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Posts posted by BellyLaughter

  1. They're probably just trying to negotiate a lower licensing fee...you know, make it as cheap as possible given they have no choice other than to move forward with it and they know it's turned into a mess for them PR wise.  

  2. 8 minutes ago, westwingfan said:

    You beat me to it LLOL

    The ABC feedback page doesn't seem to be working at the moment, and a friend who is a member of the Advisory Panel has just told me he can't access that either.

    I have an image of TPTB sitting in a room with their fingers in their ears saying LALALALALALALALA.

    They made their bed - now they have to lie in it! And a lot of fans are only just waking up to this info!! 

  3. I keep asking myself that again and again and again.  Castle may be written to have recovered from his grief after a token and patronising time jump but I won't and will ALWAYS rue what could have been.....throwing away 8 seasons of storytelling.....throwing away the happy ending so many fans have been rooting for since the really early days of this show.... Yep, talk about making a mockery....

    • Love 5
  4. 6 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Right, but it's not unbelievable that Castle or Beckett has done the occasional extravagant thing off-screen and now it's becoming a regular thing. It's unbelievable if they were doing it every week for the past few years, yes, but I don't think they were claiming that. It's still lazy writing, but it's not really their worst offense. Now what they should have done was bring up what Beckett did for Castle in The Lives of Others and how Castle did something to try and top that. But I don't think the writers remember season 5.

    The Halloween thing definitely doesn't make sense, like everyone has said. And they have no excuse for that because it is something that would have happened this season.

    They are too busy trying to distract us with ineptitude in the hope that they can slip Castle PI in without most of the fandom even realising what they are doing!!


    "Canon?? What's canon?  Didn't you notice his cool new PI Office??"  Love, The Writers xxx

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  5. 4 minutes ago, SweetTooth said:

    I'd agree right up until the point Castle bailed on date night. It just seems like poor Beckett has to practically hang naked from the chandelier to get his attention. I would have loved it if they'd done this outdoing each other on date night thing all through their marriage in order to spice it up. Kept some kind of sexy rivalry going.

    Alas, the Caskett union ends in a whimper...

    Starting to think that's exactly what they want us to be feeling.  Manipulative until the bitter end....I fully expect this will carry on all summer with the "how did she die BS" and the "poor widower Castle how will he move on BS"   

    • Love 1
  6. So if Internet fans can suck it why are we encouraged to # all our tweets about shows as we watch?? Wasn't that meant to be playing some role in viewership this year?? The whole thing is horse sh*t and I hope it blows up in their face. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, verdana said:

    So Ryan threatens a pre school teacher with looking into her unpaid parking tickets if she doesn't agree to his ideas for the school play? Guess I shouldn't be surprised as this season they've had him accepting bribes, failing police exams and forgetting all the good characterisation they'd built up in prior seasons. Sigh

    What little I saw of Jewel did not impress, she was flat and emotionless, she might as well have been reading most of her lines off a script. 

    Castle gets kidnapped again, really?  This is getting ridiculous. And did anyone find it weird how relatively unemotional Beckett was when she was watching the video with Martha of him being drugged and taken away especially given the Locksat situation bubbling away in the background (cough).  I thought Stana was phoning that in again, I know Martha was there so you could argue she wanted to stay calm for her but I thought her reaction was way too underplayed given the circumstances but then I've thought Stana has been phoning it in quite a lot this season - they both have.  That scene might have worked in the earlier days when she wasn't as invested so Martha is obviously the more worried out the two but now it came over as she was just a work colleague of Castle's comforting his mother not his beloved wife! 

    Yep that scene was so weird.  Even if Stana was phoning it in why on earth didn't the director question her performance?  Too many captains steering the Castle ship this season and it has been painful to watch.    

  8. I keep coming back to how the majority of the fans on the internet obviously don't represent in the slightest the rest of the audience....given reactions of fans online it should be a no brainer to end it now and be done with it.  But no, lets renew and carry on carrying on shall we...


    I didn't ever consider that what I enjoyed about the show - that really made the story for me was something the casual fan could give or take!!?? Perhaps that is why I am so blindsided by the decision to get rid of Beckett and why when I read Showrunner statements comments that I feel so completely dismissed and irrelevant.   Like I said before I don't believe ABC made that call on Katic without doing its homework.  So I guess if more people wanna watch Castle and Alexis PI their way around NYC what the hell have I been doing for the last 8 seasons that could lead me to get it so wrong??  


    I'm gutted. 

    • Love 1
  9. You know I watch episodes like this - the funny moments, the upbeat music, the adorable family moments, the friendships and teasing and I just sit and wonder how on earth are they gonna recapture that in the next season after Beckett's presumed death.  I just find it leaving a rather bitter taste in my mouth.


    Even the passage of time isn't gonna heal that for me.  Why can't they just end it.  8 seasons is a hell of a run for a show in this day and age.  Keeping it on air because you have nothing to replace it with is pathetic.  I honestly thought Nathan Fillion had more creative integrity than that....wasn't he looking to go out on top just a few years ago.  Jobs come and go for everyone but seldom does a job have the ability to leave such an impression on so many.  What a shame that for a huge number of this shows fans that impression is gonna be tainted beyond repair.   

    • Love 5
  10. Just now, tankgirl73 said:

    Ryan said it was her Preschool. And when he was going over the top with the teacher she said "they're preschoolers... "

    Jewel Staite a "subpar guest actor"? Blasphemy. Unfortunately though, when she showed up early and then was not even seen or mentioned again for the next half hour, I knew she was the murderer. No way you get Kaylee for 10 seconds of screen time and then she's done.

    So who is left from Firefly to be on the show?

    Best scene was definitely the flower song. That kid was adorable.

    Didn't hate the episode. These days, that's saying a lot.

    They remembered that Castle is a writer! And that he has a history of palling around with bad guys!

    Pretty much ticked off the whole list.  Ron Glass has too much class to do it, Sean Maher is off boring someone to death and Alan Tudyk is way to busy....

    Mind you there's all next season of Castle PI.....

  11. 1 minute ago, KaveDweller said:


    I read in the comments of some other site (I forget which one) that someone who was watching filming tweeted seeing

      Reveal hidden contents

    Beckett jump in front of a bullet for Castle.

    I tagged that because it is super-specific, but could easily have been made up since lots of people have predicted a similar thing.


    That's the sort of thing that flys around the net as soon as it's posted....yet I haven't seen that anywhere??  I just wanna know....either way.  It's torturous waiting for the axe to fall.  

  12. So going by the photos from 8x22 they clearly shot in a park on location.  Did anyone see this? I can't believe there weren't fans hanging around.  Pretty remarkable that nothing has been said about this finale, nothing has been leaked about SL or renewel.  I find it really weird and unnerving. Normally, someone knows something and it gets out.....


    Also, from today's episode.....small SPOILER....weren't Castle and Beckett separated last Halloween??  God, if this show can't get its RECENT canon right why f'ing bother anymore.

  13. The network has made its Beckett-less bed and now it has no choice but to lie in it. 


    I love all the creativity and ideas that fans have tried to come up with to keep Beckett alive but I just know In my gut that the network are gonna take the cowards way out.  They're cleaning the slate.  I also refuse to believe that they would make such a dramatic decision without conducting market research - they clearly feel there is life in this show sans Beckett. I refuse to entertain any alternative.  


    The ratings boost (morbid fascination) that comes from any TV death is a gift to network nobs who only care about bottom line and money.  They're gonna milk this one for all it's worth.  Castle fans and their passion for the story be damned.


    I wonder if there is ONE single person involved in this decision making process that is rooting for the story??  Just one would be nice.....

  14. I

    4 minutes ago, verdana said:

    Castle: Will Stana Katic's Beckett die in the finale?  

    Protect the fans...yeah right pull the other one, they couldn't give a crap about the fans and really the show always goes off the rails when they start inserting overblown drama into everything but alas Hawley seems determined to go down that road. 

    Funng huh? That's going to be interesting to pull off if Beckett cops it. 

    I saw that he said 'funny' and my immediate reaction was 


    "Really, you're gonna go with funny?? Really??"  Groan. 


    He's just taking the piss now.....and if ABC are insisting they carry this joke of a show on they would be well served to show him the door before they do.

  15. There's no mystery to a cliffhanger where Beckett is in peril anymore....maybe a month a go when they were prepping this episode but not now.  Now there is just a summer of angry fans who will probably stop at nothing to sink the show.  


    And honestly, I think it's deserved.  

    • Love 2
  16. 25 minutes ago, westwingfan said:

    I think if they had wrapped up "Castle" with a happy ending and launched "Castle P.I." as a spin off it would have stood a better chance than trying to keep going after killing off Beckett, and if ABC had simply announced that "Castle" was ending and that Stana was moving on, as many thought she might anyway, but there would be a spin off, things might not  have got so out of hand on social media. It's yet to be seen what sort of ratings a S9 will achieve, but alienating a large part of the existing audience, who might have given the new show at least a cursory chance, does not seem the best strategy.

    yep - whoever leaked this news early definitely got one over ABC.  This whole thing has been appallingly dealt with by ABC and really (asinine behaviour notwithstanding) the majority of the show's fanbase has been caught up in it unfairly to.  Black marks to all involved in this clisterf**k!  I don't envy the suckers involved in making S9. Bravo ABC, bravo. 

  17. I really don't understand fans who think there is wriggle room for storytelling in S9!? Surely if S9 gets a green light - Beckett dies??  There will be no WitSec, no coma, no Senator Beckett in DC.  


    All there will be is  network willing to milk all the ratings out of a character death that they can.  Storytelling be damned. It's TV 101??!! 

    Am I wrong to be so cynical/clinical?? 


    Beckett's only gonna live if there's a cancellation and that's looking less and less likely by the day!  And this season has made me so jaded I'm not sure I trust that she'll make it through a SERIES finale either....

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