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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. I suppose it could be any one of the interns; maybe Vik comes back to visit whoever is hurt / dying? (Or he shows up because it's his former boink-buddy April). But I imagine they're going to cut at least one more intern before next year. I'd say after that the best guess would be April, with Maggie being a possibility but not my first guess. From the promo photos we can surmise that Amelia, Arizona, Richard and Alex are all fine.
  2. Justin Bruening is back for 14x23 (where someone gets "seriously injured") so I'm inclined to believe that he's the one dating April and she's the one who gets injured, but it's just a guess.
  3. I highly doubt a Calzona reunion is in the cards. There's just no way to make it work without Sara coming back / it'd be way too fast to have the story make sense. They've been separated for years, both are in relationships, and they have way too much baggage to work through with Callie being offscreen, etc. I do think we'll likely see Arizona move to (or closer to) New York, but I imagine it will be for a job opportunity and it will just so happen to be luckily closer to Callie for Sophia's sake. I think an April / Koracick wedding would be way too quick, too, considering we've only seen them have sex a few times + it's already episode 14x21 next week (meaning there are 4 episodes left). Plus, there's already - most likely - the Jolex wedding happening in the finale.
  4. Geena Davis is returning. 14x23 - “Cold As Ice” - One of Grey Sloan Memorial’s own is seriously injured, making the team reflect on what is truly important to them. Meanwhile, Nicole Herman (Davis) pays a visit to Grey Sloan and talks to Arizona about an exciting opportunity.
  5. So... I don't know how it'd make sense, but are we seeing April's family farm in the finale? Alex Blue Davis (the intern Casey) posted a video on-set today with cows and a barn in the background & Ellen and Caterina posted photos with horses two days ago saying they were on location. Edit: Hmmm. Maybe it was the wedding scene and there were just... animals around? Sarah & Jessica both wrapped today and they look pretty done-up.
  6. I don't get how Ellen was supposed to react. When Katherine Heigl spoke out on creative decisions, she was demonized (and still is today). Ellen can't exactly say "I think it's a dumb creative choice" when she's going to be working under Krista for another 2 years at least. It seems like fans were mad that she didn't make some big post, but we're forgetting that she WORKS onset with Sarah & Jessica... why did she have to make a public comment when, for all we know, she likely discussed it at length with both of them personally. Ellen doesn't post that much on Instagram anyway (not nearly as much as most of the cast who made those type of posts, anyway). I agree that she was in a lose-lose situation, and I don't think there was any issue with her defending herself against the accusations. That's her reputation on the line, and I truly believe she is a champion for women and minorities. That doesn't mean that women can't be fired / let go. Again, I think everyone involved seemed to handle it really well - they could have literally waited until the finale script was handed to the actresses to tell them that they wouldn't be coming back, but they gave them advance notice and seemingly took the time to craft farewell storylines for them. I don't see how Ellen "looked the other way" when they were let go. It very simply isn't her decision. By that measure, no woman who has ever been on any TV show or worked for any company where women were fired or let go are feminists. That's BS. Fans have every right to be frustrated, annoyed, pissed off - whatever. I think it's the misplacement of that anger that rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
  7. And yet there are 3405670345674506 other comments in the thread blaming her. I was responding to the one right above mine but didn't feel the need to tag anyone because it's ubiquitous. Regardless, the feminism angle is just stupid. Martin Henderson was let go. Patrick Dempsey was let go (he still had over a year in his contract which he was willing to honor). This has nothing to do with being male or female... oddly, people blamed Ellen for both of those departures too. It seems like a lot of bored housewives & snotty teenagers trying to cook up BTS drama for their own amusement when the fact is things put out online actually affect people. The tweets I see being sent to Ellen (and Kelly McCreary, as if she dreamed up the Jaggie storyline herself) are disgusting. Krista Vernoff gets it awful, too. Being upset with creative decisions is one thing - we've all been there - but the vile and hatred being thrown at Ellen online is next level. There's no way Sarah or Jessica would support it. There's just so much ridiculous reaching going on throughout the entire fandom that's really sad. Again, it's a business - like any business, people get let go. ESPECIALLY in television, and especially on shows that run 14+ years.
  8. Asked to describe the finale in three words on Twitter, Ellen responded: "I can do it in 2... not easy"
  9. People honestly need to drop the bullshit about Ellen's pay leading to Sarah & Jessica exiting. I'm as sad to lose both April and Arizona as anybody else. April's story this season has been my favorite of the year by miles. But Ellen's raise wasn't significant enough to cost two actresses their jobs, ESPECIALLY when they also lost two other regulars within months (Steph & Riggs) in addition to having lost their highest-paid actor (Patrick Dempsey) just 2 years ago. They have the money to pay them, and Grey's continues to generate massive revenue through a) being the 2nd highest-rated drama on broadcast television, b) being a massive streaming property, and c) having huge international deals. Do y'all think Ellen was making $12 an episode before this or something? Her raise reflects what she has contributed to the show, how much the show has made for ABC/Disney, and the fact that she also became a producer on Grey's + the spin-off. Ellen deserved that raise. Grey's has generated $3B for Disney and she's the face of the show. I don't care how angry you are at her (for no reason), or whether you like Meredith or happen to think that Ellen isn't a great actress - she works insane hours and has been the face of the show for 14 seasons. It wouldn't be around if she had chosen to leave 2, 3, 4, or 5 years ago. None of these actors would have jobs had that been the case. The fact that she was making less than Patrick for years when she's the title character + his exit didn't make a dent in the ratings is sad. As for the show 'hitting or tying' series lows as that (ridiculously biased) article which lacked any real point brought up; Grey's first hit a 1.7 in April of last year and has yet to fall below that this season. It has tied that, but never fallen below it... which is remarkable for a drama. Every single show on TV declines year-to-year these days (Modern Family is collapsing, Scandal has hit new series lows this year, Big Bang Theory just hit a series low by 0.2), and as it stands Grey's has among the lowest y2y declines of anything on TV, comedy or drama. So to spin the story as this news having lost them viewers simply doesn't make sense. Actors get let go all the time. It's the nature of the business. In this case, Ellen has the bad fortune of having made her raise public a few months prior to the announcement. The funny thing is, people keep going on about how awfully Sarah & Jessica were treated, when the fact is they're actually quite lucky. Often actors are literally let go after a seasons wraps; they simply find out that the studio isn't picking up their contracts. That or they read it in their final script. In this case, they were given months of advance notice. Sarah literally booked a new gig like 3 days later.
  10. I've wanted an Izzie return for years, but not to ruin anything for Alex / Jo. Especially not NOW. This season has finally sold them as a proper couple, whereas the past few years the writers have really dicked them around with half-assed storylines and limited screentime. I've pretty much gotten everything I really wanted from them this year; some individual development for Jo, a detente between her & Mer, the resolution to the looming husband storyline, and actual relationship progress between Alex and Jo. Even when it's just fleeting moments in episodes, I love the scenes they have together (last week was a great example). I'm not really bothered about there being multiple stories in the road trip episode; most episodes juggle multiple storylines and this year they've done a great job at balancing several stories and still giving every character solid material. I glad that we're actually seeing wedding lead-up, unlike say Owen and Amelia who basically got engaged and were getting married an episode or two later. On another note, there were more location shoots today per a few actors Instagrams. Looks like they're at a ranch (there are horses). Kevin referred to them being in the canyons. Kevin, Ellen, and Caterina were all there.
  11. Not necessarily. There have been plenty of occasions where press releases haven't listed certain actors, even bigger name guest stars (the 14x17 press release didn't mention Scott Speedman). I'm not really sure how they decide whose name goes there and whose doesn't.
  12. @Deanie87 full press release for you; “Fight For Your Mind” – Alex and Jo go on a road trip to Iowa to find Alex’s mom, whom he hasn’t heard from in a very long time. Meanwhile, Meredith gives a presentation on her mini-livers project, which attracts a ton of attention; and Jackson works to rebuild the foundation after its reputation is threatened, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, MAY 3 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network, streaming and on demand. Guest starring are Stefania Spampinato as Carina Deluca, Rachel Ticotin as Marie Cerone, Jake Borelli as Levi Schmitt, Rushi Kota as Vik Roy, Sophia Ali Taylor as Dahlia Qadri and Jaicy Elliot as Taryn Helm. So Marie Cerone is back, too.
  13. In 14x22, "Fight for Your Mind", Alex and Jo go on a road trip to Iowa to find Alex's mom.
  14. The original Deadline article announcing Sarah & Jessica's exits stated, "Sources say Capshaw and Drew will be the only series regular members of Grey’s large ensemble cast to depart this year." I don't think that Jesse Williams is going anywhere. There'd be no point in investing all this time in the Maggie / Jackson story if they were going to kill him off; rather, they'd placate the fans and give us a Japril ending if the intent was for both of them to leave. That said... there was a Reddit rumor (so take it with a MAJOR grain of salt) a few weeks back that neither April or Arizona would die, but another character would. Probably a more minor character - an intern or someone recurring. The guess at the time was Bello as she was exiting, but obviously she was already written off. I don't really see a major death happening (Kevin McKidd referred to the finale as "celebratory"), but I also find it odd that they're filming at a church when Jo just specified that she didn't want a church wedding. Of course, people go to church for reasons other than deaths or weddings, so who really knows.
  15. So Giacomo had up an Instagram story yesterday from a location shoot near the ocean, I imagine much of the cast is there. It's definitely for the finale. And there were allusions to everyone being dressed up (someone was singing the Drake song, "Hair done, nails done, everything did...") Maybe Jolex get married on Jackson's boat? She did say that she didn't want a church wedding.
  16. I mean, most people who met Louis CK or Kevin Spacey or Bill Clinton would probably describe them as kind and modest too. You can't really get a lot from someone in a single meeting. If we had seen more of Harper Avery then maybe it would be harder to digest, but people are deep and complicated and we never saw enough of him for me to say that he was any one thing. I like that they've used the character as a catalyst for so many stories this year. I think it's a great gift of Vernoff's to use the history of the show so well while keeping things progressing. All of the interns were only signed as recurring guest stars & she got an offer to lead a spin-off on The CW, so it was her decision to go. Much like when Heather (Tina Majorino) was the only intern to leave her class because the actress got an offer to be fulltime on The Last Ship. Hopefully Bello isn't the only intern to go, though...
  17. Another solid episode. I even liked Sam! Her story was well done & the actress did a good job. I love that the doctors work together this year rather than always fighting - Bailey, Amelia, Mer, Maggie, Jo all trying to help was nice. And Cristina saves the day! It was nice to see Mer, Amelia, Maggie, Jackson and Catherine all there for Richard too. Maggie and Jackson... whatever. I'm guessing Harper Avery was a perv and had women sign NDAs after payouts. Nice Alex and Jo scene at the end. I love that we actually see them interact this year. Kimmie leaving was so sad, and I so wanna see Alex as a dad. Also... Owen finally adopting?! I'm so glad that Vernoff actually works with the history of the show/characters and tells stories over time. The pace this year is the best it's been in years. Yay for April helping Matthew's daughter.
  18. She said it was her last day filming at the studios. I have a feeling the finale has an 'away from the hospital' event. Jolex wedding?
  19. Based on the promo pics, ICE is almost certainly there for Sam. Also, she isn't in any more press releases. So... Nurse Olivia is back for 14x21 (with her son!).
  20. Another fantastic episode. Solid script, great performances, no Maggie & Amelia = win. April's crisis of faith has been one of the best executed character arcs this series has done in ages. Maybe I relate more than others because I grew up Catholic and I've seen loved ones go through very similar journeys. April lived her entire life according to the word of God, doing her best to help others and do the right thing - in a matter of years she saw her best friend brutally murdered, lost a baby, had a marriage crumble, etc. I thought the arc was really well handled and Sarah Drew has been great with the material. I'll take honest - if polarizing - stories like this over tired love triangles any day. Meredith & Scott Speedman were great. It was so nice to see her opening up and just having some fun. I loved how every story this week had room for lots of long discussions (the show works sooo much better when focusing on a tighter cast). I hope he shows up again before the end of the season. Teddy putting Owen in his place was much-needed too. Still, I find he has much better chemistry with Teddy than Amelia. I wouldn't have been mad to see her back full time, but I imagine this is the last we'll see of Teddy.
  21. Eh, I don't really think essentially abandoning your kid is heroic, especially since Jackson was abandoned by his own dad.
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