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Posts posted by BellyLaughter

  1. I keep finding my mind wondering trying to work out how Rosita gets her lips done during an apocalypse that has destroyed humanity but Coral can't get a f'ing haircut or Daryl a simple shampoo? 

    PS I enjoyed this episode more than most this season....

    • Love 9
  2. 7 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    Not only in poor taste, but cutting her own throat if she thinks Netflix will let her do another revival.  That must have been on her mind with that crappy ending.  She probably thought all of the adoring fans would be clamoring to see how Precious Precocious Special Snowflake Rory handled the whole single motherhood scenario.  Trash talking a very generous donor is pretty stupid.

    Do you really think ASP thinks Rory is a "PPSS" because I got the distinct inpression that this revival was a big "F U" to the character and her fans.  

    But wasn't it funny and so whimsical ;) 

    • Love 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Ok, so I'm remembering that Scott Patterson did an interview where he said that Luke and Lorelai would have some sexier scenes that they couldn't in the original series because of the network.

    So...where were these said-sexy scenes? Where were the steamy, intimate scenes like SP made it out to seem like they had a lot of? 

    I've always thought it would be quite the trip to spend 5 minutes inside Scott Patterson's head....he's a little odd....

  4. Anyone annoyed that we have another group to worry about fear not....as soon as ASZ find out they have guns they are toast.... it's what Rick and his band of merry men and women do best - inadvertent destruction of other people's peace and property.... 

    • Love 8
  5. Gilmore Girl's drama aside I am curious to find out the reasons for having Rose Abdoo (Gypsy) also play Berta, Emily's maid/surrogate family member??!! 

    I also LOVED the use of music throughout and was a little teary when "Reflecting Light" started playing.... that scene was perfection for this LL fan! 

  6. It's so nice, even cathartic, to be able to officially say out loud that Logan is Rory's Christopher and he is taking that role to all new levels of self centred douchery that quite frankly would leave even Christopher breathless!  

    Such a shame a new life is being born of it....

    It also breaks my heart to watch Rory be such an enabler of this after watching her mother do it her whole life and the damage it brought....

  7. 1 hour ago, Beamish said:

    What I liked:

    1) Seeing Maggie and Sasha.

    2) Seeing multiple places and characters (Alexandria and Hilltop) instead of focusing on just one location or group of split off characters.

    3) Coral driving like his mother. The reason he did it really irritated me. The fact that it happened was hilarious.

    What I didn't like:

    Everything else

    Also, are walkers even a threat anymore? They seem so easily dispatched nowadays with a small blade or a well placed martial arts move to the noggin...

    Oh, don't get me started on Jesus dispatching a walker with some kind of karate kick....

    • Love 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Christi said:

    When is Cooral going to graduate to a cool leather patch instead of his lame WW1 bandage?

    Fun Fact: pirates wore eye patches so they had one eye always adjusted to light, and the other darkness (when they went below deck or something) so they were always prepared for an attack.

    Maybe Cooral could be Cap'n Cooral and save the day when everyone is night blinded!

    Maybe Negan will gift him a cool eye patch fashioned from one of his many leather jackets (cause you just know he has a wardrobe full of pilfered leather jackets!) when they next meet...and maybe offer him a real man's haircut as well! 

    • Love 6
  9. I spent this whole episode waiting for something to happen and being irrationally annoyed by Carl's ridiculous hair....Spencer and Aaron manage to keep a short back and sides....just sayin'

    • Love 5
  10. 4 minutes ago, mandolin said:

    They aren't in Georgia in the show anymore, remember? Alexandria, VA. 

    LOL and here I was thinking they had just walked round and round in circles for 6 seasons LOL I've clearly been daydreaming much more than I realised.... Focus Belly, focus!

    • Love 4
  11. As I daydreamed through the mind numbing boringness of this episode I find myself wondering why the f**k are they still in Georgia and am immediately startled by the fact that I might actually still care.... if only Negan would go away.....

    • Love 2
  12. On 28/10/2016 at 10:53 PM, Redcookie said:

    It's been a while since 24 so I had forgotten.....but....Keifer's whispery voice makes me pull my fingernails off...one-by-one.  ?

    OMG! I thought I was the only one suffering from 24 annoyance flashbacks! 

    • Love 1
  13. So is that the end of Officer Tay?  Surely not?? God I hope they keep Burgess in uniform....

    I will miss Mouse...I really thought he would become an officer at some point - possibly more....

    • Love 3
  14. On 9 October 2016 at 5:05 PM, GaT said:

    I watched hoping it wouldn't be what I thought it would be, but it's exactly what I don't want to see. It another all powerful nutcase, that's going to torture & kill everyone until Rick kills him. What else is new?


    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, chraume said:

    So much this. I'm still super bitter, not by the fact that it ended or that Katic left or got fired or whatever, but by the fact that an already-declining show (ratings-wise particularly, so less profitable) with a cast that required new, most likely expensive, contracts, wasn't just announced as final season when it was renewed. Or in January, when I assume it would've been clear that she was unlikely to return, at the TCAs. Or at any point before the absolute last minute. 

    I mean, from a financial standpoint I know ABC had kind of a stinker of a year and the decision to renew a declining show vs. taking the risk of a new one did come down to the wire for them. But I appreciate now seeing the scope of how that decision was shaped financially, and I really, really wish that the decision had been made prior to the disaster that was the last four weeks of the show's run. Just for the sake of my own sanity. 

    Minus the character of Beckett....surely anyone who had paid any attention to this show and its history would know that it was never gonna float without Beckett.  I will always be bitter and twisted, like you, that it wasn't called earlier and I do try to understand that complexities of Hollywood business  and money motivation but not once did I feel like ANYONE  involved actually gave 5 seconds of thought to the creative outcomes that were at stake.  It was greedy, selfish behaviour but I guess I should expect nothing less from people who stand to make a lot of money and think nothing of squeezing out season after disappointing season of shows that have long since passed their used by date (I'm looking at your Criminal Minds)......was it any wonder it all went pear shaped and why I CLEARLY don't belong in Hollywood ;)

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