balance this season).


    • Love 5
  14. 3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Devin has already started counting his winnings.   It will bite him because there are still some strong players left. 

    I would put Devin as the weakest man there at the moment, although Emanuel is something os a wildcard. Kyle could actually win this thing if he gets to the end- he's done well in finals before.

    For the women, I don't see anyone but Kaycee winning, unless Emy has one more trick up her sleeve.

    • Love 4
  15. 8 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I wish they'd stop with the plus size models because they are really doing them no favors. They either shovel them into a skin tight sausage dress or put them in neck down to there and slit up to here sheaths and crop tops that do their bodies no favors. 

    When Shantall's red dress came down the runway, I thought "Finally, someone showed us a plus-size model's figure in a flattering way"





    • Love 18
  16. 10 hours ago, xfuse said:

    I think they are scared he will come back.

    CT is alot like some players (Johnny and Leroy to start with). It's alot of 'why would you do this to me' and 'I'm going to put you in for revenge'. CT hasn't completely changed and he can be mean and scary at times.  

    Sure, CT is strong.  But that's why you throw him in week after week after week.  Jay beat him a couple of seasons ago.  Keep throwing the rookies at him until he's gone.    Of course, if he wins a daily and has power, he's going after the people who threw him in and that's the risk.

    People like Josh, Devin, Cory, and Nelson don't play to win.  They play to see how long they can stay. It's a career move. If they make it to a final-great, but they still never win.

    9 hours ago, millennium said:

    Imagine being confined in a house with Josh and Devin.  Every day for months.  No social circle outside of them.  No break from them.  No room you can go into where they're not there or close by.  That's the real challenge.  I can't stand Josh, and I don't like Devin, but it's just 90 minutes a week.  It's a shame Ashley lost her temper.  But I get it.

    I would feel that way about Ashley.


    On a totally different matter- so bummed that there was no trivia this year.  Possibly because there were so many non-native English speakers?  

    • Love 1
  17. On 11/11/2021 at 1:59 PM, AntFTW said:

    For the same reason they keep casting Nany, Aneesa, Josh, Amanda and others who don’t win. People love them. They bring comic relief and/or drama. They are the ones that will say or do things that will create a story in the house.

    They are also the reason the same people win season after season.  They are cast as buffers for the winner or runner-up.  None of these people will ever win (except possibly on the "team win" seasons) but they are typically allied with a multi-time winner.  Leroy was a great example of this- you had to get through him to get to Bananas.  Sure, Amanda brings the crazy, but she also protects Ashley (who had a good chance of winning  again before she self-sabotaged).  

    Plus, they realize that they are on a TV show.  The show happens to feature athletic competition, but at its core is completely manufactured.  CT plays the "sport" of The Challenge, Devin "performs" on the program The Challenge.

    • Love 5
  18. On 11/12/2021 at 9:57 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    There are multiple ways to look at this interaction between Shan and DeShawn. 

    Let's recap what happened with some paraphrasing just so we can remember what we're talking about:

    Danny: is at first talking to Shan only: What if we split Tiffany and Naseer?

    Shan: starts to make the point that Xander is more dangerous, a bigger question mark, and they don't know what Yellow is doing.

    Danny: I don't want us to be sitting at the end and have Naseer waving it in our face that we should have gotten rid of him.

    It's at this point that DeShawn walks in.

    Danny explains to DeShawn that he has proposed a split between Naseer and Tiffany.

    DeShawn: I love it. After the next vote, Naseer is going to know he's on the chopping block. Right now he feels comfortable.

    Shan: You guys, Xander is a threat...

    DeShawn (interrupting her): They're both threats

    Shan: Xander is a bigger threat than Naseer

    DeShawn (interrupting her again): I don't think you know that.

    Shan: Xander working with Tiffany and Evvie is a bigger threat, plus he has both the idol and an extra vote.

    Liana walks up, but we go to a confessional in which DeShawn says he's quite pissed at Shan and characterizes things that Shan "shut it down" when they mentioned Naseer's name and how "that's not going to work for me, Miss Ma'am. You need to listen to what I have to say." 

    So to take a pause from what happened: At no point in what was shown to us did Shan tell DeShawn or Danny, "It's my way or the highway," not listen to them, interrupt them or any of that. They made their points, she made her points. I don't think Shan was loud, rude or disrespectful in the least toward DeShawn. If anything, it was DeShawn who wasn't being fair to what Shan was saying by interrupting her twice. 

    Shan goes on to make the point that Naseer is a number in their pocket, while Xander is not and that Naseer will make it easier to get the four of them to the end. 

    [I admit, part of my take about this is might be colored by it seeming to me that Shan has the way stronger side of this argument. It is better to get Xander out sooner than Naseer because they can count on Naseer for now, Xander has both the idol and the extra vote, and Xander has a greater ability to pull people over to his side than Naseer does. Although Naseer is a threat, they should be able to get rid of him fairly easily with the AAA and Ricard at some point.]

    DeShawn continues in his confessional to say that if it keeps up, he may think that Shan's got to go.

    Then DeShawn and Shan have their conversation. 

    DeShawn: We got to communicate better because I don't do well when people tell me what to do and you're not absorbing my opinon

    Shan: Help me understand. When did you feel like I was not absorbing your opinion

    DeShawn: When I came up to the beach and said possibly -- just possibly -- Naseer, it was like, "No." I need to know you're going to listen to my opinion.

    Shan: I do want to hear you and your voice does matter to me, so I will listen to you more. 

    I think Shan is genuine when she talks about how she needs help to understand how DeShawn did not feel heard.

    Again, there may be more to what is going on, but it seems like DeShawn's reaction to what Shan said and did is way overblown. Could that because he has an issue with "Miss Ma'am" daring to not listen to him sufficiently? Yes, IMO.

    Count me in as one of the people who think that DeShawn was very much in the wrong here.  I think it's just the way Shan sometimes comes off.  He also WAS acting like a baby a tribal.  I didn't see where Shan was ordering him to vote for Heather- she suggested it and he got all put out.  When she tried to approach him, he doubled down.  

    I remember so long ago on Cook Islands, when the Manihiku tribe was imploding and someone (maybe Nate) said the problem was that they needed a leader, but African Americans in general don't like being told what to do (paraphrasing).  So, possibly, that comes int the equation a bit for DeShawn.

    • Love 3
  19. On 11/10/2021 at 7:46 PM, zoey1996 said:

    Neither of tonight’s individual challenges (cilantro and harrowing) involved brute strength or brawn. Lia won cilantro, Quincy won harrowing, but either challenge could have gone either way. Harrowing was especially attention to detail and quality control.  

    I was imagining the scent of cilantro, which I love, during that challenge. I’m lucky that cilantro tastes as good as it smells to me. I know people that can’t tolerate the taste. Does it smell bad/soapy to them too?

    I liked this week's challenges.   I would like to see more of these kinds of things.

    I have that "cilantro tastes like soap" gene.  I've never noticed it in the smell, but I've never been in a whole field of it either.   Anyway, it's not the same as an allergy, so I'd just have to ignore the smell and keep going.

    • Love 2
  20. 2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    I equate Big T's return not as a replacement for Ashley but as if they never had an elimination in the first place. Similar to what they would do earlier in the season. For example, when Fessy left the game, they didn't have a guy's elimination but a girl that won still had to pick a guy partner, and the same when Aneesa was medically DQed. There was no women's elimination. They could've chosen not had an elimination at all, but the game play still had to go on. Someone still had to be given power to switch teams.., which they could have just said that rather than having the dramatic "this ends your time on The Challenge" moment... but where's the fun in that LOL

    To me, the difference is that they are teams now.  Sapphire won the daily, but lost a person.  The other two teams kept their numbers, and could arguably be considered stronger now.  The Amanda/Tori switch puts a physically strong person on Ruby and a smart woman on Emerald, and Sapphire gets left behind.

    • Love 2
  21. 24 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I liked Aaron and his partner's looks - but they would have been more successful in a lighter or brighter color scheme.

    Aaron's look played black on my (admittedy old and crappy) TV.  Maybe up close it looked more purple/black.  But 2 all-black outfits would not pop in the announcers booth.

    • Love 8
  22. I think she'll make a great first juror.  They often set the tone for the Ponderosa experience.  She's light-hearted, and understands that people need to vent, then move forward.  Ponderosa may be a better watch than Survivor this season.

    • Love 4
  23. On 11/11/2021 at 7:32 AM, DEL901 said:

    For a moment I was worried Big T would be given a choice and gone to sapphire.  

    Big T should have gone to Sapphire.  She is a replacement for Ashley.    I wonder if they sent her to Ruby to placate CT?


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